
Oct 25, 2017

GOG advises Cyberpunk 2077 players to "keep a lower amount of items" to avoid corrupting save files

In the latest of a long litany of issues, reports are now coming in that Cyberpunk 2077 save files are becoming permane…
In the latest of a long litany of issues, reports are now coming in that Cyberpunk 2077 save files are becoming permanently corrupted for players if they exceed 8MB in size.

Though initially reported as affecting games across all platforms, some now suggest it's just a PC issue. However, without confirmation from developer CD Projekt Red either way, players have been advised to "keep a lower amount of items and crafting materials".

In a response posted on the GOG website, CDPR has confirmed that once corrupted, there's no way to recover the save, so it recommends you keep "a lower amount of items and crafting materials".

"Unfortunately the save is damaged and can't be recovered. Please use an older save file to continue playing and try to keep a lower amount of items and crafting materials," the message said.

The message closes on saying that while save file size limit "might be increased" in a future patch, the "corrupted files will remain that way".
For all you PC players out there, heads up. This is game breaking.
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Jamrock User

Jan 24, 2018
Bruh this makes me so worried I been complaining in the OT. My entire build is based on crafting and upgrade. I'm at about 4mb and haven't done much main content.


Oct 28, 2017
PS2 game design.

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Oct 25, 2017
It's incredible how many things can go wrong with one game. This save file shenanigans isn't new to CDPR either, with Witcher 2 I had to manually delete my saves after a while for the game to work properly. And in that game every save was a new separate save, no way to overwrite old ones. So they piled up quick.


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
Glad someone posted this. I posted in the OT and didn't get an answer. Curious to know if this is now a PC exclusive issue, but I guess we won't know until CDPR says so.

Though initially reported as affecting games across all platforms, some now suggest it's just a PC issue. However, without confirmation from developer CD Projekt Red either way, players have been advised to "keep a lower amount of items and crafting materials".


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Dear Gamers,

For the best possible experience, we ask you to not actually play the game.

How to check your save file size


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017
how do i check the size? i've been hoarding clothes like crazy and have over 80hours logged...

You can check your save files over at:


%userprofile%\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077

PlayStation 4

Settings > Application Saved Data Management > SAVED DATA IN SYSTEM STORAGE > Cyberpunk 2077

PlayStation 5

Settings > STORAGE > [Storage device] >Saved Data > PS4 Games / PS5 Games > Cyberpunk 2077

Xbox One

My Games and Apps > Cyberpunk 2077 > Menu > Manage Game > SAVED DATA

Xbox Series X|S

My Games and Apps > Cyberpunk 2077 > Menu > Manage Game and add-ons > SAVED DATA


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I remember when I was playing Deadfire when it first came out and that game began to buckle with the *number* of save files got too high. I think this was a steam cloud oddity that affected performance. Don't remember the particulars.

And then there's the infamous Skyrim PS3.

Just makes me think about how save files, cloud capability, etc long-term stress-testing is another component that these massive games have to take into consideration.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I mean whats the typical size? Was this just a simple case of someone who went dupe crazy and messed up a save?

The more items you hold or craft, the larger the file size gets. So if you are using the item system to make money, your file size will balloon quickly.


Nov 30, 2018
Glad someone made a thread of this. Watch this video from YongYea, truly the craziest shit I've ever seen.

By the way CDPR, if having too many items crashes your game, how about putting a LIMIT on the amount of any particular item a person can carry? You know, like any fucking half decent game does to avoid such issues. What in the actual fuck.


Oct 29, 2017
There's a detailed explanation from a CDPR forum moderator, but who knows if it's technically accurate.

Right -- now here's a reality of the way that inventory systems work sometimes. (TW3 has a similar sort of limitation.) Whenever you create an item in the inventory, it creates an ItemID. For every new instance of that item (like if the number of that item changes...or I pick up two of the same type of gun) the game will need to assign a unique ItemID for it in order for the program to be able to tell the two different items apart or record the change to the stack, and that number, for each successive instance, will obviously get bigger.

So, if I am rapidly adding / removing items from my inventory, I may inadvertently increase that ID number to something that the engine no longer recognizes. Or a number that conflicts with some other function of the inventory. Or save system. Or loading system. Whatever. Something doesn't like it. That's where the bug must live.

BUT -- considering that CP2077 probably works similarly to TW3, Bethesda games, Bioware titles, etc. -- this also happens to your inventory whenever you save --> reload a game. First, the game reads your save file. It loads an "active" version of your inventory into RAM, and assigns new ItemIDs to every single piece of your inventory from top to bottom. It re-saves those larger numbers for every new save / quicksave, and they become the new default. This is how a program can correctly load older savegames. It compares the newer numbers with the older ones, and chooses the older, smaller number instead. (Computers can't "think", and items in your inventory are not "guns" and "medkits" to the computer. They're collections of data that it needs to be able to tell apart from one another using a numerical expression.)

Not all games are designed for unlimited, endless play. Not all games are designed for NG++++ etc. CP2077, as of now, seems to have been designed with upper limits in place (likely to avoid issues elsewhere in the engine, just like TW3).

The workaround for now?

Don't do it. Play the game until the end, then start a new game. Don't continue saving and reloading the same character for too long. Don't craft thousands of items at once.

Is that ideal? No. And hopefully it can be worked out in the future. Although...maybe not. No game that CDPR has ever created has ever been designed for ongoing, unlimited play. (NG+ was added into TW3 after its release; it was never intended. It was extremely difficult to get working without major issues, is capped at level 100, still gets wildly weird at higher levels, and there is no NG++. It can only be done once per playthrough.) CDPR designs their games with a finite structure: with a beginning, a middle, and an end. They are not meant to be played on and on like Dark Souls, GTA, or an MMO. They're meant to be restarted from the beginning with a new character and played differently. Love it or loathe it, that's the design.

So, for right now, the best step is not to put the game in this sort of situation. It's the nature of the machine. Or, more classically:

Patient: "Doctor! Doctor! It really hurts when I do this!"
Doctor: "Then, don't do that."

Now, the treatment can begin.


Oct 27, 2017
This is some Kojima level game design. Really hammering the anti-corporate greed message of the game home.


Newbie Paper Plane Pilot
Oct 25, 2017

What the ever living fuck??

Is that ideal? No. And hopefully it can be worked out in the future. Although...maybe not. No game that CDPR has ever created has ever been designed for ongoing, unlimited play. (NG+ was added into TW3 after its release; it was never intended. It was extremely difficult to get working without major issues, is capped at level 100, still gets wildly weird at higher levels, and there is no NG++. It can only be done once per playthrough.) CDPR designs their games with a finite structure: with a beginning, a middle, and an end. They are not meant to be played on and on like Dark Souls, GTA, or an MMO. They're meant to be restarted from the beginning with a new character and played differently. Love it or loathe it, that's the design.


Nov 9, 2017
You could have designed the game around a gear system that didn't encourage being a goddamn garbage man, or you could have not filled every nook and cranny with literal trash that players have to root through for materials and money, but in lieu of that maybe just go ahead and fix the fucking bug, champ?


Oct 27, 2017
Well this settles it for me then, I'm not going to even install it until it's all sorted.
All I do is horde everything in games that allow it.