Dec 2, 2017
Even for the breakout star of Casino Royale, it is a high-stakes gamble.

Eva Green, the one-time Bond girl, will roll the dice this week as she launches a lawsuit against the production company behind a science fiction film that never saw the light of day.

The Bafta-winning actress is due to give evidence in the High Court on Wednesday, seeking $1 million (£810,000) from the backers of the film, A Patriot, in which she would have played a border guard living under a future authoritarian state.

The film, which was also due to star Charles Dance and Helen Hunt, was meant to begin production in August 2019 but was pushed back by two months before being cancelled entirely.

But like Bond's paramour and MI6 colleague Vesper Lynd, who turns out to be a double agent, Green, 42, is being accused of duplicity.

The production company, White Lantern Film Britannica, is countersuing the actress for $5 million after discovering text and email conversations that Green was forced to hand over during the pre-trial evidence-gathering process. The company accuses her of "repeatedly making unreasonable demands", "unlawful conspiracy" and having "no intention and/or desire to complete the production of the film".

It is alleged that budget constraints frustrated Green. She demanded a producer hire four handpicked crew members, including a personal assistant and driver, make-up artist, dialect coach and script supervisor, for fees that were "non-negotiable. They cannot work for less and I cannot work without them". When that was denied, she wrote to her agent, Charles Collier, that she would instead be "obliged to take [the producer Jake Seal's] shitty peasant crew members from Hampshire".

The following week she wrote that one producer was "a f***ing moron. He needs to get fired" and that Seal also "needs to get fired". In emails and WhatsApp messages revealed in court filings, Green described the funders as "arseholes" and "sad little people". She referred to Seal as "that moron Jake … pure vomit", a "devious sociopath" and "the Devil" who was "sabotaging" the film by not allowing it to be shot on location in Scotland. "F*** him", she wrote to the screenwriter Dan Pringle.

In her reply to the counterclaim, Green, who was also an executive producer of the film, asserts that her desire was "to ensure that the film was properly produced" and her concern was that Seal and other producers "were not competent to do so".

Eva Green stars in multi-million pound court battle with ‘moron’ film producers

Even for the breakout star of Casino Royale, it is a high-stakes gamble. Eva Green, the one-time Bond girl, will roll the dice this week as she launches a lawsuit against the production company behind a science fiction film that never saw the light of day. The Bafta-winning actress is due to...

Eva Green ‘called film producers a***holes’ in WhatsApp chat - court will hear

Actress Eva Green called producers “a***holes” and branded crew members as “peasants” in bitter wrangling over a doomed £4 million movie project she is accused of sabotaging, the High Court is set to hear.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Lmao well RIP her career. Nobody is going to want to work with her after this.


Oct 25, 2017
...She had to be joking, right? Like I've never heard someone call anyone a "peasants" unironically or w/e.


Nov 4, 2017
I was with her in the first half as it sounded like she was trying to fight for her team then I kept reading and...not so much.


Feb 20, 2021
Lmao well RIP her career. Nobody is going to want to work with her after this.
Actors and actresses have come back from 100x worse than getting caught calling crew members peasants. As callous as this sounds, no one in that industry is gonna care about this. It's on the bottom of the list of bad shit that happens in Hollywood that people get away with.


Oct 27, 2017
The following week she wrote that one producer was "a f***ing moron. He needs to get fired" and that Seal also "needs to get fired". In emails and WhatsApp messages revealed in court filings, Green described the funders as "arseholes" and "sad little people". She referred to Seal as "that moron Jake … pure vomit", a "devious sociopath" and "the Devil" who was "sabotaging" the film by not allowing it to be shot on location in Scotland. "F*** him", she wrote to the screenwriter Dan Pringle.

Time for my favorite Justified gif!



Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
Lol. She could literally shit on the producer's desk and still be fine career wise. That story will not harm her career at all.

Actors and actresses have come back from 100x worse than getting caught calling crew members peasants. As callous as this sounds, no one in that industry is gonna care about this. It's on the bottom of the list of bad shit that happens in Hollywood that people get away with.

I don't think of Hollywood as a particularly kind industry to women in their 40s as-is. Throw on top of that any sort of controversy but especially insulting producers and staff, and idk. Sounds like she's gonna have trouble finding work.


Oct 29, 2017
I mean, time will tell? She could just as well be telling the truth. Lots of movies are made by producers looking to make a quick buck by banking on a known actor's name and underbudgeting everything else. It's why the concept of straight-to-DVD exists in the first place. If she was unaware of this before signing on, she'd be right to be angry.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol. She could literally shit on the producer's desk and still be fine career wise. That story will not harm her career at all.
Besides the double standard of studios/producers looking for a reason not to work with a "difficult woman," I don't think Eva Green is really a big enough deal where she can get away with just anything


Oct 25, 2017
Calling people peasants is pretty hilarious and somehow predictable coming from her.

I'd still watch her in anything, she's electric on screen even if she's an asshole.


Feb 20, 2021
I don't think of Hollywood as a particularly kind industry to women in their 40s as-is. Throw on top of that any sort of controversy but especially insulting producers and staff, and idk. Sounds like she's gonna have trouble finding work.
You're right about treatment of actresses in their 40s. I dunno, we'll see. I'm guessing she'll be fine.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I mean it does sound like a straight to video famous actors cash in gig. Maybe she didn't see it coming but the fact it imploded, writing was on the wall from multiple factors.

As for peasants, not a good look but I use plebs, peasants in a self deprecating way at least but wouldn't say of others. I guess an American slant would be hillbillies?

She was use to working at a certain level, it wasn't that, complains in a bad way. Who knows if she was nasty in public to workers, that would be bad.


Oct 25, 2017
Actors and actresses have come back from 100x worse than getting caught calling crew members peasants. As callous as this sounds, no one in that industry is gonna care about this. It's on the bottom of the list of bad shit that happens in Hollywood that people get away with.

Honestly, for someone who had a lot of momentum in the mid 00s. Her career never quite took off like you'd expected it would for someone hot off Bond and working with Ridley Scott. If it is true she is difficult to deal with and suing the company sends a pretty negative signal. Could just be the end outside of producers who like working with her like Burton.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think of Hollywood as a particularly kind industry to women in their 40s as-is. Throw on top of that any sort of controversy but especially insulting producers and staff, and idk. Sounds like she's gonna have trouble finding work.
Lol. You are really trying to make it sound like she did something way worse. Like i said, she will be fine. But let's check if she will be losing some deals over this in the next few days.

Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
Has Eva Green had some sort of amazing career that I missed to make people think she's foolproof?


Oct 25, 2017
This feels like one of those situations where we find out 3 days from now in a follow up article, that the producer is a psycho and everyone hated him.

I've been tricked to many times.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, for someone who had a lot of momentum in the mid 00s. Her career never quite took off like you'd expected it would for someone hot off Bond and working with Ridley Scott.

Yeah, I've always been saddened by her career and how it never took off as much as it should've. From what I've heard though, she did in fact turn down a lot of high profile roles over the years. I think she genuinely didn't want to be a Hollywood A-Lister, at least, not with the roles being offered to her.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I've always been saddened by her career and how it never took off as much as it should've. From what I've heard though, she did in fact turn down a lot of high profile roles over the years. I think she genuinely didn't want to be a Hollywood A-Lister, at least, not with the roles being offered to her.
Yup. She said numerous times that she wasn't interested in being some sort of "big hollywood star". She turned down a lot of big movies to focus on her family, on some causes that are important to her (what's happening in the middle east atm), etc.
The French film industry will keep her going for life.
Exactly, lol. In fact, she's Milady in the 2 part-movie "The French Musketeers" which will be released this year.


Oct 25, 2017
As for severity, I don't know. This is trending into Katherine Heigl territory.


Oct 27, 2017
Eh, honestly outside of the insults which were private I don't see anything that shows she was sabotaging production. It just sounds like the production crew sucked. She was a producer on the film so none of those demands are out of left field.

It reminds me of Bale's rant from years ago, was he being kind of an asshole? Yes. Was he right? 100% yes.


Oct 25, 2017
Well I'm kinda surprised. I always see reports about how she's the sweetest actress and actually very shy in real life unlike her movie roles.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you know where we are?

Yes, if I'm trying to insult them in a private conversation.

Calling someone a "peasant" as an insult, especially in the UK and Europe in general is hugely derogatory and doing so simply because you are unhappy with their work performance makes you a terrible person

doing it behind their backs makes you a cowardly terrible person


Oct 29, 2017
Does that make them peasants?
It's a private conversation with her manager, nothing indicates she called them that to their faces. Everyone has the right to vent. She might've had good reason to vent.

Feel free to have your hot take but all I said was that we don't know anything about this whole situation, we don't know the history, we don't have any context, we don't know the people involved so maybe, just maybe, it would be prudent to wait until we actually know what we're talking about instead of jumping to conclusions based on a counter sue.

Calling someone a "peasant" as an insult, especially in the UK and Europe in general is hugely derogatory
Lol, no it isn't. You must live in a different Europe.


Oct 28, 2017
Eh if she needs to vent through a private conversation, let her.

I don't see the issue here, and maybe those producers were assholes.
Jan 18, 2018
Calling someone a "peasant" as an insult, especially in the UK and Europe in general is hugely derogatory and doing so simply because you are unhappy with their work performance makes you a terrible person

doing it behind their backs makes you a cowardly terrible person
lmao add that to the list of era's prerequisites for being a terrible person page 32


Oct 30, 2017

but lol people defending someone being an asshole. People can be assholes, it's fine you don't have to defend them.


Feb 17, 2018
Maybe it was her evil twin sister?

Also, she's French, maybe all she meant is that when the Revolution comes again, that specific team is safe, since they're, you know, non brioche eaters?