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Oct 25, 2017
Oh man, haven't thought about this movie in like 2 decades. I remember it was pretty rad though.

90% of it holds up, but you can tell they ran out of time and money and it really struggles to wrap itself up. It was super inventive and clever with its effects considering it was made for just under 2 million.

You could point to any movie in the history of New World Pictures (source of many Roger Corman flicks) and it's a solid B-Movie, they even managed a few hits like Hellraiser and Heathers. Then they spent way too much on Warlock of all movies and I think that finished them off.

Why stop at The Stuff. Larry Cohen was the shit.

Dude was one of the best. Maniac Cop rocks too.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
I remember going to the theatre and watching it with my dad. Even when I was 9 I knew how bad it was. Then they tried to crossover Zeus into actual WWF stuff and it all got weird.
Yeah I was a little too young to follow the actual crossover stuff, thankfully. I only ever saw the VHS.


Nov 25, 2017

Man I loved this movie. I don't want to nitpick the thread I made, but it's really not a B movie per se. This was a fairly sizable budget and wide theatrical release, indeed pretty mainstream. Same thing with Timecop, Hard Target, etc. I think Double Team was where Van Damme sweved into hilariously bad B movie status overall, though it was still in theaters for like ten minutes.

Anyway, in case of someone missing my earlier post on this, don't worry about if you post a B movie or not, if it's a B movie just to you, good enough for me.

An interesting read if you get a chance to check it out :


Oct 27, 2017
Man I loved this movie. I don't want to nitpick the thread I made, but it's really not a B movie per se. This was a fairly sizable budget and wide theatrical release, indeed pretty mainstream. Same thing with Timecop, Hard Target, etc. I think Double Team was where Van Damme sweved into hilariously bad B movie status overall, though it was still in theaters for like ten minutes.

Anyway, in case of someone missing my earlier post on this, don't worry about if you post a B movie or not, if it's a B movie just to you, good enough for me.

An interesting read if you get a chance to check it out :

Yeah I honestly didn't know what it's budget was when I saw it. It was during that magical time of childhood when you would stumble upon movies on TV you had never heard of and ended up enjoying them.


Oct 28, 2017
The original is great, but REC 3 is my favorite in the series because its just a nice fun dumb horror action film.

Also Ginger Snaps is one of my favorite movies ever.


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017

This scene is still so wonderfully weird
"Hey I just called you to see if you've received our death message just now"
American Ninja is the best specifically 1,2, and 4 . . . . the ones with Michael Dudikoff. My young self will tell you that the ones with David Bradley are for losers.
I watched these out of order, but I still enjoyed most of them. Those brightly coloured weaksauce ninjas never get old.

The best scene was the training camp. You had a main ninja bad guy and to show off how great of a ninja he is, he and all these super pro ninja henchmen go through this obstacle course. The main ninja gets through and the pro henchmen ninjas then clumsily die in different ways, while a sheik is applauding and giving praise for them to give their life for their leader like that.
It's probably meant to look cool, but it made the evil ninjas look like a joke.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Dead Alive is mine too. My parents used to own a video store and they got a screener copy of that. I showed that goddamn movie to everyone. And yet my parents never actually brought in a copy for rent.


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
Honestly for me it would be R.O.T.O.R. It's one of those movies that after I saw it, I just had to watch it again and again. There is so much wrong with the production and the acting and the camera work, it just creates this maelstrom of confusion and weirdness. It has a message that doesn't really work because it relies on someone watching this with a certain mindset, it begins in medias res and continues as a recollection of events, but has a voice over for what would be filler plot with no significance to the events at the beginning, it's all sorts of fucked up.

The action is extremely cheesy, the one-liners are weird ("You fire me and I'll make more noise than two skeletons making love in a tin coffin, brother."), and the main character is completely dubbed over, which doesn't work for what the actor is trying to portray in some scenes.

Watch this movie. It is a rabbit hole of weird. Also, available totally free on youtube.

Oh, and the soundtrack fits the weirdness.

This looks like total shit. Watching as soon as I get home.
Dec 22, 2017
OK last one... L.A. Streetfighters aka Ninja Turf. A movie where 30 year old martial artists not only try to act, but also are supposed to pass as high school kids. I think there may have been some crossover in production crew and actors with Miami Connection. It at least had a similar vibe.

Very natural and convincing dialog like this

and this.

Fight scenes are surprisingly decent. Phillip Rhee was a pretty talented guy and popped up in other movies like Best of the Best. I think the whole movie is pretty easy to find on Youtube, but the DVD transfer is way too dark.

When my grandfather died a few years ago, I flew back home and my brother and I ended up watching this stupid movie three nights in a row. It was the only thing that picked me up at the time.


Oct 31, 2017
Raw Force is one of the best worst movies I've ever seen. Just take a look at the synopsis...


Also, it features a Hitler lookalike with a bazooka.


Oct 31, 2017
Speaking of bazookas, how about Hard Ticket To Hawaii? There's a scene where Ridge Forrester uses a bazooka to kill an evil skater. Then, he shoots again just to destroy the skater's blow-up doll.


Why was he carrying a blow-up doll, you ask? Well, that's just one of the many, many questions that'll be lingering in your mind after the credits have rolled.

And let's not forget the frisbee of death!

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The only real answer is "Cube":

Made for a whopping $350,000 and spawned 2 garbage sequels and apparently has a remake in the works, even though the movie flopped.


Oct 25, 2017
Since "B-movies" don't really exist anymore and people are posting all kinds of stuff, I'll show some love for some more modern pieces of low-ish budget genre cinema:

If you are looking for a new Christmas themed horror flick to add to the old classics and Krampus, look no further than:

It probably will never show up on anyone's "My Favorites" list but it is still a good, weird little flick, and my girl Noomi Rapace gives another stellar performance in:

And Westerns never get enough love so here are three notable ones from the last few years:

And don't let the Chad Michael Murray and Owen Wilson scare you off, Outlaws and Angels is a wonderful little gem. A bit too stylish for its own good but Francesca Eastwood and Ben Browder both do fantastic work. And now we know why Scott Eastwood sucks so much, his sister stole all of the acting genes from Clint.


Oct 31, 2017
Wait, how could I forget Forbidden World? I'll just post my letterboxd review here:

"Forbidden World isn't exactly a stellar film, but it sure is an entertaining one! This shameless Alien rip-off is packed to the brim with gore and nudity and never pretends to be more than just an hour and seventeen minutes of pure escapism.

For a low-budget movie, the research station set doesn't look bad at all. There might not be much more than a few corridors, some sleeping quarters, a sauna (yes, a sauna, guess why) and a laboratory, but it's quite an atmospheric place. Also, the practical effects are rather good, with bloody corpses that ooze slime from every pore and a shape-shifting monster (bearing more than a passing resemblance to Alien's Xenomorph) to admire. The catchy synth soundtrack is also worth mentioning.

If you're looking for a serious sci-fi horror movie, steer well clear of this film, but if you're in the mood for a bit of trashy fun, you could do a lot worse than Forbidden World!"




Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
Raw Force is one of the best worst movies I've ever seen. Just take a look at the synopsis...


Also, it features a Hitler lookalike with a bazooka.

The movie is incredible. Don't regret buying it for a second. All the Kung Fu on the beach was exhilarating

Wait, how could I forget Forbidden World? I'll just post my letterboxd review here:

"Forbidden World isn't exactly a stellar film, but it sure is an entertaining one! This shameless Alien rip-off is packed to the brim with gore and nudity and never pretends to be more than just an hour and seventeen minutes of pure escapism.

For a low-budget movie, the research station set doesn't look bad at all. There might not be much more than a few corridors, some sleeping quarters, a sauna (yes, a sauna, guess why) and a laboratory, but it's quite an atmospheric place. Also, the practical effects are rather good, with bloody corpses that ooze slime from every pore and a shape-shifting monster (bearing more than a passing resemblance to Alien's Xenomorph) to admire. The catchy synth soundtrack is also worth mentioning.

If you're looking for a serious sci-fi horror movie, steer well clear of this film, but if you're in the mood for a bit of trashy fun, you could do a lot worse than Forbidden World!"



Please tell me we follow each other on Letterboxd...

(I have the same name over there)