
Oct 25, 2017
Hey, guys, what's up. Mexican-American here who was a late bloomer in really appreciating his culture. Like, really appreciating it instead of just taking it for granted.

My hope is to perfect my Spanish, both verbal and written. Obviously, it was my first language--I speak it, I understand it--but eventually I stopped learning and using it, so it never got past elementary status.

I get self-conscious when I speak Spanish because I definitely have a slight accent, and I notice it. I also get tripped up in forming sentences and conjugating on-the-fly (again, limited vocabulary, at least compared to English), so I seem like more of an asshole in Spanish because I'm curt so as to not embarrass myself, haha.

I've upped my intake of media in Spanish (recently played The Evil Within 2 completely in LatAm Spanish) and visit/watch Atomix from time to time (especially to hear them talk). It helps that I find Claudio to be super handsome :P.

Anyway, that's my intro. I'll definitely check this thread whenever I can. I'm already digging that I saw some posts in Spanish.

Welcome! As for the accent, don't worry. Spanish is known for all countries having different accents! So if you want to try with written Spanish and vocabulary, we can help him.

Buenas, Mexicano reportándose, aun en el país. Dejo mi historia consolera tercermundista



Saludos y buenas noches.

No se cuantas horas me debo haber echado en ese Tetris, ere genial.


Oct 26, 2017
Over here you could get the "nasa" a nes clone with build in games. But the big piracy came with ps1 , the were shops installing chips and selling copied games shamelessly everywhere.


Oct 25, 2017
PS1 Chip era was rampant piracy, but without that I would never have met so many franchises


Oct 29, 2017
I always wonder which had more rampant piracy, PS1 or PS2.

PS1 Chip era was rampant piracy, but without that I would never have met so many franchises
Pretty much the same here, but regarding PS2 and not PS1. Thanks to PS2 I was finally able to play a final fantasy game, which was a franchise I had only heard about before. Nowadays I have bought all the games in the franchise up to IX for the VITA and now I'm waiting for Square to release FFXV on Steam so I can do the same on Steam.


Oct 25, 2017
PS1 really. PS2 modchips were more expensive until very late of it's life, and games were 10x the size.
Oct 25, 2017
Seeing that Club Nintendo magazine on the previous page brought me some great memories. Every fist week of the month I would go to the newsstand after school and get excited when the new issue was already there. E3/Spaceworld issues were the best. Too bad a family member decided to throw my collection to the trash.
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Oct 29, 2017
I think PS1, since modding it to read pirated game was stupidly easy.

PS1 really. PS2 modchips were more expensive until very late of it's life, and games were 10x the size.
True, it was way easier to pirate PS1, but did its sales last as long as the PS2 sales? I think PS2 was sold for a longer time, at least here in Brazil you would see stores selling PS2 years after the PS3 was released, as the PS3 was a lot more expensive.

Also, this brings me to a question I've always had, did your contries usually get official releases of consoles and games? Here in Brazil we didn't use to have such things before the Xbox. I don't think PS1 was ever officialy sold here and Sony only decided to sell PS2 in Brazil way back in 2009. Microsoft didn't bother releasing the original Xbox here, but they were quite fast regarding the Xbox 360, 1 year after the US release (somewhere around 2006) you could find official Xbox 360 consoles and games in any major brazilian store. Also their games would come with audio or at least subtitles in portuguese, which were things companies didn't actually bother to do before. Thanks to that the Xbox brand got quite big here, as Microsoft seemed to be the only company that cared about us. And Nintento, well... It's complicated.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, this brings me to a question I've always had, did your contries usually get official releases of consoles and games? Here in Brazil we didn't use to have such things before the Xbox. I don't think PS1 was ever officialy sold here and Sony only decided to sell PS2 in Brazil way back in 2009. Microsoft didn't bother releasing the original Xbox here, but they were quite fast regarding the Xbox 360, 1 year after the US release (somewhere around 2006) you could find official Xbox 360 consoles and games in any major brazilian store. Also their games would come with audio or at least subtitles in portuguese, which were things companies didn't actually bother to do before. Thanks to that the Xbox brand got quite big here, as Microsoft seemed to be the only company that cared about us. And Nintento, well... It's complicated.

Microsoft and Sony have official presence since last generation. To Nintendo, Colombia does not exist. Sad really. Even fucking steam has a Colombia store


Oct 25, 2017
Hmm... In Chile, we've had Sony's and Microsoft's official presence since the PS3/X360 era. We have Nintendo reps in Juegos de Video Latam, but they are only resellers, nothing more. And they also have repairs if the system suffers any problem, but their offices are in one of the outer suburbs, and it's a pain to get there.

As a "big" thing, Nintendo made their only gaming app available in Chile this year, and other Latin America countries I think. But we still don't have Fire Emblem Heroes, and I doubt we are going to get the office release of Animal Crossing Pocket Edition.


Oct 30, 2017
We had official representation of Microsoft for years now, so when the OGXbox was launched it was really a surprise how much that helped to give us better prices, full support, dedicated Xbox live and above all it helped to combat the gray market and piracy.


Oct 29, 2017
Microsoft and Sony have official presence since last generation. To Nintendo, Colombia does not exist. Sad really. Even fucking steam has a Colombia store
Same thing here, Brazil doesn't really exist to Nintendo as well. We got a 3DS eshop store, but then they gave up on us once more. However, I'd say you're still better of than us, as NOA publish games with english, french and spanish as default languages, whereas portuguese is non existent for them.

I(we)... ate too much
Díos mio, no lo sabia que se ponía aguacate en todo en Colombia.


Oct 28, 2017
En México tenemos presencia oficial de nintendo desde principios de los noventas (por eso se creo la revista club nintendo), si llegaron otras consolas antes de esa no tengo idea.

De la primera Playstation no estoy seguro, recuerdo que había revistas "Tips y Trucos" al tiempo que la consola aun estaba vigente pero de ahí en mas no recuerdo alguna otra revista de la consola con material en español. Imagino que no fue hasta la llegada de la PS2 que entraron oficialmente a nuestro mercado, recuerdo haber visto el comercial de vida doble con el eslogan "Vive en tu mundo, juega en el nuestro" e igual comerciales en cable de GTA San Andreas y Metal Gear Solid 3.

De xbox supongo que también llego, teniendo en cuenta que hicieron doblaje en nuestro país para Halo 2 algo que ya es habitual con todos los juegos que ellos producen. Si la memoria no me falla, creo que no fue si no hasta la generación de PS3/360/Wii que todas las compañías empezaron a hacer distinción de nuestro idioma.

En retrospectiva, fue bueno que muchos juegos no llegaran en español porque gracias a eso pude aprender un segundo idioma.
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Oct 25, 2017

Díos mio, no lo sabia que se ponía aguacate en todo en Colombia.

Le di el aguacate a mi mujer no me gusta mucho

En retrospectiva, fue bueno que muchos juegos no llegaran en español porque gracias a eso pude aprender un segundo idioma.

Esto es cierto. Me entristece que mis sobrinos siempre estén pidiendo juegos localizados y no salgan a aprender otro idioma. A su edad ya era bilingue


Oct 25, 2017
En retrospectiva, fue bueno que muchos juegos no llegaran en español porque gracias a eso pude aprender un segundo idioma.

Sí, recuerdo que eso ayudó muchísimo en la forma en la que aprendí inglés, lo hizo más orgánico.

Hablando de revistas, alguien recuerda la EGM en Español? Era muy buena y creo que la única revista de videojuegos que compraba seguido.


Oct 30, 2017
Sí, recuerdo que eso ayudó muchísimo en la forma en la que aprendí inglés, lo hizo más orgánico.

Hablando de revistas, alguien recuerda la EGM en Español? Era muy buena y creo que la única revista de videojuegos que compraba seguido.

Compraba esa, tiempo despues de que deje de comprar atomix. Era muy buena, si.

Gespenst MKIV

Nov 1, 2017
De Argentina:

En retrospectiva, fue bueno que muchos juegos no llegaran en español porque gracias a eso pude aprender un segundo idioma.

Igual entre mi amor por RPGs y Películas subtituladas me ayudaron mucho para aprender Ingles. Recuerdo que en la escuela tenia mejor nivel incluso que los pibes que hacían particular


Oct 25, 2017
Muchos de los bilingües que conozco aprendimos gracias a los rpgs.

Ah. Dark ERA es el mejor ERA


Oct 26, 2017
Not working today, but probably doing it tomorrow even is la Virgen de la Almudena a local holiday here in Madrid.


Oct 31, 2017
Peruana in SoCal here. Occasionally lurked this thread, planning on being more active this time around.

Gespenst MKIV

Nov 1, 2017
Por si algunotro usuario no lo vio, me llego este mail de Valve:
Estimado usuario de Steam:

¡Próximamente, los precios de Steam estarán disponibles en pesos argentinos!
Si tienes saldo en tu cartera de Steam para el 13 de noviembre de 2017, el balance de dólares estadounidenses será convertido a pesos argentinos automáticamente de acuerdo con el tipo de cambio dictado por el valor de mercado en el momento de la conversión.

¿Que otros paises quedan en Latinoamerica si poder usar su moneda local en Steam?

Mr. Poolman

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Por si algunotro usuario no lo vio, me llego este mail de Valve:

¿Que otros paises quedan en Latinoamerica si poder usar su moneda local en Steam?
No sé que va a pasar con mi cuenta, porque si bien yo estoy en Costa Rica, mi cuenta de Steam es de USA.
Espero que me sigan cobrando en dólares, ya que la conversión de moneda hará que los juegos sean más caros.


Oct 25, 2017
Por si algunotro usuario no lo vio, me llego este mail de Valve:

¿Que otros paises quedan en Latinoamerica si poder usar su moneda local en Steam?
Se supone que nos cambian a moneda local también, pero no me llegó el mail todavía.

EDIT: Hablé muy pronto, recién me llegó el mail de Steam avisando el cambio de moneda el 13/11.
Solo espero que no nos caguen con los precios D:
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Oct 27, 2017
I will be pulling a late night homework marathon tonight. Mi tarea es en espanol, pero no soy fluido. I can read very well, but writing is hard to do. Spanish text seems to have prepositional phrases in the front of a sentences, which makes it harder for me to establish an understanding of what the paragraph is about. I sometimes have to backtrack a number of times before I know what the paragraph is telling me.

I dont usually drink coffee, but I am sipping a cup right now. Coffee is nice when it is only an occasional thing.


Oct 29, 2017
En serio que los precios se quedan más caros? Suponía que Steam les ponía más bajos en América Latina, por lo menos en Brasil la mayor parte de los juegos salen mucho más baratos en "reais". Además, hay una restriccion en algunos juegos que no permite que se regale juegos de Brasil para contas que no sean de América Latina.


Oct 25, 2017
I will be pulling a late night homework marathon tonight. Mi tarea es en espanol, pero no soy fluido. I can read very well, but writing is hard to do. Spanish text seems to have prepositional phrases in the front of a sentences, which makes it harder for me to establish an understanding of what the paragraph is about. I sometimes have to backtrack a number of times before I know what the paragraph is telling me.

I dont usually drink coffee, but I am sipping a cup right now. Coffee is nice when it is only an occasional thing.

I can only imagine how hard it is to try and understand such a complex language as Spanish from the outside.

What type of homework are you doing/did?


Oct 25, 2017
En serio que los precios se quedan más caros? Suponía que Steam les ponía más bajos en América Latina, por lo menos en Brasil la mayor parte de los juegos salen mucho más baratos en "reais". Además, hay una restriccion en algunos juegos que no permite que se regale juegos de Brasil para contas que no sean de América Latina.

Depende del publisher y la region más que nada, aca tenes algunos ejemplos:





Oct 27, 2017
bangai-o if you need help let us know
I can only imagine how hard it is to try and understand such a complex language as Spanish from the outside.

What type of homework are you doing/did?
I am currently a Special Education teacher, but I am trying to learn Spanish so I can work with Spanish speaking students and parents. So, my coursework is about teaching students in Spanish so they grow up to become bilingual (English and Spanish), but I am not yet fluent in the language either. Becoming greater in Spanish is one of my objectives.

Thanks for the help.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still crying in Portuguese. I also summon the huge mass of Dutch and French speakers from both Guianas here on ERA, and the English speakers from Suriname to join the resistance and fight the Spanish monopoly in this thread. :3


Oct 29, 2017
I'm still crying in Portuguese. I also summon the huge mass of Dutch and French speakers from both Guianas here on ERA, and the English speakers from Suriname to join the resistance and fight the Spanish monopoly in this thread. :3
Well, but then we'll get to the controversial question: Are the Dutch and English countries part of latin america, i.e. are they latinos? Strictly speaking latin america should refer only to countries who speak a romantic language, which would be countries that speak spanish, french and portuguese (suck it Italy, you had no colonies here), but a lot of people think of latin america as anything south of the US, which would then make Guyana, Suriname and some countries in the Caribbean part of such region. To make things even more complicated, one can then argue that the word latino isn't always refering to someone from latin america, and could then be used for anyone from a romantic speaking language, we even have some users from Spain in this thread.

Anyway, I don't have much problem with the latino thread being in spanish, we can always go to BrazilEra to speak in portuguese. Also, there are only 6 of us brazilians here and no portuguese users, we are in a big disadvantage, so I guess they have the numbers to hijack the thread to make it a spanish speaking one. Mas se você quiser muito mesmo, a gente pode falar português e ninguém poderia reclamar :p

Depende del publisher y la region más que nada, aca tenes algunos ejemplos:
Bueno, sí, por supuesto depende del publisher. A Bethesda no le gusta mucho que los precios sean muy diferentes, por lo menos en Brasil los juegos de Bethesda suelen ser lo mismo precio o a veces son más caros que en dólar, como en el caso de Wolfenstein II. Pero otras publishers como Ubisoft tienen precios mejores. Lo que decía es que de forma general los precios locales me parecen menores que en dólar, pero talvez eso le ocurra solo en Brasil y no en todos los otros países. No entiendo porque sería muy diferente de los precios brasileños, si el juego es más barato en Brasil entonces puedes comprar el juego por Nuuvem y como estamos en america latina no hay ninguna restriccion sobre la chave.
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Oct 25, 2017
Well, but then we'll get to the controversial question: Are the Dutch and English countries part of latin america, i.e. are they latinos? Strictly speaking latin america should refer only to countries who speak a romantic language, which would be countries that speak spanish, french and portuguese (suck it Italy, you had no colonies here), but a lot of people think of latin america as anything south of the US, which would then make Guyana, Suriname and some countries in the Caribbean part of such region. To make things even more complicated, one can then argue that the word latino isn't always refering to someone from latin america, and could then be used for anyone from a romantic speaking language, we even have some users from Spain in this thread.

Anyway, I don't have much problem with the latino thread being in spanish, we can always go to BrazilEra to speak in portuguese. Also, there are only 6 of us brazilians here and no portuguese users, we are in a big disadvantage, so I guess they have the numbers to hijack the thread to make it a spanish speaking one. Mas se você quiser muito mesmo, a gente pode falar português e ninguém poderia reclamar :p
I was just kidding, I'm fine with people speaking Spanish here on this thread. I can understand un poquito de Español. :')

Anyway, WHERE'S THE PEOPLE FROM SURINAME AND FROM THE GUIANAS?! We could totally turn this game around with your help! We... We... aw, forget it.

Ho-hola hermanos!

*looking for a fight with some Argentine*