Oct 30, 2017
Loved it. A great marriage of grindhouse/Hillbilly horror, first person gameplay, and traditional RE gameplay. It's killer.

Top tier for me with REmake, RE2make, RE4. Maybe not quite as high as those highs, but it was a super super solid return to form, and a very cool game in general. I'm going to replay before 8, if I have time.


Jan 30, 2019
I played it on PSVR and loved it. One of my favourite games of the generation.

Sadly, I don't think I'd enjoy playing it again unless they finally release a VR patch for PC. The VR was so good that I'm not interested in playing it on a TV, however PSVR seems so primitive and janky now that I have PC VR.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who was not a fan of the direction RE4 took the series, I quite enjoyed RE7. It gave the series the swift kick in the ass it needed. There was so much attention to detail on what the player would try and answers for it, such as the many ways the first boss fight can play out. The first person perspective did so much for adding to the horror elements. RE8 is seemingly making the right move by using that perspective one more time. I'm sad that the PC version of 7 never got VR.

All that said, I like RE2 Remake a hell of a lot more. Fantastic concoction of classic and new.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought it was garbage. Game played like molasses and some of the encounters were just laughable. Went right back to a second RE2 remake run after shelving it.

I may give it another chance soon but I doubt my opinion will change much. Who knows it may click this time.
Jan 10, 2018
I liked it overall but just like with every Resident Evil before it the third act was the weakest part. As soon as you get out of the initial "puzzle house" it's all downhill from there. I really hope they adress this in RE8. I haven't read much about it but if they can skip the "secret underground high-tech lab" trope then that's a win already.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It's better then 5&6 but I still prefer 3rd person RE. Was definitely the only modern one that was actually scary though


Oct 30, 2017
Wasn't a fan of RE4 when it came out, the over the top action instead of horror killed it for me.

RE7 was a bit of a return to form, but motion sickness stopped me from playing it at all, really wish it wasn't first person.
Oct 25, 2017
Playing RE7 provided the closest feeling to playing RE1 I've had since... uh, RE2. It's flawed, yes, but the strong sense of place and steady tension it served is rare in gaming.


Oct 27, 2017
I played RE7 beginning to end in VR and I never want to play a first person RE game any other way ever again. One of the top gaming experiences i've ever had. Really hoping for PSVR support for Village.


Oct 29, 2020
I'd played a total of one game in the series before RE7. Downloaded it from the PS Plus collection when I got my PS5 and will now be as close to day one as I can be for RE8. Absolutely blew me away - even with a few awkward points and a bit of a drop in pacing towards the end.

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May 29, 2018
I love Resident Evil series. Been a huge fan since the original Re3: Nemesis.

In my opinion, aside from the OGs (RE and RE2), the best entries in the series are RE Remake, RE2 Remake and Resident Evil 4. I don't think any of those is a particularly controversial entry.

I was wondering, going into highly anticipated Resident Evil: VIIIage (lol), what are everyone's thoughts on Resi 7?
I tried it many times and couple of things bugged me to hell. Ethan felt slow and slugish and coupled with a 'nemesis-like' scripted antagonist constantly obstructing my playthrough, well, needless to say, it just wasn't the right balance of horror and exploration for my fragile nerves. I also hated playing the tapes instead of just watching them (why would I watch an interactive movie with a possible fail state?!). The setting is also pretty important to me and in that regard, both the swamp and protagonist Ethan didn't capture my attention enough to keep me going past that mid-point in the game.

However, I will say this. It is probably still among the very best RE games so far! Removed from my personal issues with the game I can see that. The engine is revolutionary for Capcom (and later on gave us wonderful RE Remakes), the story is actually pretty twisted and inventive, even within a re-tried and tested horror genre, even as another virus infected RE game. And that titular song, dear lord... It's just the best!

Now, even though VIIIage (I actually read it like that, Viiiage) is a continuation of RE7 I'm so much more excited for it! The setting reminiscent of Resi 4, impecable vistas, intriguing characters and werewolf/vampire elements... I was instantly in love with all of it since day one trailer! Might even push to finish it, despite my general cowardice/dislike when it comes to First Person horror games or Ethan the bland protagonist.

So, ERA, what are your thoughts on RE7? Were you always on the hype train or are you, like me, more into what RE8 has shown us so far? Is the lack of 3rd person camera a game breaker for you when it comes to this series?

P. S. Giant vampire lady with a hat <3

edit: Also tried it in VR - scariest shit ever! Was unable to move at times.

edit II: my top 5 ranking of the RE series

1) Resident Evil 4
2) Resident Evil: Remake
3) Resident Evil 2: Remake
4) Resident Evil 7
5) Resident Evil 2
I loved it but couldnt play it in VR. It was so intense that it became irritating.


Mar 30, 2018
Really strong first half, but the second half starts to become a little tedious and not as fun. Overall, still a good game. It doesn't really feel like a Resident Evil game at all, though.

Also, it's pure BS that VR never came to the PC version.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked a lot, the first person view is used surprisingly well, and its core gameplay finally felt like a slightly simplified old-school RE game again, even thought they tried to trick people into thinking it was going to be some kind an Amnesia/Outlast clone.

Its biggest flaws originate from its clearly lower budget compared to the older games, especially the abysmal variety of enemy types and the lack of a proper final boss fight.
Oct 27, 2017
RE7 is not for everyone. However, it def saved RE, and I am glad Capcom published it. It was my GOTY 2017.

RE8 should be more like 7 and I don't expect any less.

John Caboose

Oct 26, 2017
I really enjoyed myself, but once I got to the ship I dropped it real fast. My head canon is that the game ends when you get on the hovercraft (?) and drive away.


Oct 25, 2017
Only game in the franchise I would rate higher than an 8, but I don't like survival horror generally.
Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed watching it but not so much playing it. Had way more fun with RE2 and RE3 remakes. Also first person games give me a headache, so that kinda puts a damper on things.


Oct 29, 2017
It's a good start at a new generation of RE but one I never went back to after two playthroughs and the free DLC. The gunplay just isn't there and neither is one of RE's key features, monster design. It's a more than good game that makes me interested to see what they do with 8.

Also the story is pretty bunk. I don't like hard horror/vibes of it either so it did not do much for me overall and I think the more time that passes the less impressed with it I became overall, but thats from someone who has RE as their favorite franchise of games.


Oct 25, 2017
RE7 was the first time Resident Evil truly clicked with me. I had played a few past entries here and there but RE7 was the first mainline one I completed and after that I became obsessed with the entire series. In my opinion it's a great first step to get someone into the series and its map perfectly encapsulates the appeal of the puzzle room settings that make RE so special.


Oct 27, 2017
I love the game, but I struggle to call it a Resident Evil title. It's too different from the rest. Still a great game though, and one of my favorite games from that year. I'm getting RE8 on day one.


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
I couldn't take another resident evil 6 so 7 was a HUGE breath of fresh air. it felt largely inspired by the original game while still doing enough new things to move the series forward. I loved it. Still haven't played in vr but from the sounds of it I need to try that asap


Oct 31, 2017
I thought it was a pretty great reboot, albeit with plenty of room for improvement. Enemy variety was poor and the quality falls off pretty hard in general after you leave the main mansion and especially towards the end.

Also, not making a PCVR version is infuriating.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
I enjoyed it for the most part. It was incredible for 2/3's and then ultimately fell apart in the final act(s).

Also, it's a whole different experience in PSVR. If RE8 doesn't have VR support one way or the other, I'm likely not going to buy it.


Feb 22, 2019
Pretty decent game. I am just not the right person for FPS games (motion sickness, I love TPS and characters/appearance/outfits etc. A LOT). I played it on PS4 and it probably would've caused nausea for me on PC due to sitting so close to the monitor.

Ye other than that it is hard for me to be fair to newer entries of the RE series since I am somewhat of a stubborn purist madly in love with the OG RE1,2,3 games.
But ye it is a good game and I am looking forward to RE8. Maybe I am just watching a playthrough of it, but that depends solely on how RE8 turns out and how the replayability is.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved the first half so much. The house stuff in VR is just unmatched.

The second half is boring.

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
Perfectly fine game in its own right, but lacked the pillars that are important to me in an RE game so it's ultimately one of my least favorite entries in the series. People call it a return to form for the series, but I actually find it to be the most different in the series. I always explain that it feels remarkably like Capcom made a Condemned 3 instead.


Oct 27, 2017
Massachusetts (USA)
RE7 is one of the best so I'm really looking forward to this next one, as it seems to stick with the same perspective, which added a ton of creepiness and immersion in 7.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Playing it right now, only a couple of hours in. I'm enjoying it but I feel it's way more reliant on jump scares than the other games, particularly with the way the sound design included erroneous shit like wind rattling windows or doors slamming. It's effective but a bit cheap.

By far the most frightening RE I've played thus far, mostly because of how slow Ethan is and the tight FOV. Not loving the need to hide, either, can't imagine how scary those sequences are in VR.


Oct 27, 2017
It was ok, I'd rank it somewhere in the middle of the Resident Evil games I've played. From best to worst:

RE4 > RE2 remake > RE1 remake > RE2 original > RE1 original > RE5=RE7 > RE3 original > RE6 > RE3 remake > RE Code Veronica > RE0.


Oct 28, 2017
I enjoyed my time with the game even though overall, as a RE game, it wasn't my cup of tea. The 1st person perspective was a turn off for me as well. Bringing back a 3rd person perspective would do wonders for me and my enjoyment of this game, and the series.


Jul 21, 2020
I've only played the numbered Resident Evils, and I really enjoyed 7. I'm not good with being spooked, but I forced my way through. I thought the story was pretty decent, and well paced. The scene where
You have an honest conversation with the dad about how they were turned evil was suprisingly touching

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Oct 25, 2017
While I'm not sure it's the direction for the franchise to go in for the forseeable future (Ethan is a dull protagonist and I prefer third person over first person cameras), it did give Resident Evil the shot in the arm that it needed and it was a pretty dang great game to boot.

I do tend to think the game was a little small, though. The house felt tiny compared to the Spencer Mansion or the RCPD Station, as did all the areas in the game.


Dec 29, 2017
RE7 VR shits on every RE game released in the last decade including RE2 remake. It is that damn good. I cant imagine playing this game in regular mode anymore. It feels like such an inferior exprience.
May 29, 2018
I used to watch my dad play resident evil on the OG PlayStation when I was 5. My first RE wasn't until 5 which I didn't really care for and didn't play another one until 7 which I adored. 7 is still my favorite in the series even after playing the Remakes of 2 and 3.


Jan 15, 2018
It's a good and very fun game. I think the below is my top 5 but if you ask me again RE5 might take 7's spot

Oct 25, 2017
RE7 is at it's absolute strongest in the mansion. With Jack chasing you. I wouldn't say the game "falls apart" but it's not as good after the Baker family is dealt with and you are dealing with Emily.

Biggest issue with 7 is how much of a non character Ethan is.