
Jan 15, 2018
Totally getting this for my little brother. Just like I did with the SNES Mini... I "borrow" it.

Pachter was right with everything.

Prophet of our time.

Deleted member 8001

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Oct 26, 2017
Nintendo makes something for kids but it turns out the actual kids are more mature than the adults in this thread.


Oct 27, 2017
Chief's Kingdom
And something he doesn't even have to buy as it's not anything essential for the system. Just childish.

Yeah, it's a really clever idea that makes the most of the Switch' unique features. I have no idea how to assess its sales potential though lol!
I think a lot of people are ignoring the most lucrative market for this. Schools are going to eat this shit up. How everything fits together and operates fascinates me, now imagine a elementary school class building this stuff. It has enormous potential.

RF Switch

Oct 31, 2017
I think its an almost great idea. At first i thought you would be able to create your own anything, but its just sets and you have to build it to play a mini game and its made of cardboard which wont last and its expensive yeeeeeesh. As someone who spent way too much on amiibo i wont be falling for this.....yet
Oct 30, 2017
As long as this doesn't cost no more than £30. Surely Nintendo don't expect to charge fill price for some card board and mini games especially if this is aimed at kids


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I have a few questions:

  • Will this be accompanied by a price drop for the Switch? Right now you are looking at $400 plus taxes to get your kid into this, and that's pricey as hell
  • How in the fuck do you even market this effectively?
  • What else does Nintendo have in the works for this year? They said more than one thing

1.) Lol no. Why would they drop the price, it's still selling incredibly well
2.) you show them that trailer. That was enough to get me interested.
3.) There will no doubt be a direct for this in february or March. They aren't going to release this into the market without more info.

Deleted member 2620

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Oct 25, 2017
this is extremely precious and childhood me would have loved it

idk what there is to shit on assuming the price is right


Oct 25, 2017
I can totally see them offering replacement kits for like $10-$20, which is pretty good when all's said and done. I love this idea even though I won't go within 100 miles of it. The piano is HELLA cool, though. I'd buy it for that alone.

This is the kind of thing that could really inspire kids. I love it. It'll probably fail massively, but I love it.


Oct 27, 2017
Looking at the website, looks like it also has some form of improv where you can experiment with your own creations and control them. As an engineer this is great!


Oct 29, 2017
Never dissapoint, grown men ( I am assuming men) getting angry Nintendo releasing stuf aimed at kids and parents.

Seriously, get over yourself. Not all things centers on you.

Cool idea, let's see how it pans out! :>


Oct 28, 2017
As long as this software allows custom designs to be shared rather than just Nintendo designs it will be cool.


Oct 25, 2017
lol at people getting upset over something not marketed towards them, boo hoo. The minute i saw the direct announcement I knew this would be something untraditional, and tempered my expectations (if the rumored feb announcements are true, thats what i'm waiting for). Labo looks cool, and can definitely have potential. If its anything like Google Cardboard, it'll be pretty sturdy.
Oct 27, 2017
I think peoples issue is these are essentially not games in the sense that it;s more of interactive software with some light game modes that really should be more of a free app with maybe us paying for the cardboard cutouts for each project that they have.

Kids will love it for sure, but they keep giving me no reason so far this year outside of me trying to complete Mario to keep using my switch.

Tell us more since you've clearly already played them


Jan 9, 2018
That's some interesting stuff there, but not for me I think. Luckily I wasn't hyped at all.

Hypetrain next stop is february!

Deleted member 11934

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Oct 27, 2017
This isn't just cardboard, and those saying so are kidding themselves. It's some pretty damn rigid reinforced cardboard and there were also cogs, strings, motors and more to it from the trailer. So again, it isn't just cardboard but hey let's all overreact because Nintendo didn't announce a game for the hardcore audience oh god how dare they.
Not only this is super cool, but it also makes me laugh because some people goes all "omg doesn't matter if it's broken, it's the fun that matters" then when Nintendo annunces literally the coolest DIY toys I've ever seen people cry because cardbox. Which is probably the same material they used when building their cheapass IKEA desk.

Mr Pricklefingers

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 4, 2017
Ok that's a lot cooler than what I was expecting. I really love the general aesthetic of it all too. I hope it catches on with the younger demographic.


Oct 27, 2017
im kind of impressed... i mean, its smart and on trend with where kids toys are right now. it even has the 70's vibe everyone is into right now... its also such a Nintendo idea.

to think of how the joy cons IR works with this, it had to be in play for sometime. i can see this being big.

also google cardboard taking the L, lets also not pretend some of y'all will be preording this. dont hate.

anyway, some hands on previews are going up. guardian:


Oct 25, 2017
I think that's a really good idea, looks like a fun activity to invest an aftertoon with your kids. What I don't get is the price, how can they justify seventy friggin dollars for some cardboard sheets and elastics? That thing has like 1-3 dollars worth of stuff in it or am I missing something (production cost)?
Maybe you buy the game once then they sell super cheap expansion boxes?


Oct 27, 2017
Haha, this is both insane and genious and I think nintendo is the only company in the world that would make something like this! I don't know if I'll buy any of them personally, but I smiled through the whole video.