How long will Linda Yaccarino last as the new CEO of Twitter/𝕏?

  • She will not make it to her desk

    Votes: 175 13.2%
  • She will be out within a month

    Votes: 100 7.6%
  • She will be out before 9/11

    Votes: 201 15.2%
  • She will not last to "𝕏"-mess - you get it right? 🤣

    Votes: 342 25.8%
  • She will be there for less than a year

    Votes: 307 23.2%
  • She will be there till the end of: The Dark World

    Votes: 199 15.0%

  • Total voters
BluesBlocker Chrome extension
  • GK86

    Oct 25, 2017
    Edit 2 - Chrome extension:


    Chrome extension to auto-block Twitter Blue subscribers on Twitter

    Edit -

    Twitter alternatives:

    Mastodon |OT| Toot as you please (𝕏 alternative) OT

    IntroductionMastodon is a free, open source software allowing for a social network to be setup on a server. Mastodon is not owned or run by a company. Most people will join existing servers instead of running their own. If you want to set up a server you'll pay for it somewhere. Server...

    Hive |OT| it’s all the buzz! (Twitter-like social app) OT This app has been around for two or so years but is blowing up with a ton of major gaming/celeb/content creators soooooo join today! Is it an app? There is no web interface, it is strictly an app, on iOS/Android. They are working on a web interface I believe. I...

    Post |OT| News (actively updated Twitter/news alternative) OT What is it? It's another social media platform that's seen as a Twitter alternative like Hive or Mastodon. The CEO is Noam Bardin, former CEO of Waze. As it is very new, not everything is working (notably search is accounts only and you can't see your replies or likes yet)...


    Now that he owns Twitter, Elon Musk has given employees their first ultimatum: Meet his deadline to introduce paid verification on Twitter or pack up and leave.

    The directive is to change Twitter Blue, the company's optional, $4.99 a month subscription that unlocks additional features, into a more expensive subscription that also verifies users, according to people familiar with the matter and internal correspondence seen by The Verge. Twitter is planning to charge $19.99 for the new Twitter Blue subscription, though that price is subject to change. Employees working on the project were told on Sunday that they need to meet a deadline of November 7th to launch the feature or they will be fired.
    Last edited:
    Musk under pressure to make money quickly
  • SilentPanda

    Nov 6, 2017

    Elon Musk, Under Financial Pressure, Pushes to Make Money From Twitter

    Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, is throwing everything against the wall to make more money at the social media company.
    Since closing his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter last week, Mr. Musk and his advisers have discussed adding paid direct messages — which would let users send private messages to high-profile users — to the service, according to two people with knowledge of the matter and internal documents viewed by The New York Times.

    They have also talked about adding "paywalled" videos, which would mean that certain videos could not be viewed unless users paid a fee, these people said. And they have discussed reviving Vine, a onetime short-form video platform, which could attract a younger audience coveted by advertisers.
    Mr. Musk's new Twitter Blue subscription service, which will give subscribers the check mark next to their username, is aiming to begin on Nov. 7 in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, according to internal documents seen by The Times.

    The documents noted that there would be "an interim period where the check would be on both Blue subscribers accounts and previously verified users." Eventually, verified accounts that do not pay for Twitter Blue will lose the check marks. There were more than 418,000 verified accounts on Twitter at the end of October, one person with knowledge of the service said.
    The documents also outlined plans for "government accounts to keep their Verified badge without paying for Blue." Some features for the subscription service already announced by Mr. Musk, including higher rankings for subscribers' replies and the ability to upload longer videos, would not begin on Nov. 7, according to the documents. A European rollout was also planned, with the Twitter Blue team having worked to align the product with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation privacy law.

    Elon Musk, Under Financial Pressure, Pushes to Make Money From Twitter

    The billionaire and his advisers have discussed adding paid direct messages, fees to watch videos and other features to the service.

    Brands are 'quiet quitting' Twitter over worries of what Musk will bring

    Barely a week into his ownership of Twitter, Musk's new "digital town square" free-speech platform is leaving brands questioning its palatability for advertising.

    Until the dust settles on Twitter, some companies are suspending their advertising spending on the platform to see whether inappropriate and hateful content on the social media giant gets out of hand under Musk's new ownership. As one advertising executive told the Financial Times, "There's some quiet quitting going on."
    Companies are adopting a "wait-and-see" approach, advertising giant WPP founder and S4 Capital chairman Martin Sorrell said at the Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal today.

    "Clients don't want conflict, they don't want controversy," said Sorrell. "They want a stable environment, and what we've seen in the last week or so is too much inconsistency."
    Soon after GM left the platform, Morning Brew reported that advertising giant Interpublic Group (IPG) was recommending to its clients to temporarily pause advertising spending on Twitter. IPG is one of the "Big Four" agency companies, alongside WPP, Publicis, and Omnicom, and manages the public relations of Coca-Cola, American Express, Johnson & Johnson, Nintendo, and others.
    Reuters reported that Musk's team plans to meet with advertisers this week in New York.

    Brands are ‘quiet quitting’ Twitter over worries of what Musk will bring

    Brands wary of Twitter's content moderation are pausing their advertising on the platform.
    Twitter Blue details
  • Griffy

    Oct 25, 2017
    Was this posted in here yet? Latest update for the app hit:

    Musk taking credit
  • MrSaturn99

    One Winged Slayer
    Oct 25, 2017
    I live in a giant bucket.
    Mastodon OT link
  • Tobor

    Oct 25, 2017
    Richmond, VA
    Anyone have a "I'm on mastadon now what?" guide? It makes no sense and we're having problems getting connected with euro and Asia friends.

    Mastodon |OT| Toot as you please (𝕏 alternative) OT

    IntroductionMastodon is a free, open source software allowing for a social network to be setup on a server. Mastodon is not owned or run by a company. Most people will join existing servers instead of running their own. If you want to set up a server you'll pay for it somewhere. Server...
    Internal Slack msg sent by a leader on Twitter's legal team
  • bruhaha

    Jun 13, 2018

    Elon Musk is putting Twitter at risk of massive fines, warns employees

    “Elon puts rockets into space, he’s not afraid of the FTC.”

    Here's part of the internal Slack message sent by a leader on Twitter's legal team:
    Over the last two weeks. Elon has shown that he cares only about recouping the losses hes incurring as a result of failing to get out of his binding obligation to buy Twitter. He chose to enter into that agreement! All of us are being put through this as a result of the choices he made.

    Elon has shown that his only priority with Twitter users is how to monetize them. I do not believe he cares about the human rights activists. the dissidents, our users in un-monetizable regions, and all the other users who have made Twitter the global town square you have all spent so long building, and we all love.

    I have heard Alex Spiro (current head of Legal) say that Elon is willing to take on a huge amount of risk in relation to this company and its users, because "Elon puts rockets into space, he's not afraid of the FTC." I have heard another leader in the Legal department say that because of the tight SLA's (of two weeks?!) between product inception > launch, Legal will "have to shift the burden to engineers" to self-certify compliance with FTC requirements and other laws. This will put huge amount of personal, professional and legal risk onto engineers: I anticipate that all of you will de pressured by management into pushing out changes that will likely lead to major incidents.

    All of this is extremely dangerous for our users. Also, given that the FTC can (and will!) fine Twitter BILLIONS of dollars pursuant to the FTC Consent Order, extremely detrimental to Twitter's longevity as a platform. Our users deserve so much better than this.
    If you feel uncomfortable about anything you're being asked to do, you can call Twitter's Ethics Hotline at (800) 275-4843 or submit a report at Please also note the FTC's number is: 1-877-FTC-HELP. You may also remember that Mudge reached out to httos://

    I wish you all luck. It's been such an honor to work with all of you. And I'll be taking a day of PTO today.
