
Oct 25, 2017
Well my week got randomly a lot busier so I probably can't even start until the weekend.

Still looking forward to this though


Oct 25, 2017
I finally finished the beigoma storyline. I really hated that. Love so much else about the game, but not that. I put it off as long as I could (I recommend doing this, because it gives you more opportunities to get better tops).


Oct 25, 2017
I finally finished the beigoma storyline. I really hated that. Love so much else about the game, but not that. I put it off as long as I could (I recommend doing this, because it gives you more opportunities to get better tops).

Like someone above, I wish all the resource attention beigoma got was put into the card game instead, because it's lit.


Oct 26, 2017
6ish hours in on Switch and enjoying it. The most recent dungeon ran a little longer than I'd like, but that's partly frustration with battle load times. Running shoes accessory helps with the tedium a bit and I'm willing to put up with cutscene issues for that.

If you press + on the game tile on the Switch screen, you can see the version and check for updates (at the top of the menu that pops up).

thanks, looks like i am running 1.0.3 so as long as i am careful about that one recruit i should be fine.

glad to hear you are enjoying it. you are a bit ahead of me, but i would be curious to hear your thoughts as you get further along. what version are you playing?


Oct 28, 2017
For anybody who wants to play in ultrawide resolution:

1. Download a HEX editor, I used HxD
2. Download Borderless Gaming app
3. You need to edit 2 files in the game directory, GameAssembly.dll and UnityPlayer.dll
4. Open each file and replace "39 8E E3 3F" with "8E E3 18 40" then save the files (this is for 21:9, value will be different for other resolutions)
5. Once in the game and go to settings
6. Change resolution to 2560x1440 and select Window mode
7. Open Borderless Gaming and move the game exe to the right

The main menu will still have borders but once you're in game it looks good and is not stretched.


Oct 27, 2017
What are the odds this gets improved?
From my experience playing, I doubt it'll ever be fully fixed aka flawless or comparable to the other ports, but I'd imagine it'll get a little better over time. It's just a matter of how much you care about those things vs the core experience the game provides. And hey, there's always Switch 2 to maybe run it better 😝
Feb 16, 2022
I just beat the first boss-type enemy(I think), the golem in the Runebarrows. So far the game hasn't quite grabbed me. It really just throws you right into it with a full party with very little setup.


Oct 25, 2017
What are the major issues with the Switch version?
Beyond what Waddles the Piggu said, I've also seen talk of sluggish menus (which is maybe loading times), poor performance, and crashes. I'm unsure if any of those are also affecting other platforms.
From my experience playing, I doubt it'll ever be fully fixed aka flawless or comparable to the other ports, but I'd imagine it'll get a little better over time. It's just a matter of how much you care about those things vs the core experience the game provides. And hey, there's always Switch 2 to maybe run it better 😝
I'm going to be monitoring this game's patches and may end up saving it for Switch 2 if we learn Switch games can perform better there whenever that system finally launches. I'm also hoping for a free Switch 2 upgrade patch. The game is already downloaded to my Switch, but I can wait.


Apr 9, 2022
Spent about 30 minutes with It after work and really loved it. Never played Suikoden, but I love the visuals and battle


Jan 1, 2018
After getting the castle I got stuck for like a couple hours wandering around this little area trying to find characters to recruit until I looked up that you could only leave the area via a non-descript well in a random part of the castle. Nothing frustrates me more than feeling like a game has wasted my time.

And the loading times and sluggish menus on the Switch are driving me up the wall.

Very unpleasant experience so far.
Oct 26, 2017
Liking it so far except for navigation in stages. Some weird camera angles have me getting stuck more than I'd like. Otherwise I'm digging it. Wonder how many heroes I'll accidentally pass by!

Note that characters will pop up in old areas after certain points in the storyline. But you can wait until you are able to teleport before you go looking for them.

After getting the castle I got stuck for like a couple hours wandering around this little area trying to find characters to recruit until I looked up that you could only leave the area via a non-descript well in a random part of the castle. Nothing frustrates me more than feeling like a game has wasted my time.

And the loading times and sluggish menus on the Switch are driving me up the wall.

Very unpleasant experience so far.

You only need to recruit the characters available to you in that immediate area, maybe even just one.

If you feel that the game has wasted your time, maybe you should just stop playing. Backtracking randomly to search for new characters is a huge part of the gameplay loop for a Suikoden game. But as I mentioned, you will get an option to teleport later so it's at least faster to move around. You will also find ways to run faster.


Oct 25, 2017
Got the credit roll, was expecting to have the number 5 next to my name, but they made it that only people that paid for backer number and reply was on it, so I got bump to number 2.


Oct 30, 2017
Little late but did you end up figuring something out? I had the same issue and had to enable Steam Input and configure the joystick deadzone output for this game to get it to stop. This stick definitely has a bit of drift to the right but it's never registered on any game before this one.

I had to download a 3rd party software, create a virtual controller and change deadzone that way. Couldn't get the steam stuff to work.


Oct 30, 2017
Hopefully they can speed up the load times, they are really bad on last gen (ps4 / xbox one) machines too
This is a unity game right?


Self-Requested Ban
Sep 5, 2021
after playing 2 hours on pc I think I will pass playing this on launch and wait for further patch, I liked everything I see so far but the game really need qol fixes like 2x-3x speed for that super slow battle (also the character attacking in turn vs simultaneously in suikoden games), menu UI that felt slow to navigate and other jank

I liked the BGM, but the only fault is that the composer does not add heavy hitting tracks and settles on quiet tunes in all of the BGM, maybe this is why some people percieves them as bland, but its nowhere bland.

hope they still polish them later on the road, will go back to the game in 3 month


Oct 25, 2017
Bought this on steam and I'm super stoked to play, but looks like I'm rewarded for holding off for a patch or two. The encounter bug in particular would have tilted me (I'm a weirdo that like grinding).

Really excited to get into this and I hope it does well!

Now Konami, where the fuck is my Suikoden remasters?!


May 30, 2018
Joinville, Brazil
Guys, where can I find the fishing rod? I was reading this thread and someone mentioned finding it in Arenside, I explored every inch of that city but no luck... now I'm on my castle, I got screwed?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Guys, where can I find the fishing rod? I was reading this thread and someone mentioned finding it in Arenside, I explored every inch of that city but no luck... now I'm on my castle, I got screwed?

Huang leaves Arenside pretty early on and moves to a town called Hishahn. If he's not in Arenside anymore just progress the plot until you go to Hishahn.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't particularly want to use any guide but are any characters time sensitive and easy to miss like the private detective guy in Suikoden 5?


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Note that characters will pop up in old areas after certain points in the storyline. But you can wait until you are able to teleport before you go looking for them.
I imagine I'll know them when I see them? I just did the first chunk where we get…thing I forget the name of already. Now I'm out with the crew minus Mio in this town and besides buying some stuff…there's nothing to do here. My objective is to recruit people but everyone's an average joe. I guess I go exploring the wider world?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I imagine I'll know them when I see them? I just did the first chunk where we get…thing I forget the name of already. Now I'm out with the crew minus Mio in this town and besides buying some stuff…there's nothing to do here. My objective is to recruit people but everyone's an average joe. I guess I go exploring the wider world?

Party members almost always stand out, yes. If you just got to Eltisweiss, there are a bunch of towns in the first province and all of them have at least one character you can recruit.

Talk to everyone. Sometimes generic NPCs will point you in the direction of recruitment quests.


Nov 1, 2017
United States
I actually did have a tough time spotting the fisherman because I felt he blended in with the other NPC a bit. Walked by him many times in Hishahn until I was like "hey, wait a minute."

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
I'm glad that they've officially announced the patch for the major issues.

I'm gonna try to wait until it comes out to start playing, but I'm not sure how long I can last lol.


Oct 25, 2017
glad to hear you are enjoying it. you are a bit ahead of me, but i would be curious to hear your thoughts as you get further along. what version are you playing?
I'm playing the Switch version - having portable support is important to me, and I don't have a Deck. Load times are annoying but not unbearable. The blur and shake combined with low FPS has not been great though.

I'm now about 10 hours in. So far I'm really enjoying the story and characters, but I'm a bit disappointed in how much backtracking has been needed, and especially how slow that backtracking is when you've outleveled local enemies. The battle system also seems less flexible than I'd like - spells seem too expensive, and in auto battle I'm not even sure how to make one person stop casting spells (there's an option to make everyone stop, but it also ignores the individual tactical configuration). That said there are some features that work well, like different defense commands for characters.

Also, (relatively early dungeon) the bandit mine was about 4x longer than I felt it needed to be.

I'm expecting some of my issues to be solved by the Suikoden staple of teleportation, but in the meantime it's pretty annoying.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing the Switch version - having portable support is important to me, and I don't have a Deck. Load times are annoying but not unbearable. The blur and shake combined with low FPS has not been great though.

I'm now about 10 hours in. So far I'm really enjoying the story and characters, but I'm a bit disappointed in how much backtracking has been needed, and especially how slow that backtracking is when you've outleveled local enemies. The battle system also seems less flexible than I'd like - spells seem too expensive, and in auto battle I'm not even sure how to make one person stop casting spells (there's an option to make everyone stop, but it also ignores the individual tactical configuration). That said there are some features that work well, like different defense commands for characters.

Also, (relatively early dungeon) the bandit mine was about 4x longer than I felt it needed to be.

I'm expecting some of my issues to be solved by the Suikoden staple of teleportation, but in the meantime it's pretty annoying.

Thankfully, this game's Viki joins much, much earlier than she typically does in most Suikoden games.
Oct 25, 2017
hard mode gamers: any settings you would enable to make the combat as compelling as possible? should i turn off hp items in battle? remove currency from fights?


Oct 27, 2017
hard mode gamers: any settings you would enable to make the combat as compelling as possible? should i turn off hp items in battle? remove currency from fights?
It depends all disabling hp and money in fights does is force you to farm items to sell or play the stock market and for healing you spam MP items. Mard Mode itself is pretty fun but probably restricting characters would make it more compelling then the other restrictions. Some of the early characters are very good.


Jan 1, 2018
You only need to recruit the characters available to you in that immediate area, maybe even just one.

If you feel that the game has wasted your time, maybe you should just stop playing. Backtracking randomly to search for new characters is a huge part of the gameplay loop for a Suikoden game. But as I mentioned, you will get an option to teleport later so it's at least faster to move around. You will also find ways to run faster.

There wasn't enough characters in that area to fulfill the requirement. All I could find was Martha, Wyler, Marin, and Kerrin, and the rest of the area is blocked off by soldiers scouting for monsters. I was supposed to go back to Grum County in order to recruit people that I'd missed, and the game even tells you to do that, but instead I was stuck circling this same tiny zone for hours, checking every pixel to see if I'd missed something.

I have zero problem with backtracking. My problem is being gated in a tiny area and never being told that there's an exit. It's not like it was supposed to be a mystery. It wasn't behind a bunch of exploration and challenges. It was just assigned to a sprite of a well, of all things, in a backroom of your home base. Would it have been so hard to just stick an NPC next to the well that says, "Hey if you want to go back to Grum County, journey through this well."?

But yeah, if the game is going to keep doing shit like that, then I'll take your advice and stop playing.


Oct 27, 2017
There wasn't enough characters in that area to fulfill the requirement. All I could find was Martha, Wyler, Marin, and Kerrin, and the rest of the area is blocked off by soldiers scouting for monsters. I had to go back to the previous area, and the game even tells you that you should in order to recruit people that you missed, but instead of was stick circling this same tiny zone for hours, checking every pixel to see if I'd missed something.

I have zero problem with backtracking. My problem is being gated in a tiny area and never being told that there's an exit. It's not like it was supposed to be a mystery. It wasn't behind a bunch of exploration and challenges. It was just assigned to a sprite of a well, of all things, in a backroom of your home base. Would it have been so hard to just stick an NPC next to the well that says, "Hey if you want to go back to Grum County, journey through this well."?

But yeah, if the game is going to keep doing shit like that, then I'll take your advice and stop playing.
I mean you exit the well at the end of the old mines and end up exactly where the castle is. You are supposed to remember that the well is connected to the old mines.
Oct 25, 2017
It depends all disabling hp and money in fights does is force you to farm items to sell or play the stock market and for healing you spam MP items. Mard Mode itself is pretty fun but probably restricting characters would make it more compelling then the other restrictions. Some of the early characters are very good.

That's good info! Can you spoiler tag which early characters I should scrap to up the challenge?