
Oct 28, 2017
My brother flew across the country so we could see it together at the first showing at the Chinese Theater in LA. Amazing experience. I even won one of the trivia contests before the movie started.


Oct 25, 2017
People (rightly) remember the Portals sequence and Cap bringing down the hammer as being stand outs, but the entire opening from the first moment up to 5 Years Later was so fucking good. "How are they going to start the movie"??? The tension in the opening scene with Clint and his family was so fucking palpable. Just total dread in the theater. And then just gut punch after gut punch with Tony returning, the group falling apart, Cap going to space, the stones destroyed, "I went for the head". Just top tier shit.


Jun 22, 2018
man, removed from the hype, this scene really looks ugly (even without the 60FPS upload making it look weird)

things just really look better when they're fighting in like a tangible place like NY or floating sakovia compared to just flat land


Mar 10, 2019
I just realized I recorded the entire audio of my screening 5 years ago and it's still on my phone lol


Nice to have as a historical artifact and I'm happy I did it. Should probably sync it to the movie just for shits and giggles. Lots of great crowd reactions to all the big moments in there.
That's really cool, what a unique piece of history.
Jan 20, 2022
I'm typically against making noise in a theater. But Endgame was different. Was closer to a concert atmosphere than a movie


Oct 30, 2017
I'm typically against making noise in a theater. But Endgame was different. Was closer to a concert atmosphere than a movie
100%. Typically I think clapping in a movie is stupid. But there were a handful of moments in that last hour I could help but cheer/scream. So glad we were in the theater opening night. 10 years and 20+ movies built up to "assemble", and they stuck the landing perfectly.

The Omega Man

Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Looking back in hindsight, it's amazing that decided to end the Marvel Cinematic Universe with that movie, thus ending with a high note and without risking fatigue, what a bold move that was, kudos to them.

Uzumaki Goku

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Definitely an unforgettable moment, but it's not happening again. Lightning rarely strikes twice


Oct 30, 2017
Looking back, it's crazy because 2019 had three big finales: Endgame, Star Wars Ep IX, and Game of Thrones. All top tier IPs, and yet only one of them could stick the landing.

Instant Vintage

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
It's fitting that Black Panther was the first to walk through the portal and the subtle head nod that he gives Cap makes me tear up every single time. I remember being in the movie theater and we were ALL loud and cheering and sniffling and just... excited.

The ONLY other time I felt this way in a movie theater was 20 years prior for The Matrix.

I hope I don't have to wait another 20 years for an experience like this again.


Nov 14, 2017
When this movie came out, I was newly single and back into the dating pool after 6 years of being in a relationship

I saw it in theatres twice, two different dates with two different women. Neither of them were women you'd describe as 'nerds'; yer both of them were psyched to see it, both of them bawled when Tony Stark died. Really illustrated to me just how mainstream Marvel movies had become

Don't know what my point is, just a memory I have. Never thought I'd be in a theatre with someone crying over Ironman, let alone twice in a week


Dec 2, 2017
50 years from now, when someone asks me to name my favorite moments spent in the US, this and Infinity War day 1 in the theatre are gonna be amongst them.


Oct 27, 2017
Infinity War is the better movie, but Endgame was absolutely more like a concert. You just had to be there.

There was a kid and his dad sitting next to me. I remember them chit chatting about what might happen before the movie started and that kid may as well have not even sat down. He was so hype for every scene. It was infectious.


Oct 25, 2017
With hindsight, it's even more incredible that all these franchises wrapped up in 2019. Imagine if Endgame, Rise of Skywalker and GoT S8 were slated to drop in 2020...
There was a dark time in 2020 when I thought that the last theater going experience I would ever have again would be seeing Rise of Skywalker.


Oct 27, 2017
Just an insanely great theater experience. Everyone just the right amount of excited, cheering at all the right moments, somehow never being annoyed. It elevated a movie I already loved (and still do). Don't know if anything will ever top that.

It's still crazy to me that Phase 4 and beyond just don't seem to have acknowledged if there even is a current Avengers team or not.
They haven't not acknowledged it, it's been acknowledged: there are no Avengers right now.
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Oct 31, 2017
It was something else. I'm glad I took my family to see it.

Haven't watched it in a few years. I feel like they're doing cool things in the MCU, and they're moving towards Secret Wars (which is stated), but they're not as intentional about it as they could be.


Sep 19, 2022
My story for going to this movie was that at the time my glasses were completely broken, arms and everything, so I brought one of my lenses and held it up to see the movie with one eye the entire time.

Shit was incredible, and worth every second of holding my hand up haha.


Sep 16, 2020
This and Infinity War were two unforgettable theater experiences. The hype and excitement was unlike anything else.

I hope something can recapture that energy in my lifetime, but I have doubts.
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Feb 6, 2019
Infinity War and Endgame are far from perfect movies but in retrospect they really were the peak of MCU. I can't see them reaching similar levels of hype and popularity any time soon. The quality just isn't there anymore and the tv series have made it much harder to keep track of the big picture.


Oct 25, 2017
Dat cheer when Cap caught the Hammer, that's cinema.
Decade of build up so the worthy-one will finally get to say the word Assemble


Oct 28, 2017
In terms of Pay off for what was promised, nothing has done it better, and I am unsure if it will ever do it better. It delivered on all expectations and then some. There are very few things I wish I could experience again for the first time, but opening night is one of them.

To this date, I still believe *most* of super hero fatigue isn't really fatigue (tbf, I've personally enjoyed most of phase 4&5), but just it's hard to hit this moment, and then pull back. It's such a high, nothing else quite matches it.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
And that Portals scene hasn't aged a second. Holy shit

The thing that I loved about that scene is that we should have all been expecting it after the Hulk snap but the film did such a good job distracting us that it was still an oh shit moment when it happened.


The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
It's the only time in my 18 years of movie-going in Japan that a Japanese theater got hype. Probably helped that a good chunk of the audience were Marines from Iwakuni, but it's incredibly rare to get any kind of visceral reaction from a Japanese audience member. It was an incredible experience. It's also probably the longest movie that I rewatch regularly. I even YouTube theater reactions of the Cap/Mjolnir scene like once a month.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm just reminded how fucking mega Thanos was as a villain. Has there been anyone like him?? Like, just absolutely ruins even the mightiest of heroes and can only be defeated by being literally erased from existence.


Nov 17, 2017
Lightning in a bottle.

Hard to believe it's already been 5 years as the wait between IW and Endgame alone felt like years.


Jan 12, 2021
Infinity War was better, but they both work as one massive epic anyway.
Hope they can pull off something on par at some point.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember it well.
The absolute silence at the end of IW, the screams on Endgame.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
God, I wish this was half as good as Infinity War. One of those movies that the passage of time just makes worse and worse.

Those last thirty minutes are the real meat and potatoes and even those, upon reflection, fall pretty short when you realize it's all taking place in a barren green screen wasteland against a villain who essentially has zero personal connection to any of the characters he's fighting.

Don't know which plays worse outside of the scope of its own hype, this or No Way Home. Both strong contenders though!

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I'm just reminded how fucking mega Thanos was as a villain. Has there been anyone like him?? Like, just absolutely ruins even the mightiest of heroes and can only be defeated by being literally erased from existence.
Dude was being clobbered by Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel. Dude chickened out both times and used his space ship and power stone to just survive.

He's a jobber with good plot armor.


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
I saw my FB post pop up in memories. I feared at the time that MCU would never be able to top that movie.

Definitely still feel that way 5 years later.