Oct 28, 2017
I give you exhibit A-


I'm not a filmmaker, and don't have a background in film making but I consider myself a movie buff and would like some opinions on whether folks would attribute the constant cutting here at the director who shot it or the editor who cut it. My hunch is the scene turned out this way because it was either poorly staged or poorly designed and so the editor did his best to give it flow, make it possible to follow and give it energy. But man, there are so many cuts here that it's very disorienting. There are individual shots that are striking, like the overhead angle on the sword above Guy's head, but the whole thing is such a mess to follow. Is this a case of bad editing or bad direction? And if it's a case of bad direction, why wouldn't the director put more time and attention into making the scene possible without relying so heavily on editing?

In contrast, here is a fight scene from the movie Troy, which is just beautiful to watch, easy to track, and doesn't overuse editing. Is Wolfgang Petersen just a better director of action than Ridley Scott




Nov 2, 2017
Christopher Nolan's Batman films have horrible fight choreography, made worse by crappy shaky cam work.


Oct 27, 2017
there are way, WAY too many to list here. almost every hollywood action film has this issue.
the reason is simple: filming a good action scene takes a lot of time and talent. most directors just say "fuck it, we fix the scene during the editing process".


Oct 25, 2017
Most directors cut too rapidly and dont know how to convey spacial dynamics in a logical, easy to track manner. Fury Road was beautifully simple in its approach/framing/editing. Most could learn from the Millers and Cameron's of the world.


Oct 28, 2017
there are way, WAY too many to list here. almost every hollywood action film has this issue.
the reason is simple: filming a good action scene takes a lot of time and talent. most directors just say "fuck it, we fix the scene during the editing process".

Unless they are Netflix Marvel directors. They get that shit right and say "screw cuts!"


Oct 25, 2017
Just about all of them. It's easier to list films that do action scenes well.
Deleted member 21339
Oct 28, 2017
Now that I've looked at those two scenes again, it seems they both have a lot of edits but the edits in the Troy scene seem to have a more logical flow. The other thing is the scene in KoH takes place in a cramped back alley without much space and it doesn't help that the actors are wearing the same clothes and have long dark hair, making it harder to make out who is who. In Troy the actors are wearing different colored armor pieces, have different colored hair, and are fighting in a wide open field. Guess those things worked in its favor as far as shooting went. Hmmm... still think the sword fight in KoH is a lot messier than it should be.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
How about bad everything



Oct 25, 2017
Batman vs Bane is one of the most hilarious fights in the world when you consider they're both basically trained ninjas


Oct 27, 2017
I have no complaints with the KoH fight in OP. The Troy fight looks too slow and choreographed to me. "Okay your turn, now hold there while I pivot.." The absolute worst big fight I can think of for that kind of thing is Kylo and Rey vs the guards. Visually great in terms of color and composition etc, but as a fight it was like watching a talented high school play. Sooooo slow and stiff, it's a bad joke. Should have gotten real stuntmen/fighters to do it and CG'd their faces on or something.


Oct 27, 2017
Isn't the dodgy camera work usually done to mask the use of stunt actors?

That Kingdom of Heaven clip is a good example because the faces are so often obscured.


Oct 27, 2017
there are way, WAY too many to list here. almost every hollywood action film has this issue.
the reason is simple: filming a good action scene takes a lot of time and talent. most directors just say "fuck it, we fix the scene during the editing process".

This right here. One of the biggest issues I have with the marvel movies. They make billions but cant get action scenes consistently right. I remember laughing at the winter soldier vs. Cap street fight for example. So many cuts and weird angles.


Oct 28, 2017
The entire fights and action sequence in FFXV Kingsglaive were such a clusterfuck directing. I'm still not sure what the hell happen in the fight with Ultros.


Dec 19, 2017
Rain went through lots of training and fight choreography, only for James McTeigue to completely cut his fight scenes to shreds in the abysmal Ninja Assassin. I'll never forgive McTeigue for that.


Oct 25, 2017
While not a movie, the Sand Snakes vs Jaime/Bronn fight was absolutely pathetic in Game of Thrones



Oct 27, 2017
Isn't the dodgy camera work usually done to mask the use of stunt actors?

That Kingdom of Heaven clip is a good example because the faces are so often obscured.
Sometimes. Often it's used to mask the fact that the actor can't really fight.

In the case of super hero films a lot of the characters are wearing masks, so neither justification applies in that case. Then it's usually a poorly-executed "stylistic" choice to make things feel more "visceral" and/or make up for weak choreography.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Quantum of Solace has really well choreographed action and great stunts, but the haphazard rapid editing really dampens a lot of it.

Bumble Bee

Nov 1, 2017
I think the second unit is response for most of the action scenes in these films apart from Nolan as he films everything with his DOP.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
well it's kind of weird how the third movie gets flack for the fight scenes, but I felt like Christopher Nolan didn't know how to direct fight scenes until the Dark Knight. The problem in that film is the choreography, not the direction.


This head and shoulders fight style they made up for Batman is the dumbest.

Personally, Nolan still doesn't know how to direct, stage, edit or design action scenes as far as I'm concerned.


Oct 27, 2017
For a series that is well known for it's lightsaber fights, The Last Jedi was trash

scene was great, despite that one big fuck up (weapon just vanishes). scenes where a group attacks a single person almost never work. you always end up with people standing at the sidelines, doing nothing or waiting for their cue.


Prominent Member
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Most recently, Mile 22.

Cmon, trash editing with Iko in your movie!

Director should be banned from the industry.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
This fight is shot and edited beautifully. This really isn't what OP is talking about.

Yeah people get so hung up on micro-choreography details in these big multiperson fight scenes (especially stuff that really isn't even that noticeable unless you're specifically looking for it, and doesn't even seem like a big deal once taken as a part of the whole). Seven Samurai would get skewered by today's forum dwellers if they made a gif of every time someone died when a blade didn't fully connect, or of a sword aiming for another sword at the last second. Really feels like missing the forest for the trees.


Oct 27, 2017
While not a movie, the Sand Snakes vs Jaime/Bronn fight was absolutely pathetic in Game of Thrones


To me, most fights scenes are "good enough" in that they don't really bother me when I'm watching. Like, I know they aren't easy, and they get the point across.

BUT THIS SCENE... yeah... holy shit was it bad. I think it's more glaring that with a show with this much money thrown into production, you have some Kirk vs. Gorn level shit mixed in and it really takes you out.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Really well shot, horribly choreographed.

What it shows is terrible. How it shows it is beautiful.

We'll agree to disagree. It think it's choreography is fine; not anywhere near the best, but certainly not trash. But OP isn't asking for choreography thoughts, so I had to say something.


Oct 25, 2017

This head and shoulders fight style they made up for Batman is the dumbest.

Personally, Nolan still doesn't know how to direct, stage, edit or design action scenes as far as I'm concerned.
yeah my bad I meant the dark knight rises. as in: they are all bad for fight scenes, but the third one is actually the least offensive - but gets most of the criticism.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless they are Netflix Marvel directors. They get that shit right and say "screw cuts!"
Cuts are not what make an action scene inherently good or bad. A fight scene can have a ton of rapid cuts, and it can be great, as long as the shots are framed correctly and each cut has a specific purpose in conveying an action.