Lord Azrael

Oct 25, 2017
I think it's hilarious when some Pokémon will attack each other in wild battles (Seviper/Zangoose ganging up on each other, Mareanie attacking Corsola, maybe others)
Oct 12, 2020
Into the Breach is all about pushing enemies in line of fire of there other troups. You feel amazing, if you get a chain reaction of enemies killing each other in one turn. Amazing game.


Oct 30, 2017
One of my favourite parts in 'The Last of Us Part II', for this threads subject matter alone:



Oct 27, 2017
This is really fun to play around with in Boneworks, you can unlock a spawn item gun that lets you spawn enemies and just watch them go at it. Watching these mechanical headcrab type enemies just launching themselves at enemy's heads never gets old.


Oct 29, 2017
Just started Street of Rage 4 and loved seeing different AI factions laying into each other.
Oct 27, 2017
I had a lot of fun staging cops vs gang fights in WD2. I usually start by sending a cop to a gang member on their turf and spam those fake evidence/gang hit calls so that more cops and gang members show up. It usually ends with lots of bodies and (blown up) cars left on the street, though there are some rare cases where it ends with a car chase that ends in police victory.

The Puppeteer ability in Sekiro is also neat. I often use it to get an enemy to fight his own friends while I watch from the shadows.


Oct 27, 2017
Always loved these moments, the first Half Life being a particularly memorable example. It often bothers me when a game that has factions that should be fighting each other and they either all focus on you or are simply kept in thier own separate areas so they never meet. Sounds like my issue with The Last of Us not having this was at least somewhat rectified by the sequel.

I've been playing Fallout 4 recently and wandering into a battle and picking up the scraps never gets old.


Oct 26, 2017
The second level of Streets of Rage 4 has this, and I reckon it's the best level in the series. The 'cops vs criminals vs you' stuff is so cool


Aug 22, 2020
Would do this all the time in Doom 2. Go to the final level where the boss shoots out monsters from its head, turn on God mode, and turn the entire stage into a warzone.

Funky Papa

Oct 28, 2017
Fallout: A thread.

Seeing a Deathclaw coming out from fucking nowhere to fuck up a bunch of Caesar legionnaires will never not be funny.

It's kind of a shame that infighting used to be a huge part of gameplay during the Doom to Quake era and then almost completely vanished.


Oct 27, 2017
Back when I was younger I never really realized how useful the Infector could be in Ratchet Clank UYA. Took me many years and replays

Mr Swine

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
A big reason why STALKER is one of my favourites. There's all sorts of beasties and bandits roaming around that will frequently fight and kill each other regardless of the player being involved. Nothing like hearing gunshots in the distance and coming over the hills to see a bandit camp being set upon by a pack of wild dogs.

Or aBloodsucker that has killed an entire platoon of Stalkers wearing EXO suits. Yeesh, still gives anxiety attack during the nights hearing it breathe


Oct 25, 2017
I really like it when it makes sense, beast vs beast, best vs human enemy and human vs human when they are not in a common group story group.

It doesnt make sense when they are part of the same group.


Oct 27, 2017
This was painfully underutilised in every TLoU game

Also, Herbert Moon, the racist/antisemite shopkeeper in Red Dead Redemption, has like x1000 normal NPC health when taking damage from other NPCs for some reason.

RDR1 post-game spoilers:

Lol this worked on all shopkeepers from what I could tell and I'd spend sooo much time doing this. It was hilarious every time.

Doctrine Dark

Nov 13, 2017
Vampyr. I love luring the vampire hunters to the vampires. After watching them engage in a bloodbath, I finish off the survivor--who's usually weakened after participating in the battle. This makes the game so much more fun.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been mildly annoyed by this behaviour in XCOM 2 lately -- not because I don't want it to happen, but because it seems inconsistent about whether it happens or not. It keeps screwing up my half-baked plans, making me think I'm safer than I really am, lol.

When you have Advent and the Lost in the same mission, they'll sometimes attack each other, but also sometimes ignore each other. I kind of get it from the Advent side; it makes sense for them to see XCOM as more of a threat and thus not necessarily take out every Lost in sight before turning their guns on you. What I don't get is why the Lost sometimes run past Advent and beeline straight for my team. They're mindless zombies, they should be attacking whoever's closest! The only thing you can really rely on from them is breaking the aliens' overwatch shots, because the Lost turn conveniently happens right before your turn, after the Advent and/or Chosen turns.


Oct 31, 2017
Pedestrians getting into fistfights in GTA IV could be hilarious, especially if someone pulls out a gun. People might try to take them down, or police could see them and go for an arrest. You could call the cops on an angry pedestrian and sometimes they'll work out what you're doing and bolt, other times the cops could show up and arrest them. Then you could hijack the cop car with the pedestrian still in the back.

There were a lot of fun systemic interactions in that game that were taken out of V and it was real disappointing. I loved picking up stuff from hot dog stands and throwing them at people, or shoving them around and seeing what happened


Oct 25, 2017
I've been mildly annoyed by this behaviour in XCOM 2 lately -- not because I don't want it to happen, but because it seems inconsistent about whether it happens or not. It keeps screwing up my half-baked plans, making me think I'm safer than I really am, lol.

When you have Advent and the Lost in the same mission, they'll sometimes attack each other, but also sometimes ignore each other. I kind of get it from the Advent side; it makes sense for them to see XCOM as more of a threat and thus not necessarily take out every Lost in sight before turning their guns on you. What I don't get is why the Lost sometimes run past Advent and beeline straight for my team. They're mindless zombies, they should be attacking whoever's closest! The only thing you can really rely on from them is breaking the aliens' overwatch shots, because the Lost turn conveniently happens right before your turn, after the Advent and/or Chosen turns.
Because when the Lost spawn, they spawn on the opposite side of the map, away from your units. If the aggro rate of Lost was even 50% they would almost always target Advent leaving you pretty much safe and defeating the purpose of them.

Use a Lost lure and completely nullify their threat on top of helping you do tick damage to enemy units in future. I almost never go into Lost missions without it once I can create one.


Oct 30, 2017
Alien Isolation. Throwing a noise maker in an area with hostile humans and watching the arrival of an alien (from a concealed spot) with predictably messy results.


Oct 28, 2017
You can't talk about in-fighting without talking about classic Doom (and 2).

As others have said, it's one of the main aspects of the game which adds another layer of depth to its gameplay mechanics. In harder custom wads, it's definitely necessary to be successful in setpieces.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
In Watch Dogs 2 i kinda hated calling the cops or a gang because it wasn't really pacifist... i didn't want to kill anyone and those options even if they were a lot of fun, were not pacifist.


Oct 25, 2017
There's nothing better when fighting multiple enemies than tricking one into hitting the other, then getting out of the way and letting them fight it out. Then once of them wins, take them out and move on.

I love doing this in Condemned, enemies can be manipulated into these situations quite easily with some smart movement.

Also Watch Dogs 2, when I need to infiltrate a gang hideout, call the cops or another rival gang, hide somewhere safe and watch them tear each other smart, then sneak in while they are distracted.

What are your favourite games for using this tactic, ERA?

The original Doom was the first time I remember seeing this happen. Blew my mind.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
One of my favorite elements in the back half of the original Halo was when you could watch the Covenant fight the flood, or more often find yourself in a 3 way fight.


Oct 27, 2017
Because when the Lost spawn, they spawn on the opposite side of the map, away from your units. If the aggro rate of Lost was even 50% they would almost always target Advent leaving you pretty much safe and defeating the purpose of them.

Use a Lost lure and completely nullify their threat on top of helping you do tick damage to enemy units in future. I almost never go into Lost missions without it once I can create one.
I understand perfectly well how it works and why. I'm saying I don't like it as it is, because it's inconsistent. I'd rather they either have them fight, or don't. As it stands, the mechanic might as well not exist outside of the lure; under normal conditions, you can't work it into your strategy at all because of the randomness. I think that sucks, because y'know, it's a strategy game.
Oct 27, 2017
Pedestrians getting into fistfights in GTA IV could be hilarious, especially if someone pulls out a gun. People might try to take them down, or police could see them and go for an arrest. You could call the cops on an angry pedestrian and sometimes they'll work out what you're doing and bolt, other times the cops could show up and arrest them. Then you could hijack the cop car with the pedestrian still in the back.

There were a lot of fun systemic interactions in that game that were taken out of V and it was real disappointing. I loved picking up stuff from hot dog stands and throwing them at people, or shoving them around and seeing what happened
My favourite was punch someone then run infront of the cops and let them punch me. The cops of course would arrest them.


Oct 28, 2017
It's great in Tsushima, especially in Legends.
I was just going to post that. It's great to get a huge brute with an axe to hallucinate and wipe out half a camp in story, but in Legends, it's amazing.

Had it happen with a tower shield enemy at the end of a wave. All 4 of us stopped and watched the last two brutes tear into each other. It was surreal, no other enemies around, just could relax and watch it play out.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I understand perfectly well how it works and why. I'm saying I don't like it as it is, because it's inconsistent. I'd rather they either have them fight, or don't. As it stands, the mechanic might as well not exist outside of the lure; under normal conditions, you can't work it into your strategy at all because of the randomness. I think that sucks, because y'know, it's a strategy game.
You're not supposed to work them into anything; Alpha strike rules still apply to the player, Lost or no Lost. Just focus on Advent and manage acceptable damage from the Lost. I notice that Lost dont tend to gang on on a single unit even if that means they give up an attack opportunity on a unit that is in range.

They were added to screw you, not Advent .