How long will Linda Yaccarino last as the new CEO of Twitter/𝕏?

  • She will not make it to her desk

    Votes: 175 13.2%
  • She will be out within a month

    Votes: 100 7.6%
  • She will be out before 9/11

    Votes: 201 15.2%
  • She will not last to "𝕏"-mess - you get it right? 🤣

    Votes: 342 25.8%
  • She will be there for less than a year

    Votes: 307 23.2%
  • She will be there till the end of: The Dark World

    Votes: 199 15.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Didn't he have issues not knowing how to run a python script?
Yes. The creator of dogecoin (Who has disavowed it) was sharing a script he made in Python to detect bots.
After Elmo expressed interest, they had DMs back and forth, and the creator came out and basically said Elmo's a moron who doesn't know how to run a Python script. Then, of course, he got defensive.

Dogecoin cocreator calls Elon Musk a 'grifter' who had trouble running basic code

Musk "sells a vision in hopes that he can one day deliver what he's promising, but he doesn't know that," said Jackson Palmer.

But you can figure out he's actually learning how to code in realtime right now. From the meme about Git vs SVN, to the whole "code review" diagram. The dude is learning one concept at a time and acting like this is everything you need to know. The whole "1000 RPC call" tweet was hilarious because that wasn't accurate in any way and he embarrassed himself in front of any prospective actual developer.

The next time he talks about some new paradigm, language, concept, or API, just know he learned about it 15 minutes ago and is desperate to convince us all he's not stupid.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
This whole Elmo thing is cringe. He's not reading his* name here, no need to misspell.


Nov 6, 2017

Twitter is making DMs encrypted and adding video, voice chat, per Elon Musk

Framed by presentation slides titled "Twitter 2.0" at Twitter's San Fransisco headquarters on Monday, Musk told employees that the company would encrypt DMs and work to add encrypted video and voice calling between accounts, according to a recording of the meeting obtained by The Verge.
"We want to enable users to be able to communicate without being concerned about their privacy, [or] without being concerned about a data breach at Twitter causing all of their DMs to hit the web, or think that maybe someone at Twitter could be spying on their DMs," Musk said. "That's obviously not going to be cool and it has happened a few times before."
He went on to praise Signal, the encrypted chat app that is run as a non-profit. He said he had spoken with its creator, Moxie Marlinspike, who is now "potentially willing to help out" with encrypting Twitter DMs.
Musk went on to say that "we also want to have the ability to do voice and video chat via DMs." He acknowledged that Signal requires the sharing of a phone number to start a thread and that, thanks to its account system, Twitter can facilitate secure calling "so that you don't have to give someone your phone number." Signal has said since 2020 that it also is working to move away from relying on phone numbers, though it has yet to roll out that ability.

Twitter is making DMs encrypted and adding video, voice chat, per Elon Musk

“It should be the case that I can’t look at anyone’s DMs if somebody has put a gun to my head”

....So...he's making Twitter into Line/Discord/Kaokao?


Oct 26, 2017
I used to work for a company that had a narcissist egomaniac owner/CEO and it's insane how similar him and Elon are. Every time I hear about the latest thing Elon has done with Twitter it reminds me of some bullshit my old boss would do.

- Hated people "working from home"... in emails he'd always put quotes around that phrase. When covid shut everything down he kicked and screamed to keep people in the office.

- Unrealistic timelines. Employees who've been there for a little while would joke about how he gave everything a 2 week timeline, he'd want to start a major project/operational change and expect everything to get rolled out in 2 weeks. Elon has tweeted a few times about some new feature coming in 2 weeks and it gives me flashbacks.

- Constantly came up with shitty ideas and would never back down. People like me would implement his ideas knowing they were terrible. Sometimes he'd have a good idea, but since he's so impatient, the execution would fail or cause issues down the road.

- Long ass daily meetings. He held daily "stand up" meetings where no one stood up, and were scheduled for 1 hour and often went over.

- Loved to send emails late Friday night and through out the weekend and would get pissy when people didn't respond fast enough.

I'm sure my old boss and Elon share many personality traits. There's a thousands of other less rich Elons out there with shitty 10-60 employee companies being held afloat by hard working people stuck working for them for one reason another.


Oct 27, 2017
I totally believe completely new features like video calling are being worked on with no engineers while bleeding money.


Dec 16, 2018


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017


Alt account
Aug 6, 2022
Maybe this is my 30ish year old "Boomer" brain(lol had to do it), but not sure video DM's is the missing feature that is gonna save Twitter…

Right? It's a good feature but that is going to take resources and infrastructure all on its own. Not to mention how do you moderate that?


Oct 25, 2017
Stop. How could this be true? He's terminally online and posts every hour on the hour, how could he not fucking know how advertisements work?
I mean considering how little effort he puts into stuff I imagine he just browses with adblock on and just wonders why no ads appear on the site yet.


Nov 6, 2017
Right? It's a good feature but that is going to take resources and infrastructure all on its own. Not to mention how do you moderate that?

It's very strange.

He also brought up Japan in other talk, but ignore the feature that the Japanese community want the most.
Which is a patreon/fanbox style feature.

He acknowledged that his ongoing reorganization of the company will "have a lot of mistakes" but "stabilize over time." In response to one employee question, he said that "significant portions of the technology stack need to be rebuilt from scratch," and at another point in the meeting he suggested it would be a good idea to "somewhat decentralize[] things" by setting up engineering teams in Japan, India, Indonesia, and Brazil.

There was already team there....HE FIRED THEM ALL, there's only one person in Korea.
There was hundreds in India already, etc.

Twitter's historically strong usage in Japan was specifically called out by Musk as what the company should aspire to "ideally in every country without exception."

"It may seem as though Twitter is US-centric but if anything it's Japan-centric," he said. "There are roughly the same number of daily active users in Japan as there are in the US, despite the fact that Japan has one third of the population of the US."

......He's adding feature that none of the japanese community is asking for, video chat, etc area already done with discord and line.
The one that artist want is a centralized patreon like thing.

In response to a question about employee compensation, Musk reiterated that employees will be given stock options in Twitter and be able to cash them out regularly like at SpaceX, his other company that is also privately held. "The way things work at SpaceX to get liquidity is that every six months there's a liquidity event where the company buys back shares and we also invite new investors to buy shares," he said. "And we'll be able to operate Twitter in the same way."


Oct 25, 2017
That sort of micromanaging from the fucking owner...

You gonna waste your or other managements time with this shit? Feel sorry for the visa workers who can't leave, cause everyone else is gonna GTFO.
You think he's actually reading code from 1000 engineers though? He's probably just going to go by number of lines written or something. lol

Dan L

Tried to PM someone for a tag
Oct 28, 2017
Regina, Saskatchewan


Oct 25, 2017
DMCA requests take fucking ages on twitter now. Fucking hell. They used to be so good. Requests were usually answered within an hour. My last request was 10 days ago. Nothing. No reply. Content has not been taken down.

Was thinking if it is this bad for DMCA, it has to be just as bad or even worse for moderation.


A friend is worth more than a million Venezuelan$
Oct 26, 2017
Pardon my ignorance on the matter ( never used any social media app other that for a couple of weeks back in 2018) isn't gettr trump's Twitter copycat?

Did he rename it as Truth social?
May 21, 2018
Usually when managers don't know what they're doing, or they're panicking, they will turn to micromanaging employees as a way of feeling in control of office/company direction and production. Thing is, micromanaging dampens productivity because employees now focus their work in terms of "I need to show progress/production" (in Elon's case) vs focusing efforts as an office or organization working towards finishing a project or product together. When you have to show the boss "what you've done" this week, you're not going to want to share what you're working on with anyone else.

Yeah, that lines up with what's happening.

He's sinking twitter with his terrible strategic decisions, but he's too much of a megalomaniac to admit that. No, it must be the peons who aren't carrying his grand vision to fruition, surely that's the reason why everything's on fire!

Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Seems like a bunch of people were let in to the beta, including me! Everyone is sharing pet pics for their first posts.