Which game launched more unfinished?

  • Final Fantasy XV

    Votes: 285 44.3%
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

    Votes: 359 55.7%

  • Total voters

Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
So me personally, I like both of these games, mostly because I find their highs to more than compensate for their lows. On the other hand, I know that most of Era has issues with both these games, which can usually be traced to their troubled development cycles, and both games being released in, shall we say, varying states of completion.

So, of the two games, which one do you think launched more unfinished? Which one disappointed you more? With more than a year out (at least) from the launch of both, which one do you like more now? Which one do you think has been handled better?


Oct 28, 2017
XV was sure lacking in a lot of aspects, but the story, although with its parts that had to be filled later, still had it's clear beginning and clear ending. I really can't say the same about MGSV, there is a reason Chapter 3 became a meme.


Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
I mean I didn't feel the Phantom Pain even had an ending.
Chapter 2 was a rehash of missions.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Final Fantasy XV launch made me feel like the developers didn't get to add some things they wanted. MGSV left a fucking hole in my heart.


Oct 27, 2017
Metal Gear Solid V: TPP without any doubt. The gameplay was god-like but the open world ended up being extremely repetitive. Same helicopter animations, same missions after half-game, completely butchered ending. No comparison here for me.


Dec 22, 2017
It's FFXV and it's not even close. FFXV is a god awful game that feels unfinished in almost every aspect. MGSV's controls are a masterpiece and the game runs smooth as butter.


Oct 25, 2017
FFXV managed to stick the ending quite well even if it felt like a ton of it was barebones leading up to it; MGSV has a superior open world by far but essentially doesn't have an ending. I'm gonna have to go with MGSV.


Apr 16, 2018
I LOVED MGSV. Act 3 was missing but overall it was much better experience as gameplay was excellent.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
That's... an interesting question.

TPP didn't have an ending, but in every other respect it felt like a much more complete game. Hmmmm.


Oct 25, 2017
MGSV without a doubt. FFXV had a bumpy story but at least it came to a definitive and, for the most part, satisfying ending that moved some of us to tears. An ending, mind you, that was delivered through cutscenes and dialogue after the final boss and did not require hours of listening to audio recordings of dialogue to try and get some sort of context and yet still let huge plot points unnatended.

Also: as "unfinished" as FFXV launched they have at least continued to support it to this day. MGSV's story has long since been abandoned and they've only maintained what would give them money (i.e. FOB and multiplayer bullshit).

So not only did FFXV launched less incomplete but they've actively continued to try and make amends. Konami dont give a fuck.


Oct 27, 2017
The ending of FFXV almost made me forgive the previous 25 hours when I played it at launch.

MGSV doesn't have a real ending.


Oct 25, 2017
The only similarities between FFXV and MGSV is that both games need an exceptional amount of work still, at this point.

FFXV happens to be an actual complete game which is in desperate need of the fleshing out of its story, while MGSV is an unfinished game, which not only lacks a proper conclusion, it also doesn't deliver upon the whole point of MGSV which was to bridge the gap.

FFXV is less disappointing since I was expecting less from SE given the troubled development of the title. MGSV is extremely disappointing since I know that there is no way we will ever get another Kojima-directed MGS game and it went out with a whimper. The FF series will (hopefully) redeem itself soon enough.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
MGSV by far. At launch despite story issues, FFXV felt like a complete game.


Oct 27, 2017
MGS V never struck me as unfinished, and neither did FF XV.

I know which one has supremely polished and deep gameplay mechanics, though.
Nov 1, 2017
MGSV is missing a whole act of story. FFXV has some issues there too but they stick the landing with a strong and emotional ending. It's a shame since MGSV has amazing gameplay.


Oct 27, 2017
On one hand, MGSV had some of the best gameplay of any game ever.

On the other hand, it was lacking a lot of what makes MGS MGS.

Overall FFXV feels like a more finished game if you look at the entire package.


Oct 25, 2017
Mgsv was a complete thing with some questionable decisions that were the result of inhouse squabbling and ppl pulling each other in diff directions

Ffxv is what you get when you start writing a paper but then you realize you want to write a different paper and someone else starts on what you wrote before and your paper gets a c

Deleted member 8106

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Oct 26, 2017
FFXV. Because even if episode 51 is missing from MGSV (and we know it was cut out), the game never feels unfinished, it closes all the story-arc and there are pretty much no plot holes if not for the Eli arc.
While in FFXV you can still see the holes if you play it today, SE patched some story stuff in but the overall package still feels incomplete. I liked both games, but while MGSV was, maybe, a repetitive experience for some users due to repeated missions, I never had the necessity to search on google an explanation about the lore because the game had a poor narration, a thing I did for FFXV.


Oct 27, 2017
I won't vote because I did not played MGV.
But I heard about it and I think both of those games shouldn't have been released the way they were.

Granted, they're trying to fix things on FFXV but the Non Royal Edition still feels incomplete and Day 1 buyers are right to complain.


Oct 28, 2017
Theyre still adding and editing FFXV.

Mgsv at least was in the middle of a long storyline and had a ending, despite missing an act


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
MGS5 felt like a complete game up until the very end where you notice there's no proper, uh, ending. FF15 felt off and like it was missing stuff in many places but it did have its conclusion.

MGS5 felt worse in the end because it was a game that was supposed to give us closure, but I'm not sure I'd call it "more unfinished".


Oct 25, 2017
Also, SE worked on FF XV afterwards and the game became a pretty solid RPG despite some design flaws.

Konami gave Metal Gear fans a middle finger.
Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina
FFXV. Because even if episode 51 is missing from MGSV (and we know it was cut out), the game never feels unfinished, it closes all the story-arc and there are pretty much no plot holes if not for the Eli arc.
While in FFXV you can still see the holes if you play it today, SE patched some story stuff in but the overall package still feels incomplete. I liked both games, but while MGSV was, maybe, a repetitive experience for some users due to repeated missions, I never had the necessity to search on google an explanation about the lore because the game had a poor narration, a thing I did for FFXV.
That user name...

Don't hate me. Just a little fun.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
In ffxv you take a train through an entire section of unfinished open world. Thats something special alright


Jan 10, 2018
MGSV was not only unfinished, it spat in the face of MGS series faithful, and it sucked in everything but gameplay mechanics.
I've got a few friends who are FF fans who quite liked FFXV, despite having problems with it overall.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta go with MGSV here.

Edit: to be clear I still had more fun with MGSV.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
MGSV is more unfinished, yet the more enjoyable game to play.

Sort of how I felt about Xenogears compared to FFVIII when I played them back to back.


Oct 28, 2017
Final Fantasy XV. Not gonna lie but everything that MGS5 does well, it does it with extreme proficiency. I can't say with 100% honesty that all the parts of FF15 makes sense together.

It is indeed only missing a mission that would have tied up the storyline but the story was bad on top of it being unfinished, not because of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Easily MGSV.

FF15 felt complete enough with new content coming out [a little too] regularly. I didn't start the game until nearly a year after launch and they were still adding stuff to the mix.

I still feel like I'm missing the real ending to the masterpiece that was MGSV.
Oct 27, 2017
There are aspects of FFXV that are certainly rushed, but in terms of critical path and story there is a beginning and end. Even if there is some obvious cut content towards the latter half of the game. But there is also a large amount of post-game content and strong DLC support after launch. MGS V just kind of... repeats then 'finishes'. Due to obvious reasons it never really received any post launch content to support this either. The gameplay that is there is great though even despite problems from a narrative perspective and the design in this case feels more realised.
It's certainly about a draw between the two if FFXV never received free updates which has made it feel more complete.


Oct 25, 2017
FFXV has MANY moments where you can really feel how "slapped together with duct tape" it is. The lousy movie serving as the opening, and the post-game updates just highlight how it's barely holding together.

MGSV certainly has holes but I feel like we mostly got what they set out to make.


Oct 29, 2017
I always saw Chapter 2 from MGSV as a little nice extra after finishing the game, like an epilogue of sorts and nothing more than that, was surprised when I saw the outrage from the fans demanding more and more. Game had such an insane amount of content already.

It sucks we didn't get to play the Eli mission with the Metal Gear since it looked promising (a whole new area too) but still, I was happy with what we got.

Final Fantasy XV always struck me as a total mess.
Oct 27, 2017
MGSV - incomplete story, game structure not fully fleshed out (missions), but other basics intact and solid from day 1

FFXV - a little bit of everything missing. It's nice how much support it has gotten, but 1) their patches and changes aren't perks, it's quite literally them finishing up the game and 2) the support is appreciated, of course, but I still don't feel quite like I should buy it just yet.

they're just incomplete in different ways.
Oct 25, 2017
It's MGSV.

It doesn't really feel like that game had a definitive ending.

Hell if you didn't buy the CE you'd never know what happened with the kids, Eli and Salanthrophus.