
Oct 25, 2017
Switch is selling really well but there's a limit to that. I don't think this will blow up unless the base hardware see's some form of price drop. The price of entry for this is massive if you don't own a Switch. I question whether or not parents are willing to spend $400 to en-masse to get their kids into this. I can see it selling really well amongst Switch owners, but whether or not it helps Nintendo reach those lofty hardware targets is a tough call. Essentially, I actually don't believe it's success us as sure a thing as other people seem to.

Ehm, that's what I've just written.

Switch is owned mainly by young adults right now. In the long-run, as Switch will be adopted by more and more kids thanks to actual software, Labo can break out.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly it's pretty friggin' dope and a very Nintendo type of thing which is something you'd never expect as usual! Love the DIY aspect of it and how the Switch itself is used with the creations you and/or your kids built.


Nov 1, 2017
Pretty sure that package includes the games. Cardboard by itself will surely be cheaper like $59.99
Oct 25, 2017
Cardboard you said?


AR Starts

Oct 25, 2017
Neat. Not what I expected but in line with what I was hoping for-a simple fun accessory/alternate use for Switch. This isn't the sort of thing that will take over or mar the platform like kinect or permanently being tethered to motion controls. Instead, it provides a really cool new way to utilize the console. Hope this sees some success. The sort of thing that makes the Switch and Nintendo great-a fun and genuinely novel way to use the hardware for something more educational/healthy and fun that doesn't detract from the games or shackle games into behaving around a certain peripheral.

Overall, I like it-much like how Lego and Minecraft is used a a STEM gateway for young kids.

That said, this is going to drive collectors nuts.

Edit: a little sticker shock from the price but there is software with it. Would have expected something closer to $60. ($20-$25 for the parts and $35-$40 for the software)


Jan 9, 2018
im kind of impressed... i mean, its smart and on trend with where kids toys are right now. it even has the 70's vibe everyone is into right now... its also such a Nintendo idea.

to think of how the joy cons IR works with this, it had to be in play for sometime. i can see this being big.

also google cardboard taking the L, lets also not pretend some of y'all will be preording this. dont hate.

anyway, some hands on previews are going up. guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/games/2018/jan/17/nintendo-labo-cardboard-switch-models-interactive-toys
I can see this becoming big, because this encourages kids to be creative and craft stuff. I can already see dedicated youtube channels being made and kids watching all Labo stuff.

But I think the Switch is "too premium" for kids. Nintendo needs a cheaper Switch. A Switch mini or something. Only the Switch system and cheaper parts, if that's possible.


Dec 8, 2017
LOL, what? You don't have to buy it, it's a game with accessories for kids. It's not something you need for the Switch.
I can't why people are so mad at this.
If you compulsively buy all Nintendo products, Labo isn't the problem.
If you are mad a massive multi-studio company didn't make a game for you, Labo isn't the problem.
If you have kids/are a "kid at heart" and think the construction on this is bad, then we'll have to wait for hands on impressions.

I imagine Nintendo will have replacement Labo kits you can buy when they wear out that will not include a game. I can't imagine those will be terribly expensive since most people won't want to buy it without the software and it's just cardboard.


Oct 25, 2017
I have to say this looks pretty cool. I actually want to mess around with this. This looks both simple and complex at the same time which is impressive. I could see some kids loving this too. This is likely going to get repeat purchases because I can see replacements being needed for a number of reasons.


Oct 27, 2017
1. This really is for kids, if you're not a child and you don't have children, then this may not be for you and that's fine.
2. Having done some reading, I'm sure my kids will enjoying building the stuff but not sure how long they will play with it once it is built, the actual gameplay looks gimmicky and shallow.
3. How durable is this stuff?
4. The piano tech is amazing.

I don't think this is something that my kids will come back to time and time again. Maybe it's a few afternoons of intense family fun. Is that worth $70?


Oct 27, 2017
For those complaining about price, give it a week after release, tops, before someone uploads a template on how to build these yourself with normal cardboard boxes. I guarantee it.


Oct 25, 2017
Cardboard and Rubber bands.

I mean, at least the shit your kids are going to be playing with for exactly one day are going to be recycleable.

This is really, really cool.


Oct 27, 2017
Watertown, NY
Tell us more since you've clearly already played them

It's literally interactive software akin to VR on PC. Difference is they have you physically building the objects that you interact with within the software/game. Like I said kids will love it, and maybe adults who like building shit. I'm not paying 70-80$ for a bunch of mini games and some cardboard to build interactive parts.


Dec 15, 2017
This looks fun.

Feels like a hard sell though. I'm just curious enough, I'll probably grab at least one at some point to try out. But for kids? Pricey for cardboard sets that are just going to get broken. (Hopefully they sell just the cardboard separately, or at least printable templates to cut from). Feels like the kind of thing that could get parents to buy Switches for younger children but not so much while the Switch still runs at 300.

Think it is a hard sell as well. Entry fee for this will be $370.00 dollars unless a bundle is announced in the next three months. My eight-year old and her neighborhood posse break stuff often. It's what happens with kids. Plunking seventy to eighty bucks on an accessory made of rubber bands and cardboard to house a $300 system is a recipe for disaster in my mind.


Oct 31, 2017
For the piano, it looked like the horizontal Joy-Con with the sensor was pointing towards the keys to sense which key was being pressed.

As for things like the walking creature, I'd assume it's as simple as using the HD rumble in the front or back of the Joy-Con to make it move a particular way.

This is all super creative. Gotta love Nintendo being Nintendo.

Thanks that makes sense. But you won't be able to detect multiple keys (3 or more) then...?

This is super ingenious the way Nintendo is thinking up new stuff for the Joycons, whether they appeal to the masses or no.


Nov 3, 2017
HD Rumbles - make the legs of the BUG shimmy (controlled independently)

IR Sensor: detect from the side the distance to FROM THE BACK the pressed key on the Piano



I believe that joycon is going into the back of the Piano.

If you guys notice all the IR stuff uses these White reflectors and that's what the joycons are decting. You can see if when they take off the back of the robot suit

The rest use gyro sensors etc.

Basically Nintendo showcasing the tech inside their controllers and taking advantage of their small size.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
United States
Yea, because if it is one thing Nintendo has mastered it is inventory management.
It may be a year late or overpriced but I'm pretty confident it will exist. Nintendo's Store sells tons of replacement accessories, I can't see why they wouldn't sell labo replacements.
lol is there being a serious comparison to a 60+ hour full game to what is most likely a few minigames and cardboard?
Since when do games have to be 60+ hours to be $60? And Robot is by itself, it's probably a full game.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
This is a really clever idea, not something I'll probably buy (I have enough stuff taking up room in my house as-is) but for kids it's amazing. If the cardboard holds up, anyway.

Also the fact it looks like you can program your own simple apps makes it seem like a really fun teaching tool. Really hope Nintendo pushes that angle.

I just hope people don't react like "Nintendo is doomed with casual gimmicks!" when we literally just got a Nintendo Direct that confirmed Dark Souls for Switch.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
No kid is playing with this shit when they have a thousand other far better things to play with. Second, it's fucking cardboard!!! Makes all those ebay auctions look good in comparison and won't it all just break under the weight and pressure? Third, why would ANYONE want to put their $300 handheld into cardboard? Unless of course, you're just waiting for an excuse to buy another Switch cause chances are that's what's going to happen.

And someone beat me to it...it took 35 years but ROB has finally been surpassed!!! LMFAO!!!

You're embarrassing yourself. Please stop.


Oct 28, 2017
The best thing about this honestly is all the mature adults either confused by a video that was made for children or angry that this exists.
Oct 29, 2017
Yo Namco!


Port this to Switch with a Toy-Con holder that has two Joy-Cons bound together by string!

Proceed to sell millions!

Jacob LeBeau

Dec 17, 2017
This isn't for you. Stop getting pissed over things that aren't for you.
Sonic Forces isn't for you. Stop getting pissed over things that aren't for you.
Nickelodeon isn't for you. Stop getting pissed over things that aren't for you.

Nintendo isn't for you. Stop getting pissed over things that aren't for you.

When are you people gonna get your heads out of your asses and realize that our voices matter? We shouldn't just accept things because "it's for kids." THIS was for kids

So was this

It's not an excuse, we should call out companies that do this no matter what.