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Oct 25, 2017
It's probably because I found other indie coming of age films to be better and the universal acclaim of Lady Bird for such an annoying protagonist (Sacramento isn't some poor downtown city like Cleveland or the projects or the hood, like sit down) compared to others didn't sit right with me. 20th Century Women, Edge Of Seventeen, Mistress America, Frances Ha, The Diary Of A Teenage Girl, Towelhead, and others being mentioned with just female protags are more interesting. Even Easy A. Daughters and moms not getting along is old as dirt. Teen girls being bratty and wanting to move out is as old as fairy tales. Catholic schools in films are nothing new. I honestly don't know the broader conversation to have from Lady Bird. It would be a boring pick for Best Picture.
I can see where you were coming from. But a boring pick would be The Darkest Hour or The Post.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
March thread will be up a bit later than usual, woops. I am also totally on board with the Lady Bird mediocrity.

Haven't really looked into the Oscar noms and who are expected to win. Why isn't there a ResetEra Oscar pool of sorts?


Oct 25, 2017
i liked a few of the oscar nominees this year quite a bit, but Good Time is far and away my favorite movie last year for sure. beyond just the aesthetic Mann-influence that always pulls me in, I liked how frantic the movie felt. dude was on the edge the entire time, Pattinson gave a Pacino-esque performance too reminding me of the latter's character in Dog Day Afternoon

definitely will check it out again on netflix soon.


Jan 12, 2018
So sorry everybody, but this Year's Berlinale really drained me.
going to try to make my Pick 3 the next 4 days.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
Police Story 3: Supercop: Jackie Chan steps out of the director's chair for this entry in place of Rumble in the Bronx director Stanley Tong. With him comes an even greater evolution in terms of narrative flow as this entry is the best yet in terms of hooking you into the story and balancing plot developments, action beats, and comedy all within the same scenes. There's a greater scope this time around too as it breathlessly moves from one location and setpiece to the next. Chan is paired with Michelle Yeoh this time around which proves to be a solid move as not only does she upstage him terms of the action, but the two have pretty great comedic chemistry together.

Unfortunately the fight scenes are largely a sizable step down from the previous movies. Where Chan filmed his fights in wide angles and combined dizzying acrobatics with tons of goons to fight and creative uses of the environments, Tong chooses to shoot the fights a lot tighter and most of the action is only between a few combatants. The finale is still super awesome though and mostly makes up for it with the escalation of its insane stunt work.

Tangerine: Watching this in reverse order having seen Florida Project first, this feels no less fresh in its aesthetic and narrative focus despite their similarities. Sean Baker finds super underexposed and fascinating stories and films them in the most expressive and vibrant way, contrasting beauty and ugliness until you're not even sure which is which anymore. Even at its most shocking or offputting moments Baker treats the story and characters with nothing less than profound empathy and respect.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Red Sparrow (2018) - 5.8/10. A totally rock solid yet disappointingly generic espionage thriller that's well-shot, solidly acted and entertainingly lurid, if also messy, overly self-serious given its inherent absurdity, and about half an hour too long.

I probably wouldn't watch it again because of the dodgy pacing and the fact it's ultimately quite a familiar romp, but it'll deliver the basic goods for J-Law's fans and it's certainly captivating enough for the most part.


Oct 27, 2017
idk if they're all on filmstruck, and I think I saw the first was expiring soon, but if you can catch only one more entry in the trilogy before they time out skip ahead to Decline III. Part II The Metal Years is super funny and all but III, which ties together the sort of hangers-on of hxc with homeless gutterpunks in the 90s, is on another level.

Thanks, I was wondering if the others are worth watching. Strangely Part II isn't on FS. I and III have another week before they expire so I should have time to catch it.


Oct 25, 2017
Quick note that Good Time is not on US netflix, sadly. I'm planning on getting that disc before MOTY voting, currently queued behind Last Flag Flying, Song to Song, and The Florida Project. lotta catchup to do.
Thanks, I was wondering if the others are worth watching. Strangely Part II isn't on FS. I and III have another week before they expire so I should have time to catch it.
Oh weird. well that makes it easier to skip lol.

Basically where in I and III Spheeris is sympathetic to the kids, in The Metal Years she's mostly laughing at the musicians. which is fair because they're ridiculous metal bros (Paul Stanley is hysterical) and they likely wouldn't even have opened up to her if she tried but it also makes it less affecting.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Amazon's movie selection is so good currently

And yeah Florida Project and Good Time were two of the best films last year


Oct 27, 2017
Red Sparrow

Yeah, I don't really get all the negative reviews. True, it's not a masterpiece for the ages, but it is a very solid and entertaining spy film with a great performance of Lawrence. The plot is well-told and keeps you constantly on edge, as it's never clear which side Lawrence's character is actually on. It suffers a bit from a drawn-out first act, but makes up for it with an exciting and well paced second half. Yes, the violence and sex (and often the two combined) are explicit, but serve the plot and character. Even though there is a lot of nudity for instance, it's never sexy or arrousing, and teh violence makes you wince in stead of root. This is not a female James Bond flick full of sexyness, cool action or glamour, but a well-made, rough genre flick.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Florida, USA
I need to watch good time again. I am more in love with Robert Pattinson and the music than the actual film.


Oct 25, 2017
Red Sparrow (2018) - 5.8/10. A totally rock solid yet disappointingly generic espionage thriller that's well-shot, solidly acted and entertainingly lurid, if also messy, overly self-serious given its inherent absurdity, and about half an hour too long.

I probably wouldn't watch it again because of the dodgy pacing and the fact it's ultimately quite a familiar romp, but it'll deliver the basic goods for J-Law's fans and it's certainly captivating enough for the most part.
I've heard even Atomic Blonde is better. Shit, now I want to rewatch the fights.


Oct 27, 2017
Watched Black Panther tonight! As always, seeing those superheroes film hype me up and considering Avengers Infinity War is out next month i'm thinking catching up on some of the movies i missed, that ties in to AIW.
I need to watch
Dr Strange
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 and Vol 2
Thor Dark Worlds and Thor Ragnarok.

I could probably skip Thor 2 considering it led to Avengers 2, which i saw but it's just for the sake of seeing it, same with GoTG. Though Vol 1 is apparently better than Vol 2.

Tophat Jones

Alt Account
Oct 26, 2017
Annihilation fucking earned its hard R rating, god damn. Wasn't expecting such an intense watching experience. Not a perfect movie, but very memorable. Definitely glad I saw it.


Oct 25, 2017
I forgot all about Columbus until yesterday when I saw it got added to Netflix. A few critics put it on their top ten lists though, so I thought it was worth checking out.
As a film, I enjoyed it, but structurally I found it amusing because it's an Asian Angst film mashed together with a girl coming of age film (although the opposite of Ladybird, funny enough). I just don't think I've seen that combination of story before, because those are usually found in two different types of indie films, so it was like an indie mashup.


Oct 26, 2017
i liked a few of the oscar nominees this year quite a bit, but Good Time is far and away my favorite movie last year for sure. beyond just the aesthetic Mann-influence that always pulls me in, I liked how frantic the movie felt. dude was on the edge the entire time, Pattinson gave a Pacino-esque performance too reminding me of the latter's character in Dog Day Afternoon

definitely will check it out again on netflix soon.

The early Mann inspired aesthetic was my favorite part, the score is tied with Phantom Thread for being my favorite of the year. You're dead on with the Pacino comparison too.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
10 days into March and no March FilmEra?

Paddington 2.

I loved 1; I didn't know what I'll make of P2 but I know it was generally well received. And I loved it almost as much as film 1; if its a bit different with its expanded cast in the prison. Fun Villian in Hugh Grant hamming it up as a campy actor type. Donald Gleeson is amazing in this. Really enjoyable. Lots of laughs to be had. Teared up at the end too. The little boy shooting up so much due to puberty made him a tad distracting but its a minor quibble



Oct 25, 2017
I seem to have accidentally stumbled into a submarine season. Watched Hunt for Red October a few days ago, and now I'm watching K-19 the Widowmaker (never seen it before). Will have to follow that up with Crimson Tide (one of my personal favourites) and Das Boot.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished Moonrise Kingdom, my first full Wes Anderson film. It looked very nice but I really did not care for the main two child actors. Am I doomed to never enjoy Wes Anderson?


Oct 25, 2017
Ninja Assassin
I bought this a while back and just sat on it for a while. Thought I'd bust it out tonight for a break from all the gory bloodshed I've watched in the horror movies of the past few days...or not. Forgot this was supposed to be incredibly violent and the first few minutes reminded me of that.

Overall I'd say this was an ok film. The violence in the first few minutes led me to believe this would be about a ninja assassin which it is, but not like I thought. I got the feeling it would be a John Wick type story, but was a bit disappointed that it wasn't quite what I imagined. The bad thing is the story bits in the middle really drug this down. That slow chunk is book-ended by some pretty good, violent action. However, the middle is kind of boring. I'd much rather have had the front bit of violence interspersed in with the middle so it kind of ramped up throughout.

The fighting was decent. It was kind of an in between a Shaw bros movie and your typical Hollywood quick cut stuff. Lots of cgi that you could easily see, but wasn't terribly distracting.

Reminded me a lot of Ninja Gaiden II actually...



Nov 1, 2017
Just finished Moonrise Kingdom, my first full Wes Anderson film. It looked very nice but I really did not care for the main two child actors. Am I doomed to never enjoy Wes Anderson?
Nah, I had the same Problem with Moonrise Kingdom, but I love stuff Wes Anderson. Try Royal Tenenbaums, Grand Budapest Hotel, Fantastix Mr. Fox next for example.

Also, guys, get over there. Name changed back.
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