

Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
A game can have varied movement options and its movement system as a whole can feel lacking.

When I say a game has good movement; the games general movement systems work together to make the movement feel prehensile, protean, and powerful. The player feels like they have some precision control over their avatar that approximates something analog in a lot of circumstances. The movement is so powerful, the gameplay at large centers around it. That's good movement. MvC3, Melee, Soulcalibur 1/2, and to a lesser extent, AC+R. That's my holy quadrant (oh, and Tekken)

Vanishing Attacks, IAD, Homing Dashes, Double Jump etc. are great options, but are all system mechanics balanced against other options, which means they have built in costs and commitments associated with them that make them restricting. The most the game has going for it so far that I appreciate is that momentum is conserved when jumping from a Dash. These are all general anime game things, though, that I appreciate more when the game generally moves faster so things aren't easy to react to (+R). DBZF isn't very fast.

But I haven't leveled any final judgments against the game by any means. People can continue to respond to my posts like I have, though.
I honestly don't understand how you can feel like anime games in general do not have crisp/powerful movement. Or that Tekken, one of the shittiest series on the planet when it comes to movement, gets the thumbs-up from you. Are you just upset that you can't tridash or something?

DBFZ is definitely a bit "slip and slide" it seems, but I think lab time will work out the kinks there.

Sheng Long

Oct 27, 2017
OK, I played a little more DBFZ. Still haven't gotten any matches but played in the training mode a bit more.

It is damn pretty though.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
at last someone else gets dunked on for an opinion


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Tekken has super precise movement with great scaling from manual dexterity.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Tekken...Having bad movement.....That's a hot take if Ive ever heard one
This isn't a hot take, this is a criticism as old as the series itself. The twitch nature of the movement makes non-Tekken players perceive the movement as clunky. You are covering very little space (relatively speaking) with lots of repetitive actions/movements, it's not smooth that is for sure. People have similar criticism for VS games too or many games with wave dash type stuff only in Tekken's case it's more obvious because less space is covered and it's interjected with hyper realistic move animation. Humans can kick and punch like in Tekken but humans don't Korean back dash like in Tekken which causes a dissonance in the visuals.
Nov 2, 2017
Tekken has super precise movement with great scaling from manual dexterity.
I like this phraseology, I'm stealing this.

This isn't a hot take, this is a criticism as old as the series itself. The twitch nature of the movement makes non-Tekken players perceive the movement as clunky. You are covering very little space (relatively speaking) with lots of repetitive actions/movements, it's not smooth that is for sure. People have similar criticism for VS games too or many games with wave dash type stuff only in Tekken's case it's more obvious because less space is covered and it's interjected with hyper realistic move animation. Humans can kick and punch like in Tekken but humans don't Korean back dash like in Tekken which causes a dissonance in the visuals.

It's a hot take. I'm clearly referring to the articulation you described above in regards to Tekken's merits and Kars just wants to say it looks bad.
Nov 2, 2017
Yeah, except I've stated time and again that my mind isn't set regarding anything with DBFZ.

People seem to really have problems with opinions and statements that aren't blindly fawning over this game.


Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't know what you expected considering your opening line was "game looks garbo."

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
Somebody shine the Shaowebb signal.
Did someone say my name?
Oh God. Great Wall of Text incoming.
Yup thats me.
Anyhow what makes Arcana Heart's movement so good is honestly the same thing that makes for good movement in any other game. That being that their is always an option in any given situation that is universal to any character. That means full screen against zoning, when backed into a corner, on jump in, on wakeup, vs jump ins, when on the ground trying to get in, when in the air, vs pressure, vs mixups, etc.

Arcana Heart has a gigantic screen height and homing dashes. So if you're super jumping or jumping beaning you can go any direction. Attacks like Arcana attacks are huge and you can lay down trash vs that or homing dash up to catch someone runnin around like Magneto. Plus there are moves that are air unblockable so jump in crossups aint the end all be all in spite of the the speed at which you can jump from anywhere and make it clear across the screen. Its got the ability to double tap homing dash to rocket faster at someone and when done you can also steer instead of just homing. That means universally you could superjump over someone homing dash straight down rapidly zig zagging all the way to create ambiguous crossups...to which they either move, or try to AA with an air unblockable to which you need to decide to follow through or just steer your dash away.

Layers within layers to the air dashing strats. Its pretty good. Plus its got your general anime grab back of defensive tools when guarding and such to handle pressure in the corner. Also attacks can clash so you can meet offense with offense as a ghetto parry to start a real fast and exciting counter vs blockstrings. Its a great game.

Here's the Arcana Heart OT filled with tidbits and tons of links to improve at it or any of its cast
I suggest the discord link though. Its the treasure trove of help.
Nov 2, 2017
Thanks shaowebb. I've had friends tell me about the series for years, but I've never wanted to touch it, for some obvious reasons. I may try and DL a version of PSN or something and mess with it a bit however, but that does sound interesting.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
If your not going with the new steam only six stars version hold off on ah3 love max for a sale. It's only 5bucks on sale usually.


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of big name streamers like Tru are streaming DBZ. If they stick to streaming it, the game is going to be huge. Free advertisement.

Of course it's going to be big initially, just like Tekken 7 was as well or Injustice 2. The challenge is always to maintain the motivation / interest after a year or more. With the way the game is designed, I expect an obvious drop of interest after EVO. SFV is past it's rough start and should actually gain momentum this year, so this one will have earned it's stripes as a premiere streaming game. The biggest "esport" positive for DBFZ is that top Japanese players who usually play Capcom games are trying it out and might seriously compete unlike Marvel vs Capcom since there will be a scene for it in Japan.
Nov 2, 2017
So is DBZF worth 60 Trump bucks?

I don't think anyone has spent enough time with the game to faithfully answer that question. It's just a beta, without all the game modes/characters. If having a large pool of players is a significant factor for your enjoyment of fighting games, I expect the online/offline community will be strong until at least after EVO.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Are all the chances to play a beta of DBFZ over? Wanted to play the open beta but I've been buried in work.


Dec 3, 2017
Sydney, Australia
I'm glad the beta found all these stress related issues on the server then!
I might pick up the game on steam, I'm just keen to give it a shot even if it's not usually the type of fighter I play.


Oct 25, 2017
A game can have varied movement options and its movement system as a whole can feel lacking.

When I say a game has good movement; the games general movement systems work together to make the movement feel prehensile, protean, and powerful. The player feels like they have some precision control over their avatar that approximates something analog in a lot of circumstances. The movement is so powerful, the gameplay at large centers around it. That's good movement. MvC3, Melee, Soulcalibur 1/2, and to a lesser extent, AC+R. That's my holy quadrant (oh, and Tekken)

Vanishing Attacks, IAD, Homing Dashes, Double Jump etc. are great options, but are all system mechanics balanced against other options, which means they have built in costs and commitments associated with them that make them restricting. The most the game has going for it so far that I appreciate is that momentum is conserved when jumping from a Dash. These are all general anime game things, though, that I appreciate more when the game generally moves faster so things aren't easy to react to (+R). DBZF isn't very fast.

But I haven't leveled any final judgments against the game by any means. People can continue to respond to my posts like I have, though.
We can react to the various movement options in +R just fine though...

Anyways, movement options in Arcsys games are powerful, they're just not free. If you're not smart with them, it backfires, because the gameplay at large does center around those options. Seems like the style might not be quite your thing, but the movement options in Arcsys games are good.


Permanently banned for usage of an alt-account.
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
So is DBZF worth 60 Trump bucks?
Yes IMO.

Though why on earth would you spend mrssspppfff or whatever the term is? Who the heck buys full priced games on release? Bruv you need drop that price down by trading in games or getting Xbox/PSN cash codes for cheap.

I'm planning on getting game+season pass for sub 70, maybe even USD 65 if I can, for PC (Thank you Humble credit).

1 Hour of Virtua Fighter 3

Cyberbots matches

Fighter's History Dynamite Karnov's Revenge matches

2+ Hours of Garou

4 Hours of Melty Blood

1 Hour of Hokuto no Ken matches

Street Fighter Zero/Alpha 3 matches

Samurai Spirits/Sho(w)down 2 matches

Fatal Fury 2 Special matches

1 Hour of Guilty Gear Xrd R

Under Night InBirth matches

Dead or Alive 5 matches

2 Hours of BlazBlue


Oct 26, 2017
I might've misunderstood, who knows. Even once it went full open beta, I barely ended up playing it- no training mode kinda killed my beta interest.
Nov 2, 2017
Everyone was talking about nothing but the Beta at Versus Gaming Center (where our local FG players meet) for weeks. People stayed up until 3AM expecting to do training mode or at least some type of offline versus for some reason. Once they realized those options weren't available, no one bothered with the Beta.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
Got stuck on longshifts for startups and shutdowns at the plant. Never got to hit the beta. Hope to hit the next on they promised. There are some insane combo links using vanish. The Krillin ones were great looking.

No clue who I wanna play the most. Sixteens big body grappler style sounds great and I really wanna do something scumbag with Ginyu soon. I literally love all this roster has.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I might've misunderstood, who knows. Even once it went full open beta, I barely ended up playing it- no training mode kinda killed my beta interest.
I strongly recommend labbing it with Goku. Like Marvel, there's enough universal stuff that I only became confident in the game after I spent time training with him. It all translated to my other characters just fine.

Everyone was talking about nothing but the Beta at Versus Gaming Center (where our local FG players meet) for weeks. People stayed up until 3AM expecting to do training mode or at least some type of offline versus for some reason. Once they realized those options weren't available, no one bothered with the Beta.
There are 4 topics about ASW doing a great job with DBFZ on the front page. Sounds like a lot of people had a blast to me, and the OT was overwhelmingly positive during the beta.

I'm... kind of interested in seeing what Japanese Smash 4 looks like.
We see it all the time - JP players travel here during Evo and play.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the response to the game seems, overall, extremely positive.


Cool, I don't pay attention. Do they play any differently? Are they competitive with the US?
Nah, I think we're largely past that point in fighting games. There are a few JP players that tend to place well in the USA. I always watch out for Abadango. But the #1 Smash player has been Chilean for ages.
Nov 2, 2017
Yeah, that's definitely one of the cons of globalization trends. I could go on and on about the regional differences regarding the gameplay of Melee circa 2004-10 or so, before the high proliferation of youtube. It was incredibly fascinating.

Didn't you move to SFL recently? What's taking you so long to check out Versus Gaming Center?