
Oct 28, 2017
sweet jesus they are all smoking hot
THey look amazing. but those look better than the CG models we saw in the game. CLoud looks significantly better here than what is shown in game. Or at least you have to admit it looks different than the in-game models, which creates immersion-breaking inconsistency.

This model shown here looks so similar to the in-game model, which looks fantastic.


Now Compare the above to the Ending shots from CG of remake:




I really hope they fix this for remake part2


Oct 25, 2017
I think it was mainly the way they were lit that looked weird but the animations didn't help. Tifa and Aerith seemed really off in the CGI cutscenes outside of the classic intro one.

At least it wasn't as jarring as X's transitions where Tidus looked like low poly Meg Ryan in one moment and then a young Kimura Takuya the next.


Oct 27, 2017
I always thought the looks of CG Cloud, Tifa, and to some extent Aerith feels a bit off. The in game models feels better lol.

The in game models were changed relatively late into development. The CG cutscenes were outsourced to another company and were rendered before the change which is why they don't use the newer models.


Oct 27, 2017
The in game models were changed relatively late into development. The CG cutscenes were outsourced to another company and were rendered before the change which is why they don't use the newer models.
Weren't they done by SquareEnix's internal cg house Visual Works? But yeah making the look consistent between two different teams are probably difficult, more so with games and CG movies. Probably late changes to the game models as you said


Oct 27, 2017
Weren't they done by SquareEnix's internal cg house Visual Works? But yeah making the look consistent between two different teams are probably difficult, more so with games and CG movies. Probably late changes to the game models as you said
No, they were done by a studio in Malaysia I believe, can't remember the name off the top of my head. They probably rendered the cutscenes pretty early in dev and never bothered going back to update them with the new models.


Oct 25, 2017
No, they were done by a studio in Malaysia I believe, can't remember the name off the top of my head. They probably rendered the cutscenes pretty early in dev and never bothered going back to update them with the new models.
Looking at how Barret and Cloud looked like in the first early footage we got of the game back when CC2 was involved, I don't believe that to be the case. Barret looked completely different and Cloud was a lot sicklier looking. Tifa's design wasn't even finished until pretty late too and that had a 1:1 accurate CGI model too.

The primary jarring differences was the lighting, hair, and how they did the mocap.


Oct 26, 2017
THey look amazing. but those look better than the CG models we saw in the game. CLoud looks significantly better here than what is shown in game. Or at least you have to admit it looks different than the in-game models, which creates immersion-breaking inconsistency.

This model shown here looks so similar to the in-game model, which looks fantastic.


Now Compare the above to the Ending shots from CG of remake:




I really hope they fix this for remake part2
Cloud's looks exactly like the ending CGI though. Lol

it's Aerith who looks off.


Jan 27, 2019
Pretty lttp, but I'm hella busy these days and rarely play games. I just finished the game. Overall I had an absolute blast playing it. I thought they hit the right balance on plot pacing, fetch quests, dungeon crawling, leveling and grinding. I thought the game play was super compelling and while I thought the game skewed a little on the easy side I thought the difficulty balance was good overall. Grade-wise it was a solid A-.

Ok, but no one cares about talking about positive things and only wants to hear about gripes so here are my gripes. Only the last three of them are real gripes. In order of annoyance.

1. I thought it was annoying to have to spend so much time grinding to level up all the green materia only not be able to beat the optional boss in NG without grinding even more.

2. I prefer the character models (but not character designs) from Advent Children.

3. Uematsu's music is incomparably better than everything else and I didn't like that they either largely ignored it or gave us mediocre remixes. Whatever was playing in Wall Market was particularly bad. I did dig the dubstep The Oppressed remix as well as the trap Chocobo song though. Collapsed Expressway was decent for a non-Uematsu song.

4. There's so much violence, destruction, and murder in the game yet it goes out of its way to show neither blood nor violent death (except for a couple of exception on the later). I suppose they do this because of the rating system but I think it cheapens the mass murder committed in the game.

5. The translation for the subtitles was utter trash. They were Woolsey-level not-close-to-what-they-are-saying-in-Japanese levels of bad translation. For example, no where in the game are "Whispers" called "Whispers". They are actually called "fira" (which the wiki says is "wheeler" but I think is actually "feeler"). Also, all the cursing and stuff. And more than that just little things where what they are actually saying is "thanks for the help" are translated as "I couldn't do it without you". I will never understand why translators feel they have to do this. Like I get that grammatical patterns that do not exist in English - mixing formal and informal speech deliberately for example (like calling someone "oni-chan" as a form of disrespect) can't be translated so you need to come up with something creative, but there's no need to change things that have direct 1:1 translations and sound perfectly fine in English. I assume they do this "cultural odor" issues.

6. I really don't like the implication of the ending. Actually when playing it I never really thought of it that way. To me, all the micro-changes were just logical expansions in complexity, or minor tweaks to make later installments flow together more dynamically, but the fact that there is a meta reason for doing it is stupid. Even the Feelers made sense as a logical expansion of the original game (I thought they were souls from the Lifestream the whole game). The penultimate boss fight made sense too. But the need for a justification is just unnecessarily contorted.


Oct 27, 2017
Looking at how Barret and Cloud looked like in the first early footage we got of the game back when CC2 was involved, I don't believe that to be the case. Barret looked completely different and Cloud was a lot sicklier looking. Tifa's design wasn't even finished until pretty late too and that had a 1:1 accurate CGI model too.

The primary jarring differences was the lighting, hair, and how they did the mocap.
Early in development as in after it came back in house but soon after that. The models were done pretty early on and constantly tweaked.

For example you can see a differences in Aerith's face in earlier post-cc2 trailers and the final game. The distance between the eyes and mouth were reduced, believe this was probably done with Tifa's earlier model as well even though we never saw it before the change in trailers, you can see Tifa's earlier model in the CG cutscene showing the destruction of midgar in the Shinra museum.


May 1, 2020
Pretty lttp, but I'm hella busy these days and rarely play games. I just finished the game. Overall I had an absolute blast playing it. I thought they hit the right balance on plot pacing, fetch quests, dungeon crawling, leveling and grinding. I thought the game play was super compelling and while I thought the game skewed a little on the easy side I thought the difficulty balance was good overall. Grade-wise it was a solid A-.

Ok, but no one cares about talking about positive things and only wants to hear about gripes so here are my gripes. Only the last three of them are real gripes. In order of annoyance.

4. There's so much violence, destruction, and murder in the game yet it goes out of its way to show neither blood nor violent death (except for a couple of exception on the later). I suppose they do this because of the rating system but I think it cheapens the mass murder committed in the game.

5. The translation for the subtitles was utter trash. They were Woolsey-level not-close-to-what-they-are-saying-in-Japanese levels of bad translation. For example, no where in the game are "Whispers" called "Whispers". They are actually called "fira" (which the wiki says is "wheeler" but I think is actually "feeler"). Also, all the cursing and stuff. And more than that just little things where what they are actually saying is "thanks for the help" are translated as "I couldn't do it without you". I will never understand why translators feel they have to do this. Like I get that grammatical patterns that do not exist in English - mixing formal and informal speech deliberately for example (like calling someone "oni-chan" as a form of disrespect) can't be translated so you need to come up with something creative, but there's no need to change things that have direct 1:1 translations and sound perfectly fine in English. I assume they do this "cultural odor" issues.
Glad you enjoyed.
Agree with point 4 and 5, hopefully without the Wall Market in part 2 and if they tone down the swearing we can get blood without the rating jumping to Mature.

Early in development as in after it came back in house but soon after that. The models were done pretty early on and constantly tweaked.

For example you can see a differences in Aerith's face in earlier post-cc2 trailers and the final game. The distance between the eyes and mouth were reduced, believe this was probably done with Tifa's earlier model as well even though we never saw it before the change in trailers, you can see Tifa's earlier model in the CG cutscene showing the destruction of midgar in the Shinra museum.
Found the studio: https://www.lemonskystudios.com

Square Enix like any other AAA studio outsource very heavily, think they were over 20 companies contracted on FF7R. For CG believe that most of the mocap was actually done in house but effects and rendering outsourced.

Things like this makes me belive even more that the game was rushed after the decision to cut off from CyberConnect.
Part 2 should be an even better experience.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Things like this makes me belive even more that the game was rushed after the decision to cut off from CyberConnect.
Part 2 should be an even better experience.

I don't believe it was rushed. In fact you could argue it was one of the smoothest AAA development cycles they have had in a long time (compare it to FFXV, FFXIV before reborn, KH3). The outsourcing situation is the norm for any big studio, for instance over 2K people worked on TLOUII, Square Enix typically outsource heavily as well for other titles.

Whilst it is true and widely known in the industry that CC2 made a mess of part of the project they were allocated, once production went back in house, development was quite smooth, especially since they didn't have a mess of an engine to work with unlike FFXV/FF14, Epic actually provided a lot of bespoke support for FF7R. I think the team put limitations on the scope to avoid feature creep/bloat which affected production on FFXV and other titles, now that they launched part 1 quite smoothly I expect them to go a bit further with scope in part 2.


Community & Social Media Manager
Oct 23, 2019
I also found especially Cloud's CG model jarring compared to his in-game one.

His in-game model looked like an actual PERSON, with freckles and skin texture and all, versus the CG one where he looked almost...uncanny? and like a different person, almost.


Oct 27, 2017
6. I really don't like the implication of the ending. Actually when playing it I never really thought of it that way. To me, all the micro-changes were just logical expansions in complexity, or minor tweaks to make later installments flow together more dynamically, but the fact that there is a meta reason for doing it is stupid. Even the Feelers made sense as a logical expansion of the original game (I thought they were souls from the Lifestream the whole game). The penultimate boss fight made sense too. But the need for a justification is just unnecessarily contorted.
This is so much KH-ish that I feel Nomura was the one primary to blame. But interviews they also said that there will be (at least they dont plan) big differences with the original story, so I dont expect the most important things to be changed.... that said, the fact itself that
Zack is not dead
is already an enourmous change about all Cloud story and character....
Well... we will see... :P


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
How many hours has everyone put into this game and do you plan on replaying when next gen consoles release?
Almost 200. Platinumed. 100% Play Log. Finished the game from start to finish in all 4 difficulties (classic, easy, normal, hard). I loved it. I'm certainly going to do this all over again on PC and every other platform it's released on. The wait for part 2 is going to be nuts. Hopefully XVI is good.


Nov 15, 2017
Almost 200. Platinumed. 100% Play Log. Finished the game from start to finish in all 4 difficulties (classic, easy, normal, hard). I loved it. I'm certainly going to do this all over again on PC and every other platform it's released on. The wait for part 2 is going to be nuts. Hopefully XVI is good.
I really hope XVI takes some cues from VII-R, especially in regards to the battle system.


Oct 27, 2017
This is so much KH-ish that I feel Nomura was the one primary to blame. But interviews they also said that there will be (at least they dont plan) big differences with the original story, so I dont expect the most important things to be changed.... that said, the fact itself that
Zack is not dead
is already an enourmous change about all Cloud story and character....
Well... we will see... :P
This is spoiler thread, no need to use the spoiler tags really :p

I think Zack being alive is in another timeline which our current cast probably won't encounter. But who knows lol

After watching Max + Easy Allies discussion about the ending I'm all for it now haha. Can't wait for the sequel :>


Nov 15, 2017
I would love that so much but I wouldn't be upset if XVI does its own thing with the battle system.
I wouldn't be upset, but I think they should at least look at how they mixed ability choices and distinct character playstyles with action combat.

Basically, if XVI goes action oriented again, which is very likely IMO, I definitely want them to go with a more party and ability based solution, rather than something FFXV's character action inspired system.


Jan 27, 2019
This is so much KH-ish that I feel Nomura was the one primary to blame. But interviews they also said that there will be (at least they dont plan) big differences with the original story, so I dont expect the most important things to be changed.... that said, the fact itself that
Zack is not dead
is already an enourmous change about all Cloud story and character....
Well... we will see... :P

And just when I thought Nomura had toned town his worst inclinations. I think Rufus's unnecessary belts were Nomura going crazy during development hell, and needing just one bit of reprieve lols.

So is it 100% that Zack is alive? I didn't really interpret it as fact that he was. I interpreted it as different form the original + compilation, but not that he was necessarily still alive. That very well could be a mystery box device, but that he's still going to end up dead - just in a different way. Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part though.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
I wouldn't be upset, but I think they should at least look at how they mixed ability choices and distinct character playstyles with action combat.

Basically, if XVI goes action oriented again, which is very likely IMO, I definitely want them to go with a more party and ability based solution, rather than something FFXV's character action inspired system.

Agreed. What made VIIR's combat special was that it felt like an older FF game with the party format, abilities, buffs/debuffs but with a seamless action style approach. So if they borrow elements of it, that's a-ok with me. I don't think mainline FF will go turn based ever again, honestly. They know where the money is and I don't blame them.


Oct 27, 2017
And just when I thought Nomura had toned town his worst inclinations. I think Rufus's unnecessary belts were Nomura going crazy during development hell, and needing just one bit of reprieve lols.

So is it 100% that Zack is alive? I didn't really interpret it as fact that he was. I interpreted it as different form the original + compilation, but not that he was necessarily still alive. That very well could be a mystery box device, but that he's still going to end up dead - just in a different way. Maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part though.

Basically... who knows?
Maybe its just "another timeline" as suggested above.
We will see. I am open to see some differences from the original plot, after all its a remake, so I expect them... but I personally prefer something like how they managed Avalanche and showed something more about their members, instead of actually changing big things about the whole plot.
I understand why they put Sephiroth in more scenes in this chapter, but probably it wasnt really necessary... we already had a great cast of bad guys anyway, and he still doesnt appear as a real and big menace, or antagonist.