
Oct 27, 2017

I remember we were suppose to get 20th anniversary logo but I guess it was scrapped since that was the time FF7 Remake development shifted to inhouse and they had to start over again. Glad we got one for 25th anniversary..

We are so getting Zack and maybe even Sephiroth game aren't we?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Man, I love the way Nomura draws Sephiroth's face. He always makes him look like such a smug, sinister piece of shit.

Seph never acts this way in any of the games, and he looks nothing like that in Remake. But I love the way he draws him. I wonder if that's how Nomura sees Sephiroth in his own mind, contrary to literally every portrayal of the character in all existing media.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
What a sausage fest Nomura. Surprised they haven't announced a Sephy game by now.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
Echoing all of those saying that FF VII is their favorite game of all time. Such an amazing experience and an important part of my life.


Oct 28, 2017
Man, I love the way Nomura draws Sephiroth's face. He always makes him look like such a smug, sinister piece of shit.

Seph never acts this way in any of the games, and he looks nothing like that in Remake. But I love the way he draws him. I wonder if that's how Nomura sees Sephiroth in his own mind, contrary to literally every portrayal of the character in all existing media.

Sephiroth has always been smug, arrogant and sinister though?

I can't believe it's been 25 years though. Still my favourite game to this day. To think, I almost brought this instead...



The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Sephiroth has always been smug, arrogant and sinister though?

I can't believe it's been 25 years though. Still my favourite game to this day. To think, I almost brought this instead...


I don't really think he is. I think Square THINKS he is, but his performances in a lot of games don't usually come off that way, be that because of voiceover direction choices (remake), subpar dialogue writing/translation (vanilla VII English translation), or facial design (remake again).

There's just something very BASTARDLY about Nomura's sharp-faced design for him that has yet to actively be represented in any game except, like...Dissidia.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't really think he is. I think Square THINKS he is, but his performances in a lot of games don't usually come off that way, be that because of voiceover direction choices (remake), subpar dialogue writing/translation (vanilla VII English translation), or facial design (remake again).

There's just something very BASTARDLY about Nomura's sharp-faced design for him that has yet to actively be represented in any game except, like...Dissidia.

I dunno, he literally stands in the middle of a burning fire after murdering two people and smirks at you. Then he berates Cloud for "having feelings" and acting angry over Aeris death. He reeks of arrogance, just off the original alone.

It's not quite as maniacal as the Kefka'esque grin, but it's pretty much the same intent;


And the below dialogue...


He's always had utter disdain and arrogance about him.
Oct 25, 2017
Man, such an amazing and landscape defining game. I remember seeing something about it for the Japanese release and having to wait the longest 7 months of my life for it to come to the US. My mom was cool enough to take me to Best Buy the moment they opened to get mine when it finally came out here. I don't think I remember a game that my friends and I discussed as much as this one back then.