
Oct 25, 2017
Idolmaster is an anime thing about a Japanese all-girl singing group.
Love Live is a similar property made by different people, a couple of years later.
iM@S started as an arcade game, way back in 2005. The game was ported to Xbox 360 shortly thereafter, then they just kept releasing console games while occasionally releasing anime adaptations.

Love Live started as a magazine stuffer in 2010, and the anime (which is what really kickstarted the franchise) didn't start until three years after that. That's eight years that iM@S was effectively around longer before Love Live caught traction.
Oct 25, 2017
I could never get into Love Live because it felt like it was riding on the trend started by K-on! of school girls making it big.
Idolm@ster on the other hand actually gives you an opportunity to get to know the people you're producing via the games.

I never played the original arcade game, but the PSP games were amazing. The subsequent games never hit the peak of the PSP games, imo.

But the thing that gets me the most? The one franchise that got me into im@s is near dead: Sakura Taisen.
If there were a proper console revival (mobile games don't count), I'd be all over it.

Obligatory theme song from best franchise (I prefer the 2nd game's version):

Also, Sumire ojousan best girl forever.
Takane hime-sama comes in a close second.


Oct 27, 2017
LL doesn't do anything for me either, OP. But I got into iM@S well before LL was even a thing, so if I'd been given the choice from the outset... who knows?

(Chihaya would still be the best though)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I know neither beyond nico nico niiiiii, Snow Halation, and Hotel Moonside

Whichever Hotel Moonside is has better character design imo, and I think it's Im@s. Love Live seems to have a lot of characters that look far too same-y. Unless Hotel Moonside is Love Live, in which case I know absolutely nothing about Im@s lol

Banana Aeon

Oct 30, 2017
It's really the opposite for me. I really can't tell you anything about IM@S that I find appealing.

It also has the creepy self insert producer angle I ain't a fan of.


Fat4All Ruined My Rug
Oct 26, 2017
Bang Dream has better music and game though.

( •̀∀•́ )✧


May 8, 2018
LL promo art is too damn colorful/saturated for its own good. I would say Lisa Frank-esque but PriPara has that covered. Music is alright. If you don't like Storm in Lover, I can't help you.

Overall though, only iM@S has Takane so it's better by default.


Oct 28, 2017
New York


Oct 25, 2017
And people wonder why this forum is sometimes considered a punchline to an unfunny joke.

For shame, people.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Bang Dream has better music and game though.

( •̀∀•́ )✧
This is the one I finally got suckered into lol. But it's a top notch game, and the music is great so I'm fine with it.

Ironically (or perhaps understandably?), Pasupare (the literal "idol" band in a series with five different bands) is my least favorite. I think I just don't like idol stuff much at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Idolmaster has Lunatic Show, so its automatically better.

Loveless World is pretty good though.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
Love Live has better music.
Im@s has better doujinshi.
The Love Live anime shows also have an actual narrative structure. I find the idolm@ster television adaptations to both be extremely boring because the ensemble cast is far bigger than that of Love Live's, so its characters have to be more simplified in order to manage to get enough screentime for all the idols (and even then they don't do justice to everyone).

The only department where I think idolm@ster is genuinely better is in animation, but at that point I would much rather just find the relevant clips in sakugabooru.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
The Love Live anime shows also have an actual narrative structure. I find the idolm@ster television adaptations to both be extremely boring because the ensemble cast is far bigger than that of Love Live's, so its characters have to be more simplified in order to manage to get enough screentime for all the idols (and even then they don't do justice to everyone).

The only department where I think idolm@ster is genuinely better is in animation, but at that point I would much rather just find the relevant clips in sakugabooru.

Love Live is basically a collection of SoL episodes, while the actually LL event happened basically off screen.
Even the school solving story line wasn't actually a thing past the first episode.

The Idolmaster has actually a progressive development regarding 765 Production. Also Puchimas.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
Love Live is basically a collection of SoL episodes, while the actually LL event happened basically off screen.
Even the school solving story line wasn't actually a thing past the first episode.

The Idolmaster has actually a progressive development regarding 765 Production. Also Puchimas.
I'm talking more about character arcs than plot progression here. While the storyline regarding saving the school takes a backseat, Love Live takes its time to show how the girls become friends and train to actually become better at whatever it is idols do. The narrative push gets overshadowed by the character vignettes, but it serves as a backbone from which to do the rest of the show.

There's a certain aspect to that in im@s, but it's much more episodic in that regard. You get some brilliant episodes like Makoto's when you get a competent writer at times, yet the vast majority of the time you are dealing with genuinely boring stuff like the girl who is afraid of animals, or the girl who is shy and goes to a glass blower, or the child idols being annoying child idols. There's very little interaction between the characters, with barely a hint of character progression for the end of season finales.

Disclaimer: I only watched up to the end of Aqours' first season because at that point I realised it was the exact same shit as the original. Watch Aikatsu instead, kids!
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Oct 25, 2017
...but I feel like the former's visual identity is a lot more , uh, "softer?"

Because love live is wack
I really don't know , I feel like im@s has way more diversity in character types and ages

This definitely ain't the reason why chief

Unlike those other people who make bad threads I actually respect women and minorities so idk what to tell you chief

Note the space before the comma?

Note common use of the word chief?

Weird alt-using animated idol fan ring exposed. Mind blown.

Regulus Tera

Oct 25, 2017
with some of the character designs that makes it look cheap and throwaway and I cannot, for the life of me, say that about iMA@S. Mind you I am a casual idol fan due to the efforts of friend Tyrant Rave and friend Retro! so I don't have a significant stake in either or but I feel like the former's visual identity is a lot more , uh, "softer?" like had you stripped any and all idol associations with these characters they would appear to be really good contemporary anime castmates. I cannot say the same about LL

I just don't understand

Atsushi Nishigori is one of the best character designers in the industry, so it might be because of that!

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Adding to why Love Live is better:
  • No pedo-bait girls.
  • The anime's done by the Gundam studio. iM@S is done by the SAO studio.


The Fallen
Nov 12, 2017
I do not want people to understand my thread

I want idol fans to understand my thread

Why the fuck would I want people posting in this thread

This is a request to the idol fan community to help me comprehend LL's visual identity
But then you get guys like me in here who just dabble anime, but not like that. I hate shit like glee, I'm not gonna watch the anime version of it.

Deleted member 4021

Oct 25, 2017

Atsushi Nishigori is one of the best character designers in the industry, so it might be because of that!
Yeah, Nishigori's designs in Idolmaster are just way more full of life and characterization than anything in Love Live.

It also helps that the anime has a bunch of great traditional animation in its music sequences instead of sterile and stiff CGI.


Oct 28, 2017
Anime wise, IM@S have
Better character design and sakuga. Like dang, the dance routine is great.

Also, one of the series is fueling Harada power so that he can finish tekken. I guess IM@S win.