
Oct 25, 2017
I want to be able to adjust my parties voices to be higher and the sound effects and music to be slightly lower. I miss some of the special dialogue between two guns for hire which I enjoy a lot


Oct 27, 2017
Nick and Cheeseburger together are pretty OP too.

Not complaining though :p

The best GFH is clearly hurk.

Takes 20 minutes to fire a missile when you order him, 99% of the time will hide behind cover and shoot his rocket at said cover, killing him, the other 1% when he's standing right behind you aiming at your head.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
I played some of the arcade multiplayer last night. Someone was stood on a roof with infinite grenades, throwing them at our spawn point. I looked in the loadout options and neither team had a loadout with infinite grenades available (not even sure this is possible). I guess this is just a bug? In any case, a weird and frustrating experience.

Managed to get pretty good at the actual gunplay in arcade though. As headshots one-shot kill and bodyshots do next to nothing, once you get used to it you can easily take on a few players at once, because the difference between the time to kill of someone that's only aiming for headshots, and someone that's aiming for bodyshots, is insane. No guarantee players make maps with decent loadout or fun loadout options though.

Yep, agree.

So many complaints in this thread I just don't see in my game.

Game is almost perfect for me minus one or two bugs.

Same, to be honest. Really enjoying it, but only half way through.

The only issue I've experienced is that one of my missions says its incomplete on the map screen even though I've beaten it. It registers as complete on the log though, just the icon for it still appears.

That, and I have lots of problems with the arcade mode. The usability of the toolset is terrible, and the core mechanics for PvP just aren't that polished.


Oct 27, 2017
Just finished the game and polished off a few last Trophies. I enjoyed it overall, but, y'know, there's not really much you can say about it that hasn't been said about every other Ubisoft sandbox over the years. It's a good, satisfying formula, but this time in a different time and place. Modern day Montana was a good setting for some gorgeous visuals and the same ol' clear-out-a-base gameplay, and Ubi's writers obviously had a lot of fun with the script. That one cook who had a different name for 'bull testicles' every time he mentioned them was great :P

I thought the main story ranged from unremarkable to straight up bad. I think the devs expected me to be much more impressed by facial-captured actors reading monologues straight into the camera than I could ever have been, so by the twentieth monologue I really just tuned out. The decision to have you spend the whole game trying to rescue paper-thin characters you met for three minutes in an in-medias-res slow-walking intro sequence just did not pay off for me, either, and I honestly don't even know who the guy in Jacob Seed's region was (I guess he must have been the helicopter pilot? I have no memory of that dude). The constant repetition of "villain captures you off-screen, you wake up in their lair, then you escape/are let loose" reached the point of absurdity very quickly. And them straight up telling you they're going to come for your friends, and then you not doing anything to try and get your friends to safety, and then sure enough your friends get taken, like five times over the course of the game. Like, come on.

Stuff like psycho cop from the intro refusing an adrenaline shot to break him out of the Bliss, and then all the characters just going along with it despite knowing that he could still be under Faith's control, just had me rolling my eyes. That scene should have been "No, hold this motherfucker down and forcibly inject him because otherwise he'll kill us all later on", but instead all the characters just wander off and allow him to kill them all later on. Like, that shit's not an option. You can't let the mind-controlled dude walk free in your compound just because he briefly expressed reluctance at getting a shot that cures him of the mind-control. Who wrote this shit?

I thought Jacob Seed's brainwashing thing could have been pretty cool if they hadn't had so much of it happen off-screen. The idea of a villain who has you brainwashed and can take control of you at any moment is strong enough that it could have been the basis for a full game, but here it's so undercooked that you have to read between the lines to even figure out what's going on. The game just randomly fades to black and spawns you in a prison cell where Jacob is already monologuing at you about irrelevant bullshit, then he starts playing his music box, then you're killing guys. How did he brainwash you? How does he get you into the cell every time? How do you keep escaping? It all either happens off-screen or just gets handwaved away by some half-hearted exposition. They skip past all the interesting stuff so they can get back to their regularly scheduled programming of monologue cutscenes and dude-shooting gameplay.

And, yeah, that ending. I didn't see it coming; I'll give them that much. The final mission is an absolute clusterfuck thanks to "Revive my wounded comrade who I just blasted" and "Replace my SPAS-12 with a totally worthless pistol" being mapped to the same button, and then the world blows up. The end. I mean, what can you even say to that? The game immediately ends right after it so there are no consequences. Oh well, see you next Far Cry, I guess? This game and Far Cry 4 at least seem to share continuity, so maybe characters in Far Cry 6 will talk about how America exploded.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Yep, agree.

So many complaints in this thread I just don't see in my game.

Game is almost perfect for me minus one or two bugs.

I honestly don't even know how that's possible. Game is riddled with jank, lack of polish and just bugs in general. It's not streamlined at all, especially by Ubisoft standards.

Sloane Ranger

Oct 27, 2017
New Albany
Man, this is why I don't buy games day one. Thanks for the heads up on this. Hopefully they patch it in some way. I'm just waiting for the next patch before jumping in, hoping it'll be a big one that sorts out a lot of annoyances...

Same happend to me - restarted. Pissed me off.

Far Cry 5 is a perfect example of Micro-transactions which "do not hurt SP" ACTUALLY impacting SP. I should not have to wait over a a minute on a in game store loading screen to buy items with SP cash, just because Ubisoft wants to promote spending real word cash on earnable items in game.


Oct 25, 2017
I will never understand people who self-insert into game narratives

What defines as "lack of polish" to you?
Recording only one conversation between the Guns for Hire and having it loop endlessly

Being locked out of a certain characters mission set after Jacob's demise is also a stunningly poor decision
I didn't even get to begin Eli's quest line before he died


Oct 25, 2017
Having a blast

Truly a dumb and funny game and its the perfect time waster for me right now

Also enjoying the story

The mission variety is very much appreciated. Encourages me to explore and try to find everything. They seem to have made a concerted effort to give every location a story for you to discover

Reminds me a lot of Fallout in that sense


Oct 27, 2017
Having a blast

Truly a dumb and funny game and its the perfect time waster for me right now

Also enjoying the story

The mission variety is very much appreciated. Encourages me to explore and try to find everything. They seem to have made a concerted effort to give every location a story for you to discover

Reminds me a lot of Fallout in that sense

FC5 does have a better sense of exploration and discovery this time around. Just discovered Prosperity in Faith's region. It was pretty cool to stumble on that area.

Deleted member 19813

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
I'm enjoying the exploration. I typically never have OCD in a game, but this game has given me the desire to do everything in it.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly don't even know how that's possible. Game is riddled with jank, lack of polish and just bugs in general. It's not streamlined at all, especially by Ubisoft standards.

35 hours in on the PC version, had one crash and one random bug that caused my van to go flying when I got out. That's it...not bad in my opinion.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Man I fucking love this game. I haven't been this pulled into an open world for a few years. They did good with this one, they done real good.


Oct 25, 2017
The story has so many issues, is it because they had to cut lots of content because of the backlash from conservative medias?

The fight against John was such a letdown.

I gotta admit I have skipped a few cut scenes, but is there an explanation why the deputy just cant drive off and call in help from the army or government? It's not like the game happens over the span of a few hours, its suposed to span days, weeks.

Is there a point to buying the regular cars and vehicles? I was expecting to be able to customize them, like being able to add armor, guns, etc, but.. So far I can't do anything?

Deleted member 19813

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
The story has so many issues, is it because they had to cut lots of content because of the backlash from conservative medias?

The fight against John was such a letdown.

I gotta admit I have skipped a few cut scenes, but is there an explanation why the deputy just cant drive off and call in help from the army or government? It's not like the game happens over the span of a few hours, its suposed to span days, weeks.

Is there a point to buying the regular cars and vehicles? I was expecting to be able to customize them, like being able to add armor, guns, etc, but.. So far I can't do anything?

I've skipped a few as well. I find I get more story out of playing the game than the cutscenes.


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta admit I have skipped a few cut scenes, but is there an explanation why the deputy just cant drive off and call in help from the army or government? It's not like the game happens over the span of a few hours, its suposed to span days, weeks.

Is there a point to buying the regular cars and vehicles? I was expecting to be able to customize them, like being able to add armor, guns, etc, but.. So far I can't do anything?

Close to the start of the game I swear someone mentions that Hope County is kind of cut off from outside communication so they can't call for any backup or help from other places. Now I can't remember who said it but you are supposed to be considered trapped without a way to call out for help outside the county.

No, I think you can only do paint and bobble heads. I guess if you want to be able to spawn a specific car it is useful. Otherwise, you can get a truck for free that has turrets on it which is pretty good if you need it.


Oct 25, 2017
The only annoying bug/glitch I've found was when you are doing a mission and it involves flying, and you crash or get blown up, when you respawn you respawn in a new plane, that is falling out of the sky with no way to get it to start flying again.


Oct 31, 2017
The story has so many issues, is it because they had to cut lots of content because of the backlash from conservative medias?

The fight against John was such a letdown.

I gotta admit I have skipped a few cut scenes, but is there an explanation why the deputy just cant drive off and call in help from the army or government? It's not like the game happens over the span of a few hours, its suposed to span days, weeks.

Is there a point to buying the regular cars and vehicles? I was expecting to be able to customize them, like being able to add armor, guns, etc, but.. So far I can't do anything?
Yeah they probably weren't able to go as far as they wanted given the context of the story. Shame but understandable.

Pretty sure it's mentioned early on that the cult has cut off all communication in and out of the county. You can't get through the tunnels which leave the county either. Also...
the police force who sent you think it went okay with the officer on the radio being shown to be working for the cult.

Not sure if you can customise them sorry. I mostly walk everywhere.


Oct 27, 2017
I usually hate the missions in far Cry games where you are drugged or hallucinating so it has me dreading doing Faith's area. Is there a ton of stuff like that or is it just a couple of story missions where you confront her?

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing the ps4 version and I can't accelerate in any vehicles. I can drive in reverse just fine, but when I try to go forward the cars just creep along at like 1 mph. I've made it through like 6 hours of the game by just using auto drive all of the time.


Oct 25, 2017
I usually hate the missions in far Cry games where you are drugged or hallucinating so it has me dreading doing Faith's area. Is there a ton of stuff like that or is it just a couple of story missions where you confront her?

You have small moments of hallucination in the whole county until she is defeated. I don't think there is a mission where you are actually hallucinating the whole time but there are lots of moments they'll do the visual look where the character is sort of spaced out on Bliss

EDIT: Actually maybe a couple very short missions where you actually control your player that is hallucinating.


Oct 27, 2017
You have small moments of hallucination in the whole county until she is defeated. I don't think there is a mission where you are actually hallucinating the whole time but there are lots of moments they'll do the visual look where the character is sort of spaced out on Bliss

EDIT: Actually maybe a couple very short missions where you actually control your player that is hallucinating.

Ok thanks. If they're short hopefully won't be too bad. Always found them the least interesting missions in previous games and way too long.

Still think I'll leave that area for last though.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, this game may have the most glitchy missions I have seen outside of Bethesda games. In the 5 hours I have played I have seen multiple occasions of: missions randomly disappearing from my journal and returning out of nowhere, completing all objectives only for the mission to not complete and being stuck, missions suddenly being complete without me actually doing them and getting a notification and mission markers just not showing up. Its a bit of a mess, hopefully they will release a patch soon.


Oct 25, 2017
Ok thanks. If they're short hopefully won't be too bad. Always found them the least interesting missions in previous games and way too long.

Still think I'll leave that area for last though.

I still don't like them but I think they aren't as bad as the previous games. You might even spend more time in hallucinatory cutscenes than playing while hallucinating. The worst it gets is probably about the same as fighting a "judge" animal if you've encountered one already.
Oct 27, 2017
Getting used to all the controls for the first time is very overwhelming lol

Just got this today for my birthday and there are so many button prompts it's hard to remember.

Also it's annoying how when you run out of throwing knife it automatically switches to your grenade without letting you know you've run out.


Oct 31, 2017
Man, this game may have the most glitchy missions I have seen outside of Bethesda games. In the 5 hours I have played I have seen multiple occasions of: missions randomly disappearing from my journal and returning out of nowhere, completing all objectives only for the mission to not complete and being stuck, missions suddenly being complete without me actually doing them and getting a notification and mission markers just not showing up. Its a bit of a mess, hopefully they will release a patch soon.
Really? What system are you playing on? I've never had any issues with the missions.

Getting used to all the controls for the first time is very overwhelming lol

Just got this today for my birthday and there are so many button prompts it's hard to remember.

Also it's annoying how when you run out of throwing knife it automatically switches to your grenade without letting you know you've run out.
There's a "throw item" count indicator in the bottom right.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
On a side note does anyone need a buddy for the co-op trophies? Looking to platinum the game and these will be the only ones I'll struggle with.

Shoot me a PM with your PSN.

Yeah most people who complain about the enemy spawns seem to forget you're a fugitive on the run from a country controlled by doomsday cultists. My first instinct was to stay off the roads and within mins I could tell it was a design by choice and I agreed with it since it made sense to me.

I understand this argument. Spawns still need to be cut in half because of the aforementioned issues with talking to NPCs for locations.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Anyone else have trouble with executing the wing-suit? I'm playing on PC and I can't tell you how many times I've fallen to my death because the wing suit doesn't deploy....

Say I am sprinting to an edge of a cliff, do I keep holding shift to auto deploy it.... or do I need to lift my finger off the sprint key (shift) and hit/hold it a second time for the wing-suit to deploy lol.....


Oct 31, 2017
Anyone else have trouble with executing the wing-suit? I'm playing on PC and I can't tell you how many times I've fallen to my death because the wing suit doesn't deploy....

Say I am sprinting to an edge of a cliff, do I keep holding shift to auto deploy it.... or do I need to lift my finger off the sprint key (shift) and hit/hold it a second time for the wing-suit to deploy lol.....
You just tap it once you're in the air. Holding it down doesn't seem to trigger it.


Oct 23, 2017
Anyone else have trouble with executing the wing-suit? I'm playing on PC and I can't tell you how many times I've fallen to my death because the wing suit doesn't deploy....

Say I am sprinting to an edge of a cliff, do I keep holding shift to auto deploy it.... or do I need to lift my finger off the sprint key (shift) and hit/hold it a second time for the wing-suit to deploy lol.....
I honestly had the same issue but on Xbox. There is one of those stunt quests and it was with the wing suit. Must've tried like 10 times before I just quit the thing.


Mar 20, 2018
I usually hate the missions in far Cry games where you are drugged or hallucinating so it has me dreading doing Faith's area. Is there a ton of stuff like that or is it just a couple of story missions where you confront her?

Basically every sequence with Faith is a hallucination sequence, but it's only a couple of story missions. There are also some random hallucinations that pop up in her area but it's minor. You just shoot them and they dissappear.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
You just tap it once you're in the air. Holding it down doesn't seem to trigger it.

I honestly had the same issue but on Xbox. There is one of those stunt quests and it was with the wing suit. Must've tried like 10 times before I just quit the thing.

Would be nice if you just continue to hold sprint after leaping off the edge to deploy it. Sometimes you only have a split second to deploy it, and if I am lifting my finger off the key and then hitting it a second time that's just not enough time in some scenarios haha.



Oct 31, 2017
Would be nice if you just continue to hold sprint after leaping off the edge to deploy it. Sometimes you only have a split second to deploy it, and if I am lifting my finger off the key and then hitting it a second time that's just not enough time in some scenarios haha.

Yeah worst is when you press it before the actual prompt comes up ending in you deploying it late and creating a Deputy skidmark. Hilarious but hopefully they fix it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm staying behind in each region to try and find all the destructible stuff like the silos and shrines. I almost wish there was a map of them like there are for some other collectibles. Luckily I've run into some and found the notes to find the others and I've gotten all the ones from the two regions where I looked for them.

Deleted member 7148

Oct 25, 2017
Is it just me or is this game rather difficult even on the Easy difficulty? Maybe it's because I'm still early into it (almost ready to face John Seed) and need upgrades but man I'm getting my ass handed to me a lot. Those VIP enemies are bullet sponge assholes too. You mean to tell me some dirty shirtless redneck in skinny jeans can take 4 clips of ammo before going down?!


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Is it just me or is this game rather difficult even on the Easy difficulty? Maybe it's because I'm still early into it (almost ready to face John Seed) and need upgrades but man I'm getting my ass handed to me a lot. Those VIP enemies are bullet sponge assholes too. You mean to tell me some dirty shirtless redneck in skinny jeans can take 4 clips of ammo before going down?!
I don't think difficulty settings affects anything outside of how much damage you take.


I shed
Oct 25, 2017
I honestly had the same issue but on Xbox. There is one of those stunt quests and it was with the wing suit. Must've tried like 10 times before I just quit the thing.

Same. I can't do that one on Xbox because the damn thing won't deploy before I hit the ground. I might try mapping it to a paddle because left-stick-click just isn't responsive.