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Oct 27, 2017
I have to agree with the sentiment that it was just a simpler time, with information being harder to come by when both the internet and mobile communications were in their infancy (and thus social media was also practically non-existent). In other words, we just weren't being bombarded with all of the depressing things that were going on to the degree we are today.

Some not nice things about the 90s (American-centric view here, sorry!):
- Homophobia endorsed by the Federal government (e.g., The Defense of Marriage Act)
- Blatant racism by law-enforcement (e.g., Rodney King - OK, sadly this one hasn't changed!)
- Aggressive law-enforcement tactics (e.g., Branch Davidian siege, Ruby Ridge)
- Domestic terrorism (e.g., Columbine shooting, Oklahoma City Federal building bombing, Atlanta Summer Olympics bombing)
- Economic instability (dot-com bubble, East Asian financial crisis, Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union)
- The Yugoslav wars and Bosnian genocide

There is definitely more, but that's what's coming to mind at the moment. The state of the world is certainly unfortunate right now, but I'm not sure that things were ever better by that significant of a degree.

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Oct 25, 2017
I think things are better overall now, but man if the latter half of the 90s was not a pretty damn feel good time for the average kid ~ teenager.


Sep 30, 2019
For every generation who thinks that their generation was the best remember that people of the previous generation said the same thing


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
90's was better for a lot of things
Music, especially Hip Hop was at its peak bars wise, Rock was still a thing.

Movies - less comic book movies and a wider variety of films

No FB - People still communicated face to face as opposed to being shut in's in their homes.

90's were not fun with the police, Running from the police lost its appeal real quick

I played a wider variety of games back then. Where now all I can tolerate are first person shooters. Gone are the days of actually liking JRPG's / Ratchet & Clank / EA sports games. That's an age thing though.


Aug 1, 2018
I think I'm weird. I don't have much nostalgia for the 90s. Or much nostalgia for anything, really.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Was born in 1998 but can probably agree with the cartoons being great considering the amount of reruns I watched during the early 2000s.

Can't imagine it being the peak of society considering the treatment of marginalized groups... being a person of color I kind of never want to time travel to any past time in the U.S.


Oct 25, 2017
PG Tv and movies maybe, perhaps music as well. The excitement and curiousity of the Internet early on was pretty dope too, even if it was dial up bs.

I certainly can't complain about my childhood.


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Aug 21, 2019
90s were a pale, neutered version of the 80s. So if you like that then yes.
Oct 29, 2017
If there is a thing that I miss is the optimism. Maybe it is because I was a kid, but at the time it seemed like the world was convinced that we were leaving the worst behind and the only threats to humanity were going to be world ending natural disasters.
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