Deleted member 3058

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Another issue the left has when it comes to deplatforming. Often they fall into traps like this in their fervor to be the voice of the righteous. I've often seen leftists mock and shame other leftists over misunderstandings or just straight up people not staying in their lane. There's so much infighting that often causes leftists movements to lose to a fairly uniform right movement.
People need to let the "the left eats itself" meme die. The right has as much, if not more, infighting and yet there's no equivalent meme (conservatives vs tea party, alt-right adjacents vs never-trumpers, the religious right vs libertarians, etc and etc).

Falling for gaslighting doesn't 'cancel' you. It's a learning opportunity and a moment for growth.
Warning people not to fall for trolls is not an attack. It's a warning to stay vigilant for people without good intentions.

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
Some things. People did debate alt-righters, it didn't work, just gave them a platform, anything can be claimed as fake news and here in the UK, people don't trust experts, people don't care about facts, just their emotions. Anyone who stands with the alt right and doesn't call their shit out, defends them, or ignores them is pretty much just as bad, wtf is with this not all alt right going on in this thread lmao. You also probably have some questionable views if you put yourself in the center or moderate political positions these days, I would even argue that being economically conservative and still voting right or being both sides conservative is questionable (Selfish? Truly believe in the free market? Why? Just a cover?).


Oct 25, 2017
I think that's a disingenuous interpretation from my argument. Deplatforming Nazism and the alt-right is something that should be done. However, let's not deny that many leftists tend to push their personal ideologies as some sort of fact of nature even in issues up for debate.

Hell, you had people arguing about a leftist book in this very thread on if it's somehow tied to Nazism (lol it's not even close.)

Ah I see.

Stuff like this is why providing the precedent of total "deplatforming" is tricky. I think in the case of Nazism though it's an obvious choice largely because the existence of Nazism is a threat to free speech itself. It's a cancer the body itself produces that needs to be cut out before it kills everything.

In all those examples either side may claim to be correct but at least they're both willing to discuss it. Fascism by definition does not encourage discussion.


Oct 27, 2017
Here's a bit of confusion I always have.

The traditional "left" or socialist leaning politics call for a bigger government in more control of more aspects of people's lives, in order to provide for those less fortunate, or redistribute wealth to be better used for all of society.

The traditional "right" or libertarian leaning politics call for de-centralizing the government and giving more power to smaller local governments to serve fewer people and take power away from a large nationwide government.

So why is the "right" associated with fascism if they also call for "smaller government" that doesn't have a huge power or influence over everyone in the nation? Isn't that key to fascist ideology?

The single axis view doesn't work really, you need to look at authoritarian vs libertarian as well. You can be left wing libertarian (close to anarchism I'd guess) or left wing authoritarian (previous U.K. Labour government) similarly you can be right wing libertarian (Rob Paul) and right wing authoritarian (Hitler).

Left vs right is more about control of the means of production than anything. Both can be big or small government. In the States most right wingers are libertarian, but in the U.K. for example most tories want the state to crack down on perceived moral shortcomings and to track pedos and terrorists and the like. You could argue the current split in the Conservative Party is along these lines with liberal Tories being anti-Brexit and authoritarian Tories being pro.

Of course as with all politicial ideologies, these are very broad brushes and one quickly becomes undone if looking for some kind of logical consistency between positions.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
Very soon Im sure we'll be debating Anti vaxxers.
We basically already are. They're given interviews on news stations and put in high ranking positions of power.
I'm tired of it.
If it makes a few idiots uneasy that "OUR RIGHTS ARE BEING TAKEN AWAY!" just to be rid of the hateful bigots, racists and those that want to destroy humanity, so be it.


Oct 28, 2017
I think that's a disingenuous interpretation from my argument. Deplatforming Nazism and the alt-right is something that should be done. However, let's not deny that many leftists tend to push their personal ideologies as some sort of fact of nature even in issues up for debate. This was merely an answer to the question I responded to.

Hell, you had people arguing about a leftist book in this very thread on if it's somehow tied to Nazism (lol it's not even close.)

Yo that's a pretty inaccurate representation of what actually happened. More like people were just expressing disappointment that a book they really liked is now becoming an alt right favorite, and there was a discussion of how ironic that situation was given the subject matter of the book. No one is saying it's actually tied to Nazism.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
The internet is becoming more influential of the political climate than ever before. If Spencer (an extreme example in this case) hadnt been interviewed, then he would just go on livestreams with people like Sargon, who get hundreds of thousands of view per video, and spread his ideology there.
youtube should not have been giving people like sargon a platform either
Also its really silly to think that if you "let these ideas rot" they wont exist. Right leaning thought is very prevalent among the younger generation, its impossible to just act like the ideology will just deteriorate. That is a temporary solution to a big problem. You have to debate this stuff, or risk ideas like race realism and "the migrant crisis in Europe" becoming memes that are spread around ad nauseum.
only because useful idiots like youtube is giving alt-right influencers a platform
A good example of combating this was hbomberguys video on Soy.
sure but for every successful takedown like this you have 10 ineffectual ones that only help spread the toxic ideas


Oct 29, 2017
Gotta disagree. People are listening to Coulter, Shapiro, and the other goons precisely because they are given a platform. Engaging with them in the first place helps to legitimize them, because it positions and frames them to onlookers that their side, their ideology, is worth debating with. And it's not. It's cut and dried hate.

Also, people have been watching Fox News, InfoWars, Joe Rogan, Sargon of Akkad, etc. for a long time. People didn't just suddenly start reading Breitbart in 2016. These platforms for hate have existed for a very long time.
Joe Rogan is a platform for hate now? He's a dumb jock who pretty much stays politically libertarian/middle of the road.


Oct 27, 2017
"We shouldn't be violent to Nazis" ie a group that advocates GENOCIDE
Discomfort about someone comparing a guy, who spreads Nazi conspiracies, to a Nazi

Don't you see a bit of a problem in the two points, side-by-side? Peterson was not compared to, but called a (neo)nazi. By your own account (with which I agree), (neo)nazis advocate genocide. The step from being against gay marriage because of a warped view on why people might fight for it to hating certain ethnical groups to the point of demanding them being eradicated is a... rather big one, I'd say. If (neo)nazi as a term is being used to describe people with traditional conservative viewpoints - as shitty as one might find these viewpoints - it plays down the actual meaning of the term. The quotes of Peterson on feminism, privilege and transsexuality that were posted afterwards are also consistent with a conservative societal view. Mind you, I do not agree with most of these things quoted (to be clear: The exceptions are "inventing a lot of new pronouns" which I agree is silly and "the pill was helping female emancipation", which I agree is true), but they are not outside the realm of conservativism.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
the best way to snuff out the growing ground for fascism in its various incarnations among poorer folks is large-scale economic redistribution and social democracy


Oct 29, 2017
youtube should not have been giving people like sargon a platform either

only because useful idiots like youtube is giving alt-right influencers a platform

sure but for every successful takedown like this you have 10 ineffectual ones that only help spread the toxic ideas
Unfortunately you cant just remove people that you disagree with. Sargon hasnt really broken any rules as of yet. It can become really arbitrary who we remove in fear of them being alt-right. For example, some have said Joe Rogan is alt-right (this got said a lot on GAF from people who dont watch him), despite him not really being political, because he sometimes says things that dont align with left leaning view.

It isnt always as clear cut as with people like Spencer, all of this is on a spectrum, so deplatforming people you may see as useful idiots isnt always the best way to combat this.
Oct 25, 2017
Jumping on this question the one topic I see constantly being shouted down is the concept of sex positivity when it comes to sex work. Many liberal/feminist voices often correlate porn and prostitution as inherently exploitative when sex work is work.

Another topic I see especially from leftists is the push against scientific advances when it comes to food and medicine. The anti-vaxxer movement started from the left.

Recently I've seen on Twitter people shitting all over Elon Musk for launching a car into space. Yes it's noteworthy to point out the working conditions his employees are under is pure hell but at the same time that doesn't mean downplaying the importance of space travel and transport and shouting down others celebrating the accomplishment is somehow ok.

Another issue the left has when it comes to deplatforming. Often they fall into traps like this in their fervor to be the voice of the righteous. I've often seen leftists mock and shame other leftists over misunderstandings or just straight up people not staying in their lane. There's so much infighting that often causes leftists movements to lose to a fairly uniform right movement.

The Musk comment is hilarious. We're not condeming the work of SpaceX .we're calling out the lauding and celebratory nature of Musk as the sole reason of all of this. The man has made himself larger than his company. His questionable actions should absolutely be called out and it has nothing to do with the advancements in science and space. It's hilarious how fast people will turn to these hyperbole statements like downfall of education and equivalency to anti vaxxers


Oct 31, 2017
For quite a while now his podcast has played host to people like Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein, James Damore, Ben Shapiro, etc. The list goes on, my dude.

Isn't Bret Weinstein the really gentle, soft spoken left-winger that was hounded out of his job for standing up to bullies?

What's he done wrong?

Deleted member 13364

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Unfortunately you cant just remove people that you disagree with. Sargon hasnt really broken any rules as of yet. It can become really arbitrary who we remove in fear of them being alt-right. For example, some have said Joe Rogan is alt-right (this got said a lot on GAF from people who dont watch him), despite him not really being political, because he sometimes says things that dont align with left leaning view.

It isnt always as clear cut as with people like Spencer, all of this is on a spectrum, so deplatforming people you may see as useful idiots isnt always the best way to combat this.

I don't know exactly what you mean by "broken any rules", but I assume you haven't seen his latest outburst?


Oct 27, 2017
Yo that's a pretty inaccurate representation of what actually happened. More like people were just expressing disappointment that a book they really liked is now becoming an alt right favorite, and there was a discussion of how ironic that situation was given the subject matter of the book. No one is saying it's actually tied to Nazism.
I don't get the logics behind this. What is the issue of right wing people and nazis read a book you like? With Fahrenheit in particular, it does have a (as I see it) good political message, so at worst, they don't get the message, but the book remains a good one.


Oct 25, 2017
The OP is exactly correct.

And this thread shows why.

Nazi ideals are not to be debated and allowed to become normal.

So many of you continue to help move hate speech meant to cause harm into an acceptable part of society.

Yet here you are, concerned about some middle ground ideal that doesn't exist. Sometimes in life there are simple rights and wrongs. Good and bad.

Stomp these alt right Nazi fuckboys out of existence. Allowing them to be comfortable and gain influence leads to the breakdown of society and the deaths of innocents. Your debate and moderating skills won't stop it.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't Bret Weinstein the really gentle, soft spoken left-winger that was hounded out of his job for standing up to bullies?

What's he done wrong?

You mean this guy?


Oct 28, 2017
I don't get the logics behind this. What is the issue of right wing people and nazis read a book you like? With Fahrenheit in particular, it does have a (as I see it) good political message, so at worst, they don't get the message, but the book remains a good one.
Because racists are terrible and we don't want them to like the same stuff we like? I pretty much get it, though I've never read Fahrenheit 451.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't think he is either but people who are enjoy him *shrug*
Then shit dude I gotta burn my copy of They Live because the Alt-Right latched onto it seeing it as a movie about the ZOG despite John Carpenter repeatedly telling everyone that it was a satire against Reagan-era Yuppies.

I mean jeez was a dangerous notion, we have to ban/or inhibit the circulation of media because the bad people can enjoy it.
For quite a while now his podcast has played host to people like Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein, James Damore, Ben Shapiro, etc. The list goes on, my dude.
Playboy Magazine in its heyday let all kinds of radical people from the far left and right be interviewed. It was journalism.

Or are you upset that Rogan's interview style is to let them speak their mind largely uncontested unless they target Joe's sacred cow (Cannabis)? Because Louis Theroux also pretty much lets terrible people speak their minds only being ready to politely confront their hypocrisy towards the end of his documentaries.

I'm not a huge Rogan fan I find most of his interviews to be boring, but I get legitimately scared when people talk of
deplatforming someone innocuous like him.


Oct 28, 2017

This looks like Bret is pointing out what is racist about the picture in a clever way that may make the asker look stupid. Now, I'm not too sure why Ayaan is asking that question and she may be asking tongue in cheek. I've seen Bret speak a fair amount, and as someone who hates the alt-right, I really don't think Bret fits into the narrative the way people perceive him too.


Nov 4, 2017
But 'platform of hate?' Really? This kind of rhetoric is what turns a lot of people away from leftist causes.

Centrists aren't "leftist" or "liberal" even if a large number of them are DNC voters so I don't really care what makes them feel bad. The people "pushed away" due to it were never coming with anything more than worthless lip service anyways.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get the logics behind this. What is the issue of right wing people and nazis read a book you like? With Fahrenheit in particular, it does have a (as I see it) good political message, so at worst, they don't get the message, but the book remains a good one.
The answer is itself in that quote you're responding to; "there was a discussion of how ironic that situation was given the matter of the book", it's disappointing that the message of a book can either be oblivious to readers like those in the alt-right (else they'd either have to challenge the book, or change their views if they agree) or bastardise the text with their own subtext analysis, either way from a literary stand-point it's doing both book and author a disservice, but as Gio said it wasn't about it now being tied to Nazism. Take Citizen Kane for instance, the fact Trump has so colossally misinterpreted the film whenever he raves about it's greatness, or is at a level of narcissistic ignorance he can't fathom the film being a cautionary tale of the very likes of him, doesn't mean the film is viewed as shit, just that it's tragic how something so well constructed like a piece of literary or cinematic art can be so ineffectual in educating or swaying those with abhorrent views.


Oct 28, 2017
But 'platform of hate?' Really? This kind of rhetoric is what turns a lot of people away from leftist causes.
I mean, that's pretty much the most accurate way to describe Joe Rogan at this point? He's been straight up hosting these alt-right adjacent folks for some time. Like yeah it's harsh if you're a fan of him but maybe consider the truth in it.


Oct 25, 2017
This looks like Bret is pointing out what is racist about the picture in a clever way that may make the asker look stupid. Now, I'm not too sure why Ayaan is asking that question and she may be asking tongue in cheek. I've seen Bret speak a fair amount, and as someone who hates the alt-right, I really don't think Bret fits into the narrative the way people perceive him too.

Eh, I went through some more of his Twitter feed and he definitely cozys up to that audience and it's pundants. But to be honest I don't know much about him outside of what I read there.


Oct 31, 2017

Sorry, can't make out the image.

I've heard him speak on a number of occasions. He's intelligent, clearly left of centre and anti-racist. He got in trouble because his students were too thick to understand the difference between someone voluntarily absenting themselves from a workplace, as opposed to being told to leave.

The footage from Evergreen is genuinely insane. Screaming professors and wailing banshees hurling abuse at anything with a pulse. It's embarrassing.

And that's my problem with no-platforming. It's always the dickheads that end up deciding.

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
Then shit dude I gotta burn my copy of
I don't speak for anyone besides myself and experiences. Because I don't think he is doesn't mean he isn't or he is. The only thing I'm interested in is what he says or does that attracts those people to him.

Even if they are wrong about the message of a piece of work, it's reinforcing them and making them feel empowered or justified. The work isn't at fault, not sure why people keep trying to strawman and derail with that.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
The answer is itself in that quote you're responding to; "there was a discussion of how ironic that situation was given the matter of the book", it's disappointing that the message of a book can either be oblivious to readers like those in the alt-right (else they'd either have to challenge the book, or change their views if they agree) or bastardise the text with their own subtext analysis, either way from a literary stand-point it's doing both book and author a disservice, but as Gio said it wasn't about it now being tied to Nazism. Take Citizen Kane for instance, the fact Trump has so colossally misinterpreted the film whenever he raves about it's greatness, or is at a level of narcissistic ignorance he can't fathom the film being a cautionary tale of the very likes of him, doesn't mean the film is viewed as shit, just that it's tragic how something so well constructed like a piece of literary or cinematic art can be so ineffectual in educating those with abhorrent views.
This I understand, but I do not think it is a reason to be unhappy they like the book.
Because racists are terrible and we don't want them to like the same stuff we like? I pretty much get it, though I've never read Fahrenheit 451.
People are not binary. I'd agree that being a Nazi makes a person detestable, but still, it is just disagreement on one issue, albeit a major one. It is to be expected that there are still quite a few things you'd agree on with a lot of Nazis. For instance, the Nazi regime in Germany introduced orphan's pensions and introduced health care for pensioneers. I agree with those changes and I feel no shame about that. It does not counterbalance the abhorent acts and views of the NSDAP in Germany, though.


Oct 25, 2017
People need to let the "the left eats itself" meme die. The right has as much, if not more, infighting and yet there's no equivalent meme (conservatives vs tea party, alt-right adjacents vs never-trumpers, the religious right vs libertarians, etc and etc).

But those groups in the end still vote a straight ticket. They know it's easier to hold a fire to their representatives feet and get something rather than nothing. And there's always the option later to replace them if they can do so.

Not conservative enough is a thing, but they vote to block Democrats above everything else. Period. Because it elevated their coalition and gets them closer to their policy goals.

Its a lesson the people on the left need to learn. They're putting the carriage in front of the horse, and failing to create a block of voters that will drag those at the front of the party with them.


Oct 28, 2017
Playboy Magazine in its heyday let all kinds of radical people from the far left and right be interviewed. It was journalism.

Or are you upset that Rogan's interview style is to let them speak their mind largely uncontested unless they target Joe's sacred cow (Cannabis)? Because Louis Theroux also pretty much lets terrible people speak their minds only being ready to politely confront their hypocrisy towards the end of his documentaries.

I'm not a huge Rogan fan I find most of his interviews to be boring, but I get legitimately scared when people talk of deplatforming someone innocuous like him.

I think folks in the thread have pretty much established at this point that centrists (like Rogan) aren't exactly innocuous. The least he could've done was just not have the racists on the show and let them really delve into the nuances of their prejudice. On whether on not he should be "deplatformed", eh. The point of the thread is to make a case for delegitimizing the racists, not the people enabling them. No one is actually saying that he needs to go, but I get why it would seem unclear because he is definitely complicit in it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Here's a bit of confusion I always have.

The traditional "left" or socialist leaning politics call for a bigger government in more control of more aspects of people's lives, in order to provide for those less fortunate, or redistribute wealth to be better used for all of society.

The traditional "right" or libertarian leaning politics call for de-centralizing the government and giving more power to smaller local governments to serve fewer people and take power away from a large nationwide government.

So why is the "right" associated with fascism if they also call for "smaller government" that doesn't have a huge power or influence over everyone in the nation? Isn't that key to fascist ideology?

First, that's not how it really pans out in practice, especially on social issues.

Second, technically speaking the left right divide originally came about just before the French revolution, when there were peace talks between the lower classes who wanted democracy and the nobles(These obviously didn't go as planned, they originally were working toward a constitutional monarchy). The nobles were on the right, the lower classes were on the left. The right was originally the monarchy.


Oct 28, 2017
This I understand, but I do not think it is a reason to be unhappy they like the book.
People are not binary. I'd agree that being a Nazi makes a person detestable, but still, it is just disagreement on one issue, albeit a major one. It is to be expected that there are still quite a few things you'd agree on with a lot of Nazis. For instance, the Nazi regime in Germany introduced orphan's pensions and introduced health care for pensioneers. I agree with those changes and I feel no shame about that. It does not counterbalance the abhorent acts and views of the NSDAP in Germany, though.
Clarify your stance because it sounds like you are saying that Nazis are gross yet somehow not gross.