
Dec 31, 2018
To be fair, as a Dutch person, who can't imagine Joost to ever physically harm someone, we don't know what happened yet. Was there a (rightful) reason why he hurt (punched? pushed?) someone? Did the stress and tension of the event get to his head and he flipped at a tiny remark? Was there any remark at all?

It taking this long and the Israel connection seemingly non existant, I'm afraid he really did something he shouldn't have. There's even rumors about two incidents?

Sometimes people can be different under a ton of stress or in general when the camera is off. I didn't expect him to be like that, but we'll see.

What is a rightful reason to hurt someone at the ESC ?


Aug 30, 2023
Look if he punched someone I get that there is a penalty of some sorts, regardless of context. It should not happen period.

But if the rumors that someone was joking/making remarks about his dead parents, I do absolutely sympathise with Joost. And I would hope whatever crew the person that caused it faces sanctions as well. In a contest like this you cannot have crews/artists fighting or trying to sabotage each other. Verbal abuse is also violence in my book.

But at this point we simply don't know. What a damn mess this edition is. As a Dutch person this obviously puts a massive hamper on my enjoyment.


Oct 28, 2017
Well if they're cool with genocide, a punch is small fries.
Read the thread. So far nothing points to any involvement of israel.

As much as i sympathize with him and his story if he goes around singing about love and peaceful europe and then starts punching people at eurovision he can fuck right off.


Oct 27, 2017
What is a rightful reason to hurt someone at the ESC ?
Rightful may not be the correct term, but I can imagine certain personal comments can infuriate someone and push them over the edge in a stressful time. Both the punching and the remarks themselves are speculation / rumors though, but like I said, I am starting to think he did something he really shouldn't have.


Nov 13, 2019
I been following Joost a bit longer and he doesn't strike me as that person. But then of course anything can happen. So it's best to wait until there finally is some news


Dec 31, 2018
Rightful may not be the correct term, but I can imagine certain personal comments can infuriate someone and push them over the edge in a stressful time. Both the punching and the remarks themselves are speculation / rumors though, but like I said, I am starting to think he did something he really shouldn't have.

I don't believe there is any criminal law, atleast in Europe, that allows to physical hurt someone because they said something hateful.
And i'm pretty sure if there was some punching it got reported to police, because i can't believe that an artist at the ESC wouldn't report it.

Well, it is all just speculation.
I haven't seen any real source about anything.


Dec 3, 2018
Here for no politics at Eurovision.

Hey how many points do we think Cyprus is going to give Greece?
Funny thing last year Greece gave Cyprus just 4 points which was the difference of Cyprus going to the final this year,was a very minor controversy(lmao) for a minute there.


Oct 27, 2017
Reposted for visibility, and really should apply here as well:

Eurovision 2024 Pre-Season

This shouldn't need saying but here we are anyway: don't engage in conspiracy theories. Just don't. If you do you will be banned.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Voting for rest of the world should have opened 16 minutes ago after already being delayed for 2 hours, but still nothing...
Update: confirmed on the website that voting has been postponed due to an ongoing investigation into Joost Klein.
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Jun 20, 2018
Dutch Media are reporting that Joost supposedly threatened someone from the staff.

It's such a weird story. It's also something that's almost impossible to proof.


Oct 25, 2017
That does actually make more sense then an actual physical confrontation that would be more cut and dry. A threat would often be more murky to prove and investigate, thus would take more time.

It also makes it much more complicated from a PR view. This thing is already a mess, and if Joost "only" threatened to punch someone that was an ass for example, the vast majority of public opinion would probably be "yeah he shouldn't have done that but I can totally understand, he shouldn't be disqualified for just that". The organization doesn't want the public opinion turning even more against them. If it was a clear thing we probably already would have heard something by now.
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Oct 27, 2017
It's one of those things we need more time to know about but there just simply isn't any given we are mere hours away from the show. It's just a shame a usually lighthearted event has turned into this mess.

I don't know if I will watch tonight just because I don't think I'll be able to enjoy it without thinking about all the back stage stuff.


Jun 20, 2018
The Isreal delegation is openly threatening people on socials but that's okay apparently. What a trainwreck this has become


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't help that if they disqualify Joost on grounds that people don't agree with and move all acts forward one spot, the spot that was for Joost and is most likely to lead to protests is now..... Israël. Everything is a huge mess.


May 17, 2018
Besides the initial investigation I'm sure there is also a heavy attempt at mediation going on as to prevent from having to kick out one of their more popular acts. AFAIK this whole situation too is a first for the EBU.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
That does actually make more sense then an actual physical confrontation that would be more cut and dry. A threat would often be more murky to prove and investigate, thus would take more time.

It also makes it much more complicated from a PR view. This thing is already a mess, and if Joost "only" threatened to punch someone that was an ass for example, the vast majority of public opinion would probably be "yeah he shouldn't have done that but I can totally understand, he shouldn't be disqualified for just that". The organization doesn't want the public opinion turning even more against them. If it was a clear thing we probably already would have heard something by now.
I kind of doubt they would go through all this just because of something someone said, I mean that would be highly irregular in showbusiness (and I know this is a problem with showbusiness much more than the other way around but still), canceling one of the crowd favorites for some backstage words is very damaging to the brand. Unless he threatened someone from the sponsor, and they're threatening to pull out, of course.


Jun 20, 2018
I kind of doubt they would go through all this just because of something someone said, I mean that would be highly irregular in showbusiness (and I know this is a problem with showbusiness much more than the other way around but still), canceling one of the crowd favorites for some backstage words is very damaging to the brand. Unless he threatened someone from the sponsor, and they're threatening to pull out, of course.
According to Dutch Media the Swedish police confirmed nothing physical happened.

There's a special broadcast 30 minutes from now (NOS/Netherlands)


Nov 13, 2019
So all this based on something Joost may have said? No wonder it takes so long they need to be 10000 precent sure they want that heat for DQ'ing someone


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Are they going to investigate the harrasment of other delegations by the Israeli delegation? Plenty of proof, videos and images of that happening.


Oct 25, 2017
From the NU.nl liveblog:
NU.nl reporter Lara Zevenberg is present at Joost Klein's hotel. Journalists are now being put behind fences there and the singer's security has been spotted. A statement is expected at any moment.

EDIT: Joost Klein has been disqualified.


Oct 28, 2017
Joost Klein will not perform at the Grand Final.

The Dutch artist Joost Klein will not be competing in the Grand Final of this year's Eurovision Song Contest.

Swedish police have investigated a complaint made by a female member of the production crew after an incident following his performance in Thursday night's Semi Final. While the legal process takes its course, it would not be appropriate for him to continue in the Contest.

We would like to make it clear that, contrary to some media reports and social media speculation, this incident did not involve any other performer or delegation member.

We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards inappropriate behaviour at our event and are committed to providing a safe and secure working environment for all staff at the Contest. In light of this, Joost Klein's behaviour towards a team member is deemed in breach of Contest rules.

The Grand Final of the 68th Eurovision Song Contest will now proceed with 25 participating songs.


Oct 25, 2017
We would like to make it clear that, contrary to some media reports and social media speculation, this incident did not involve any other performer or delegation member.

I'm sure that the void of information until now will mean everyone believes this, right, right?


Oct 25, 2017
I understand they want to be vague if there's an investigation going, but with all the rumours it's going to cause a lot of backlash for them.

Edit: removing this cos I know this forum doesn't like speculating

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
An allegation has been made about inappropriate words and pending investigation we are disqualifying a contestant. I assume they have some really incriminating pee pee tape, or this will just be escalating fuckery from now on.


Jun 20, 2018
Mr Eurovision Cornald Maas wrote this:

"And one more thing: the incident with Joost has absolutely nothing to do with Israel or the Israeli delegation. The incident is hardly significant. More on that later. It is, among other things, a 'nightmare' for facilitator Joost Klein & his team. Further communication will be via Tros."

Netherlands should boycot this shitshow


Oct 26, 2017
Well, he didn't lie when he said that his Eurovision performance was gonna be something that has never been seen before.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure that the void of information until now will mean everyone believes this, right, right?
That was already stated (as a rumour) yesterday, so it's still the same story. There was talk about an altercation with "production staff", which would be someone from either the EBU, the local Malmö Arena staff or SVT.

But I guess more conspiracy theories is what's needed now. Some people really need to ease off on their unhealthy obsession with the Israeli delegation.


Oct 25, 2017
It's wild that there's so much media there and this seems to be the one incident that nobody still has the full details of.


Oct 26, 2017
Wtf, I looked away after the second semi final and everything suddenly has changed. What a shame.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Tel Aviv
Are they going to investigate the harrasment of other delegations by the Israeli delegation? Plenty of proof, videos and images of that happening.
The harassments amount to the Israeli delegation writing snarky stories about delegations who have also harassed the Israeli delegation and it's just mutual mud slinging.
IDK, they should try to file a police report about someone writing about Bambie Thug that they're "not a friend" and see how it goes I guess...

Anyway bummed for Joost, it was a super fun song and I can't believe how sad he is for having his dream taken away... I hope we get the full story soon. I hope he didn't actually do anything too bad, he really doesn't seem like the person to attack or threaten someone, but you never know.
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