
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I really hope in future patches they have level 120 versions of bosses (sort of like the level 99 rematches in Comrades)


Oct 25, 2017
Just sell the original disk you have; that's the easiest thing.
Squaresoft How much would you get for the original game if you sold it?

Does anyone know the name of the lead composer for the added Royal Edition songs?

Hmm, we know Yoshitaka Suzuki composed for Royal Edition again, but tbh this here doesn't quite sound like Suzuki to me at least - I might be wrong though. Maybe it's Tadayoshi Makino (of Dragon's Dogma and Monster Hunter fame) who also arranged the new Comrades medley?

EDIT: Makino is not mentioned in the Royal Edition credits, just checked:

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Deleted member 3700

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm quoting Spiderman but this is generally for everyone who struggles with "understanding" this game

The biggest issue with this game's combat is that it doesn't try to teach you how to play effectively. You can technically potion your way out of every single fight in the game, but that's not actually how the game was designed to be played.

1) Noctis has very pretty attack animations, but he's not actually designed to hack away at enemies like an action game character. You CAN play this way, but it actually requires you to first have the abilities, gear, and player skill to do this, which usually doesn't come until like endgame. Instead, you should view combat from a more strategic viewpoint. The game gives you weapons, but it also gives you tech skills and magic. Your Tech Skills are usually 10x better suited to handle most situations than Noctis is.

being swarmed by enemies? = Gladio's Tempest, Prompto's Gravisphere (underrated), Ignis' Mark.

Giant enemies flail around and hit you too much? = Provoke them to attack, and then try to blindside them. Some enemies will almost always just knock you over if you just start hacking away at them.

You aren't doing enough damage? = Prompto's Piercer attack lowers enemy defense. Ignis' Enhancement will make Noctis do opposite element damage to the enemy you're fighting, giving you a decent power boost. Royal Arms usually ignore the enemy's strengths and weaknesses, even Daemons, so they have consistent damage.

Enemies doing too much damage? = Change your gear. Prioritize Vitality, Spirit, or elemental resistances. If you're fighting Daemons, then Prompto's Starshell severely lowers their stats. This works on pretty much every Daemon except the Red Giant.

2) Warpstrike isn't always that good. Some enemies will almost always punish you for doing it in their faces, and some enemies (Imperial Assassins) will almost always flat-out kill you for doing it. Royal Arm warpstrikes are almost never worth it, they deal a ridiculous amount of HP damage and should only be done as finishing moves. Use their regular attacks more often, they're far more useful.

3) Linkstrikes are nearly always the best source of great damage, so always aim for blindside attacks. They do crazy damage, they're fully invincible, and they cost nothing to do. This is what you're aiming for in combat, especially against big enemies. Alongside tech skills and overall DPS, this is primarily why you should always aim to keep all 3 characters alive.

4) If an enemy has multiple targeting points on its body, try to focus one to cause a Break, or knock it over to put it in Vulnerable state. Long-range warpstrikes, the greatsword, and certain Tech skills are excellent at this, but you can also just do it with focused damage. Gladio's Dawnhammer and Prompto's Recoil is very well suited for this. Ignis' Overwhelm skill is basically a 2-bar Armiger Strike, learn when to use this.

5) As of the newest update, learn the strengths of your playable teammates.
- Prompto is excellent at focus-fire, and putting enemies in a break/vulnerable state with his explosives and rifle.
- Gladio is the best brawler, he does an insane amount of damage and his attacks have an extremely wide range. If there's only one enemy you're fighting, Gladio is always a good choice, especially against massive ones.
- Ignis is a jack of all trades, but his real niche is dealing with elemental weaknesses. He can also output a ridiculous amount of damage if you're able to get his chain meter up.

Noctis is the most versatile, with the highest skillcap. At first glance the bros all seem much stronger than him, but what they can't do is make use of all of the crazy mechanics that he can -- the 3 Tech skills, Linkstrikes, Armiger, Airstep, Chain-strike, Warpstrike/Pointwarp, and Elemancy (the most potentially broken of all).

This game's combat system is actually surprisingly deep, which is why I encourage people to try and play without using items so that you can explore all the options.
Thank you very much for this post. I have been looking for combat guide/tips as I am not sure how some mechanics work (the game never dives into in-depth explanations). Your post answer some of my questions.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Mine too. I was talking to someone about this, I can't believe how Shimomura has remained so inspired for the music in this game even after all this time. The Mystic Boss Theme is incredible.

I remember someone posted and article or an interview awhile back that there was a ton of music she made for Versus/this never even made it to the game. I wonder if this is some of it.

I hope all of that stuff gets released eventually. FFXV as a whole is pretty close to being my favorite FF soundtrack of all time.


Oct 25, 2017
Shimomura was, according to the page for the Vol 2. soundtrack on Square's store.

The music added to this is among my favorite in the game
Mine too. I was talking to someone about this, I can't believe how Shimomura has remained so inspired for the music in this game even after all this time. The Mystic Boss Theme is incredible.
We know Suzuki worked on the Royal Edition too. Just checked the new RE credits:



Oct 26, 2017
Mine too. I was talking to someone about this, I can't believe how Shimomura has remained so inspired for the music in this game even after all this time. The Mystic Boss Theme is incredible.

Well the thing is that i had the OST for the game, which lists Yoko Shimomura as the composer for every single song in the game, even for ones I know she wasn't responsible for, or at least chiefly responsible for

So i always have to ask for an accurate answer

Thank you very much for this post. I have been looking for combat guide/tips as I am not sure how some mechanics work (the game never dives into in-depth explanations). Your post answer some of my questions.

Sure thing! It's really easy to play FFXV and mistake it for something that it isn't.

It's alot easier to enjoy the game when you play to its mechanics. But unfortunately the game does not really explain them to you, and the majority of the depth has to be figured out by the player....

...which usually doesn't happen because people generally just hold Attack and warpstrike until they get KO'd, at which point they pop an item and just go right back to it

It's a really "JRPG"-esque thing to do. Playing WRPGs in the recent years, i've noticed that they're way less opaque about the mechanics of the game. FFXV just happens to be a pretty mechanically dense game that doesn't tell you anything.


Oct 25, 2017


EDIT: Okay, not sure if this is legit from the game data or someone's personal mod.

Yoshida teased the collabo last year already, btw:
When asked about the possible collaboration with Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy XIV director and producer Naoki Yoshida responded by saying that FFXIV's collaborations are literal collaborations. Yoshi-P says that they could simply throw in Noctis' costume whenever, but he'd like to do more than just that.

"That said, it wouldn't be a collaboration in its true meaning unless we get FFXIV team's planners to get a good grasp of Final Fantasy XV's scenario, character traits, their speech patterns, and more," said Yoshida.

4Gamer adds that things would also be more enjoyable for the players that already know about the character personalities and such. To do that, the Final Fantasy XIV team would need to spend more time to get a deeper understanding of Final Fantasy XV itself.

"Commercially speaking, now that Final Fantasy XV released, it would be a good timing, but that's not what I'm really thinking about right now," said Yoshida. "Just like how Lightning's [collaboration event] was incorporated as part of the Lightning saga, I don't think it'd be as fun unless we have the four guys from Final Fantasy XV get lost in the middle of their trip and somehow find themselves in Eorzea. When the time comes, we'll take it seriously."

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Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
> wakes up to an unexpected winter wonderland that's bad enough to call off work for
> realizes this means I can play more FFXV
> then realizes the power is out



Yoshida teased the collabo last year already, btw:


Also, this reminds me: when people got their hands on the PC version early, someone took a screenshot of the main menu, and unless my memory is just being weird I swear there was a Twitch Prime option. I'd say that makes at least two upcoming promotions for the game. No idea what they'd give out for the game on Twitch though.


Oct 25, 2017
> wakes up to an unexpected winter wonderland that's bad enough to call off work for
> realizes this means I can play more FFXV
> then realizes the power is out



Also, this reminds me: when people got their hands on the PC version early, someone took a screenshot of the main menu, and unless my memory is just being weird I swear there was a Twitch Prime option. I'd say that makes at least two upcoming promotions for the game. No idea what they'd give out for the game on Twitch though.
How does that Twitch Prime stuff work, btw?


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
How does that Twitch Prime stuff work, btw?
I've only used it once (when they had stuff for Assassin's Creed: Origins), so I don't know if it's the same for all games. But the way it worked for that was I had to link my Twitch and Uplay accounts together, and then redeem the items via a link on Ubisoft's site.


Oct 27, 2017
Good that they're not making you PC folk wait for the console patches to get your fixes.
I'm quite impressed by how reactive they were actually. Really shows that they are taking this port seriously.
As for the framepacing on PS4, I doubt it will ever be fixed since even the PC version has it whenever people use the in-game fps limiter.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's hope it's fixed. I personally haven't reached a point in which I can use summons, so I can't test it.
According to the Steam forum and one person in the performance thread, it's been fixed.

Are we sure that FFXIV outfit is legit? Looks like it's someone's personal project and not actually something in the game, at least according to folks on Reddit.
Wasn't it also datamined from the bench before release?
Oct 27, 2017
Been trying and failing to make the game not fun.
- Walked around aimlessly, was amazed by the graphical beauty of the game.
- Fought some random monsters, loved the animations and battle system. I'll probably lose my mind once I unlock the character switch perk.
- Tried doing some story stuff (surely these must be boring, because everyone is whining about them), couldn't help but admire the way each and every character is relevant and relatable (Cid-Regis stuff with that photo on the table is a good example of this), and I hear it gets even better and more focused in the second half. WTF?

Please show me a way to hate this game, because not being able to play it all day is torture.

Wow, I completely agree with you. Even the meager fetch quests are really fun to me. I've literally cleared most of the Duscae map of all available hunts and side quests I can do so far and I'm only at the end of Chapter 5 lol. I'm currently level 58.

Does anyone know what the deal is with the absolutely random level 76 mech that attacks you at the base near Hammerhead? I managed to defeat it, but I went through a ton of potions to do it lol. I in the middle of the picture taking side quest for Vyv where I take pictures of 3 bases. That was my first base. I was expecting to maybe get ambushed by soldiers, but not a level 76 walking death machine! Luckily that appears to have been an isolated occurrence.


Oct 25, 2017
So, since there was some negativity earlier, I thought... why don't we do some more constructive creativity... Mainly two relatively major things you'd change about the game if you could.

1) I'd rework combat as noctis. Not super majorly, really, if you use lock on, you wouldn't even notice the rework. It will really only affect the play if you are unlocked. My current biggest problem with game's combat is it's stickiness. You cannot actually attack unlocked. Even if you aren't locked on any enemy, the moment you press attack, Noctis soft locks on somebody, usually the closest enemy. This is A PROBLEM. first of all, it makes attacks with anticipation impossible. If I see a monster about to run into me or past me, I can't swing into empty air, knowing that by the time my blade swings, monster will step into it. Instead, noctis will rush towards enemy, and in case of fast opponents, will hit where they used to be, not where they are now. And in worst case scenarios, noctis will do literally the opposite and run into enemy charge, instead of making enemy charge into his attack. It also makes giant enemies like Iron Giants feel janky to fight as him. You can't really properly just stand in specific position and attack, you need to lock to one of the body parts. With case of Iron Giant, most of the time, your lock will end up his arms when you don't want it too, making hitting his blind spot a chore. Iron Giants have attacks that hit behind them, they don't also need to break lock on system to give them further advantages.
So what I'd change? If you aren't locking on, nocits will swing completely freely. just into the air, like any action game. But, you will lose access to directional moves and stuff. Tilting the stick during attack, will cause him to do a "turn around" attack and continue the combo, no evasive backflips, no side steps. Those will be exclusive to lock on, sort of like DMC works, with directional attacks when locked on, and freedom of swinging and turning around freely without.

2) This one is a bit more specific. What I'd do is I'd rewrite the story to keep Noctis in Insomnia during the invasion. Basically, bring back all that awesome stuff from old trailers, where bros fought empire in the not yet fully fallen city. I understand the idea of starting during a more relaxed moment, pushing the car... but I ultimately disagree and think more action start, that instantly gives us reasons to relate to characters by seeing them desperately fight for their home and then having to escape, so much torn away from them...

Deleted member 3700

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sure thing! It's really easy to play FFXV and mistake it for something that it isn't.

It's alot easier to enjoy the game when you play to its mechanics. But unfortunately the game does not really explain them to you, and the majority of the depth has to be figured out by the player....

...which usually doesn't happen because people generally just hold Attack and warpstrike until they get KO'd, at which point they pop an item and just go right back to it

It's a really "JRPG"-esque thing to do. Playing WRPGs in the recent years, i've noticed that they're way less opaque about the mechanics of the game. FFXV just happens to be a pretty mechanically dense game that doesn't tell you anything.
Yes, I really agree that people may treat FFXV as an action game instead of a RPG. Its combat is very fast-paced compared with other JRPG counterparts, and its button-prompt actions like evade or warpstrike make it like an action title. After reading your tips and playing the game for 20 hours, it really isn't. It requires patience and thinking to fight in a more "classy" manner instead of constantly taking potions in each fight.

If FFXV's system was explained better, or was just laid it all out, would make it a much better game. Man, even Xenoblade 2, which is heavily criticized by people against its take on tutorial, explains everything you need to know once. Anyway, I hope Tabata will think about adding explanations in future updates, although they will definitely be low on his priority list.
Nov 8, 2017
So, since there was some negativity earlier, I thought... why don't we do some more constructive creativity... Mainly two relatively major things you'd change about the game if you could.

2) This one is a bit more specific. What I'd do is I'd rewrite the story to keep Noctis in Insomnia during the invasion. Basically, bring back all that awesome stuff from old trailers, where bros fought empire in the not yet fully fallen city. I understand the idea of starting during a more relaxed moment, pushing the car... but I ultimately disagree and think more action start, that instantly gives us reasons to relate to characters by seeing them desperately fight for their home and then having to escape, so much torn away from them...

Why not have both? Regis sends Noctis and his pals to reach out to Cid. The boys then decide to make a fishing trip out of it by heading to Galdin Quay. Once they caught their fill, they meet the mysterious man. Then they get dressed and head back to the city for the signing ceremony.


Oct 25, 2017
Why not have both? Regis sends Noctis and his pals to reach out to Cid. The boys then decide to make a fishing trip out of it by heading to Galdin Quay. Once they caught their fill, they meet the mysterious man. Then they get dressed and head back to the city for the signing ceremony.

Makes the whole thing a filler tbh. Also, fuffs up the pacing imo. It'd be stronger if you get into big invasion action intro early, with your bros being introduced mid combat.


Oct 27, 2017
Man, Gralea has an astonishing amount of buildings and geometry for somewhere you never really get a big look of. All almost fully rendered with no backface culling too, no wonder the game is a performance hog on PC. Interesting to me that nearly all of the buildings light up in the dark and switch off in the day if I use Time of Day mods. I don't think the natural day/night cycle is in effect here so maybe it's a remnant of a bigger plan for the city.