Oct 30, 2017
As I have been playing through the Remake I was curious about all the materia that was in the original game and thought it would be an interesting topic to look at. Its interesting to see how many there are, and all the combinations that can be used in the game.

Some points i thought were interesting are, that we didnt see Earth Materia in part 1. I cant wait to see some of those support materias in the next game. Remember Final Attack combined with the Phoenix summon? I want W Item, but not for the obvious reason... We only got 5 of the 16 summons in Remake.

Is there any materia you wished you saw in Remake, any that you look forward to in part 2?
Which summons do you look forward to the most?
What were some of your favorite combinations in the original game?
What KOTR going to look like?

Look forward to hearing all your replies.

You can click on the colored Materia type to see more of a description.

Magic Materia
Barrier Materia (Remake)
  • Barrier
  • MBarrier
  • Reflect (not part of the same materia)
  • Wall
  • Freeze
  • Break
  • Tornado
  • Flare
Destruct (Known as Subversion in Remake, but doesn't dispel)
Fire (Remake)
Full Cure
Heal (Known as Cleansing in the Remake)
  • Poisona
  • Esuna
  • Resist
Ice (Remake)
Lightning (Remake)
Master Magic (access to all magic materia)
Poison (Remake)
Restore (Known as Healing in Remake)
Revive (Remake)
Time (Remake)

Support Materia

Added Cut
Added Effect
All (Known as magnify in Remake)
Elemental (Remake)
Final Attack
HP Absorb (Remake)
Magic Counter
MP Absorb (Remake)
MP Turbo
Quadra Magic
Sneak Attack
Steal as Well

Command Materia
Double Cut
Enemy Skill (Remake)
Master Command (Gives access to all command materia)
Sense (Known as assess Remake)
Slash All
Steal (Remake)
W Item (Not the same, but Item Master in Remake increases the efficacy)
W Magic
W Summon

Independent Materia
Chocobo Lure
Counter Attack (It seems that this influenced Deadly Dodge and Parry found in Remake)
Cover (Remake)
Enemy Away
Enemy Lure
Experience Plus (Remake)
Gil Plus (Remake)
HP <- -> MP
HP Plus (Remake)
Long Range
Luck Plus (Remake)
Magic Plus (Remake)
Mega All
MP Plus (Remake)
Pre-Emptive (Similar to First Strike found in Remake)
Speed Plus

Black Materia

White Materia

Summon Materia

Bahamut (Remake)
Bahamut ZERO
ChocoMog (Known as Chocobo & Moogle in Remake)
Ifrit (Remake)
Knights of the Round
Leviathan (Remake)
Master Summon (gives access to all summons)
Neo Bahamut
Shiva (Remake)
Typoon (Typhon)

Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
I'm really excited to see some of my favorite summons and spells and junctioning materia. One of my very few disappointments with FFVIIR was how few summons it had.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I was pissed Ramuh wasn't in there, he would've been really useful. Maybe that's why he wasn't lol

They'll build on the summons available with each entry, hopefully the DLC ones get added in


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I honestly think they will remake (no pun intended) the whole thing. You saw shades in the first part.

And unless it's a finishing move, I cannot see all the Knights summoned at once.


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
Thanks for pointing this out! It's awesome to get this perspective on what to possibly expect for the rest of the game.

I posted impressions of how all the spell materia works on the main thread, this would be a good place to repost it I think!

Most important facts about the offensive spell materia though:

Ice is good against monsters and insects.
Fire is good against humans and humanoids.
Thunder is good against machines and some water creatures.
Wind is good against flying creatures and Rude.

Ice sits for a while before exploding, bad against enemies that can move out of it's effect, but has the largest AoE, so it can trap and destroy a group very well, and combos well with Magnify if all enemies are bunched up, like with Barret's Overrun UA when using a Melee Weapon.

Fire is quick and tracks enemies, and is usually very reliable, especially since it goes off immediately, meaning at higher levels it can take out a group of enemies pretty effectively. Most big waves of enemies are weak to fire, so it's a classic choice for Magnify.

Thunder strikes immediately, without care for obstruction or range, and can NEVER MISS, so it's actually almost better then Wind magic for flying or otherwise tricky targets! It has the absolute smallest AoE, but it's still there, so bunched up enemies can still be hurt together if you are careful. It's a little more expensive then the others, but is super reliable, so it's worth it.

Wind is basically like Ice, but for flying enemies. Haven't done all that much with it creatively, but all signs point to it not being as damaging or wide ranged, but being more capable of following faster targets, since if it coulden't it would be useless the way it is against flying enemies. It also can lift enemies off the ground and knock them around a bit.

Just because you can use a more powerful version of a spell doesn't mean you should. Often times, the basic first level of a spell is the most effective and easy to use due to an instant cast rate and low Mp cost. The higher level ones should be used when you can take advantage of the higher damage and AoE to deal significantly more damage then normal.

If you know what you are dealing with, try to make sure you are using spells that the enemy is weak to, as not only will it deal significantly more damage, but it will also often play into staggering them as well.

The other materia is as follows.

Poison: Non-Elemental, sits on an enemy for like ten seconds before dealing it's damage and poisoning the enemy. Don't use it too often, but could be a solid source of extra damage during fights where you don't want to be on the offensive, though you wanna use the best version for the most damage since the basic ones don't do diddly squat.

Healing: Cast healing magic, all of them come out quickly enough, but Regen heals bit by bit, a reverse Poison. I can't tell what it's based on but it lasts for a long enough time that you could justify casting it on everyone if you already wanted to Magnify Healing for powerful emergency restoration. I perfer offence and Prayer materia for all character healing, but that's just me.

Binding: casts spells that restrict a character. Sleep is obvious, puts an enemy to sleep, attacking then wakes them up. You would be shocked how many bosses and tough enemies this works on, it can really split an enemy party up if you are careful! Silence stops spell casting, specifically useful for spell enemies or to limit foes to more predictable attacks. Berserk, that raises enemy damage by a bit, but ALSO reduces their defense too, so if you cast it before staggering somebody you can really set them up for hurt. Beware their attacks after though.

Cleansing: Cast spells that remove bad status effects.
This one you actually have to level up to get any use out of. Poisona is good for one thing, poison, whoop-de-Doo. Esuna is the real deal, clears ALL negative effects on a character, very helpful in tricky situations, though if you know what you are doing, you don't need to recover from status ailments all to often. Resist is fun, a buff that makes you partially immune to all status effects, helps a ton when you can't help but get into the fray and deal with enemy ailments head on, but again, if you can avoid it, it's not neccessary.
Stop is a pretty unavoidable spell though, so keep in mind that this materia can help stopped people out of a bad jam, which they often will be if the enemy can cast it.

Subversion: Cast spells that remove enemy effects.
Very situational. Breach is all the defense buffs like Protect and Reflect and such, and Dispel is all possible buffs. Basically useless in regular use, but becomes super powerful when dealing with enemy bullshit buffs, so I'd level it for Dispel and hold onto it for a rainy day.

Time: Cast spells that affect time.
Best part of this materia, Haste is the First Spell, it's cheap, and it comes out quick. Put this on a fast-generating ATB character like Barret and never take it off, Haste alone is worth the price of admission, especially since it lasts so long you can justify just casting it three times rather then waste Magnify on it. Slow is okay, makes enemies do their special attacks less often, but Stop is rediculous. It's stops an enemy perfectly, allowing you to wail on them for a long time. If you catch an enemy on Pressure with this baby, you can Stagger them quick and kick their ass. Better yet, STOP PREVENTS THE STAGGER GUAGE FROM LOWERING, Do not sleep on this materia, get it and master it and keep it, it's awesome.

Barrier: Cast spells that halve damage taken.
Basic stuff, Protect halves physical, Manaward halves magic, Manawall halves both, useful against enemies who have attacks that are impossible to stop, and have to be mitigated, like the Summon fights sometimes.

Revival: Cast spells that revive downed characters.
This materia is more a journey then an actual spell materia. Revive is useful since the revived character gets more Hp then using a phoenix down, but Arise is almost impossible to get on a first playthrough unless you have it equipped the whole freaking game, and even then it takes a little extra effort to put it over the finish line. It revives with all Hp.


Oct 26, 2017
The only one I wish was in part 1 is Ramuh. Many monsters are weak to lightning and we needed a summon that uses that element.
Oct 30, 2017
Thanks for pointing this out! It's awesome to get this perspective on what to possibly expect for the rest of the game.

I posted impressions of how all the spell materia works on the main thread, this would be a good place to repost it I think!

Nice list, I never know when to cast weaker or stronger spells. I usually try to nuke everything, and I am happy to find out about the time materia, it actually worth while to use.

missing the dlc summons Op

Its because they weren't in the original. How are those summons anyways?


Nov 4, 2017
I think Bahamut Zero and Neo will be limited a lot if they are used like Bahamut. No explosions from space or lifting a chunk of earth into the atmosphere.

I'm also not sure how they're going to do Knights of the Round, maybe just the King himself?
On the other hand (even though the AI probably wouldn't work) being surrounded by 12 Knights attacking your enemies would be awesome.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Last summer after they finally patched the music bug I got all the way through the end in the Switch version and ran around and around that one room in the final dungeon to get the crazy AP enemies. Everyone had a full set of master materia :P

Biggest issue I have with the remake is I think you have too few slots to work with (first time through at least) and I'm not a fan of how Summons are handled really.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Odin, Phoenix, Ramuh, Titan and whatever the second Bahamut was should be locks for the next installment, I hope.

I hope steal is more useful. It's always been one of my favorite skills in RPGs and personally since items weren't ever very necessary, and there's only one stealable weapon, it just felt so empty to have. I equipped it once for a while then realized how pointless it was. Maybe make the game economy stricter so I actually have a reason to steal items.


A Big Deal
Nov 2, 2017
Wonder if they will bring earth element back since they got rid of water and made leviathan nonelemental.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly think they will remake (no pun intended) the whole thing. You saw shades in the first part.

And unless it's a finishing move, I cannot see all the Knights summoned at once.
I can see knight of the round being split into 3 summon materia and to see the full attack will require your party to each have kotr summon materia and needing 3, full 2 atb bar to summon.
Jan 27, 2020
Washington, DC
I remember I made a huge mistake by selling my underwater materia. I was trying to buy something and was like, "I'll never need this!" lol. It was fine though, those weapons were too hard anyway. I never beat Ruby weapon either.


Aug 20, 2018
I was pissed Ramuh wasn't in there, he would've been really useful. Maybe that's why he wasn't lol

They'll build on the summons available with each entry, hopefully the DLC ones get added in
yah...i would've thought at the least the basic elemental (fire, thunder, ice, poison, Air) summons will be there...

also am surprised leviathan is 'non-elemental' because i've always assumed it to be water.