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Dec 4, 2017

that smile that damn smile


Oct 26, 2017
Tough to root for next match .

Japan would be interesting for being the only non UEFA or CONMEBOL team left.

But Belgium deserves to get tested further


Oct 30, 2017
I don't think there has been any ill meaning in the things said here during the match. Even though the result was unfavorable to us and with good reason, I would never hold any grudges for things said during match banter. Everything's cool as far as I'm concerned.

Also I'm sorry Japan but I really do want Belgium to reach at least semifinals. I have a soft spot for them this WC even though I don't follow their league.


Oct 25, 2017
I am, are you? Are you implying everyone here loved neymar since his days at santos? That no one ever called him a diving, spoiled kid, that we didnt had the entire "estamos criando um monstro" with Renê Simões, that we didnt had defenders trying to kick him out of the pitch for faking as well?

Hell, even santistas hate him after the whole stunt with barcelona and his father.

Sure, but there's plenty of people who loves him and see him as a perfect. Brazilian media especially, some critiques him but most think that Neymar can't do no wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
I give it more for France over Brazil because if we get to semis, it's almost a free pass for France. lol 86, 98, 02. It happens once a decade.

And I agree, this is the golden chance for England to finally have a good performance in the cup, but I'm just too used to them flopping to even see this. The whole "choosing to go against Colombia instead of Japan" seems like classic England world cup backfire.

I understand bruh lol but honestly this England team just feels different. I think their defense is meh but the offense is strong and Kane is a leader. Dunno. Unless they get really unlucky or just stop playing, they should reach the semis. I hope for their sake.

And about France vs Brazil bruh we beat you in 86 with Platini and arguably the greatest french team of all time. And in 98 and 2006 it was only thanks to Zizou (and Ronaldo being sick in 98). Like 06 Zizou single handedly won that game. We don't have Zizou anymore. You're a slight favourite against us imo. As I said as long as both teams play well I don't mind if we lose against you. Also Brazil's defense is 1000x better than 2006.


Oct 25, 2017
Japan. We root for Japan next game cause they're clearly the underdogs lol. Sorry my fellow Belgian bros.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't you Brazilians be happy with your 5 and all the great players of the past? Like you can cheer for Brazil and still think Neymar is a fucking baby. I fucking hated Luca Toni and still do. Its not like you have to cheer for every disgusting thing he did. Defending Neymar here is asinine. The ref gets the heal of the cleat.
The majority of brazilian also despise the Neymar antics.......But time passes and he still doesn't change... Also when he plays footbal, he has talent. It's a damn shame, he'll never achieve his full potential.


The Forgotten One
Oct 25, 2017
I can't think of another country who's fans on here have been either as ungracious or insulting as Brazil's were today.

It's alright to call people cunts because well they said it in english but ohhh no lets just translate everything out of context because I'm mad and I want some reckoning


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
Do you watch football? Or is this chase just for him? You complain when it isn't your team stalling the game with the same shit.

With a reaction like that? Yes, I complain. It's totally ridiculous, and if it was Mexican player that did it, I would be embarassed. I'm not disputing that he was step on, I'm not disputing that it was a red for Layun; I'm saying his reaction it's completely out of proportion. I criticize this behavior of acting like you've been shot for any player, be Neymar, CR7, Messi or Chicharo.

I understand the logic of stalling the game, but I don't support that kind of antics.


Oct 25, 2017
Portugal? In which world and timeline? Certainly not the one we live in and most certainly not in this thread

Its silly to measure "most hated country" like a dick waving contest but you got to be kidding me if you think people here are harsher with portugal....

Are you honestly gonna argue that Argentina didn't get the most trashtalk/hate since the start of the WC? I'm one of the people who has been trashing Argentina non-stop and it's not even close to Brazil. And the trashtalk about Brazil is 95% about Neymar.

Really stop being so sensitive and just report the trolls and haters who attack brazilians as a whole and not just Neymar/the team. Btw I have never said anything negative against this team except calling Neymar a diving cunt. I've only said positive things about the team and the coach. Just saying.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Brazil deserved the victory today despite Neymar's shenanigans and the awful behaviour of some Brazilian fans in this thread. Both acting like children.
Why are you calling out only Brazilian fans? There are sevarl people here wishing that Brazilian players get injured, don't let your bias cloud who is starting things here
Oct 27, 2017
Guardado was stupid making those comments before the match and we deserve this mockery, to be honest.
what did he say?
Well, in all honesty , taking everything into consideration (Germany being in their shittiest state in decades) and all, i actually think that this is the Worst performance of Mexico in the latest world cups.
yup, Mexico was toothless and only looked good because Germany was shit this year
Oct 27, 2017
Japan's team seems old, I think this is the last time they get out of group depending on if they have young talent coming through. Their population problem seems like it is really going to screw their team over. There aren't any young Japanese players playing in European leagues. The ones that do are close to retirement.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
Sure, but there's plenty of people who loves him and see him as a perfect. Brazilian media especially, some critiques him but most think that Neymar can't do no wrong.

That's sadly expected. Brazilian media was all over the 2014 squad too no matter how shitty, it's their job to hype up everything and make everything look better than it is. Just because Galvão Bueno idolizes the "menino neimá" to spice up his commentary doesnt mean everyone else does. And we still get journalists like MCP ripping him a new arsehole

Every media from every country overhype their players in a sense. Go watch some english pundits talking about Rashford for example
Oct 25, 2017

That was at least a yellow.

But Neymar.. please.

Yup, it was intentional and I would have had no problems with a red card but eeeehh...I played in a cricket game a couple of seasons ago where a guy dislocated his knee cap. I had a look and his knee cap had moved around 90 degrees and was literally sticking out of the side of his leg. He didn't roll around and act hurt nearly as much as Neymar.

The people that are saying shit like "You've never played football" or "That's his bad ankle" are just chatting shit too, if his ankle is that fucked up then he wouldn't be able to run around and especially not kick a ball, which puts more pressure on that ankle than Layun stepping on it for a second.

Should Layun have been punished? Yes.

Is Neymar a cunt? Yes.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, Brazil played well. Really liked Neymar and Willian in this match.

Maybe people should appreciate good plays instead of only hating on the players.

gg Mexibros, was hoping you could advance first place to not have Brazil x Mexico now. :( I really want to see Mexico doing a deep run someday in the WC!
That's how I saw it.

Neymar played like he is capable but a lot of people hate him.

I feel like an athletic team like France could really give Brazil issues. That could be an amazing and high scoring match if they both play to their potential.

Brazil and Uruguay is going to be a messy and dirty as hell match. I don't really look forward to that one.


Oct 27, 2017
Japan will score in the first 5 minutes with a penal or a lucky goal and park the bus for the rest of the match
I can feel it, it's happening


Oct 25, 2017

that smile that damn smile

Dude is rich as fuck and chose extremely bright cheap looking veneers when he got fake teeth. Why? Just why? There are so much better and more natural looking alternatives out there. It looks like plastic when he smiles.

Still love him as a dude/player tho. I wish he got more playtime with the team.


Oct 25, 2017
Mexico City
Shame that Mexico lost, I don't even think they played bad, they played exactly like a team its tier can play, Brazil is simply a better team, and they won deservedly, so good on them and congratulations. Still I am rooting for that Belgium-Colombia final, as every world cup I just want to see an inedit champion.


Oct 26, 2017
Lmao this thread has basically turned into the spiderman meme picture pointing to another spiderman xD. WC babyyyyy


Oct 27, 2017
So obviously Japon is going to play 11 man turtle game. Does Belgium have the skill to break these defense? Otherwise I think Belgium will choke on penal. Same will happen with hurricane tomorrow especially if Colombia score early. And Inglaterra struggles badly against turtle game plan. As seen vs Tunez.
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