
Nov 30, 2017

It benefits the Republicans in Texas anyway.
"Straight-ticket voting, the option for voters to check one box to cast a ballot for every candidate from a single political party, is not available in most states, but it accounted for nearly 64 percent of total votes cast in Texas' 10 largest counties in the 2016 general election. House Bill 25 removes the straight-ticket option from Texas ballots after September 2020"

Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
What the fuck kind of Texan doesn't like whataburger? What the flying fuck?

The first whataburger is literally a Texas historical landmark. TWICE Whataburger has been, unprompted, declared the official state hamburger.

Whataburger is as Texan as it fucking gets. When Connie got her period in King of the Hill, Peggy took Bobby to Whataburger to break the news to him, because that's where Texans go to be consoled.

The state legislature literally declared Whataburger to be a state treasure:

This picture went viral during hurricane harvey:


I made a damn topic the day Whataburger reopened after Harvey because it was literally a big deal to the area. They gave everybody free hamburgers and the line for the food was so long, it stretched down the I-45 freeway.

What the fuck. This is literally a fucking layup for any Texan. Just say you love whataburger and you're golden. How the fuck can you screw that up?????


Oct 28, 2017
What the fuck kind of Texan doesn't like whataburger? What the flying fuck?

The first whataburger is literally a Texas historical landmark. TWICE Whataburger has been, unprompted, declared the official state hamburger.

Whataburger is as Texan as it fucking gets. When Connie got her period in King of the Hill, Peggy took Bobby to Whataburger to break the news to him, because that's where Texans go to be consoled.

The state legislature literally declared Whataburger to be a state treasure:

This picture went viral during hurricane harvey:


I made a damn topic the day Whataburger reopened after Harvey because it was literally a big deal to the area. They gave everybody free hamburgers and the line for the food was so long, it stretched down the I-45 freeway.

What the fuck. This is literally a fucking layup for any Texan. Just say you love whataburger and you're golden. How the fuck can you screw that up?????

By being woefully out of touch with the non-upper class?


Oct 25, 2017
I really really hope I'm wrong, but I just can't imagine a Dem senator from Texas in 2018
Yeah. I feel the same. Texas is still Texas and such.

His accomplishments are worthy of the attention he gets. It's been since 97 I believe since a dem has even ran.

If Alabama can elect a dem senator than anything is possible but the state would need very high turnout on Election Day.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Not liking Whataburger is one thing... but White Castle?

We don't even have that in the state.


Oct 25, 2017
Ted Cruz probably gets those frozen white castle burgers from the gas station like the sad sack of shit he is.

I bet Ted Cruz also hates HEB.

Deleted member 3542

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Texans do a good job of compartmentalizing Cruz where in one he is a republican and that's great for them because reasons but in the other he's a massive cuck so...just have to deal with ya boy being a cuck to own the libs, I guess.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah most likely, I knocked on doors for Beto this weekend and even in Austin I still ran into enough Cruz supporters that gave me pause. We'll see if Tuesday's debate changes anything.

Tuesday's debate will occur while a vast majority of south and central texas is watching the Astros play the Red Sox in Houston. Ted Cruz literally picked all the dates so as few people would watch as possible.


Oct 30, 2017
"hairy legged women and liberal fruitcakes" got me lmao

if i lived in texas, austin is where i'd be

i love this guy and how he always says "Ted" with a confused demeanor


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah most likely, I knocked on doors for Beto this weekend and even in Austin I still ran into enough Cruz supporters that gave me pause. We'll see if Tuesday's debate changes anything.

I wish people would stop saying this.

The debates are a show. No one decides to vote because of a debate. The goal should be getting people to turn out, not who can do the best one liner.
Oct 28, 2017
I wish people would stop saying this.

The debates are a show. No one decides to vote because of a debate. The goal should be getting people to turn out, not who can do the best one liner.

Sure they do. Not because of substance but more for style. Its these low information/unprincipled people that decide elections based on who they think speaks to them on a level they recognize.

Snake Eater

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
If Alabama can elect a dem senator than anything is possible but the state would need very high turnout on Election Day.

It only took a pedohphile rapist as the nominee for there to be Dem senator from AL........ who BARELY won because of the black vote. You can bet everything you have that seat is going back to the Republicans


Don't Watch the Tape!
Oct 27, 2017
man. That updated one... I love it.

The "Come on...Ted" is just perfectly punctuated


Oct 25, 2017
Remember that time Ted tweeted the porn he jerked it to on 9/11?

Man, good times.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Didn't know this as I'm a recent transplant. Shame.

last debate was during what is widely and colloquially known as "friday night lights time." AKA when highschool football is played. Highschool football is so enormous in Texas that entire towns shut down completely.

He's literally choosing all the debates to minimize the audience.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure they do. Not because of substance but more for style. Its these low information/unprincipled people that decide elections based on who they think speaks to them on a level they recognize.

The data shows there are less and less of those people these days, and even where they exist they usually vote Republican anyway.

I think trying to get non voting Dems to turnout is a smarter move, at least here in Texas.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually wasnt sure what the whataburger reference was about so I looked it up.

"Unlike the spicy ketchup, when Texans unwrap the O'Rourke packaging, they are definitely not going to like what they see underneath. He's like a Triple Meat Whataburger liberal who is out of touch with Texas values."

Lol. That sure is... something.

Post Reply

Aug 1, 2018
Now all Ted Cruz has to do is shit on Shiner and Blue Bell and he'll have spat in the face of the Texas holy trinity