
Oct 25, 2017
I knew my boy would be the welfare, pretty cool that they made him single target Arash. Can charge straight to 200% with a lored mana loading so he'll probably see quite a bit of use on 90++. EDIT: Actually, it seems early translations of the skill were wrong, it basically doubles his starting charge, which is a lot more reasonable than the initial numbers people were throwing around lol. Still pretty good though.

Aoko looks mechanically interesting but a bit wonky? I get the feeling she's kind of a test run for Olga and will probably get outclassed (as a DPS at least) as soon as she releases with a more finely tuned AOE gimmick. Definitely getting "early unit of its type with some design choices that'll get improved on as soon as they figure out what worked and what didn't" vibes. At least those are my first impressions so far, that could change after some labbing and people figure out how to properly use her and good team synergies. She looks fun anyway, it's just too bad that this isn't the kind of game that encourages units that stray too far from the cookie cutter looper jar.

I like Alice more so I'm waiting to see what her kit looks like before deciding how deep I'm willing to go for either. I will say they both have some of the best looking NPs in the entire game. Alice's look straight out of Mahoyo's VN, so cool.
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Aug 5, 2018
Yay single-target Arash. Arash has easily been my most-used low rarity servant from how useful NP and dying is, so having a single-target version will be nice.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone: Aoko, power creep, confusing kit etc etc

Me: why is her art so underwhelming? Lol


Apr 28, 2018
Tried a random multi-pull on the Castoria banner since I haven't summoned anything for a long time, got her NP2.
I think I won't tried my luck on anything else now until Anniversary, I would just waste SQ I feel.


Oct 25, 2017
Hm not sure who to get with the 4* ticket...

Saber Alter NP2, Yagyu NP1, berserkelot NP3 or Herc NP4? Or just another one that I'm missing?

Magic Kaito

Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Seems like intern-kun got deservedly scolded for the bonus enemy spawn nonsense. Latest JP 40AP event node is back to what you'd expect in 2024, with the 4th enemy appearing alongside the other 3. These bonus enemies tied to certain missions, so needing to choose between more optimal farming and mission completion was dumb.

It really is quite a shame we don't get more non-CQ content that breaks from AoE NP 3T farming. I like Aoko's kit a lot. I want bond points for her, so I have no issues with using her as a 3rd support for arts and quick teams.

Everyone: Aoko, power creep, confusing kit etc etc

Me: why is her art so underwhelming? Lol
I'm a fan of the theme for each of her ascensions, but the poses for asc1 and asc2 are pretty boring, and FA looks like it could be a non-FA art for a welfare.
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The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
I would strongly recommend against trying to get it all done at the last minute. Event progress is gated by point farming, and the early nodes all suck. And the last copy of the event CE (basically the Buster-farming CE) requires more than 2x the points as clearing the story (or a drop, but who wants to rely on a drop?).
lol thanks for the heads up. This is sort of making me not want to play the event at all now though XD

I wanna just so i can form an opinion, but it sounds like an vent to skip if any and I didn't like the last Learning with Manga related thing... so maybe it's for the best. sucks because i wanted to at least see Anning, but I got an event in Twisted to farm and I'm currently addicted to FFXIV


Oct 27, 2017
Got Yuyu. Got her in so few rolls that if I hadn't chased her during IS she would be tied for my cheapest rate-up SSR. Well, I can put any saltiness about those rolls behind me. The important thing is that she's in my Chaldea now and did no damage to my SQ reserves, having taken only a handful of tickets.

On the JP side, she hasn't had another rerun outside of GSSRs since this banner (and I don't like any of the GSSR banners she'll be on), so I really felt the need to take the shot at getting her.

Now I need to decide if I go for the mice, when I go for them if I do, and how far I'm willing to go for them. I definitely want them, but Yuyu was so nice that she gave me the chance to guarantee another SSR. I don't know how much of that I'm willing to spend on a Servant who, I must admit, wouldn't see any real use.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Being a fan of older servants just suck. All these news ones get animations and stacked kits.
The animations definitely suck, but I'm not too bothered by the kits because I don't do CQs anymore. For story you can mostly use anyone and that's all I really care about.

It does make the gacha part a little dull though. There's still some classes I need to fill on JP and CEs I would like to get, but on NA I don't have much ambition to pull.


May 9, 2018
I am severely lacking in Lancers because I mostly roll for servants I like and I'm F2P except for GSSR banners, my only "usable" Lancer is a Lv100 NP2 Lartoria, I have no other SSR Lancer.

Speaking of Lancers, I think I'm going to get an extra copy of Barghest instead of Caenis, While I like Caenis I have no use for a 4* NP1 AoE Lancer with a mediocre kit, so It'd be straight to the second archive.... If I get another copy of Barghest from a banner or whatever I would be able to get her to 120 with 2 appends once she reaches bond 15.


Oct 25, 2017
Despite finding her latest buff in JP rather underwhelming, that + the animation update were still enough to push me to try nabbing an NP2 Jalter. Gave it an honest 30 pulls attempt and got nothing to show for it, and since I didn't want to go too deep this is it for now. Plenty of other Jalter rate-ups ahead and now is not the best time to be spending.

I also did 30 pulls for Crane, and actually managed to nab a copy of her! Been flirting with the idea of adding her to my roster for a long time so this was a nice lucksack. Between all 60-pulls, not a single Honey Lake to be found. I did get another origin bullet though lol

Going to give Sherlock a significant attempt at his next banner, so I might actually skip Arcueid after all. It's his last one and he'd be a much more significant addition to my roster than her, so I feel like I need to go for it. Really, really hoping he's generous enough to come cause I do still need some savings for S.Skadi.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
Finished the event and I must say I cringed everytime Guda and Mash acted like sycophants to Super Bunyan, like my god she hasn't done anything to get that treatment, especially as she forces you to clean her messes and puts shitty statues of herself

It reached maximum leves of cringe during the fight against regular Bunyan and the cheers both gave to her
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Oct 26, 2017
Finished the event and I must say I cringed everytime Guda and Mash acted like sycophants to Super Bunyan, like my god she hasn't done anything to get that treatment, especially as she forces you to clean her messes and puts shitty statues of herself

It reached maximum leves of cringe during the fight against regular Bunyan and the cheers both gave to her
Ah shit

Only just finished Section 1 and didn't really like Super Bunyan, so this is disheartening to hear.

Might be another Summer Hokusai experience for me, lol

It sucks when the devs/writers' opinion of a character completely diverges from the players~


Oct 25, 2017
Does Habetrot ever get a rate up? I've been wanting to roll for her but dreading how much it'll take...


Oct 27, 2017
Does Habetrot ever get a rate up? I've been wanting to roll for her but dreading how much it'll take...
I'm pretty sure that nothing in the FP gacha ever gets a rate-up. Even during times like this, I don't think Anning is on rate-up, she just happens to be present in the gacha. Same with the EXP CEs.

There was a decent period of time during this event where I'd rolled more copies of Habetrot (I think I've gotten maybe three of her during this event) than I had the 3* gacha CE.


Oct 25, 2017
I literally just got a random copy from the daily free spin. Getting the fp sr doesn't take much honestly. I got like 4 lily just trying to np5 habbycat

I'm pretty sure that nothing in the FP gacha ever gets a rate-up. Even during times like this, I don't think Anning is on rate-up, she just happens to be present in the gacha. Same with the EXP CEs.

There was a decent period of time during this event where I'd rolled more copies of Habetrot (I think I've gotten maybe three of her during this event) than I had the 3* gacha CE.
Alright I guess I'll try for it during this event since there's CE EXP cards dropping too. Need 4 copies hopefully it doesn't take too long for her to appear.


Nov 4, 2017
This account binding system can't come soon enough.... my Bluestacks refuses to open so I thought that's it for my jp account.... found the 50gig folder (no wonder my c drive kept running out of space) in programdata so hopefully I can just back that up before reinstalling (or it just uses that data anyway).

It really is quite a shame we don't get more non-CQ content that breaks from AoE NP 3T farming. I like Aoko's kit a lot. I want bond points for her, so I have no issues with using her as a 3rd support for arts and quick teams.

They've started to add 90 Star nodes to Ordeal Call which are a level above 90++ and they are 100% aimed at ST servants.

These nodes drop guaranteed gold mats as well so hopefully they keep rolling them out... i'll rather do these 3 times a day than do the egg node from lb4 15 times to get 1 egg.

Being a fan of older servants just suck. All these news ones get animations and stacked kits.

Just because the kit seems stacked doesn't mean that's the reality.... you can probably ignore the farming and buster/extra card gimmick since best case use for Aoko right now seems to be as a replacement for Merlin/Lady Avalon in the invincible comps.... and I lucksacked Lady Avalon within ten singles last week.

Alice need to see damage and refund numbers but aside from being a farmer seems you can maybe run her with 5 supports against man trait cqs (since man trait dmg will get her closer to st output on her np) since you're invincible for 13 out of 26 turns.. but it's man trait... Morgan covers that.


Oct 27, 2017
Just because the kit seems stacked doesn't mean that's the reality.... you can probably ignore the farming and buster/extra card gimmick since best case use for Aoko right now seems to be as a replacement for Merlin/Lady Avalon in the invincible comps.... and I lucksacked Lady Avalon within ten singles last week.

Alice need to see damage and refund numbers but aside from being a farmer seems you can maybe run her with 5 supports against man trait cqs (since man trait dmg will get her closer to st output on her np) since you're invincible for 13 out of 26 turns.. but it's man trait... Morgan covers that.

Its less of a need and more of a want if that makes sense. There isn't any content hard enough to clear or farm but its more like, boy I wish Geronimo still wasn't trash in year 7 type of thing. Or yay new character has the kit of 5 others put together, but Iskander still has no NP charge. All things easily solved if they didn't treat buffs like content or cared about balance imo.


May 9, 2018
I really don't understand why they don't just buff older servants more often, It's dumb that there's still servants with regular old ass Charisma or 1 turn Mana Burst and no NP upgrade when some newer servants almost get a full kit of an older servants rolled into a single skill.

Some of the year 1 or 2 servants are absurdly power crept and could borderline be considered 4* at this point.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
I really don't understand why they don't just buff older servants more often, It's dumb that there's still servants with regular old ass Charisma or 1 turn Mana Burst and no NP upgrade when some newer servants almost get a full kit of an older servants rolled into a single skill.

Some of the year 1 or 2 servants are absurdly power crept and could borderline be considered 4* at this point.
It is so dumb, the fact that even when Anniversary is a sure date to get upgrade they do the annoying thing of only upgrading 14

The worst is that they also waste slots buffing summer servants rather than buffing them when summer happens and even then "buff" skills on a way that doesn't do anything
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Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I wish Alice was single target just because it's something we need more of.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure who to use my ticket on. I have Saber Alter at NP4 and would kind of like to get her to NP5 and, with her being a story-locked Servant, she'll never spook me when I'm pulling for someone else. That being said, I don't have Nero at all and have a ton of her outfits from events, so...

The internal debate continues.


Oct 25, 2017
I know various Type-Moon related fandoms tend to bicker between themselves but sometimes i get the impression, that the supposed fans of say KNK or Melty Blood didn't really follower their favorite series that far along to get surprised by a not recent fact about it. I can expect Neko-Arc fans to be ignorant about anything really.
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Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
That is one of those posts where you read it and it has you doing the Grandpa Simpson lol.



Oct 25, 2017
I apologize, this fandom is getting old by internet standards and i was reminiscing what people were yelling about nearly 10 years ago.


May 9, 2018
Finally crossed the 500 ticket mark \ o /.

I should easily have 4k free SQ come summer.

I hate when I'm 1 Interlude/Strengthening quest short from getting 10 SQ >:(
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Oct 27, 2017
I wish I liked the old TM stuff. But I feel so eh on everyone that's not Shiki ( the Shiki we got).


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a limit to the amount of dig boards?
Finally crossed the 500 ticket mark \ o /.

I should easily have 4k free SQ come summer.

I hate when I'm 1 Interlude/Strengthening quest short from getting 10 SQ >:(
I would dread having so many tickets since you have to go through them one by one xd. I always go through them when I tend to have amassed a big amount on banners taht I want but don't need.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
It's crazy how they don't yet have a 10x multi-pull for tickets.

But then we're only now getting a proper account-linking system (even though it's through an Aniplex account), so...


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh, not sure why they staggered the 4* tickets like they did. I didn't know the CE one expired before the Servant and was going to pick them both at the same time. Granted it's just a 4* CE but still. :/

Went ahead and grabbed my Saber Alter, now she's at NP5. Didn't want to take the risk.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Oh whoops, I missed the CE too. Went to claim them this morning lol.

How many more tickets do we get in the future? It's between Heph and Herc. I don't have a pretender currently on NA, but I want to NP5 Herc (currently at NP3). I can get him with the FSN reward in a few years so that's one.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Well at least I'm not alone. Seriously, it would have been nice if the game had a "You have a ticket that expires in [insert hours]" prompt or something when there's less than 24 hours remaining. I was eyeballing the Servant ticket since I wasn't sure if I was going to go with Saber Alter or Nero. I was also deciding between a few CE and was going to make my choice tonight but nope, CE is gone. At least I have Saber Alter NP5 now, but it still hurts. I hate missing free stuff.

As for how many tickets are left, I'm not entirely sure. Probably a few more at the very least. One of them allows us to exchange for any 4* Servant (limited included), so I'm definitely going to FINALLY get that Raikou Lancer. No debate on that one at least.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's strange how tehre's a timer for the leyline stuff rn but not the tickets they just gave away.


May 9, 2018
I also didn't get any 4* CE I think, but it's more of me not caring (I already have them and an extra copy isn't going to make a difference) rather than not knowing it expired earlier.

I ended up getting NP6 Barghest for coins.


Oct 25, 2017
I just got another copy of the LB6 CE. Unlikely that I'll ever MLB it but at least it's another star bomb. It's a very underwhelming ticket anyway, at least let us grab actually useful and desirable stuff like taunt CEs.


Oct 26, 2017
I was considering finally NP5ing my Queen of Sheba but decided to get Hephaestion since I didn't have them yet and don't use Sheba all that often. And of course Heph decided to pop up on my monthly tickets immediately after. Oh well.

I'm...not really sure what type of party to use Constantine in. Most Buster farm setups just want Koyan x 2 and Oberon with little room for maneuverability, and stall teams already have Himeko and Morgan who do that + those two have other things to do as well. He'd probably be fun with my Quirinus or a Summer Nero, but that seems so oddly specific


Nov 4, 2017
Ended up ticketing Sith so she is now NP5.

How many more tickets do we get in the future? It's between Heph and Herc. I don't have a pretender currently on NA, but I want to NP5 Herc (currently at NP3). I can get him with the FSN reward in a few years so that's one.

Next ticket is next year but it includes limited SRs as well so maybe best to pick someone else?

Probably getting another SSR ticket this year with the 30m dl campaign.

Its less of a need and more of a want if that makes sense. There isn't any content hard enough to clear or farm but its more like, boy I wish Geronimo still wasn't trash in year 7 type of thing. Or yay new character has the kit of 5 others put together, but Iskander still has no NP charge. All things easily solved if they didn't treat buffs like content or cared about balance imo.

But Np charge is boring! Why would you want to give Iskander such a boring buff and actually make him useful?

If my jp account wasn't dead (too lazy to copy 50gigs of files over to my laptop, do it on the weekend) I would make a vid on Geronimo farming the current 90++ node. (I'm like 70% sure he can do it, 40% without Oberon as well since Cnoc is valid support for him)

I really don't understand why they don't just buff older servants more often, It's dumb that there's still servants with regular old ass Charisma or 1 turn Mana Burst and no NP upgrade when some newer servants almost get a full kit of an older servants rolled into a single skill.

Some of the year 1 or 2 servants are absurdly power crept and could borderline be considered 4* at this point.

I've gone through all the year 1-2 SSRs and the vast majority are in a good to great spot.

Just a quick sorting but I have 22 in a great spot, 21 in a good spot and 8 in needs help.

For comparison starting from Constantine to current jp i'll have 19 in a great spot, 11 in a good spot and 7 in need of help.

Most of the FGO powercreep now compared to early is in supports and Extra Classes (which were rare).. talking about every servant and not just ssrs you could argue 4 of the top 5 archers are year 1-2 (Arash, Gil, Tesla, Summer Artoria)

The worst is that they also waste slots buffing summer servants rather than buffing them when summer happens and even then "buff" skills on a way that doesn't do anything

If it wasn't for Ozy's ridiclous buffs Summer Murasaki would be running ST riders after her anni buff....


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Next ticket is next year but it includes limited SRs as well so maybe best to pick someone else?

Probably getting another SSR ticket this year with the 30m dl campaign.
Ok kl, thank you. I'ma use it on Herc then. I already have Heph on JP and there's no one else I want from the current selection. I can use the next ticket on someone new.


Oct 25, 2017
I know Geronimo discourse is largely powered by memes at this point but do we really want them to waste like, 4 rank-up spots that would take to fix his kit? lol
I'm sure the 2 Geronimo mains out there would love it, but if they're not giving him the Waver royal treatment then I'd rather those spots be given to fan favorites who could use the help or even characters who are already good but have been creeped and could use a boost/niche.

At this point they should fix Geronimo the same way they fixed Arjuna: make another Geronimo.