Outside of the internet, do you personally know someone who's trans?

  • I'm cis and I'm close to someone who's trans

  • I'm cis and I personally know someone who's trans

  • I'm cis and I do not personally know someone who's trans

  • I'm trans, non-binary, genderqueer or agender and I'm close to someone who's trans

  • I'm trans, non-binary, genderqueer or agender and I personally know someone who's trans

  • I'm trans, non-binary, genderqueer or agender and I do not personally know someone who's trans

Results are only viewable after voting.


Dec 18, 2017
Roseburg Oregon
Sadly we're I live in Oregon as far as I know I have never even seen someone who is? In my town of over 20,000 to be honest there is perhaps ten black people and in my whole life I have only met about three openly gay men. Could be more but it's crazy conservative here in Roseburg so things are kept on the down low. I very much wish it was different here.

Deleted member 20429

user requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I'm trans myself and so is my girlfriend and at least half of the people I would consider to be friends too. I do live in a city with a fairly large and present LGBTQ+ community though.


Oct 29, 2017
I answered no on the poll because I don't really know anyone who's trans personally, but I have had acquaintances like someone from the office and a few friends of friends. But I've never had a personal relationship with a trans person in real life, or on the web.

Hope to get to know someone someday though! 🥰


Oct 27, 2017
Friends of friends/family, who I'm cool with but not personally. I'm sure there must be some acquaintance of mine who's gone on that journey before/since I knew them, statistically.

Thought it was important to respond as such to help build the picture of ERA users. Definitely interesting to see 45% vs the 80% quoted in the OP, does that say something about who the site attracts, or what being online can do to perceptions?

I think it is hard to say what it says in that regard. I think the 80% from the OP is just asking random people, here you are asking people that are interested enough in the subject to click on the Thread and vote. And I think it is way more likely that somone will do that if they know a Person that is Trans. So it is very likely the realy number of ERA Users that don't know a Person that is trans is most likely a little bit higher. (The other thing is People that are openly Transphobic will get banned here so you won't have those people voting as well)

Even though as someone who is Trans it is nice to see at least a good amount of people know someone who is trans


Oct 26, 2017
Living in NYC and being a part of the music scene, with very liberal friends and acquaintances, I'm surprised to say that I do not. At least, not to my knowledge. It's highly possible that they just haven't told me. And I would have no sense of that myself. I was never able "to tell" if anyone was LGBTQ+ (without their being overt about it), and I would never want to assume either way. If someone wanted me to know they would tell me. I'm not gonna judge or change my behavior either way.

I've had plenty of gay and lesbian friends and acquaintances over the years (all I've met were already out, and none of my childhood friends came out over time, interestingly enough), but none of my friends are trans (though I haven't made too many new friends in many years; being largely introverted doesn't help in that department).

I'm even in a VERY progressive church (St. Mark's Church In-The-Bowery). One that has MANY, MANY gay and lesbian members in the congregation in all manner of positions of power, and would be totally accepting of trans folk. Though I will say again it's even more possible that I just don't know they're trans in this case.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I'm cis and don't personally know anybody that's trans.

I had a trans colleague almost two years ago but we literally never worked shifts together (always got scheduled literal opposing ends of possible shifts) so I didn't "know" them like at all. They went through transition during their time here and I only knew due to workplace gossip about it. Literally never had an opportunity to have an actual conversation with that colleague about any topic at all. That's the closest social proximity I've ever had to a trans person.


Oct 26, 2017
One of my best friends is trans and I love her to death. We've been friends for like 20 years. I love her for who she is, the wrapper doesn't matter, so-to-speak.


Oct 25, 2017
Had a friend in college who was talking about it but I️ don't think they went that route. Currently no but I️ also don't know to many people at this stage in my life


Jan 11, 2018
I'm cis. In high school I had an acquaintance who has since transitioned. Haven't had any interaction with her since before she began her transition. So... yes? No? Sort of? I voted yes.

My biggest trans point of contact would be an online friend of mine. We don't get in touch much these days because she's moving in different circle now, but I've known her for 10+ years. Her transition was what got me to really think about trans issues in a serious way beyond just passive acceptance.

I've met several trans people (having worked in a trendy bar downtown), but that's just plain exposure rather than knowing. Still, that's more than a lot of people experience, it seems.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah my roommate is trans and so is my best friend. I was there when my best friend told me that she was transitioning. She gave me all her boy clothes since we are also the same size hah.

I also know at least 7 more that I can consider actual friends.

Los Angeles CA


Oct 27, 2017
I'm trans and like 80% of my local friends are some flavor of not-cis. Definitely live in a bubble.