
Oct 26, 2017
After Google bought them and shut them down they started new studio. They still own Journey to the Savage Planet IP and source code.

Raccoon Logic

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Dec 4, 2017
I'm sure they want to do something new, but I'd love a PS5 version of Savage Planet and also a sequel, yes sir'ee!

That game would work so fucking well with DualSense y'all.


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't know they still owned Savage Planet. Phew, that's one less shitty thing that happened to them at least.


Oct 28, 2017
Damn that's one diverse set of developers, not sure how to use the insert image feature but here is the link to the picture


Yes I am aware they technically have 1 women in the team, shame she had to stay out of frame like all my friends in the pictures I take.



Jul 23, 2018
What's wrong with tencent money? They're investing in a lot of good studios

There are a lot of articles on the internet about their connections with the communist party in China, as you can't make business there and grow that big (in a nutshell they own the biggest social media networks in China and they blamed countless times of passing the information to the communist party which persecutes people who oppose the regime) I did basic research so take my words with a lot of salt, but for now, they look like a shady company for me.

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City

Yikes indeed in this case.

Studio was formed by essentially a already established studio.

Pointing the finger at them and ask why not diverse is not really thoughtful.

Yup its pretty wild that a new founded game studio from people from a game studio that wasnt founded in 2021 looks like this in 2021.

All they did so far was like hire 5 or so people lol chill Jason
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Yikes indeed in this case.

Studio was formed by essentially a already established studio.

Pointing the finger at them and ask why not diverse is not really thoughtful.

Yup its pretty wild that a new founded game studio from people from a game studio that wasnt founded in 2021 looks like this in 2021.

All they did so far was like hire 5 or so people lol chill Jason
Imagine defending a studio founded by nothing but white men, then hiring 5 more white men. Imagine taking that stance.

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing concerns around diversity and representation. Multiple prior severe infractions.
Imagine defending a studio founded by nothing but white men, then hiring 5 more white men. Imagine taking that stance.
There it is. "Defending"

This opportunistic shitting on everyone by the internet is so tiring.

Wait until they establish a full studio with more than 5 people before complete judgement.

Sorry that im not a blind opportunist that sees the next chance to "Attack" because its the current topic of the industry.

Imagine giving people a chance?


Oct 25, 2017
Wait until they establish a full studio with more than 5 people before complete judgement.
How about 20 - the number of white men in the picture. When is it the right time to hire a woman? When is it the right time to hire a POC? Can I start asking these questions when they're a 30 person company? how about 40?
Jul 22, 2020
User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissing concerns around diversity and representation
There it is. "Defending"

This opportunistic shitting on everyone by the internet is so tiring.

Wait until they establish a full studio with more than 5 people before complete judgement.

Sorry that im not a blind opportunist that sees the next chance to "Attack" because its the current topic of the industry.
Maybe im an asshole but I don't understand why anyone cares. If diversity will make for a better game (and I think it does), then this studio is handicapping themselves from that start, isn't that on them? If that's the risk they want to take, then so be it.


Nov 6, 2017
Yikes indeed in this case.

Studio was formed by essentially a already established studio.

Pointing the finger at them and ask why not diverse is not really thoughtful.

Yup its pretty wild that a new founded game studio from people from a game studio that wasnt founded in 2021 looks like this in 2021.

All they did so far was like hire 5 or so people lol chill Jason

The old studio had both women and POC. I wonder why none of them made the cut when forming this new one. Also, the next 5 hires you get are also white men? 25 people for an independent studio isn't exactly small. Imagine coming to interview at this place being a woman or a POC. It's hard not to get an idea of the company's priorities when you see your potential co-workers all being white men.


Oct 25, 2017
There it is. "Defending"

This opportunistic shitting on everyone by the internet is so tiring.

Wait until they establish a full studio with more than 5 people before complete judgement.

Sorry that im not a blind opportunist that sees the next chance to "Attack" because its the current topic of the industry.

Imagine giving people a chance?
so are we are at 1 minority hire for every 25 white men in the games industry?

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
Sorry i cant answer your questions since im not part of the hiring process.

All i know is they just started the studio with a already established team so lets see where it leads them.

Sorry that im maybe naive and give people chances to prove themselves.

This post is free to quote and laugh at if they continue the white man spree though.


Oct 30, 2017
Yikes indeed in this case.

Studio was formed by essentially a already established studio.

Pointing the finger at them and ask why not diverse is not really thoughtful.

Yup its pretty wild that a new founded game studio from people from a game studio that wasnt founded in 2021 looks like this in 2021.

All they did so far was like hire 5 or so people lol chill Jason


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
There it is. "Defending"

This opportunistic shitting on everyone by the internet is so tiring.

Wait until they establish a full studio with more than 5 people before complete judgement.

Sorry that im not a blind opportunist that sees the next chance to "Attack" because its the current topic of the industry.

Imagine giving people a chance?

Could it be the case that this is maybe not "opportunistic shitting" or the "current topic of the industry", and instead a thing people have cared about for legitimate reasons for a long time? Defending this is already silly, but this kind of whining doesn't help.


Oct 30, 2017
Sorry i cant answer your questions since im not part of the hiring process.

All i know is they just started the studio with a already established team so lets see where it leads them.

Sorry that im maybe naive and give people chances to prove themselves.

This post is free to quote and laugh at if they continue the white man spree though.

Get a grip.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK

Looks about white.

Alex Hutchinson is taking valid criticism and concerns about diversity well.


For people not in the know, this is the "it's too hard to add women to Far Cry 4" guy, the "streamers should be paying devs" guy, and the "Stadia is doing better than Giant Bomb" guy.

Imagine giving people a chance?

They had a chance, you're looking at the results.

People are now rightfully calling them out for what they did with their chance.


Aug 7, 2019
All i know is they just started the studio with a already established team
An already established team made of dudes founded in 2017.

It feels like you're making a, "that's just how it was back then", argument/defense about a company that was founded four years ago. Like why weren't they more diverse then? That is a fair question. Then, and now.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
The creative director painting the mentions as trolling is really missing the point. They may have had an established workforce to start from but they also mention hiring new people so they had room to address the lack of diversity, but didn't. And you have the question of why that established workforce was also full of white guys when it was only founded a few years ago. I assume it's a case of no-one involved really thinking about it because the same points rightfully come up with every new studio that has a team picture exactly like this one (Or any with one or two token diverse hires).

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
Yeah you can't post shit like this and run away. "White man spree" are you fucking serious? You gonna act like white men need any kind of sympathy for shitty hiring practices? Get fuckin' real.
What? I posted the complete opposite but ok?

Im for diversity and dont want them to only hire white men i just didnt put complete judgement on them yet.

Believe me as a person of color myself it is by far not in my interest to protect the white men privilege im just honest and dont see anything to get upset yet.

But like i said maybe im just too naive. Sorry that i just wanted to state my opinion even though i kinda knew im gonna get pilled on.


Oct 25, 2017
What? I posted the complete opposite but ok?

Im for diversity and dont want them to only hire white men i just didnt put complete judgement on them yet.

Believe me as a person of color myself it is by far not in my interest to protect the white men privilege im just honest and dont see anything to get upset yet.

But like i said maybe im just too naive. Sorry that i just wanted to state my opinion even though i kinda new im gonna get pilled on.
Yeah in fairness I misread what you said and I apologize for that. But I fundamentally disagree they should get the benefit of the doubt in this case. If this is mostly an already established team moving to a new studio - why is the already established team from 2017 full of white dudes only? Why when hiring 5 new people did they not branch out beyond that? It's not good. Full stop.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
There it is. "Defending"

This opportunistic shitting on everyone by the internet is so tiring.

Wait until they establish a full studio with more than 5 people before complete judgement.

Sorry that im not a blind opportunist that sees the next chance to "Attack" because its the current topic of the industry.

Imagine giving people a chance?
White dudes will be given every fucking chance in this industry. Hutchinson himself has put his foot in his own mouth about these issues before, and then goes to describe criticism of this as "trolling" when it really is reflecting on the shitty state of game dev, and exhaustion at how this continues across countless workplaces.

I didn't even see the Schreier tweet until just now, but that photo immediately made me roll my eyes. I'm sick of this shit. I'm sick of the message it sends.

Maybe whatever game they put out looks cool eventually, but it's clear right from the jump that any consideration for alternate perspectives (read: anything not by a white dude) doesn't come from any intentionality from within their studio.


Oct 25, 2017
maybe if they hired some BIPOC they wouldn't have named a game Journey to the Savage Planet where the game is all about strip-mining an inhabited planet for resources while the game repeatedly points to the premise and says "haha we're evil"


Oct 25, 2017
I really enjoyed Savage Planet but knew nothing about the devs. Now that I know...well I guess I'm fine ignoring the sequel.


Dec 14, 2017
I don't know the background of these guys, and I'm sure most of them are swell, but when we continue to hear stories about women and minorities still being treated like garbage in 2021 by game studios, maybe the first thought when seeing an all white male gaming studio shouldn't be "where's the diversity".

There are plenty of game studios where women and minorities will thrive, which includes all three of the console manufacturers, the most influential of the bunch. Making a stink about this studio being all white men does nothing except bring more eyes to the name and inevitably their next game. Put that focus on actual diverse and inclusive gaming studios, who don't get nearly as much mindshare compared to these studios people continue to bring up for slacking on that front.


Oct 25, 2017
This is why having diversity in the founders helps. If it's just white dudes, they'll hire people they know, and they might not hang around with the most diverse crowd.
The old studio had both women and POC. I wonder why none of them made the cut when forming this new one. Also, the next 5 hires you get are also white men? 25 people for an independent studio isn't exactly small. Imagine coming to interview at this place being a woman or a POC. It's hard not to get an idea of the company's priorities when you see your potential co-workers all being white men.

Wow, this makes them look even worse in terms of their hiring practices.


Oct 27, 2017
This is why having diversity in the founders helps. If it's just white dudes, they'll hire people they know, and they might not hang around with the most diverse crowd.


Wow, this makes them look even worse in terms of their hiring practices.
Reading about the guy's history, it seems deliberate that 5 people they hired were white males.

EDIT: Even Mitch Dyer gave up on this dude



Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
This is why having diversity in the founders helps. If it's just white dudes, they'll hire people they know, and they might not hang around with the most diverse crowd.


Wow, this makes them look even worse in terms of their hiring practices.
None of this is surprising coming from a Montreal indie studio


Oct 25, 2017
maybe if they hired some BIPOC they wouldn't have named a game Journey to the Savage Planet where the game is all about strip-mining an inhabited planet for resources while the game repeatedly points to the premise and says "haha we're evil"
Yeah it was a pretty tone deaf title. Despite me not liking Alex Hutchinson's Twitter main character antics, I gave the game a try and it was nothing more than lampshading and not particularly interested in criticising or changing the issues it's touching on. I'm not likely to try their next game.