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Nov 22, 2017
What gets me about this is, if Ellie and her supposed accomplice were signed wouldn't they be outed as soon as she had to play?

Lying about who was she was and her abilities would be a breach of contract. Sooooo why would they do this?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
What gets me about this is, if Ellie and her supposed accomplice were signed wouldn't they be outed as soon as she had to play?

Lying about who was she was and her abilities would be a breach of contract. Sooooo why would they do this?

Why indeed.

Because you're right. But rather than letting time tell, they decided to try and doxx the woman. Because "we have to know".

People ask why a lot.

You know why.

We all know why.

omg, "Imma chad"
Really?! If there was any more reason to ban YT and twitch from my kids, picking up the social mannerisms is it. Who says that kind of stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
I've played pretty much every major multiplayer game on pc at some point since the quake 3 days and overwatch had the worst community by far.
I play almost everyday without voice chat and it's a very fun experience. Even i admit to myself that i would be toxic towards teammates if i were to turn on voice chat.

Mr. X

Oct 25, 2017
As someone who just sticks to fighting game scenes, it's bizarre to me how far behind the times OW esports scene is.


Oct 27, 2017
why would the audience or other players even get involved. I'm sure the team can find out quick for themselves.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The amount of sexism and harassment women face in competitive games is a tough problem to solve. The CSGO scene offers female tournaments, but does that really help women? I'm not so sure - the number of women playing CS compared to Overwatch is tiny, and there's still never been a professional female CSGO player (playing in the big tournaments), unlike Overwatch. When you offer female-only tournaments with solid prize pools there isn't really any motivation to switch to mixed-gender tournaments and get better. That could just be because Overwatch is much more inviting to women on its surface.

The best female CSGO player I've seen is masq. Back in 2015 she competed at the premier level (one level under the highest league) on a team with other up-and-coming players who are now considered some of the best in the world. Unfortunately she quit, but I think this interview she gave a year later is worth reading if you're interested to learn what its like to try and go pro as a woman:


Oct 25, 2017
I don't follow the league play so that's why I'm asking such a basic question about it. Why do they announce their players in such a manner? There's no law saying they have to do it. Do you think it's even necessary?

There is no law but it's the norm to generate some hype regarding new player signing by including gameplay montages with the announcement


Oct 25, 2017
Fort Lauderdale
There is no law but it's the norm to generate some hype regarding new player signing by including gameplay montages with the announcement

She was a replacement along with another for players they lost to academy teams(a paying opportunity), Don't think they were planning to sign either before those player left. They didn't make a video for the other guy either. Also its not like Second Wind is a big org, they only started last April.


Nov 6, 2017
No you don't see women in esports because the gaming community is trash and harasses women all the time.

Not surprised to see your post history. 👋
Oh goodness. Have people on this forum graduated from doing the quote-reply to posts made after the fact, to straight up quote-replying to posts from completely different threads? This was incredibly confusing to parse while reading the thread.


Oct 28, 2017
The Overwatch community continues to elevate itself in it's toxicity. This is really sad shit but not at all surprising because it's Overwatch.


Oct 25, 2017
She was a replacement along with another for players they lost to academy teams(a paying opportunity), Don't think they were planning to sign either before those player left. They didn't make a video for the other guy either. Also its not like Second Wind is a big org, they only started last April.

You right it's not common for T2, but Second Wind should have expected people to wonder who Ellie was when literally no one was aware of her. That's why I say some suspicion was warranted.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Why doing this though? All that achieves is making girls more likely to be scared out of trying a career in overwatch :/

"Just a prank bro".

Excuse me, social experiment.

And really it changes nothing because this is how people reacted to the concept of a woman entering their space. Why would anyone engage with this knowing that this is the baseline of how you're going to be treated?

So yeah, social experiment complete, and the result is that people can't handle women being in their space. ::Shrug::


Self-requested ban
Jun 1, 2018
"Just a prank bro".

Excuse me, social experiment.

And really it changes nothing because this is how people reacted to the concept of a woman entering their space. Why would anyone engage with this knowing that this is the baseline of how you're going to be treated?

So yeah, social experiment complete, and the result is that people can't handle women being in their space. ::Shrug::
Agreed, the worst part of all this bullshit now is that all these *totally not sexist gamers* feel vindicated. Because there is literally no way a new player could appear and it totally would happen to any new male player too.


Oct 31, 2017
Why doing this though? All that achieves is making girls more likely to be scared out of trying a career in overwatch :/
Supposedly the Punisher guy said it started out as just messing around with an alt account for social reasons, but then it spiraled out of hand

I certainly had no idea one way or another when this started, because I haven't played Overwatch for a year. But I have definitely experienced many different things in life that causes me to believe in the principle of when there's smoke there's fire


Dec 19, 2017
And really it changes nothing because this is how people reacted to the concept of a woman entering their space. Why would anyone engage with this knowing that this is the baseline of how you're going to be treated?

So yeah, social experiment complete, and the result is that people can't handle women being in their space. ::Shrug::
No, this is the result of people taking an extremely unique and suspect situation and CORRECTLY identifying that something was suspicious about it, only to be falsely labelled as sexist and misogynist for doing so. The actual amount of harassment has been the small minority of people who were following this story, but outlets like Kotaku are always extremely willing to brand gamers as shitty irregardless of facts.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I might feel more like I had egg on my face if I hadn't read "we'd make some good overwatch babies, Wait, Unless you're fat and ugly" or "im a nice guy, do u want to see what i look like? im a chad" today.


Oct 26, 2017
"Just a prank bro".

Excuse me, social experiment.

And really it changes nothing because this is how people reacted to the concept of a woman entering their space. Why would anyone engage with this knowing that this is the baseline of how you're going to be treated?

So yeah, social experiment complete, and the result is that people can't handle women being in their space. ::Shrug::
But there are at least 4 women playing in other contenders region and no fuzz was made over that, so i ask again, why was this necessary?


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
No, this is the result of people taking an extremely unique and suspect situation and CORRECTLY identifying that something was suspicious about it, only to be falsely labelled as sexist and misogynist for doing so. The actual amount of harassment has been the small minority of people who were following this story, but outlets like Kotaku are always extremely willing to brand gamers as shitty irregardless of facts.

not really. again, all people needed to do was to wait until they started to play in contenders to see if the situation was legit or not instead of throwing a fit.


Oct 25, 2018
Whether it was a social experiment or not it doesn't remove the attitude of most of the Overwatch community.


Oct 28, 2017
oof some people must feel really embarrassed right now

it kind of makes sense this way too

Who would be embarrased? Certainly not those of us who believed she was real. I mean how are we to know something like this? I remember the MagicAmy drama in HS and when it was found out someone else was playing her games people started saying Eloise was fake too but of course Eloise started going to tourneys and that shut them up. You can't know and still the essence of threats and doxxing are still worthwhile things to speak out against.


Oct 30, 2017
But there are at least 4 women playing in other contenders region and no fuzz was made over that, so i ask again, why was this necessary?

Depends on what they wanted to achieve. There's a lot of things we can learn about this situation besides the general community being a bunch of shitbags.

Social games journalism jumping the gun without investigating and fact checking.

Community scepticism regarding sudden appearance of a new player.

Bias against women players in esports.

While people would like to say it's not about the gender, the fact of the matter is that more spotlight and scrutiny will be placed on you from both allies and haters if you're looking to becoming a pro.

To normalize female players in esports would need a woman who is willing to champion the cause and is good enough to shut the haters up and you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who does both.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Just could've waited for the truth to come out eventually instead all these dudes flipped out.

Also did they really needed to do a "social experiment" to find out if female players are for reals harassed and shit? 🙄


Oct 25, 2017
i watch overwatch streams regularly and i remember a streamer saying the overwatch community at the top is actually pretty small. all the top players are familiar with each other, because it's the same players getting matched with each other over and over for hundreds of hours.


Oct 27, 2017
oof some people must feel really embarrassed right now

it kind of makes sense this way too

Yup, these degens who immediately went into incel attack mode because they thought it was a female.

Just could've waited for the truth to come out eventually instead all these dudes flipped out.

Also did they really needed to do a "social experiment" to find out if female players are for reals harassed and shit? 🙄



Nov 1, 2017
No, this is the result of people taking an extremely unique and suspect situation and CORRECTLY identifying that something was suspicious about it, only to be falsely labelled as sexist and misogynist for doing so. The actual amount of harassment has been the small minority of people who were following this story, but outlets like Kotaku are always extremely willing to brand gamers as shitty irregardless of facts.

I agree with the sentiment that it is wrong to label anyone as that without a good and comprobable reason, especially since it was a suspicion that was eventually proved correct, but the actions taken to "identify that something was suspicious" and the reactions surrounding this whole thing are the actual problem in my eyes.

Motivated by real sexism/misogyny or not, a lot of shitty people did and said a lot of shitty things because of this fake story, so these are the people who made (and continue to make) "gamers" look pretty bad and the outlets will always report what's happening at the moment. Not only that, none of the actions had any effect, because they couldn't prove anything in the end. Someone familiar with the creator of the story had to come out and openly say that it was fake, otherwise people would still be doxxing and harrassing others. It is bad that a whole group of people was mistakenly seen as sexist and malicious, but you can't really tell when there are individuals among them who actually are sexist and malicious, and very clearly so.
Mod Post - Regarding excusing harassment, speculation, and sleuthing


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Reminder that we should still treat this information as speculative until we have a primary source, and that regardless of the situation, excusing harassment or playing internet detective is still against our ToS.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wait... so how the hell did this dude get signed to a contenders team as a woman? Either they did absolutely no vetting or even a skype interview or they were in on it.


Oct 27, 2017
So Second Wind has to be in on this right? Disgusting if true, if their intention was to point out sexism in the community you only allowed it to grow because of your actions.


Oct 25, 2017
This clip cuts off before Aspen gives her thoughts on what happened:
The whole situation made everyone who talked any sort of garbage/negativity look like trash. Even if Ellie was a real person, the community around the Contenders and the people who talk about female gamers saying 'Oh it's not real/Cam or proof' is garbage. It was a test, but if you look at the situation in the back, you see so much trash being talked. Female gamers in a nutshell: You need to show them your birth certificate if you wanna go pro. That's how garbage it is. It was a social experiment gone wrong. It went too far.
Aspen knows what it's like to live in this community. She knows players like her aren't welcome.


Oct 25, 2017
This whole thing seemed suspect from the beginning but it was wildly magnified because the player in question was female. The reality is, in Overwatch players don't appear out of nowhere because the way matchmaking works top 500 players are constantly playing against each other. I don't think it's possible, male or female, for a complete unknown to pop up like this and get signed to a pro team.

More importantly this "social experiment" does WAY more to hurt female in pro gaming. Not just Overwatch either. "Ellie" will be the whistle for a ton of misogynistic gamers for years to come.

Like I get the idea but it's going to have WAY more negative effects than good ones. We already know there are a ton of misogynistic gamers. This just adds fuel to their fire.


Nov 6, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Reminder that we should still treat this information as speculative until we have a primary source, and that regardless of the situation, excusing harassment or playing internet detective is still against our ToS.

As an aside, I've seen another thread that referenced threadmarks but I'm not 100% sure how to navigate directly to them, especially on larger threads. I checked the 2.0 features guide and it seems that marked posts are supposed to appear in the first post or something but I don't see that on the mobile version of the site. I figure I'm missing something obvious or something.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Seeing that new piece of info... I've learned not to have such kneejerk reactions these days cause it seems like we always get a curveball thrown at us a a couple days later.


Oct 27, 2017
How do people like this go about their days being dicks like this, then expect to have a working relationship with a person. Shameful people.
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