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Oct 25, 2017
If this has been an ARG or hoax... I swear to God. Suicide and mental health issues are not funny, nor is it something to make light of.


Oct 28, 2017

If this is some ARG, this is disgusting, the guy deserves to lose his followers, pulling a stunt like this, if this isn't an ARG and there's someone else using his name for clickbait, thats even worse.

All this situation is bad, you don't have to type things that break rules of sites, you don't have to say words that break the rules of sites, there are so many words in the world that can be used. He's trying to make an issue out of him violating TOS's left right and center. Yes the word doesn't mean hateful things in his context, but still there are so many words you can use.
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