Oct 27, 2017
I'm very good at having very little presence. Makes for sneaking up on people and scaring them easy without meaning to do so.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
People tell me I'm pretty good at improvised guitar solos. At least, I was before I popped my bicep last week (I don't recommend it). It's really too bad that nobody cares about the guitar anymore.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I'm pretty good at being indoors alone. So many people losing their mind because of this quarantine and it just doesn't have any effect on me.
May 1, 2020
I'm very good at holding myself back when I'm angry. I rarely physically harm anyone even when I am really, really mad at them. To the point it makes me want to smash everything but I don't because of the consequences. Also, I've gotten pretty good at reading people over the years, I can easily tell when they're lying or uncomfortable with or around something even when they're hiding/trying to hide it.


Nov 29, 2017
I sometimes have these moments when I'm in a conversation where I know exactly what my counterpart is about to say. Not just in a general sense but word for word, even when I don't know the person very well.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Memorizing things and recall. I've always been the family historian, at least as far as my lifetime goes, because I remember exactly when things happened to whom better than others.

I remember bits and pieces about friends and family members and details on the job that have made me very valuable. My last job I almost got fired twice from, but I didn't not only because they were understaffed, but because I was the guy you brought in when things got really hairy. I was the guy who remembered small one-off situations and could find the solution for you.

I'd also be really good at Jeopardy and have tried several times to get on the show. Damn Covid stopping all that.


Oct 25, 2017
i would like to be good at drawing, but the thing people actually usually requests of me and praise me for is my ... google skils =P


Oct 28, 2017
I got a job 6 years ago that indirectly involved the use of Excel spreadsheets, so I decided to get really good at Excel... macros, formulas, everything. Shit hot at Excel. Hate my job.


Oct 29, 2017
New York City
I make a mean ass banana bread.
Oooo I've been on this banana bread kick making a new one every week. Got any tips?

As for what I'm good at I can say I'm empathetic to the point where it's damn near a superpower. Makes it really easy to have fun or deal with angry people. Thankfully I have enough social grace to not push when people don't want to talk but instead plant the seed that I'd be good to talk to at some point. I make good friends easily and feel very loved because of it. Somehow that extends to online as well. I can read a message and tell the tone of how they're talking very easily. It actually makes it very annoying to read this forum sometimes because I read something meant to be taken as a joke or sarcastic/ironic comment and see so many people take it seriously and I want to roll my eyes into the back of my head.


Jun 14, 2018
Organizational and process skills. I planned our own destination wedding and it went super smooth. Everyone had a great time🤗


Oct 27, 2017
Working circles around my co-workers. More specifically, figuring out how to get things to work in terms of scripting/coding and IT. My managers praise me quite often, I've been given a few monetary rewards, and I've had some nice raises in less than two years working there. I practically designed, built, and secured our cloud infrastructure on my own, and coded numerous automation scripts for so many of our processes that there isn't all that much for admins to do at this time. I'm bored, but COVID put a halt on starting a job that I got an offer for back in February.

Also, creating an itinerary. I'm very organized and do a lot of research ahead of time, and each trip I've had I have been able to work in things to do and see and on what days, and am still able to fit in spontaneous stuff in-between. International trips with my wife and friends have gone off without any issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Business writing. Not particularly exciting but I'm awesome at it. Writing content that is succinct, engaging, and has excellent structure and flow. It's incredibly rare that I see business writing and think "I couldn't do better than that", and I can improve any draft copy I'm given.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I'm really good at customer service (especially selling myself as an expert), and also good at picking up rhythm video games. The former helps me get jobs, and the latter is good for my hobby, lol.


Oct 28, 2017
Im not really good at anything and to be fair most people aren't really good at anything. To be really good at anything you have to pretty much spend all your time on it.
I'm okay at a lot of things, I guess.
Nov 26, 2018
I'm really good at working with animals, especially horses and cats. I'm also very good at verbal communication, considered my official soft skill.


May 20, 2019
I'm incredibly good at cognitive diagnostics - literally one of the best in the country.

I'm also strangely an amazing shot with a gun. Note that I absolutely hate guns - I do not own any nor would I ever. However, I have gone shooting with my sister and her M.D. friends who are all weirdly obsessed with guns and I out-shoot them every single time. Even the owner of the shooting range is like WTF? whenever I go out there. Dunno why.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 17, 2018
I'm an incredibly fast typer. I can look away from my keyboard and type something while holding an unrelated conversation.


Oct 28, 2017
Swimming. Swam competitively my entire younger life and qualified for Olympic trials. Could have swam in the Olympics but it would have meant doing it for my home country and travel/dedication I wasn't willing to put in anymore because of burnout in my early college years. Unfortunately the US is so good that even if you're ranked in the world, only the top 3 in each event (2 plus an alternate or two) get to swim.

Even being old now anytime I go into a pool I'm always by far the best swimmer in it, makes me feel good

Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty good at logic puzzles, learning language and game rules quickly, learning new skills and adapting quickly to new ideas. Also tend to have good problem solving skills and a good eye for colour and texture theory when it comes to interior design and vehicle modification.

Supporting my friends? Does that count? I always get told I'm such a great listener and I always build them up to the best of my ability

That absolutely counts, you great friend, you! Being good at something that makes the world better? Absolutely does.


Mar 4, 2020
Customer service. It's kinda ironic since I'm introverted. 10 years of retail only ever got two people mad at me/couldn't calm down. 1 was total bullshit because another employee (later fired for stealing) fucked up and blamed the thing on me to the customer when I wasn't there. The other called me racist (and even literaly made up a quote I supposedly said) because I wouldn't sell alcohol to his super young looking girlfriend who didn't have her ID.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Helping people, surprisingly. I have more than my fair share of mental health struggles but I've been able to make some significant improvements in the lives of my friends by leveling with them, listening and helping them work through things.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm really good at being mediocre or slightly better than average at anything I set out to do. I legitimately don't think I'm great at anything, but there's also nothing that (at least if I devote time to figuring it out), I'm bad at (math aside...).
Are you me?

Yeah, I'm certainly a jack of all trades. I'm better than average at coding, cooking, music, woodworking, FPS gaming (PC).

I just typically don't devote myself to one thing. It's not a lack of talent or ability, it's a lack of motivation. I will dive deep into a subject for a short while and then change gears when I lose interest.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
It's weird because I have such a reverse Dunning-Kruger effect regarding this. I have made money and worked in a professional capacity in basically all audio/visual mediums. I have done photography, videos, design, branding, marketing, composed and recorded songs and jingles all commercially yet I don't actually think I'm particularly good at any one thing. I can grasp the basics of each thing and stretch that out enough to make something that's not bad. But I just see so much really good work out there that I can't possibly call myself good at any of those things.

I guess I'm a really good jack of all trades master of none.


Oct 31, 2017
Music production. Trap, dubstep, club, house, techno, etc. I can spin up a banger

Oh and writing Node/JavaScript I guess, but that's my day job so w/e


Mar 28, 2018
Racing games. I don't know what it is but I can learn routes and tracks in racing games very quickly along with how each car handles and can usually place in the top 10% in the ranked modes of the ones I play.

I also feel like I'm something of a social chameleon? I'm very good at interacting with any group of people and fitting in, no matter their background and whether I know them or not. I just get along with people, which is ironic because growing up I was painfully shy and had trouble making friends. Turns out I have a knack for it.
This too as well as public speaking. I've given multiple speeches and read papers in front of crowds since I was 10.


Oct 25, 2017
Quick learner/Money Management - My parents taught me how to manage a bank account, money, bills, etc when I was in my early teens (I grew up quicker than other teens at the time , I also learned how to drive at the age of 13, etc)

Organization skills/Planning skills
in regards to doing tasks, objectives and goals (basically I have a 5 year plan from whatever the year is and I tend to accomplish 90% of what I plan out every 5 years) - for an example from 2015 to 2020 I accomplished...

-Graduating from College
-Getting a career in IT
-Getting married
-Moving from old home and building a new house
-Upgrading my computer (which became 10 years old in 2020) - to two separate desktop computers (A Gaming PC purchased in 2019 and a General Use PC/mid end PC for rendering/editing software in 2020).
-Other QoL improvements such as updating/upgrading other old electronics/equipment/furniture (i.e. bought a new TV, new beds, new sofas, new tables, etc replacing all the old furniture)

I've been discussing stuff with my wife for what we plan to do in the next five years such as expanding our family, further QoL improvements, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Quick learner/Money Management - My parents taught me how to manage a bank account, money, bills, etc when I was in my early teens (I grew up quicker than other teens at the time , I also learned how to drive at the age of 13, etc)

Organization skills/Planning skills
in regards to doing tasks, objectives and goals (basically I have a 5 year plan from whatever the year is and I tend to accomplish 90% of what I plan out every 5 years) - for an example from 2015 to 2020 I accomplished...

-Graduating from College
-Getting a career in IT
-Getting married
-Moving from old home and building a new house
-Upgrading my computer (which became 10 years old in 2020) - to two separate desktop computers (A Gaming PC purchased in 2019 and a General Use PC/mid end PC for rendering/editing software in 2020).
-Other QoL improvements such as updating/upgrading other old electronics/equipment/furniture (i.e. bought a new TV, new beds, new sofas, new tables, etc replacing all the old furniture)

I've been discussing stuff with my wife for what we plan to do in the next five years such as expanding our family, further QoL improvements, etc.
I'm looking for prior work experience here. I'm...not seeing it. We'll call you.