
Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Just watched episode eight via AMC Premiere.

Having the whole group reunite with a fairly happy ending was nice and all, but the fact that there were absolutely no casualties this first half of the season is... kind of disappointing? There were plenty of moments where it seemed like someone might die - Althea, John and Dwight, Alicia - but nobody actually did. I dunno, just feels like there weren't that many consequences to anything that happened.

Also, it was nice to see Alicia and Daniel reunite... though them being so friendly to one another seemed odd to me, and I'm still not used to Daniel trying to help people.

And finally, as sweet as it was, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at John and June getting hitched.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
+ The John Dorrie/June/Dwight episode was good
+ The Al + mysterious woman episode was good

- The context for the season was confusing and vague. It was never clear what, exactly, their dilemma was or how exactly they were "trapped"
- Nuclear reactor/radiation storyline was a wasted opportunity and nothing came of it*
- Large focus on boring, shitty kid characters that absolutely no one cares about or wants to see more of, ever
- The cast is way too big now. The show was always at its best when the main cast was kept small
- The "power of friendship and love will save us all" stuff is extremely boring and is done better on the main show
- Every character is now a variation of Morgan


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
RatskyWatsky With the midseason break only being two weeks long this time, and with this thread only getting to three pages so far, is there still going to be a separate thread for 5B?


Oct 25, 2017
I am currently catching up and on episode 3. I like the idea of the radiation zone.

edit: ok that san antonio split was hilarious and amazing
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PhaZe 5

Oct 27, 2017
As someone who binged this from beginning to now in about two weeks--the fall from grace this show has had is GoT S6 tier.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
+ The John Dorrie/June/Dwight episode was good
+ The Al + mysterious woman episode was good

- The context for the season was confusing and vague. It was never clear what, exactly, their dilemma was or how exactly they were "trapped"
- Nuclear reactor/radiation storyline was a wasted opportunity and nothing came of it*
- Large focus on boring, shitty kid characters that absolutely no one cares about or wants to see more of, ever
- The cast is way too big now. The show was always at its best when the main cast was kept small
- The "power of friendship and love will save us all" stuff is extremely boring and is done better on the main show
- Every character is now a variation of Morgan

Pretty much my exact thoughts so far.

RatskyWatsky With the midseason break only being two weeks long this time, and with this thread only getting to three pages so far, is there still going to be a separate thread for 5B?

Honestly we should probably just use this one. Going forward Fear OT's should also just be the entire season and not broken up anymore so maybe a mod can change the OT title for this.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
RatskyWatsky With the midseason break only being two weeks long this time, and with this thread only getting to three pages so far, is there still going to be a separate thread for 5B?


Honestly we should probably just use this one. Going forward Fear OT's should also just be the entire season and not broken up anymore so maybe a mod can change the OT title for this.

Yeah, that was my plan. I did that for season 9 of TWD and plan to do it for season 10 as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Man this show is dead in this forum.. IGN doesn't review it anymore.. how is it doing overall compared to initial couple of seasons?


Oct 29, 2017
The new characters are growing on me (except morgan) and strand and alicia are great too but bring back madison ffs. And nick as well I don't care if it makes sense.


Oct 26, 2017
New York
The new characters are growing on me (except morgan) and strand and alicia are great too but bring back madison ffs. And nick as well I don't care if it makes sense.

The only reason Nick was killed was due to Dillane wanting off the show, otherwise he'd probably still be on.

As far as the "mid season finale" went, I found it boring and predictable. I still find it absurd they had the know how to rebuild a destroyed plane. I thought maybe we were gonna get some cool looking nuclear explosion as they flew away but it was like a lame cloud of CGI smoke. John coming with Dwight right in the nick of time as they were about to take off was so predictable it was painful.

At least the group is back together again, hopefully it stays that way for the second half. I also need to see some shake up. Give me unexpected deaths, something gruesome. Give me a reason to actually feel despair or tension when watching this thing. It's just so blah right now it's ridiculous.
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Dec 15, 2017
I enjoyed the mid-season finale even if it didn't throw any twists in. Like June said they were due some good luck. I also like that they are dealing with important issues like nuclear reactors, spoiled gas and flat batteries. With a larger cast I think there will be a few deaths soon. Alicia is probably a goner.


Dec 15, 2017
+ The John Dorrie/June/Dwight episode was good
+ The Al + mysterious woman episode was good

- The context for the season was confusing and vague. It was never clear what, exactly, their dilemma was or how exactly they were "trapped"
- Nuclear reactor/radiation storyline was a wasted opportunity and nothing came of it*
- Large focus on boring, shitty kid characters that absolutely no one cares about or wants to see more of, ever
- The cast is way too big now. The show was always at its best when the main cast was kept small
- The "power of friendship and love will save us all" stuff is extremely boring and is done better on the main show
- Every character is now a variation of Morgan

Trapped by the hurricane damage after they crashed the plane on the other side.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Started rewatching the show from the very beginning last week, currently on S2E3. I miss how personal the story used to feel, and how the conflict came not only from opposing forces (zombies, new groups, etc.) but also from each other-- not everyone got along at all times, and it was for reasons that made sense and felt real. Really hope we get more of that in the second half of this season... Less spectacle, more believable drama.
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Fear the Walking Dead - Season Five, Part Two - Sundays on AMC


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017



Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
The new episode is up early on AMC Premiere.

I thought it had some nice character moments and was intrigued by the new guy at the end, but I also thought it too heavy on the saccharine "power of friendship" shit that's quickly becoming unbearable. The writers really want us to care about random kids and their asthma or whatever but I just can't.

Also, Alicia seems to be on Morgan's "I can't bring myself to kill anymore" shit, which, like, ugh.


Oct 27, 2017
The new episode is up early on AMC Premiere.

I thought it had some nice character moments and was intrigued by the new guy at the end, but I also thought it too heavy on the saccharine "power of friendship" shit that's quickly becoming unbearable. The writers really want us to care about random kids and their asthma or whatever but I just can't.

Also, Alicia seems to be on Morgan's "I can't bring myself to kill anymore" shit, which, like, ugh.

So basically they are still set on ruining one of the few decent characters. Lovely.

..this show got so crap once the time skip/Madison death happened >.>


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
New episode tonight!

Channel 4

The group, traveling in a convoy, doubles-down on their mission to help survivors. In an effort to encourage more survivors to reach out, Al, Luciana, and Charlie document Morgan and the gang on a dangerous mission to help a reclusive survivor.


Oct 25, 2017
Hate the format. It's taken me completely out of it. I hate when they try to get creative like this.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
I appreciated that they tried something new re: the talking head format, but it came across more as an infomercial for their lame "friendship is power" cult than anything else. Now, if they did a "found footage horror" episode, that could be really neat - it'd be a great way to kill off Althea, actually.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
I am trying so badly to not read into this too much, because I know it will inevitably end in disappointment for me:

I really doubt they have any concrete plans to #BringBackMadison right now, but I think this at least shows that they have heard loud and clear that a lot of people want Kim Dickens back on the show, and are open to working with her again in the future if the opportunity arises. At the same time though, this is the Skybound account for the brand rather than AMC's, so who knows?

(also, just watched the new episode and actually thought it was pretty good, though with a bit too much of the "I want to help people" messaging (though given that it was in the context of making a promotional tape of sorts, I guess I'll accept it this time))
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Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Just watched the new episode through the AMC app.

The Morgan x Grace stuff was cliché as hell. Morgan caught himself developing feelings for her and distanced himself from her, they both get sad because of it, etc. I wish they would have just let themselves get together, sheesh.

Anyway, I thought it was an alright episode for the most part. I think the reasoning behind it was dumb (Searching for a stranger, who they think has turned, in order to kill him because it was his dying wish? Really?), and the stuff with the star lights was kind of corny, but the rest of it was fine enough.

Looking forward to next week's episode since it looks like we're going to spend some time with Alicia, Strand, and the new guy from the end of last week's episode.

EDIT: Actually, one other complaint: they seem to be skipping over some stuff lately in weird fashion. First, they didn't show the group reaching the oil fields, which was a very odd move considering it kind of felt like they were setting up the second half of the season to depict a journey to get to them. And now, they're talking about Al going out on her own and needing to go to her, despite her being on her own not being mentioned at all until the very end of the episode. They're being weird with the storytelling these past couple of episodes, and I don't like it.
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Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Agreed that their motivations at the mall were dumb as hell. There's trying to build goodwill for the purpose of creating a better world and then there's risking your life to kill a zombie that liked your infomercial when it was alive. Some pragmatism w/r/t their grand mission would be nice.

I didn't think it was a bad episode though. There were some nice moments between Morgan and Grace (who received some welcome and much needed character development) and I appreciated that
the one note bad guy Dwight encountered showed some actual signs of humanity at the end there.


Dec 15, 2017
Risking their lives in the mall was stupid but it fit the "not doing careful" theme. Love the Morgan/Grace pairing so I hope she survives the season. I found the end heartbreaking with Morgan going back on his promise to "not be careful" to protect himself emotionally. Hopefully he finally gets closure on the trauma of losing his wife and son this season.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Also, Alicia seems to be on Morgan's "I can't bring myself to kill anymore" shit, which, like, ugh.

Okay, so she's already over it by the end of this week's episode. Thank God they didn't drag that out and make it into a permanent part of her character.

New episode wasn't very good, but I do like the new guy and the old school FtWD energy he brings back to the show. Hope he sticks around for a while.