What should happen to Aerith in the FFVIIR saga?

  • She should die, it's her destiny

    Votes: 395 57.7%
  • She should live, fuck destiny

    Votes: 289 42.3%

  • Total voters
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Oct 25, 2017
Usually the producer doesn't exert that much influence, do they?
If anything it was Kitase (you know, the actual director) who kept them in check. For example he rejected Toriyama's crazier ideas for the Midgar slums and also Masato Kato's less implicit sex scene between Cloud and Tifa.

Sakaguchi was setting up Square Pictures in Hawaii during development of FFVII.


Oct 25, 2017
I just noticed that Kyrie is in chapter 3! Hope I will find more little details I missed the first time around.


Feb 27, 2018
She was interested enough in him and thought about him sometime but yeah, they weren't like actual friends or anything. That's why Tifa didn't get why she was invited to the water tower.
If I recall, they also had an experience as kids where Tifa had Cloud try to take her through the mountains. Also, in the Niblehiem flashback her parents invite you to wait for her in her room. The game's rather vague about their relationship and the translation is notoriously poor to boot. But my impression is that they weren't superclose, or hung out on a regular basis, but they were still some level of friends. They both just happened to be hopelessly shy about asking the other out on a date. Hence why Cloud called her out to the water tower to talk about his joining Soldier. They knew each other well enough for that to be appropriate and for Tifa to go, but it wasn't like meeting at the water tower for a talk was a normal thing. (Heck, if anything she probably thought Cloud wanted a date.)


Oct 31, 2017
Do you guys think FFVII-2 or whatever they call it will continue to be exclusive for a year on PlayStation or will they launch it on multiple consoles?


Jan 16, 2018
I never played the Original and have just now peeked into the spoiler thread after I had some suspicions about these ghosts.
Man, I'm like honestly sad. I was very much looking forward to experiencing FF7 and its story for the first time and not some Batshit crazy Nomura Metastory about changing one's destiny or something that potentially only uses FF7 as a starting point.
Like, legit bummed out.
Still enjoying the game very much for its gameplay and setting (Chapter 9 right now) but I lost almost all interest in the story the second my assumption about the ghosts was confirmed.


Oct 25, 2017
I never played the Original and have just now peeked into the spoiler thread after I had some suspicions about these ghosts.
Man, I'm like honestly sad. I was very much looking forward to experiencing FF7 and its story for the first time and not some Batshit crazy Nomura Metastory about changing one's destiny or something that potentially only uses FF7 as a starting point.
Like, legit bummed out.
Still enjoying the game very much for its gameplay and setting (Chapter 9 right now) but I lost almost all interest in the story the second my assumption about the ghosts was confirmed.

It's a strange one. I'm not massively against what they're doing, but they DID announce and market the game as an expanded retelling of the original, I don't think they ever said the story would end up being very different in the lead up to release. So yeah it is a bummer.

It's like they've made the changes with OG FF7 fans in mind (as in you need to know the original's story to 'get' most of them) - I don't know how you as a new player are meant to understand the story changes - but the vast majority of OG FF7 fans just wanted a mostly 1:1 remake, so I don't know who they're pleasing with the changes.

It's very baffling.

Do you think you'll play the OG later?

Look! The Pie!

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
About eight hours in now. Despite the Watchers of Fate and the overuse of Sephiroth in Chapter 2 (he honestly should have just spouted some dialogue at Cloud then fucked off, not come back when you meet Aerith and go, "lol. Everything you love will die, Cloud." *wink, wink*), I'm enjoying my time a lot with the game.

My biggest issue is just all the padding that is going on to make this a 35-45 hour game. There are side quests in Sector 7 that make you explore two different areas twice if you didn't take all the quests at once. I got major Dragon Age II flashbacks for a moment, but that's fine. Then you have the upper plate section which serves no purpose other than to give you more time with the Avalanche crew and to introduce a jobber for Cloud. Cloud doesn't need a rival, he's got Sephiroth and he doesn't need jobbers because the Turks fill the role of recurring villains. Roche is useless. The only interesting bit from that entire section was reading Jesse's letter to her parents and the scene where Wedge throws himself in front of Cloud to protect him. You could cut this entire chapter, move the character development to the slums, and nothing of value would be lost. Now I'm on my way to the second reactor, and it's a fucking drag. Two whole chapters devoted to just reaching the damn thing.

Midgar only was a huge mistake and a part of me wishes it could have just went the Final Fantasy XIII route of an explorable semi-open world after you get out of Midgar. I look at my time spent running around an empty upper plate and the whole series of events before the second reactor and go, "Man, I'd much rather explore the Mythril Mines, see the Nibelheim flashback in full, and check out Junon than to stretch this portion of the game thin."

But, again, I'm enjoying myself. Everything else is fantastic. It just feels like everything is stretched out for no reason.

These are pretty much my feelings up to now (just finished chapter 4). I'm enjoying the game but I'm honestly not sure how much of that is due to straight-up nostalgia. And as you say, more padding than a mattress factory.

Oh my god Jessie is insufferable.

Yeah, the plate can't come down quickly enough for me at this point. Talk about taking a minor character I actually quite liked and making her overbearingly annoying by greatly expanding her role but having like 95% of that be constant Cloud thirst.


Jan 16, 2018
It's a strange one. I'm not massively against what they're doing, but they DID announce and market the game as an expanded retelling of the original, I don't think they ever said the story would end up being very different in the lead up to release. So yeah it is a bummer.

It's like they've made the changes with OG FF7 fans in mind (as in you need to know the original's story to 'get' most of them) - I don't know how you as a new player are meant to understand the story changes - but the vast majority of OG FF7 fans just wanted a mostly 1:1 remake, so I don't know who they're pleasing with the changes.

It's very baffling.

Do you think you'll play the OG later?

Definetly. I also am aware of the general story due to reading about it but explicitly wanted to wait for the remake as my first experience.
Not to knock the original but I have hero nostalgia (of course) and I'm not sure I can appreciate the game. I'm generally not too hot on JRPGs and never really got into the older FFs.

Thing is, from what I knew about the general story of FF7, I was really looking forward to a game that goes back to a more straight forward and self-contained story with a rather original blend of scifi, fantasy and ecological themes. And not the crazy convoluted stories especially Nomuras games are infamous for.

Regarding how the remake feels for me as a "non-fan", to me it was clear at around the scene with aerith in the church that they are going for some kind of meta-commentary and lost me almost immediately here because it felt like it was very much not made for me as a newcomer who wants to experience the story for the first time.


Oct 27, 2017
As someone who played the original, some of the scenes in Chapter 10 & 11 are confusing me:
  • Was the game implying that Eligor killed kids Aerith used to play hide and seek with? I'm not sure what the value of that scene was.
  • How does Aerith know about Marlene before Tifa even asks?
  • The scene in Seventh Heaven between Aerith and Marlene is odd. The screen distorts like when Cloud is having one of his episodes, and suddenly Marlene goes from sad to very cheerful. What is going on here?
New Ancient powers at work?
Oct 27, 2017
If anything it was Kitase (you know, the actual director) who kept them in check. For example he rejected Toriyama's crazier ideas for the Midgar slums and also Masato Kato's less implicit sex scene between Cloud and Tifa.

Wait, what? So what was Kato planning for the scene?

And I don't mind Jessie, she's OK. Roche can go fall in a pit of used heroin syringes though. God, what an annoying twatwaffle.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Okay so I just finished the Honeybee Inn sequence and I kid you not when I say that this was probably one of the best moments in video games that I have ever witnessed. I love this game.


Alt Account
Mar 2, 2020
These are pretty much my feelings up to now (just finished chapter 4). I'm enjoying the game but I'm honestly not sure how much of that is due to straight-up nostalgia. And as you say, more padding than a mattress factory.

Yeah, the plate can't come down quickly enough for me at this point. Talk about taking a minor character I actually quite liked and making her overbearingly annoying by greatly expanding her role but having like 95% of that be constant Cloud thirst.

i feel there's a general sentiment here of enjoying the game but can feel the padding. I've just done getting to mako reactor 5. And yeah it's a drag. I can't believe they've spent 6 years making this. Just padding out the existing sequences With filler. The motorcycle section was awful, but at least it was a new area.
the game should have been the whole game or at least the first disc.
Sep 14, 2018


Nov 27, 2019
Usually the producer doesn't exert that much influence, do they?

Sakaguchi had a lot influence in FF as a producer. He was the head of development of the projects, so, he was very important in the creative part in the games and thats why i say that he had all of them in check. Sakaguchi himself clarified this on more than one occasion.

IGN interview about FFIX in 2000...

Interview with Hironobu Sakaguchi - IGN

Hironobu Sakaguchi is the president of Square USA and one of the…

Q: Along with technological and systematical modifications, has your work in game development changed in any way?

Sakaguchi: As the development team increased in size, my role shifted to director and producer. I believe that the most important aspects are the story, game system, and art concepts in the pre-production stage, but the hierarchy structure and quality of workflow also affect the product as well.

Interview about TLS in 2012...

Hironobu Sakaguchi y The Last Story

El creador de Final Fantasy nos habla de su nuevo juego de rol para Wii.

Q: After so many years without directing a project, what has it been like to resume this task? (Note: He had not directed a game since 1992 with Final Fantasy V, taking on other duties as a producer since then.)

Sakaguchi: The difference between the producer and the director has become quite more abstract, if we compare it to that time. I changed my title to producer in Final Fantasy VI, but my job always involved working as a director, so it really hasn't been twenty years since my last job as a director. But for this game, The Last Story, we wanted to incorporate a new system, and for a year we experimented with different ideas, and well, when you try new things, it's always better to be physically present in the workplace, and try it for yourself. So that's the main reason why I changed my title to director.

2017 Interview...

Sakaguchi: "When it came to the difference between being a director or producer on the Final Fantasy games, there wasn't much difference. Since I was the Head of Development, in both cases, I have had to manage teams and perform producer-like duties, and when it came time to actually come up with the data, I helped direct certain scenes and gave instructions to the programmer on the finishing touches. Which, is more of what a director would do. "

Sakaguchi was setting up Square Pictures in Hawaii during development of FFVII.

That is incorrect. They settin up Square Pictures after finishing FFVII. That's why he was not present at FFVIII but he was at FFIX (his development was in Hawaii, same as the movie).


On the other hand, Nomura had in check Kitase and Nojima so they don't kill all the characters except three characters the player chooses!
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I wish Square had gone further with the premise. For a while it seemed like this would be an entirely new story but they had to end it with Sephiroph being "oh it still hasn't happened yet but it will."

At least with Star Trek, it seemed like it would be an entirely new universe (even if they eventually changed course to simply do the same thing again), but here they don't even wait for the credits to roll before telling you it won't be that different.
Sep 14, 2018
I wish Square had gone further with the premise. For a while it seemed like this would be an entirely new story but they had to end it with Sephiroph being "oh it still hasn't happened yet but it will."

At least with Star Trek, it seemed like it would be an entirely new universe (even if they eventually changed course to simply do the same thing again), but here they don't even wait for the credits to roll before telling you it won't be that different.
I think you got it a little wrong, it will be that different that's the whole point of the Whispers. Characters are alive that should be dead, events playing out differently or not at all, etc.

There will probably still be Meteor and Holy but other than that who knows.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck this piece of shit game

from being the best game of all time to literally everything I've hated with Square since 10 years back. Unbe-fucking-lievable,go fuck yourself Shit-Enix


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
I just noticed that Kyrie is in chapter 3! Hope I will find more little details I missed the first time around.
I didn't know she was from the compilation.

Nice, more of it please.

A flashback with Angeal and Zack in part II would be great.


Oct 25, 2017
Kinda cross posting from the OT here, but I think the episodic format is gonna be very beneficial to summons. They can just keep adding in each game and we'll eventually have a roster quantity that meets or surpasses the originals by the end, but much better and deeper.
Sep 14, 2018
Fuck this piece of shit game

from being the best game of all time to literally everything I've hated with Square since 10 years back. Unbe-fucking-lievable,go fuck yourself Shit-Enix
I see they're starting to finish up :P

You still liked the game a lot didn't you? Let the end stuff sit for a while, it's not bad bad it's just bad.


Oct 25, 2017
I never played the Original and have just now peeked into the spoiler thread after I had some suspicions about these ghosts.
Man, I'm like honestly sad. I was very much looking forward to experiencing FF7 and its story for the first time and not some Batshit crazy Nomura Metastory about changing one's destiny or something that potentially only uses FF7 as a starting point.
Like, legit bummed out.
Still enjoying the game very much for its gameplay and setting (Chapter 9 right now) but I lost almost all interest in the story the second my assumption about the ghosts was confirmed.
To get this out of the way, no remake will ever appeal to anyone more than it does to the original fans. They're going to have that whole other dimension of seeing what they already love with better production values.

however, I think despite the confusing story changes, this is a world worth jumping into. You can still enjoy the original story, characters, locations and music that made the original great. What they translated, they did a great job so far (I'm on chapter7)


Oct 26, 2017
I could literally have upper S7's acoustic guitar track on loop all day. Just standing here with my eyes closed. This is so beautiful

really liking the new expanded story and areas, very well done


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I think a lot of people will come to terms with the ending more if they watch IGN's explanation video of it. it's still pretty silly and dumb but it's not as severe as it might first seem. Except the Biggs stuff, that will forever be a mistake.

Kinda cross posting from the OT here, but I think the episodic format is gonna be very beneficial to summons. They can just keep adding in each game and we'll eventually have a roster quantity that meets or surpasses the originals by the end, but much better and deeper.

Yeah, funny how the only summon from Smash's Midgar stage we didn't get was Ramuh. Means you can't unleash massive Lightning damage either, which I figure was deliberate considering how many enemies are weak to it in Midgar.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't know she was from the compilation.

Nice, more of it please.

A flashback with Angeal and Zack in part II would be great.
Oh she comes off the train too. Was she on the train?!? I haven't replayed the first two chapters yet and don't remember the random people on it too well.



Oct 25, 2017
I was looking at a stream and wondered if they would let Zack live and looks like they did?
So what's Cloud point then? Wasn't he supposed to live and fight in the name of Zack and Angeal's sword?
Looks like they're trying to ruin everything for a perfect ending, and that reminds me of FF XV where they planned an ending where everyone is alive at the end too, ugh...


Oct 27, 2017
I broke down and bought FFVII...
I was going to hold off for the eventual Xbox port for the 1X, so I guess I'll just have to deal with slow loading textures on my launch PS4 ... all this talk of changes to the story, I can't wait till next year.

guess I'll double dip later. Cheers.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
I was looking at a stream and wondered if they would let Zack live and looks like they did?
So what's Cloud point then? Wasn't he supposed to live and fight in the name of Zack and Angeal's sword?
Looks like they're trying to ruin everything for a perfect ending, and that reminds me of FF XV where they planned an ending where everyone is alive at the end too, ugh...

The implication is that Zack survived in an alternate timeline as a result of the team destroying the whispers. The only real indication of this is the Stamp on a bag of chips that flies by the camera being a different breed of dog. It's very silly, but it presumably doesn't change the "core" timeline. Unless Zack inexplicably abandoned Cloud at Midgar, giving him mental trauma, and up and left.

God knows where they're going with it.


Oct 27, 2017
Seen the spoilers, seen the ending, right now on chapter 5 myself.
Isn't this Final Fantasy XIII with a FFVII coat of paint? With an improved combat system.


Oct 25, 2017
You can do absolutely everything you want with timelines and time travel, making the story pointless really.
It's just going to be fan service in the end.
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