
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I only planned on getting a PS5 at launch and then waiting until next year for Series X, but I locked in a Series X preorder on Amazon just in case. With the PS5, there are numerous games that I want to play on day one. I think I'll end up cancelling the Series X preorder pretty soon though because frankly there's just not anything on there that I need to have one for until 2021. It'd end up being a Game Pass / BC machine for me until Xbox exclusives start coming out.

So I think if you can afford both and want both, then do it. If you're having second thoughts about picking the Series X on day one and you don't think you'll get much use out of it for the time being, then I think it might be best to just cancel. You can always pick one up in 2021 and by then you'll have more to actually play on it. There will be plenty to play on PS5 until then.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I pulled the trigger last week. I will wait for a potential great looking special edition next year.

I'm keeping my X1X for a little while longer and I'll play Gears Tactics there.


Jun 9, 2020
I've been so fucking indecisive with the Series X. It's driving me (and everyone I talk to about it) mad.

I had a pre-order with Best Buy, but cancelled it when I got a dentist bill for like $500. I then found out I'm getting a bonus from work, so I bought into that Amazon deal for 25% back on gift cards.

But... now I'm torn as to whether it's really worth getting one at or around launch. Part of me just wants to buy one and sell it for retail price (making a profit for me due to Amazon deal) as I really don't think I'd use it until at least early next year.

I have a real problem with FOMO and buying into marketing schemes. I know this shit, but I fall into it every time.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If you can afford and would buy one for Halo anyway then you might as well keep it cus the price ain't gonna drop anytime before then.


Apr 16, 2018
Was in a similiar situation convinced I would get a ps5 but I actually ended up cancelling ps5 and keeping XSX. That gamepass conversion thing was just too good and I think its better from hardware standpoint. I would much prefer to play demon souls on launch though but I can wait till a lot more ps5 exclusives come down the line and get it all cheaper.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
It shouldn't be hard to find any of the consoles after this year is over (winter gift giving time).


Dec 5, 2018
Just keep the PS5 (as you already indicated your intention) and cancel the series X. In a year or two, if you still want one, they will still be there. The availability of either console will only be constrained for the first few months.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 22, 2018
If you want to play multiplatform games and don't have a powerful pc, keep it.


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
I know what you mean, same boat.

Justified it because I love shiny new things and 3 years of GPU for £80 pretty much cemented it for titles on the subscription that I want to play on the sofa instead of PC
Oct 7, 2020
I was lucky enough to secure both a PS5 and Series X preorder, and I've pretty much decided to go with PS5, but for whatever reason I just can't bring myself to cancel my preorder or sell it at cost to one of my friends.

It's weird because there isn't really anything I want to play on it at launch that isn't going to be on PS5 also. I definitely want to play Halo Infinite when it comes out, but that could be over a year from now.

I guess I'm just afraid that if I cancel, I'll regret it for some reason that isn't obvious to me at the moment.

Anyone else in this situation? First world problems, I know.

Just to be clear, I will not sell it to anyone here. I have real life friends who will take it if I decide not to keep it.
It'll come back in stock shortly after launch, don't worry. You are more than fine with a PS5 at launch.


Oct 28, 2017
You got your pre-order fair and square. Probably not a popular opinion, but you are within your rights to sell it on Ebay if you don't want to use it. I personally don't think selling one console to subsidize another makes you a bad person.


Oct 29, 2017
Same here. I've got a high end gaming PC on the way, but so far I've been holding onto the XSX preorder. Part of me thinks it's worth it for the living room to play Game Pass and other random games with the gf/friends. The other part of me realizes that's a lot of money on top of the gaming PC for very little ROI. But it's new and shiny...


Sep 21, 2020
OP, do what I did sell it on eBay for a profit so you end up not paying for the PS5 at all, you can have your cake and eat it too. I'm going to pick one up later when halo comes out though or fallout.


Nov 3, 2017
If you have an old xbox.. sell it... keep the series x...

whats hard about this?


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Keep it. When you get it if you still feel you don't want it sell it to someone else for a little profit. Both you and the purchaser are happy.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Let's be real, it's because you have the urge to scalp it lol

Anyone with multiple pre-orders "just to be safe" (myself included) is thinking about it, craving it but knowing it's greed
Fuck, I've only got 1 pre-order (PS5) and I'm still thinking about scalping the damn thing.

It's kinda insane what Scalpers are going to be able to charge.


Sep 29, 2020
Was in the same boat, but for the opposite console.

If something comes out later on that you want to play, odds are that the stock will be better in a years time and you won't have a problem getting it.

For what it's worth, I don't regret cancelling my PS5 order and keeping the Series X. One next gen console is good for now.
Same here. cancelled my ps5 a week or so back after I paid off my Xbox series x. Still want a ps5 but can't justify it at moment. decided I will trade in my ps4 pro and get the ps5 digital edition once's it's more available.


Oct 25, 2017
If you can afford it, you'll probably get a lot of multiplats with better performance. And there's gamepass.


Nov 4, 2017
Cancelled mine simply because I realise that it will not get enough usage to justify a day one purchase. Nice to have some money left as well lol


Oct 25, 2017
Nashville, TN
SAME. For me it's because I loved my Xbox One X and I adore all the ways they're supporting backwards compatibility as well as the incredible value of gamepass.

Can we possibly return a console if we don't like it after a week or so? I didn't even think of that

Deleted member 9584

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I thought about cancelling it but I am keeping it. At launch I am going to enjoy the PS5 more, but in the long run I have more desire for what Microsoft is offering.


Dec 8, 2017
I'm getting one through all access but yea I keep asking myself why I'm getting it when there's nothing to play that I won't be able to play on my PS5 at launch. The only reason I'm keeping it is because of all access. I already pay for game pass ultimate at $15 a month. Another $20 gets me the console as well so Microsoft has made it an easy choice for me. If I had to shell out another $500 I'd probably cancel and wait until Infinite came out.


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty simple, can you afford to keep the Series X preorder(without having to sacrifice other parts of your life)? If the answer to that is yes, keep it. If not, sell it.

If I was in your shoes, I would give the preorder to a friend, especially since, like you said, there's not much to play at launch. The console will probably be readily available by the time Halo comes out so you can pick one up then.


Nov 16, 2017
There is nothing at launch that you want to play, cancel so someone who wants it later can grab it.

There is nothing exclusive about the console and there will be more in the future so you will have an option to get it and probably cheaper.


Jan 1, 2020
Pretty similar for me. I ordered a PS5 disc version (will be my main console)
I also ordered a Series S, just because it's a fun thing to have. But honestly there is nothing I wanna play on it.
The thing that is currently stopping me from cancelling my xbox order, is the fact that I still have 2 years of Game Pass. (bought 36 months a year ago for dirt cheap, I didnt use it a lot during the past year though)

Steve McQueen

Nov 1, 2017
I had the chance to order the XSX this week ( was briefly online at a Dutch retailer, due to cancelation I guess ). I've missed it and at first I was sad, but then again, as I own a Switch already and a PS5 coming up ... I've asked myself...

' Do Is really need two new consoles who launch, roughly, at the same time?'



Oct 27, 2017
With nothing new at launch the only reason to get a XSX is to play older games in 4K and smooth framerate. There's also a chance cross-platform games run better, but no ones knows for sure and I doubt the difference is huge. If you are not interested in any of this then by all means cancel and wait.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd keep your pre-oder. You may not have a major use for it now but you will down the road and this is coming from someone who woud love to steal your pre-order haha :)


Oct 25, 2017
If you are waiting for Halo and plan to play third parties on ps5, may as well just cancel the pre order and pick one up down the line since they should be easier to get at that point.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If I got cold feet, and had enough income that buying both wouldn't affect my qol, I'd keep it just to scalp it. But odds are you might just enjoy it enough to not sell it.
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
I registered interest with Shopto before pre-orders went live and when I got the option to go ahead with the pre-order, I looked at the launch lineup and found it easy to hit cancel.

I'll pick one up in a few years, when there are more exclusives available and will probably be able to get a better deal with a game included.


Senior Lighting Artist
Nov 15, 2017
Redmond, WA
Look at it financially. Can you afford to buy a commodity at that price based on the idea that you wont get use out of it right away? If it's not a huge dent in your finances then i suppose it doesnt really matter when you get it.
Jan 29, 2018
I doubt there would be a price cut on the console before Halo, so the only thing you're really risking is if there's some hardware flaw that gets fixed between now and Halo's release.

This kind of thread is always weird because the value of $500 is different to pretty much everyone here.


Oct 25, 2017
Im a little bit like that. Even more so that I just built a pretty great gaming pc. But with all access it's pretty affordable and it's convenient for playing MS games in the living room


May 14, 2018
Personally I'd wait for awhile until their exclusives start hitting next year- especially if you've already played things like Gears 5 and Ori. I'm sure it'll be much easier to snag next summer too.


Prophet of Regret
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If you think you would end up buying it anyways before any significant price drops or revisions and you can afford it now then there isn't a lot of reason to cancel it in my opinion. If that is not true then I would cancel it.


Oct 27, 2017
Mar 31, 2020
I was in the same boat OP, but, the idea of going through my backlog of games like Sekiro, RDR2, Witcher 3, etc. with better frame rates and other upgrades, has me looking forward to getting it in November.

I like the feeling of playing through a title, and knowing that I'm experiencing it in the best way possible on consoles.


Nov 7, 2017
You have both options. Get both and I assure you once its in hand you will know what to do.

The Gentleman

Oct 27, 2017
Have you played through a lot of the Xbox exclusives this gen?

Which console are you planning on using for multi-platform games?

Which platform are your mates playing on?

Is your current games library tied to Xbox or PlayStation?

I decided to go with XSX for now as I skipped the whole of this gen with Xbox one so will have a decent amount to go through with Game Pass. It's potentially going to be my multi platform choice too (TBC). I'll definitely get the PS5 sometime in 2021. It's something else to look forward to then.