
533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Will be able to play Fallout London when it drops now, thanks a bunch AgentStrange for the giveaway!

Also, Fallout 1, 2 and 3 still avaliable. Go get it ya fools


Jul 21, 2020
Does anyone else wish they would make classic Fallout again in the third person perspective? I like FO 3 and NV but 1 and 2 were something special. Maybe its nostalgia talking.

Yeah I'd love a new isometric Fallout. New Blood was supposed to be working on a fallout-inspired CRPG, with the original composer Mark Morgan and some fallout mod authors, but I don't think they've said anything about it in over a year. Kinda suspect it's dead at this point, but who knows.

Aren't those what the Wasteland/Under Rail games are?

Underrail is, mechanically, very much inspired by the classic fallout games; the way combat works, attributes, skills, perks, etc., it's all very much based on fallout 1/2 and then expanded quite a bit. The aesthetics and tone, however, are quite a bit different, and it has much more of a focus on exploration. There's also a surprisingly good crafting implementation. The writing, however, is a significant step down, ranging from mediocre to bad (although there's some interesting world building going on). It's also less new player friendly than even Fallout 1/2, I would say. I like the game a lot, it's one of my favorites, but it's much more niche, and I kinda struggle to actually recommend it to anyone.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
I just remembered I owned the first game on Steam. Is there any way to get it running on an M1 Mac?


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
I'm not typically very interested in Remakes, but I'd love a remake of Fallout 1+2 in the style of New Vegas or 4. A good bundle of remastered 3 + NV would be great too. This new Fallout fervor is hyping me up for Fallout but the new games just aren't for me. I'm giving 4 one more shot, but I think I may just be at the point where I'm reliving the franchise's glory days forever.

Trying to mod New Vegas and this might be the most frustrating modding experience I've ever had. I followed every instruction perfectly, step by step, but the game just won't fucking launch. It took like two hours to set this up and I've been trying to figure out what is wrong for another hour now and I'm just about ready to give up. I'm using Mod Organizer and it just doesn't launch the game. Doesn't matter how many mods I have, it won't launch it vanilla either. It opens a bunch of command boxes rapidly for a split second but they all instantly close and then nothing happens. No error messages, nothing to troubleshoot. Just doesn't work.

I'm not deleting everything and doing that three hours again in hopes it just works the second time. Has anyone experienced this? If not, just HOW bad is the game unmodded on PC? Does it really crash and have that many bugs? It's so annoying because clearly everyone mods this game all the time, why are there SO many steps to this still in 2024? Might just say "fuck it" and play Fallout 4 instead but since I've never played either I wanted to do the one people like the most.

I see you already got this working, as well as some additional context from others here who mod, but I'd just like to share my anecdotal experience too. I've played through New Vegas a handful of times on my modern Windows 10 PC with zero moddding and I've always found it to run fine. I did have an issue at one point where there was a ~10% chance of a crash any time I did a major load (so fast traveling or entering/exiting a building), but I googled that and found a Steam Forum thread that explained how to edit one text file to fix that problem. It was never a huge concern with how much I quick save anyway, but it's been totally fine ever since anyway.

I'm obviously not getting super high frame rates or resolutions or any of the other myriad of potential bug fixes and benefits one may get from modding (though this thread is making me very interested in finally trying Tale of Two Wastelands), but it's been a totally passable way to experience the game. I can't recall any major crashes or broken content in my playtime.

So if all the modding is giving you a massive head ache, you may have other options. New Vegas is not in as bad of a place as many other older titles are (and probably every other pre-NV Fallout game) on PC, at least in my experience. Maybe I'm just lucky.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if I trust anyone to remake 1. That game is such a tight experience and its vibes are different in many ways from even 2 much less the BGS era ones. People blame 3 for some of the missteps in the series, but I honestly think many of them started with 2. I think it might be time for another play though.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe the Switch didn't get any Fallout ports with all the Bethesda support it got. What a huge missed opportunity.


Oct 26, 2017
New Jersey
I don't know if I trust anyone to remake 1. That game is such a tight experience and its vibes are different in many ways from even 2 much less the BGS era ones. People blame 3 for some of the missteps in the series, but I honestly think many of them started with 2. I think it might be time for another play though.
I don't know if they'd be up for it, but if they could get Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky to direct a remake over at Obsidian before they retire, I would be very interested in that. I didn't love Outer Worlds, and I'm sure their vision today would look different than it did 30 years ago, but I at least trust them to get the vibes close.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if they'd be up for it, but if they could get Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky to direct a remake over at Obsidian before they retire, I would be very interested in that. I didn't love Outer Worlds, and I'm sure their vision today would look different than it did 30 years ago, but I at least trust them to get the vibes close.

If they got the band back together I might go for it, but only if I could get a high quality 2d remake or something like Pillars of Eternity, 3d models on 2d backgrounds, that sticks closely to the original as a fall back as well. The latter might not even need the original team, but just someone willing to smack someone when they suggested adding any new content.


Jan 15, 2020
Yeah. It's the main reason I wish Todd would step back from the series and let someone else guide it. I don't think he has any interest in showing a world that is growing and changing 200 years after the bombs. He wants everything stuck in this permanent snapshot of "30 years after the war, the world is forever a raider-infested garbage pit".

Like that's the thing that interests me the most, personally - how humanity would build a new America after the war. 200 years is a scale of time Americans can BARELY even conceptualize because our country is only barely older than that right now. So why wouldn't America evolve into something new after 200 years?
I mean it took 200 years with ideal conditions for civilisation. There are parts of my country that will never be truly inhabitable and I imagine a radioactive wasteland would slow human progress quite a bit


Oct 25, 2017
Got the fallout cravings again for sure. Going to play new Vegas on my steam deck.

With 76 on sale…how is that now? Is it good enough as a single player experience or do you really need the multiplayer aspect? Is it filled with micro transactions?

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Got the fallout cravings again for sure. Going to play new Vegas on my steam deck.

With 76 on sale…how is that now? Is it good enough as a single player experience or do you really need the multiplayer aspect? Is it filled with micro transactions?

It's just Fallout 4 expansion at this point. The core experience is entirely single player and the multiplayer stuff is completely optional and largely irrelevant until your max level and grinding currency or levels. You have a zillion areas and quests to do until any of it matters.

The microtransactions are entirely cosmetic and about 90% ugly camp shit (imo). Unless you really really want to play post apocalyptic dollhouse simulator, you won't ever have a reason to even open the store.

The season passes are free and based on daily challenges and mostly reward consumables which as a newbie are generally helpful


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah I'd love a new isometric Fallout. New Blood was supposed to be working on a fallout-inspired CRPG, with the original composer Mark Morgan and some fallout mod authors, but I don't think they've said anything about it in over a year. Kinda suspect it's dead at this point, but who knows.

Underrail is, mechanically, very much inspired by the classic fallout games; the way combat works, attributes, skills, perks, etc., it's all very much based on fallout 1/2 and then expanded quite a bit. The aesthetics and tone, however, are quite a bit different, and it has much more of a focus on exploration. There's also a surprisingly good crafting implementation. The writing, however, is a significant step down, ranging from mediocre to bad (although there's some interesting world building going on). It's also less new player friendly than even Fallout 1/2, I would say. I like the game a lot, it's one of my favorites, but it's much more niche, and I kinda struggle to actually recommend it to anyone.
I dunno, other than wasteland (yes I know it actually predates it), it feels like most of the fallout inspired games take the low res ui and obtuse combat as part of the whole shtick. As ironic as it sounds, I wish they'd have had at least age of decadence levels of qol


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
man really feeling the urge again. when these games hit they hit so hard for me lol


Oct 27, 2017
Soooooo I just got Fallout 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas on Steam.
What are some good mods for each of them to make them a bit prettier?
Also is there some sort of quick start guide for FO1 and 2? Started up 1 yesterday and I have no clue what so ever how to play it. Game tutorials nowadays really are a blessing haha

Curt Baboon

Mar 13, 2018
I installed New Vegas yesterday on my Steam Deck and spent a bit of time modding it for my first playthrough ever, and wow.

Where the fuck did 20 hours go?


Oct 27, 2017
Northern California
I played a bunch of Fallout 4 on PS4 when it was first released, but never finished it. I was going to start it again on PS5 after the patch, but now I'm thinking maybe I should buy the PC version while it's on sale, because I saw The Midnight Ride modding guide and I have to imagine that it's a better experience in 2024 than playing it on PS5, even after the update.


Aug 5, 2022
I started another playthrough of New Vegas due to the show. Playing on steam deck and got some basic mods installed and it's still so great. Definitely still my favorite in the series. I've only played a little the of the original and never played 2 though


Prophet of Truth
Aug 25, 2021
I don't know if I trust anyone to remake 1. That game is such a tight experience and its vibes are different in many ways from even 2 much less the BGS era ones. People blame 3 for some of the missteps in the series, but I honestly think many of them started with 2. I think it might be time for another play though.
Preach. 2 is a great game, but I much preferred the tone of 1.


Self-Requested Ban
Sep 5, 2021
I miss that fallout 3 despair and apocalyptic atmosphere... sure its janky and the story suck but the map is sort of masterpiece, even the metro tunnel is so good


Oct 25, 2017
im really loving this reinvigorated internet wide fallout discussion and seeing people getting into the games for the first time too

i love every single game. i much prefer original to fallout 2, while fallout 2 is a great game regarding how it refined systems and most other things, i actually do not like how much breaking the 4th wall it does (I hate that in any media) and its tone/theme. i like the tone of original fallout and its style of dark comedy.

its also why i like fallout 3. fallout 3 is very similar in tone/theme to original fallout, tim cain also explained how he think fallout 3 nailed that (but didn't really nail the dark comedy the same way for him consistently)

regarding both 3D fallouts, I like all of them, with fallout 4 being my least favourite from the roleplaying perspective. but whenever I play fallout 3 or new vegas, whatever the recent one that i played was, is my "favourite", then i go play the other one and i'm like "nah, this is my favourite" lol.

i think how BGS implemented VATS in 3D was excellent. i still never get tired of blasting someone's head off with VATS in slow-mo and seeing the gore splatter everywhere with the head rolling or flying away especialy if it goes flying into other physics objects like a shelf full of stuff lol


Oct 25, 2017
I really need to re-play Fallout 1 and 2 at some point. Are there any mods to make them more enjoyable on modern PCs?


Oct 25, 2017
Great thread!!

Also chuffed to see the numbers of people jumping into FO76.

I have hopped back in due to the new DLC too (to get my trophies back to 100%).


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Back to the Commonwealth!

Trying to experience Sim Settlements 2 story this time, I never get around it after all this time.



Nov 7, 2017
I just remembered I owned the first game on Steam. Is there any way to get it running on an M1 Mac?

I haven't tried the Fallout CE that someone previously mentioned but another option is using VMWare Fusion (free) to set up a Windows 11 virtual machine and run the games that way. I'm currently playing Fallout Sonora - a Russian fan game built on the Fallout 2 engine and it runs great on my lowest spec M1 MacBook Air. I've also tried installing Fallout 3 / NV with the Tale of Two Wastelands mod on my M2 Pro MacBook Pro with 32GB ram and that seems to run well (but I haven't spent significant time with it yet).


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Soooooo I just got Fallout 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas on Steam.
What are some good mods for each of them to make them a bit prettier?
Also is there some sort of quick start guide for FO1 and 2? Started up 1 yesterday and I have no clue what so ever how to play it. Game tutorials nowadays really are a blessing haha

for 3 and NV follow this guide

The Best of Times

The official installation guide for Tale of Two Wastelands and all essential mods.
yes, its in NV, but you play 3 through it, using all the improvements and extra stability of the NV engine

for 1 and 2, just look for compatibility and widescreen mods honestly. i dont remember for 1 but theres a "restoration patch" for 2 - dont really use it. Some of the stuff was cut for a very good reason and other is just very unbalanced. Vanilla content is more than enough

can i play new vegas without any mods and have fun? mods overwhelm me

you can but follow the first steps of this guide (till "base finished")

Viva New Vegas

A fully modular, comprehensive and regularly updated Fallout New Vegas modding guide that allows for any personal preference to be satisfied.
just to get the essential utilities to keep the game stable and liberate more modern resources for the game to run better/crash less

if you just want to install off steam and start playing, its not really a good time


Oct 25, 2017
Will be able to play Fallout London when it drops now, thanks a bunch AgentStrange for the giveaway!

Also, Fallout 1, 2 and 3 still avaliable. Go get it ya fools
Before I forget: Thanks AgentStrange for the giveaway! I got New Vegas yesterday.

Problably a little bit before I commit to it tho

Enjoy! And yes, someone please claim the keys for Fallout 1, 2, and 3. Since the raffle's ended it's now a first-come-first-serve deal.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
for 3 and NV follow this guide

The Best of Times

The official installation guide for Tale of Two Wastelands and all essential mods.
yes, its in NV, but you play 3 through it, using all the improvements and extra stability of the NV engine

for 1 and 2, just look for compatibility and widescreen mods honestly. i dont remember for 1 but theres a "restoration patch" for 2 - dont really use it. Some of the stuff was cut for a very good reason and other is just very unbalanced. Vanilla content is more than enough

you can but follow the first steps of this guide (till "base finished")

Viva New Vegas

A fully modular, comprehensive and regularly updated Fallout New Vegas modding guide that allows for any personal preference to be satisfied.
just to get the essential utilities to keep the game stable and liberate more modern resources for the game to run better/crash less

if you just want to install off steam and start playing, its not really a good time
I guess I can follow a guide. Thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
Soooooo I just got Fallout 1, 2, 3 and New Vegas on Steam.
What are some good mods for each of them to make them a bit prettier?
Also is there some sort of quick start guide for FO1 and 2? Started up 1 yesterday and I have no clue what so ever how to play it. Game tutorials nowadays really are a blessing haha

For New Vegas,

Follow this guide:

Viva New Vegas

A fully modular, comprehensive and regularly updated Fallout New Vegas modding guide that allows for any personal preference to be satisfied.

Then, for visual upgrades, Salamand3r's guide is the gold standard:

New Vegas and TTW Graphics Guide — salamand3r

A sequential and safe guide to New Vegas visual enhancement.

For Fallout 3, the best way to play now is to install Tale of Two Wastelands (TTW) which essentially combines FO3 and New Vegas into one huge game using the New Vegas engine and gameplay mechanics. You can "just" play FO3 this way even if you don't want to hop to over to New Vegas in your playthrough.

To install base TTW follow this guide:

The Best of Times

The official installation guide for Tale of Two Wastelands and all essential mods.

Then follow that with The Wasteland Survival Guide

Wasteland Survival Guide | Wasteland Survival Guide

A customizable modding guide for Tale of Two Wastelands.

Finally, for visual upgrades use Saland3r's guide above and include anything TTW specific that he calls out.
Run Fallout 3.exe as Administrator


Oct 27, 2017
So I just installed and managed to launch FO3 GOTY. For those with the game not launching, you gotta go to your installation folder, right click on fallout3.exe and go to (display other options if on Win11 > ) properties > compatibility and check "launch as administrator".
Do the same for FalloutLauncherSteam.exe

Might have to do the same for New Vegas.

AgentStrange can you add it in the OP or threadmark this post? I'm guessing I'm not the only one who'll buy/launch those games for the first time ever :)

Also, Starlatine and CrichtonKicks thanks for the guides regarding modding, but actually it doesn't even look that bad so I'll just play vanilla!


Oct 25, 2017
Also, @Starlatine and @CrichtonKicks thanks for the guides regarding modding, but actually it doesn't even look that bad so I'll just play vanilla!

For New Vegas, I would highly encourage you to at least go through the Viva New Vegas guide just before "Extended". It's not about visuals- it's about essential bug patches and other engine tweaks to get the game playing the way it should.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
For New Vegas, I would highly encourage you to at least go through the Viva New Vegas guide just before "Extended". It's not about visuals- it's about essential bug patches and other engine tweaks to get the game playing the way it should.

Pretty much this. And the reason people tell to play 3 through new Vegas via TTW is not just for the new Vegas additions (which are give or take). Currently, playing 3 through the NV version of gamebryo with all the essential tools developed for it is a far more stable way to play fallout 3.


Apr 26, 2019
I don't know if I trust anyone to remake 1. That game is such a tight experience and its vibes are different in many ways from even 2 much less the BGS era ones. People blame 3 for some of the missteps in the series, but I honestly think many of them started with 2. I think it might be time for another play though.

I legitimately think Fallout and Fallout 2 could just use a remaster more than anything.

Make them play a little better and more modern, like Wasteland 2 and 3, clean up the graphics, give it a nice m/k and controller scheme for either crowd and so they can do console releases, redo the interface, etc.


Feb 8, 2023
The 518
For New Vegas,

Follow this guide:

Viva New Vegas

A fully modular, comprehensive and regularly updated Fallout New Vegas modding guide that allows for any personal preference to be satisfied.

Then, for visual upgrades, Salamand3r's guide is the gold standard:

New Vegas and TTW Graphics Guide — salamand3r

A sequential and safe guide to New Vegas visual enhancement.

For Fallout 3, the best way to play now is to install Tale of Two Wastelands (TTW) which essentially combines FO3 and New Vegas into one huge game using the New Vegas engine and gameplay mechanics. You can "just" play FO3 this way even if you don't want to hop to over to New Vegas in your playthrough.

To install base TTW follow this guide:

The Best of Times

The official installation guide for Tale of Two Wastelands and all essential mods.

Then follow that with The Wasteland Survival Guide

Wasteland Survival Guide | Wasteland Survival Guide

A customizable modding guide for Tale of Two Wastelands.

Finally, for visual upgrades use Saland3r's guide above and include anything TTW specific that he calls out.

B42 mods my beloved lol, in all serious though you should probably threadmark this, its the definitive modding guide for FNV