
Oct 27, 2017
Vice City

i'd been wanting to create a catch-all thread for the growing threat of the alt-right/nazis and why denying them a platform is both important and highly successful. ERA is infinitely better at dealing with this garbage than 99% of other gaming communities (in my experience), but gaming side still has a slew of defenders cropping up every time a gamergater or other bigot rises through the cracks & creates something they like - more often than not though, the response is a weak but seemingly well-intended, boogie-esque centerist bit:


setting aside the obvious truths about stances like this defaulting to the oppressor: let's talk about why engaging - and thereby normalizing - nazis only serves to empower them.

Fascism & Nazis are on the rise - here's a thread i did earlier today: SPLC: The Alt-Right is Killing People
no shit, right? here in the states, we've a president that rose on bigoted statements & xenophobic promises, quickly defunded groups fighting white supremacist recruitment, praised both sides as "having good people" the day a nazi killed someone in charlottesville, and our highest law agencies now target "black identity extremists" while seemingly turning a blind eye to the actual growing threat of white extremist terror.

we've seen fawning pieces on richard spencer & co, and while this normalization continues, hate crime - particularly attacks on the muslim community - continues to rise.

maybe you knew a lot of this...but maybe you make academic distinctions between alt-right "trolls", and actual nazis, so here's a helpful venn diagram:


i'm glad we could clear that up. if you're curious about the links between gamergate, PUA/MRA type nonsense & this rise, here's a good starting piece: NBC News Traces the Link Between GamerGate, Trump Supporters, Alt-Right

But what about Free Speech?!


while the link between cries about free speech & support for hate speech are known, i think what matters here - apart from the fact that the 1st amendment refers to the state, and not the marketplace of ideas showing yours the door - is the importance of understanding how fascism & its historical goal of authoritarian genocide starts by attempts to legitimize itself.

gamergate, for example, didn't spontaneously manifest with the infamous slut-shaming incident accredited to its beginnings: the roots of misogynistic behavior were deep in gaming "culture", and a banner to fly under & mainstream attention for toxic views on women, diversity, multiculturalism, a disdain for political correctness (often known as civility), and such were the perfect combination for alt-right breeding & recruitment.

as numbers & public attention increase, so does the veil of legitimacy. the problem comes in with waffling "both sides" arguments, that treats hateful, poor-faith arguments for the dehumanization of marginalized communities as though they had any merit. the same way flat-earthers are not given a seat at the table of science discussions, holocaust denial with history, one of the single greatest things you can do to combat this garbage is to not engage it as though it were an honest and worthwhile view.

also, to quote another: the only way one can put absolute free speech (which in itself is arguable) over the well being of oppressed communities is if you see the whole of life as a debate hall.

another way to put it:

Denying them a platform at every turn is, historically, the most effect way of dealing with their growth

though a little pressed for time at this point, i'll happily expand this section later with examples of neo-nazi groups seeing their marches/recruitment drives stunted by disruption, to the point of their numbers dwindling. for our purposes though, this is already happening:

We've seen an escalation in the deplatforming of nazi and white supremacists hate groups lately, with companies like GoDaddy, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, Spotify, Cloudflare, Google, Squarespace, Paypal, Airbnb, GoFundMe, OkCupid, Twilio, SendGrid, Zoho, Reddit, Uber, Kickstarter, WordPress, LinkedIn, MailChimp, EventBrite, SoundCloud, Bumble, Instagram, Namecheap, Discover Financial Services, Visa, and Youtube denying them a place to spread their hate online, and off.

all this before Patreon just last year. in our capitalist society, it really helps to show advertisers that hate speech isn't worth it - Sleeping Giants, for instance, has had great success at taking ad revenue from Breitbart.

we need more of this - opposition to speeches on college campuses, pressure on any revenue sources they have and heat on sites allowing them a presense & platform from which to recruit. to quote a friend:

No oxygen for Nazi viewpoints. Period.
Fuckery has consequences in 2018, boyos.

more to come - meantime, here's some more good material

No Platform for Fascism toolkit, a great tool to report such hateful recruitment videos on YouTube

This Is The Daily Stormer's Playbook



~ "Anti-Semite and Jew" by Jean Paul-Sartre circa 1944

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Oct 29, 2017
Great topic. Following. Speaking of, here's a video I watched today breaking down the absurdity of the both sides argument, particularly painting resistance to fascism and bigotry as bad as fascism and bigotry itself:



Oct 25, 2017
great OP, just want to add that boogie's "fence-sitting" is not well-intended at all and purely driven by financial and self-importance greed. he wants to stay in the limelight and be referenced by those who are popular (brand and $$$), pretending to be some wise sage who somehow found the middle-ground between decency and nazis (impossible due to their natures), while actually maintaining a cowardly and spineless position. he is a pathetic person doing much more harm than good when he decides to defend pieces of shit, and he is absolutely 100% aware of what he is doing

there are some who accidentally fall into the "fence-sitting" position merely due to ignorance, and who can sometimes be explained the fallacies of it. he is not one of them


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
thanks y'all - tried to be thorough but i still left stuff out, like this important one here:


also fair points on boogie, i'd not considered that


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
To those who say there's a difference between Nazism and trolls saying Nazi-esque crap:

"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." ~ "Anti-Semite and Jew" by Jean Paul-Sartre circa 1944


Oct 27, 2017
What are the requirements for one to be considered a fascist or member of the alt-right?
Because I've seen these terms used quite loosely, and sometimes just as an umbrella catch-all term, some on GAF were calling Ethan Klein alt-right.
James Damore is speaking at my campus this month, I've heard students calling him alt-right.
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Deleted member 24112

User requested account deletion
Oct 29, 2017
Great Thread OP. Looking forward to discussion.
great OP, just want to add that boogie's "fence-sitting" is not well-intended at all and purely driven by financial and self-importance greed. he wants to stay in the limelight and be referenced by those who are popular (brand and $$$), pretending to be some wise sage who somehow found the middle-ground between decency and nazis (impossible due to their natures), while actually maintaining a cowardly and spineless position. he is a pathetic person doing much more harm than good when he decides to defend pieces of shit, and he is absolutely 100% aware of what he is doing

there are some who accidentally fall into the "fence-sitting" position merely due to ignorance, and who can sometimes be explained the fallacies of it. he is not one of them

Completely agree with all of this. Boogie knows exactly what he is doing.

Chairman Yang

Oct 25, 2017
I have to admit that I've become less enthused about free speech over time because of the resurgence of Nazism. I cared more about it because I thought it would gradually lead to a marketplace of ideas where the best outcomes would eventually emerge triumphant. Now I think unfettered free speech seems to lead to its own destruction. Nazis, Stalinists, radical Islamists--they've happily used free speech to gain power before promptly shutting it down.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Fascist nazi-loving garbage is no different than a fucking cancer. You don't "learn to live with it" or accept it as some normal. You nuke the fuck out of it or cut it out entirely.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Nice OP. Hopefully some people will be disabused of the notion that these things can be defeated by letting them cook

So what are the requirements for one to be considered a fascist or member of the alt-right?
Because I've seen these terms used quite loosely, and sometimes just as an umbrella catch-all term, some on GAF were calling Ethan Klein alt-right.
James Damore is speaking at my campus this month, I've heard students calling him alt-right.

Damore isn't alt-right, he's a proponent of scientific bigotry with poor impulse control, who then threw in with the alt-right when they embraced him for reasons we all understand.
It's a shame that someone wasted money on getting him to speak at your school but free market right

I think the more important question would be what do you consider facist or alt-right.


Oct 25, 2017
So what are the requirements for one to be considered a fascist or member of the alt-right?
Because I've seen these terms used quite loosely, and sometimes just as an umbrella catch-all term, some on GAF were calling Ethan Klein alt-right.
James Damore is speaking at my campus this month, I've heard students calling him alt-right.

Klein = He's a """"""""centrist"""""""" (in other words, a useful idiot) who's a bit too buddy-buddy with actual Nazis like JonTron and Joey Salads
Damore = Jesus Christ how could you consider him anything else?


Oct 27, 2017
Nice OP. Hopefully some people will be disabused of the notion that these things can be defeated by letting them cook

Damore isn't alt-right, he's a proponent of scientific bigotry with poor impulse control, who then threw in with the alt-right when they embraced him for reasons we all understand.
It's a shame that someone wasted money on getting him to speak at your school but free market right

I think the more important question would be what do you consider facist or alt-right.
People like David Duke or Richard spencer who wish and call for hate, discrimination and an ethnostate.
People like Arthur Jones and Cannon in politics,also most of what Trump says.
On YouTube, maybe someone like Steven Crowder from some videos I saw, like alt-right Lite, idk.

Klein = He's a useful """"""""centrist"""""""" idiot who's a bit too buddy-buddy with actual Nazis like JonTron and Joey Salads
Damore = Jesus Christ how could you consider him anything else?
Well, I actually read the memo, did you?
Call it insulting, sexist, ignorant, but not fascist or alt-right.
And again, you can call JonTron a xenophobe, or even racist, but not a Nazi, I think the terms and language we use matter.
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Oct 25, 2017
The Hundred Acre Wood
Indeed, even in our wake behind us we're seeing the rise of alt-right/fascist dialogue and what's more is it spreads QUICKLY. It's the same as "I'm just asking questions"-style Fox News rhetoric, where the goal is to abuse the openness of others to poison dialogue and ultimately control it.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
People like David Duke or Richard spencer who wish and call for hate, discrimination and an ethnostate.
On YouTube, maybe someone like Steven Crowder from some videos I saw, like alt-right Lite, idk.

Well, I actually read the memo, did you?
Call it insulting, sexist, ignorant, but not fascist or alt-right.
And again, you can call JonTron a xenophobe, or even racist, but not a Nazi, I think the terms and language we use matter.

David Duke is not alt-right, he's an ex-Klan leader. He's full on mainstream white supremacist and neo-Nazi. Spencer's too easy because he's usually the first example brought up for having "coined" the term.
Crowder is comfortably alt-right.

JonTron is frankly too stupid to even be alt-right.


Oct 25, 2017
Some definitions.

Alt right is just a rebranding effort, it doesn't have a cohesive ideology. But people within that sphere tend to be white nationalists/supremacists, misogynists, antisemites, "traditionalists", and bigots of various stripes. You can be a hardcore conservative Christian (evangelical, Catholic, Orthodox, doesnt really matter), neopagan, Hindu or whatever. They're not all fascists - many are more libertarian/ancap - but fascism is prominent. The primary uniting factor if anything is resentment.

Fascism itself is a broad, reactionary ideology that positions itself as a "radical centrist/third way", though most of everyone else would call it extremely far right. Mussolini was influenced by anarchism (paging kristoffer) and specifically syndicalism, believing that the economy had to be restructured away from pure capitalist bourgeois control into a more "organic" system where people of all classes worked together under the guiding hand of the state for the good of the nation. They idolized action, violence, and technology.

Hitler went full-on crazy with it by slapping a racial element on top, making it all about Aryanism. The idea of the fascist variant of "national socialism" is thus to defend and propagate a particular race with the power of the state, yanking control of the economy away from "cosmopolitan" elites who are only in it for themselves and have no roots in the nation (for Hitler, this meant Jews; these days its "the swamp"/"globalists"/basically Jews). This is why Nazis consider themselves "socialists" while literally no other socialists do and, in fact, most socialists see fascism as a final protection of the bourgeoisie in response to the rising power of the left. I think you can see the parallels to that fairly easily in people like the Mercers.
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Oct 28, 2017
I have to admit that I've become less enthused about free speech over time because of the resurgence of Nazism. I cared more about it because I thought it would gradually lead to a marketplace of ideas where the best outcomes would eventually emerge triumphant. Now I think unfettered free speech seems to lead to its own destruction. Nazis, Stalinists, radical Islamists--they've happily used free speech to gain power before promptly shutting it down.

Yeah the marketplace of ideas is a total farce. Applying free market philosophy to democracy was a mistake.


Oct 28, 2017
I have to admit that I've become less enthused about free speech over time because of the resurgence of Nazism. I cared more about it because I thought it would gradually lead to a marketplace of ideas where the best outcomes would eventually emerge triumphant. Now I think unfettered free speech seems to lead to its own destruction. Nazis, Stalinists, radical Islamists--they've happily used free speech to gain power before promptly shutting it down.

The bolded is an interesting thought. Freedom of speech allows for freedom to disseminate false information. If a powerful group within a society ever gets to use that ability effectively, this could make the society prone to manipulation. This can lead to a form of government whose control structure is oligarchic in nature.

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
Is pew die pie alt right? I remember him making nazi "jokes" and using racial slurs but he is almost never mentioned. Is it the lack of political motivation that makes it more just racism than alt rightism?


Oct 27, 2017
Nice OP, thanks. As to denying these barbarians a platform, that sounds too civil for my taste. We know what they want to do and millions died the last time they tried to do it. Never again.

In case you haven't been paying attention, not only can fascism happen here, we are watching the foundations being laid as we speak.

Namby pamby rhetoric like "the cure for hate speech is more speech" don't cut it and I'm sure the European Jews in 1932 would agree.
Oct 26, 2017
Great thread idea. Also for those more interested in the supposed "free-speech/deplatforming crisis" on college campuses, I posted an article not too long ago that debunks that controversy pretty well via Forbes (Contributor).

The thread for those interested.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Is pew die pie alt right? I remember him making nazi "jokes" and using racial slurs but he is almost never mentioned. Is it the lack of political motivation that makes it more just racism than alt rightism?

Yeah, he's just a racist nerd. He doesn't seem to have any larger agenda than making money

Deleted member 29676

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 1, 2017
Yeah, he's just a racist nerd. He doesn't seem to have any larger agenda than making money

Thats the impression I got too but saying "just racist" seemed really wrong too especially with so much of his fan base being kids. Wasn't sure if I was just out of touch and there was a consensus on him.

spam musubi

Oct 25, 2017
I mostly agree, but Destiny seems to be doing a great job of debating alt-righters then destroying them and making them look like total idiots. But most people aren't Destiny and can't do what he does, so in most normal situations I agree.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Thats the impression I got too but saying "just racist" seemed really wrong too especially with so much of his fan base being kids. Wasn't sure if I was just out of touch and there was a consensus on him.

It is a terrible side effect that his mostly kid audience sees him being casually racist without consequences, but it's almost because he's not invested in it that he does it so casually.


Oct 25, 2017
So people like this guy?

It's actually concerning me what to do if this happens when I'm out with my family and one of these knuckledraggers starts talking.


Oct 26, 2017
Some definitions.

Alt right is just a rebranding effort, it doesn't have a cohesive ideology. But people within that sphere tend to be white nationalists/supremacists, misogynists, antisemites, "traditionalists", and bigots of various stripes. You can be a hardcore conservative Christian (evangelical, Catholic, Orthodox, doesntd really matter), neopagan, Hindu or whatever. They're not all fascists - many are more libertarian/ancap - but fascism is prominent.

Fascism itself is a broad, reactionary ideology that positions itself as a "radical centerc /third way, though most of everyone else would call it extremely far right. Mussolini was influenced by anarchism (paging kristoffer) and specifically syndicalism, believing that the economy had to be restructured away from pure capitalist bourgeois control into a more "organic" system where people of all classes worked together under the guiding hand of the state for the good of the nation. They idolized action, violence, and technology.

Hitler went full-on crazy with it by slapping a racial element on top, making it all about Aryanism. The idea of the fascist variant of "national socialism" is thus to defend and propagate a particular race with the power of the state, yanking control of the economy away from "cosmopolitan" elites who are only in it for themselves and have no roots in the nation (for Hitler, this meant Jews; these days its "the swamp"/"globalists"/basically Jews). This is why Nazis consider themselves "socialists" while literally no other socialists do and, in fact, most socialists see fascism as a final protection of the bourgeoisie in response to the rising power of the left. I think you can see the parallels to that fairly easily in people like the Mercers.

Here's a bit of confusion I always have.

The traditional "left" or socialist leaning politics call for a bigger government in more control of more aspects of people's lives, in order to provide for those less fortunate, or redistribute wealth to be better used for all of society.

The traditional "right" or libertarian leaning politics call for de-centralizing the government and giving more power to smaller local governments to serve fewer people and take power away from a large nationwide government.

So why is the "right" associated with fascism if they also call for "smaller government" that doesn't have a huge power or influence over everyone in the nation? Isn't that key to fascist ideology?


Oct 25, 2017
Is pew die pie alt right? I remember him making nazi "jokes" and using racial slurs but he is almost never mentioned. Is it the lack of political motivation that makes it more just racism than alt rightism?

He perpetuated the alt-right "reading books" meme (every alt-righter is obsessively reading books right now, btw, a good way to spot em) with his new video and even read typical alt-right books, including Fahrenheit 451, Aldous Huxley, Jordan Peterson.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
Here's a bit of confusion I always have.

The traditional "left" or socialist leaning politics call for a bigger government in more control of more aspects of people's lives, in order to provide for those less fortunate, or redistribute wealth to be better used for all of society.

The traditional "right" or libertarian leaning politics call for de-centralizing the government and giving more power to smaller local governments to serve fewer people and take power away from a large nationwide government.

So why is the "right" associated with fascism if they also call for "smaller government" that doesn't have a huge power or influence over everyone in the nation? Isn't that key to fascist ideology?
Because the majority of the right just care about being racist shit bags. No matter the cost.


Oct 25, 2017
thanks y'all - tried to be thorough but i still left stuff out, like this important one here:


also fair points on boogie, i'd not considered that
The irony is this came out near Hitler's death. There are dangers inherent in deplatforming, and ironically Nazi Germany is an example. The German government shutting down communists and Hitler's party was misrepresented by them to gain public support.

Within reason, I think it better to let awful ideology see the public discourse. As it is all the easier to slay it. Pushing it underground only let's it fester and grow. Evergreen college is a recent example of the backlash, and how ideologues can spin it to their benefit.

Remember; Reality has a liberal bias, and it is anathema to those people. I'm glad Canada has well established hate speech laws to avoid these things.(Im at work and would like to talk more when i get home)


Oct 27, 2017
Vice City
I have to admit that I've become less enthused about free speech over time because of the resurgence of Nazism. I cared more about it because I thought it would gradually lead to a marketplace of ideas where the best outcomes would eventually emerge triumphant. Now I think unfettered free speech seems to lead to its own destruction. Nazis, Stalinists, radical Islamists--they've happily used free speech to gain power before promptly shutting it down.

yeah, that's imperative about the notion of a marketplace of ideas: i think it's the same as the social illusion of meritocracy, where we assume everyone's rational & unbiased, therefore the cream rises to the top and the garbage floats away

most folks didn't hear about nazis for a long time, in the same way the spotlight wasn't on things like police brutality for years so i think many assumed it was somehow not an issue anymore.

but if the marketplace of ideas was a thing that held, fascism would never have taken control as it has in the past.

Well, I actually read the memo, did you?
Call it insulting, sexist, ignorant, but not fascist or alt-right.
And again, you can call JonTron a xenophobe, or even racist, but not a Nazi, I think the terms and language we use matter.

i do too, and jontron's an idiot but he fits the bill - going to bat for steven king's desire to curb immigration & see an ethnostate is pretty telling.

again, i don't need to see a dude goose stepping in an SS uniform with 2 forms of gov't ID to call a spade a spade

This is why Nazis consider themselves "socialists" while literally no other socialists do and, in fact, most socialists see fascism as a final protection of the bourgeoisie in response to the rising power of the left. I think you can see the parallels to that fairly easily in people like the Mercers.

yeah, i'd always assumed it was a PR move to try & absorb some of the socialist groups they were breaking up, or a take on socializing nationalism (which they did). nobody takes them for actual socialists.

also in regards to defining fascism, i think it's important to couple ultra-nationalism with hyper-masculinity and deep misogyny. it's why the current form enjoys both deep anti-semitism and trans/homophobia and the like as central tenants.

Is pew die pie alt right? I remember him making nazi "jokes" and using racial slurs but he is almost never mentioned. Is it the lack of political motivation that makes it more just racism than alt rightism?

i personally think dude falls under useful idiot: the further they can push him to help legitimize their views under anti-PC, free speech etc banners, the better. i could swear daily stormer had a thread on him when it all went down.

Nice OP, thanks. As to denying these barbarians a platform, that sounds too civil for my taste. We know what they want to do and millions died the last time they tried to do it. Never again.

In case you haven't been paying attention, not only can fascism happen here, we are watching the foundations being laid as we speak.

Namby pamby rhetoric like "the cure for hate speech is more speech" don't cut it and I'm sure the European Jews in 1932 would agree.

agreed on all fronts, but i figured the other half of antifascism was a bit much for this thread, heh

Great thread idea. Also for those more interested in the supposed "free-speech/deplatforming crisis" on college campuses, I posted an article not too long ago that debunks that controversy pretty well via Forbes (Contributor).

The thread for those interested.

yeah, this is good and highly relevant as well - thanks for this


Oct 25, 2017
He perpetuated the alt-right "reading books" meme (every alt-righter is obsessively reading books right now, btw, a good way to spot em) with his new video and even read typical alt-right books, including Fahrenheit 451, Aldous Huxley, Jordan Peterson.
Fahrenheit 451 is an alt-right book? feck

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
So people like this guy?

It's actually concerning me what to do if this happens when I'm out with my family and one of these knuckledraggers starts talking.

I'd say this is just a garden variety racist.

One thing about the alt-right is they take care to appear civil, educated, and relatable. It's why centrists/moderate are so readily fooled by them. Being well dressed and speaking calmly and with elocution gets them in the door to then talk about how blacks are genetically inferior or how trans women don't deserve protection.

Look at conversations here or in other online spaces where someone will say something that is obviously bigoted or just plain stupid in some way, but because they said so without swearing or using slurs, the believe they are entitled to have their bigotry respected as an "opinion" and others will come to their defense. When in spaces where they don't have to worry about appearances all that "civility" goes out the window.

This is also part of why older white supremacist figures tend not to like the alt-right (i.e Bannon and Spencer); they draw attention to the underlying processes because of their two-faced nature.


Oct 25, 2017
He perpetuated the alt-right "reading books" meme (every alt-righter is obsessively reading books right now, btw, a good way to spot em) with his new video and even read typical alt-right books, including Fahrenheit 451, Aldous Huxley, Jordan Peterson.
Fahrenheit 451 is not an alt-right book.

I guess in principle you can read anything into anything if you really want to but I can't really see any sense in calling it an alt-right book.


Oct 25, 2017
Here's a bit of confusion I always have.

The traditional "left" or socialist leaning politics call for a bigger government in more control of more aspects of people's lives, in order to provide for those less fortunate, or redistribute wealth to be better used for all of society.

The traditional "right" or libertarian leaning politics call for de-centralizing the government and giving more power to smaller local governments to serve fewer people and take power away from a large nationwide government.

So why is the "right" associated with fascism if they also call for "smaller government" that doesn't have a huge power or influence over everyone in the nation? Isn't that key to fascist ideology?

Because fascism is intrinsically linked with nationalism and the silencing of opposition (see: minorities) with force.


Oct 25, 2017
thanks y'all - tried to be thorough but i still left stuff out, like this important one here:


also fair points on boogie, i'd not considered that

Who wants unlimited tolerance? I have to assume the Karl Popper argument is presented much better in his text. Time to find out!

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Farenheit 451 is from a time when something like the alt-right wasn't even necessary lol. Have they attempted to co-opt it or something?