
Oct 27, 2017

NOT LONG AFTER Judith Whitmer won her election on Saturday to become chair of the Nevada Democratic Party, she got an email from the party's executive director, Alana Mounce. The message from Mounce began with a note of congratulations, before getting to her main point.

She was quitting. So was every other employee. And so were all the consultants. And the staff would be taking severance checks with them, thank you very much.

On March 6, a coalition of progressive candidates backed by the local chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America took over the leadership of the Nevada Democratic Party, sweeping all five party leadership positions in a contested election that evening. Whitmer, who had been chair of the Clark County Democratic Party, was elected chair. The establishment had prepared for the loss, having recently moved $450,000 out of the party's coffers and into the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee's account. The DSCC will put the money toward the 2022 reelection bid of Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, a vulnerable first-term Democrat.

"For a slate that claimed that they were all about unity … that's what was surprising about it, was the willingness to just walk away, instead of working with us."
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When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
And here I thought moderate Democrats were all about unity.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
Play power games, win power prizes.

Recognizing who your allies are and who isn't is one of the most important facets of politics.

Would love to know more about the lead up to this election and how the socialists were able to win every seat.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait, how does severance work in this case? They get severance if they quit? They weren't laid off or fired.


Oct 25, 2017
Winning Office in the Mojave Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter


Oct 26, 2017
Good fucking riddance. Thats not even LOWKEY conservative tier behaviour. Blatant as fuck.

I am a Bird

Oct 31, 2017
Shame the trash had to take the money with them, but I suppose that was the case the entire time.


Oct 27, 2017


Jan 8, 2018
Bye, bitches.

I get increasingly disgusted by the Democratic party. When I look at the kind of people they warmly embrace, and the kind of people and ideas to the left of them that they vilify..... fuck'em. This is the party that's going to save us from fascism, corporatism and staggering inequality? Fuck'em.

Froyo Love

Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (2 Weeks): Antagonizing Fellow Members; Meta-Commentary; Trolling; Prior Ban for Trolling
There's an opinion piece linked within the article, and it's a hilarious pile of whining from someone who cannot hide how Big Mad they are over the loss.

It's actually remarkable that the Reid machine was able for so long to pack the central committees enough to get good soldiers selected as chairmen who would get with the program. That ended with Bernie's caucus domination last year, and they knew it. That's why they pulled $450,000 from the party shortly before the balloting this weekend and why all of the key staff has resigned. For them, unlike many who voted Saturday, this is not a game.
The Republicans must be gleeful, feeling all kinds of schadenfreude after their decade of suffering through the inept reign of McDonald and having to navigate the party nonsense: Berniecrats, some of whom still can't get over the Vermont senator's 2016 caucus loss here, who seem more skilled at inane Twitter memes than anything else and who think winning caucuses and state chair elections is the same as winning real elections, take control of the Democratic Party.

Wonder if this dude posts in PoliEra.


Oct 27, 2017
This was the best news I heard all day when I found out hours ago. I hope they can put pressure on the county so they don't go through with naming the airport after Harry Reid's ass. No one in the goddamn city wants that shit named after him.

We're sourcing from The Intercept now?

The Entire Nevada Democratic Party Resigned After DSA Candidates Swept Their Elections

Since 2007, Jezebel has been the Internet's most treasured source for everything celebrities, sex, and politics...with teeth.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess unity isn't unconditional after all.

AOC said it best. In any other country people like her and people like Joe Biden wouldn't be in the same party. Maybe if leftists can co-opt a large enough chunk of the party, it might give half the duopoly that runs this country a reason to find a way out of the two party system.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Moderates, huh? They don't really act like it.


Oct 25, 2017
East Lansing, MI
That is Joe Ralston, one of the journalists with more experience covering Nevada Politics and predicting the electoral results based on the votern patterns and registration.

He may have experience, but he definitely sounds mad that centrists fucking lost.

Democrat leadership age is on average 71 years old. They're literally dinosaurs while the meteor of progress is entering the upper atmosphere.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess unity isn't unconditional after all.

AOC said it best. In any other country people like her and people like Joe Biden wouldn't be in the same party. Maybe if leftists can co-opt a large enough chunk of the party, it might give half the duopoly that runs this country a reason to find a way out of the two party system.
What are they gonna do? They will probably have to run with Cortez Masto and Steve Sisolak in 2022.


Oct 25, 2017
There's an opinion piece linked within the article, and it's a hilarious pile of whining from someone who cannot hide how Big Mad they are over the loss.

Wonder if this dude posts in PoliEra.
Ralston does raise a good point. The Democratic establishment has actually done a really good job in Nevada and turning it into a mostly blue state. State parties are primarily there for the sake of helping fundraise or win elections, and don't really decide policy. So what does this really change?


Jan 17, 2018
That is Joe Ralston, one of the journalists with more experience covering Nevada Politics and predicting the electoral results based on the votern patterns and registration.
So he might have some legitimate grievances but of course I'm sure the keyboard experts on era know better.


Oct 30, 2017
So he might have some legitimate grievances but of course I'm sure the keyboard experts on era know better.

or he has a bias, like literally every other political reporter, and his bias is towards the people that he's known for like the entirety of the time he's been covering politics, and therefore he's catastrophizing a minor thing like "a change in who runs the state democratic party" and turning it into a eulogy for now-forever-republican nevada before the winners have even had an opportunity to change the names on the fucking website

cool post, though


Oct 25, 2017
What are they gonna do? They will probably have to run with Cortez Masto and Steve Sisolak in 2022.
Its the same old song and dance. They think because AOC can win in her district and a few others win in massive +D districts that they can sweep the Nation with their glorious Red Rose. Meanwhile Joe Biden was slammed as such a socialist Miami turned against the Democrats. I mean if Joe Biden is considered a socialist then heh


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Is this really a thing people are trying now? That's very funny.
Yes because the Intercept are not good journos; especially not Ryan Grim.

Joe Ralston has a better read on the situation (and the fact that the Reid Machine is very fine with Progressives taking control of the NV Dem party; if they are actuially successful at what they do).

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
That is Joe Ralston, one of the journalists with more experience covering Nevada Politics and predicting the electoral results based on the votern patterns and registration.
First of all its Jon, not joe. He got 2016 right but didn't see sanders win (nay, shellacking) last year. He's parlayed Nevada's first in the nation primary and predicting obama would do well to being a normal pundit who gets things wrong. He's for example completely lost on how culinary's rank and file views things.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
Is there a particular claim of fact you're disputing here?
I added it in post edit.

I don't live there so I can't really comment more than we will see what happens to the NV Dems next few cycles. If the new group succeeds then good job and the folks that left were being sour grapes and assholes. If they fail then chances are the dustup was for a reason.