
Oct 30, 2017
So I was doing incline press with free weights, and finished 2 sets, and on my last set, and I couldn't do the first rep. Tried once. Failed. Tried twice. Failed. Decided to try a third, and I just felt a sharp pain that died. But then this pain slowly start building up over the next 10 minutes.

That wasn't the weird part. The weird part was that I started getting dizzy-headed and almost some sorta cold sweat. anyone know what caused this?


Nov 11, 2017
generally you should work out to failure, then stop. you probably just pulled a chest or back muscle, the pain can radiate into the arm.

i doubt you tore a rotator cuff unless you're in your fifties.


Oct 25, 2017
Could give a more specific location in your arm?

I get really bad pains in my elbow when I do incline, and that's usually my clue that I'm using too much weight and I'm compensating with bad form.


Oct 26, 2017
generally you should work out to failure, then stop. you probably just pulled a chest or back muscle, the pain can radiate into the arm.

i doubt you tore a rotator cuff unless you're in your fifties.
Agreed. It takes a little more than that to tear a rotator cuff IMO. Also, OP just said "arm", not shoulder... Only rotator cuff issue I can think of that causes pain down the arm would be rotator cuff tendinitis, which is different.


Nov 11, 2017
you gotta be careful with free weights, bad form can cause injuries that take a few months to heal.


Oct 27, 2017
Most likely just a pulled muscle, but I'm no doctor.

Next time, keep in mind that you quit after the first failure, and move on to a different exercise.


Nov 11, 2017
Does it hurt when you move the arm into certain positions/extend it, that sort of thing? I hyperextended my elbow once and that gives you a sort of dull pain every time you move your arm to certain positions.


Oct 25, 2017
Youll be fine. Ice it for a couple days and keep using it to the extent you can without pain. Dont lift weights past your point of failure.

Dizziness could have been high blood pressure or an autonomic response to pain. Make sure youre breathing right when you work out.


Oct 30, 2017
Could give a more specific location in your arm?

I get really bad pains in my elbow when I do incline, and that's usually my clue that I'm using too much weight and I'm compensating with bad form.

it felt like it was coming from the region of where my arm is connected to my shoulder.

but guys, the pain in the arm was nothing. can someone explain why i was getting dizzy and lightheaded enough to the point of passing out? the room wasn't spinning, but the sensation was almost there


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Space, Man
it felt like it was coming from the region of where my arm is connected to my shoulder.

but guys, the pain in the arm was nothing. can someone explain why i was getting dizzy and lightheaded enough to the point of passing out? the room wasn't spinning, but the sensation was almost there

Maybe you were lifting heavy? I get lightheaded after squatting heavy. It last a few seconds. If you have insurance I would go see a doctor.

Ice your arm and put bengay on it and take it easy.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
it felt like it was coming from the region of where my arm is connected to my shoulder.

but guys, the pain in the arm was nothing. can someone explain why i was getting dizzy and lightheaded enough to the point of passing out? the room wasn't spinning, but the sensation was almost there

Are you doing too much? You may need to either scale back how much weight you're pushing, or increase your recovery time between sets to let your heart rate come down.


Oct 30, 2017
Are you doing too much? You may need to either scale back how much weight you're pushing, or increase your recovery time between sets to let your heart rate come down.

I mean, it was definitely too much weight for that 1 rep, but I was trying to determine my max. It had never happened before though. the pain from failing, sure, but never the actual dizziness and lightheadness.

was weird.

Deleted member 2109

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You should see a doctor. What if you pass out next time you try to lift and drop the bar on your head or something.


Oct 25, 2017
I got a flu shot yesterday and I feel all sore with mild aches all over my body now. I tried working out but I couldn't finish one set at my regular weights.

Just rest up.

Deleted member 9971

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If you are a beginner build op slowly no shame in that, your body is not adjusted to it yet since you haven't done it in a long while.

I remember weightlifting the first time lol i surely did something wrong since my arms were stiff for half a week probably too heavy, now i use dumbells half my weight wich looks funny as i am skinny lifting such big things.

Anyway going till you are out of energy or feel some pain it is good, but if the pain stays for too long it's not good, then you could have overdone it.

As others said baby steps and slowly build up, once you are at your goals muscle etc wise you can keep doing the same stuff if you like and maintain what you gained.

Also take protein like food or even whey! Believe me those are the most important for keeping and increasing muscle. Also havin a decent healthy diet helps too.