Elden Ring or Bloodborne

  • Elden Ring

    Votes: 786 42.3%
  • Bloodborne

    Votes: 1,070 57.7%

  • Total voters


Dec 3, 2017
I'm replaying through the series after fully completing Elden Ring and I'm about two thirds through Bloodborne right now. Both are 10 out of 10 games but I'd say that I prefer the structure and setting of Bloodborne personally.


Aug 4, 2021
Bloodborne for sure. I prefer the tight level design of the earlier Souls games and Bloodborne is the peak of that for me.


Nov 7, 2017
Bloodborne for me although both are great games. Bloodborne forces you to learn the boss's attacks whereas Elden ring you can just go elsewhere level up and over power the boss. The exploration in Elden ring is for sure better but the gameplay and atmosphere is better in BB.

The order for me goes
Bb > sekiro > ER > ds3 > demons souls > dark souls > ds2


Oct 30, 2017
I am 80 hours in, and I have only just reached the Capital in Elden Ring and, for the first time in a while, fatigue is settling in a little bit now — seeing how one third of the northern most area on the map is blank/uncovered doesn't help either.

Bloodborne took me about… forty hours to complete, and the last third of the game was actually my favourite part of the journey.

It not only ended on a high, but it made me jump straight into NG+, which I never, ever do for any game.

Bloodborne it is.


Oct 27, 2017
I love both but simply because Bloodborne fans have been getting on my nerves more I went for Elden Ring. There's not much in it for all the major Souls titles for me really.

I do tend to think Bloodbornes flaws get brushed over a tad. Aside from the cool reveal of what the world really is I think it falls down a bit post Rom. I'm not a huge fan of either Nightmare location, the regenerating enemies section can be annoying. And I swear Wet Nurse is/was broken as I've had a few fights with it where it didn't use it's best attacks.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh, UK
I think Elden Ring is more fun because of the open-world design. But Bloodborne is more unique and everything from the aesthetic to the story is just an incredible accomplishment. So I have to go to Bloodborne as my favourite, but it's not far really cause of Elden Ring's amazing design.

Joe White

Oct 27, 2017
This is interesting comparison:
* Related availability and accessibility, BB -2 because its limited availability -> limited accessibility options.
* On technical side, both have issues but BB gets -1 for unstable performance and truly awful loading times.
* Content, both have plenty of great and interesting content but ER has more, so ER +2
* Jolly co-op: ER +1 with better availability, options and configurations, BB -1 being locked behind paywall.
* PvP experience, ER +2 because it's much improved on ER and not hindering single player experience

So it seems that ER is better game by +9.


May 31, 2019
Bloodborne... and it's not even close.
I ended up really frustrated with, and exhausted from playing Elden Ring. For me, it ended up being a disappointment and waste of time.
Bloodborne on the other hand... so much more focus, tighter builds, better (fairer) enemies, once in a generation art direction.
Elden Ring to me was unfair and unrewarding to the player to an aggressive degree.
Oct 27, 2017
I do tend to think Bloodbornes flaws get brushed over a tad.

Completely agree. Bloodborne level design outside Yharnam that is cleverly interconnected is not good.

The forest level is confusing and frustrating, Nightmare Frontier swamp is straight up bad with those giants sniping you from miles away, the poison, the frenzy monsters. Byrgenwerth, the place where there should be something really exciting because of the lore, is just a two floors building with nothing in it.

I think people elevate Bloodborne because of the Yharnam layout and the DLC, but taken as a whole Bloodborne level design to me is even worse than Dark Souls 3 and Demon Souls. Dark Souls 1 was ok to great, Dark Souls 2 has almost no good level design except the DLCs.

EDIT: Reading some posts and the many people saying "it's not even close,BB by a mile" really gives you the impression for some people discussion is precluded, you can't even question the magnificence of Bloodborne. The cult of Bloodborne is strong on Era.
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Feb 23, 2021
Bloodborne has incredible, balanced and engaging gameplay. The setting is immersive from start to finish. On the other hand Elden Ring has amazing exploration, that becomes a bit tiresome after 70+ hours and the combat is a hot mess to say the least. For me it's not even close and I expect ER to not age that well compared to BB. The comparison will be a bit clearer after a couple of years, once the hype around ER has passed.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Jun 24, 2018
I enjoyed my time with Elden Ring a lot. But Bloodborne is still a top 5 game for me.


Oct 28, 2017
Bloodborne for me as I generally like linear focused games over open world ones. Bloodborne has better lore, music, level design and bosses and has a more overall cohesive theme/art direction than any other FS souls game. It also stays high quality throughout the game and doesn't have the "2nd half" slump that IMO ER has.

ER ofcourse does a lot of things better than Bloodborne like the variety of builds, respeccing, technical performance, different locales and more quantity of evrything in general (this turns into a negative in some places like the repeated bosses/locations)


"This guy are sick"
Dec 6, 2017
Bloodborne and its not even close. I'll take tightly designed levels over open world with re-used enemies/bosses any day of the week. I love certain aspects of Elden Ring but Bloodborne ticked all of the right boxes for me.

It's criminal that Sony haven't remastered the game or released it on PC. Bloodborne is by far my fave PS4 game, nothing comes close to topping it.


Oct 26, 2017
Vs base Bloodborn it's fairly close (though still BB for me). I don't think any souls game will top BB for me at this point as it's not enough to be a better game (ER definitly is), you have to make me feel like BB did when playing it, which is basically impossible now.

With Old Hunters it's not. BB + Old Hunters might be my favourite game of all time, comfortably my favourite From game.


Jan 2, 2019
Elden Ring kept me entertained for 80 hours (and 20 more than was less so)

Bloodborne for 20 minutes. Idk why maybe I wasn't in the mood.


Feb 15, 2018

Elden Ring was fantastic for me, so much so I platinumized it twice! (Different play throughs on PS4 & PS5) But I couldn't care any less for it's open world design.

FROM's ability to create an interconnected world is what makes their games extra special for me and it's in peak form in Bloodborne.


Oct 31, 2017
Completely agree. Bloodborne level design outside Yharnam that is cleverly interconnected is not good.

The forest level is confusing and frustrating, Nightmare Frontier swamp is straight up bad with those giants sniping you from miles away, the poison, the frenzy monsters. Byrgenwerth, the place where there should be something really exciting because of the lore, is just a two floors building with nothing in it.
I completely disagree with the forest (once you know how to navigate it's pretty easy not to get lost, which was probably what that part of the level wanted you to do the first time you get there) and you're also forgetting at least Yahar'gul, which is pretty good and Cainhurst which is pretty fun and visually fantastic.
Also Yharnam is about half of Bloodborne if we consider central yharnam, old yharnam, the cathedral and the workshop (which are all good).

Your critique boils down to "frontiers are crap and I subjectively don't like the forest and I wished a short level was longer" and then, after dismissing the level design because of a couple levels (every souls has at least a couple of crap level designs), you go the extra mile and call everyone that prefers BB a fanboy...

Btw, BB, but I honestly stopped enjoying the souls formula after half of DS3 and I really want From to do something different so that's that too.
Oct 27, 2017
you go the extra mile and call everyone that prefers BB a fanboy...

I never said that. I said that people saying:"it's not even close" precludes discussion, look at how many are saying it, it's like a cult. Bloodborne has flaws, some pretty big flaws, but many don't really want to discuss that, they just dismiss those.

Like i already said the parts that are not part of Yharnham itself have problematic level design.

Almost no choice on weapons. Yes, there are trick weapons, but they are far from the variety you can have in ER weapons. Almost no choice on armor. You can use the iniitial attire and complete the game, magic is completely useless. You have to farm vials, especially at the beginning. Loot is nowhere near the level of variety you have in Elden Ring.
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The Libertine

Oct 29, 2017
This is hard, I think Bloodborne may edge it, just for the atmosphere and the combat. Everything about that game is superb. Elden Ring though is so close, I love the fact it didn't put any real blockers in your way, you get stuck on a boss, go somewhere else for a bit and level up or find something new. But I am definitely going with "Why not both?".


Oct 26, 2017
Elden Ring overall, but BB has a lot of things I prefer. My problem with BB is that I really dislike almost everything after Rom (and hell I wasn't that big on the woods either) save for the Upper Cathedral Ward outside of the bosses, bits of Nightmare of Mensis, and Micolash because he's funny. I also only really like the Threaded Cane in terms of weapons. The pile bunker was probably the only other one I didn't mind, but it absolutely didn't fit my normal playstyle.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
I absolutely love Elden Ring, but I'll have to go with Bloodborne because it's a tighter, better tuned experience in terms if gameplay. I also like the visuals, setting and lore quite a bit better.

Bloodborne remains the uncontested GOAT.


Oct 21, 2021
I can't decide I love Elden Ring and Bloodborne, tried to get back into Bloodborne recently but I just can't go back to 30FPS. Shame you don't have a both option.


Oct 25, 2017
After finishing Elden ring I tried to go back to bloodborne as I was in the mood, and just couldn't. Maybe a remaster would change my mind, but Elden Ring just has too many QOL things that makes going back to Bb hard. So I say Elden Ring for sure


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
What about both OP?

I voted Elden Ring anyway, it's the better game.

Seems a lot of threads lately on Elden Ring are popping up on here.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I can't really say, both of them are on equal terms to me. But if there was a bloodborne with the open world..that's easy to answer.


Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I loved them both, but Bloodborne is magic for me. I just really connected to the setting more. Elden Ring has moments but Bloodborne is possibly my favorite game of all time.
Jul 24, 2018
Bloodborne's quality is helped by its DLC that ultimately has all of the good bosses, so I'll give it to Elden Ring.


Oct 28, 2017
Bloodborne is top 3 GOAT. I'm not done with Elden Ring yet, so cannot really say. ER is VERY good.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
I tried getting into Bloodborne three times, it didn't grab me.

I just finished NG+2 in Elden Ring today. So that.


Oct 25, 2017
Bloodborne for me although both are great games. Bloodborne forces you to learn the boss's attacks whereas Elden ring you can just go elsewhere level up and over power the boss. The exploration in Elden ring is for sure better but the gameplay and atmosphere is better in BB.

The order for me goes
Bb > sekiro > ER > ds3 > demons souls > dark souls > ds2
Yep this is the exact order I'd place them in too.


Oct 25, 2017
I adore Bloodborne but I think it will be tough going back to it. Even if its ever release on PC with hi res and stable frame rate.

Bloodborne is such a tight experience but has a couple of weird design chocies that will be jarring coming back to from ER/Sekiro/DS3