
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, this is...🤬

-The combat feels so FUCKING HEAVY, there is zero flow/agility to any of it. It's not fluid or pleasant to play. The spells also feel boring aside the big support ones.
-Game is kinda ugly, I am not seeing this as next gen only game. Map looks like some asset dump in tech engine test.
-Movement is beyond annoying with that stamina system and fact I have to hold O and then press X to jump.
-Music is just some Harry Potter stuff? Even in combat? What?
-Protag and her gizmo sidekick have to have the worst banter I probably ever heard in any game.

I am genuinely shocked how bad this is, this is not something I would purchase unless there is massive change to the retail release.



Nov 15, 2017
This game is so bizarre, lol.

It seems very clunky and weird, but I think part of that is just the fact that it drops you in without tutorializing anything more than the basic controls. I have no idea what spells I should be using in a given situation. Are the enemies spongy because they're poorly designed, or am I just not playing well enough? I really don't know.

I think there's some interesting potential here but I may wait for some intrepid people to put out some guides before I spend too much time with it.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
This game is so bizarre, lol.

It seems very clunky and weird, but I think part of that is just the fact that it drops you in without tutorializing anything more than the basic controls. I have no idea what spells I should be using in a given situation. Are the enemies spongy because they're poorly designed, or am I just not playing well enough? I really don't know.

I think there's some interesting potential here but I may wait for some intrepid people to put out some guides before I spend too much time with it.

Yeah, I mentioned in another thread that I think the demo needed a WAY BETTER tutorial and probably needed to unlock new spells for you in order so you could test them out in scenarios where they'd be useful. Right now it's just a ton of information overload and because hit reactions are so bad it's hard to really be sure if the spell you pick is really useful.

I wound up dumping Frey's earth magic about 5 minutes in and massacred an entire bridge covered in guys exclusively with Flame Saber, which I don't think the game intended me to do. The earth spells just feel so weak.


Nov 15, 2017
Yeah, I mentioned in another thread that I think the demo needed a WAY BETTER tutorial and probably needed to unlock new spells for you in order so you could test them out in scenarios where they'd be useful. Right now it's just a ton of information overload and because hit reactions are so bad it's hard to really be sure if the spell you pick is really useful.

I wound up dumping Frey's earth magic about 5 minutes in and massacred an entire bridge covered in guys exclusively with Flame Saber, which I don't think the game intended me to do. The earth spells just feel so weak.
Yeah. Like, I look at this combat system and. I can see a possibility for really satisfying moments in which you're chaining together various different spells to control the battlefield and deal out massive damage when the opportunity presents itself. Something with a high skill ceiling.

But I have no idea if that's actually possible in how its been implemented because i have no idea what anything does or when I should bring certain spells out.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Like, I look at this combat system and. I can see a possibility for really satisfying moments in which you're chaining together various different spells to control the battlefield and deal out massive damage when the opportunity presents itself. Something with a high skill ceiling.

But I have no idea if that's actually possible in how its been implemented because i have no idea what anything does or when I should bring certain spells out.

Exactly. It also doesn't feel satisfying AT ALL to use spells while parkouring, which is also not a good thing. The parkour and the combat needed to be blended together better the way they were in inFamous, since this game clearly feels like a fantasy inFamous in a lot of ways.


Nov 1, 2017
I'm not really following this game. Half of the reason I downloaded the demo was to see in action a very rare next-gen only game.

Nope, doesn't look like one. It had me double checking I wasn't actually playing a PS4 version of it.

Even the 120hz mode doesn't feel like it.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Like, I look at this combat system and. I can see a possibility for really satisfying moments in which you're chaining together various different spells to control the battlefield and deal out massive damage when the opportunity presents itself. Something with a high skill ceiling.

But I have no idea if that's actually possible in how its been implemented because i have no idea what anything does or when I should bring certain spells out.

Isn't that part of the fun of playing a game? Figuring shit out?

That's what I was doing when I was playing because she's got so much shit., and figuring out how to use it and what I liked personally was really fun, and then learning how it all worked together.


Jul 25, 2021
Odds of Luminous surviving after this?

Shame about the impressions. Hope it's more of a demo thing. But man I'm baffled that Luminous did XV, and then figured they should carry over the lack of hitstop and enemy stagger/reaction on hit from that game. Seeing clips of swinging flame sword at small enemies and it looks like a knife through butter.
Nov 19, 2019
I'm excited to try this out BECAUSE of the bad impressions lol.

All of the descriptions have me thinking of FFXV-2. The combat in that game was famously mushy and slow and criticized, but I thought it had its own lil charm. Not every real-time combat game should be Devil May Cry.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm excited to try this out BECAUSE of the bad impressions lol.

All of the descriptions have me thinking of FFXV-2. The combat in that game was famously mushy and slow and criticized, but I thought it had its own lil charm. Not every real-time combat game should be Devil May Cry.

its nothing like ff15 combat


Oct 28, 2017
It's not… bad? But performance mode didn't look very good imo and the combat felt a bit clunky. Feels weird not having a dedicated melee button or similar 😅

Will definitely wait for reviews and maybe pick it up in a Steam sale or something lol


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited to try this out BECAUSE of the bad impressions lol.

All of the descriptions have me thinking of FFXV-2. The combat in that game was famously mushy and slow and criticized, but I thought it had its own lil charm. Not every real-time combat game should be Devil May Cry.

I don't think it has much in common with XV at all. Like I said, it feels more like an inFamous game that is less good at blending its parkour and its combat together into a cohesive whole.


Oct 27, 2017
Well I was ready to eat crow and apologize in the other thread for my negative comments about the game, after several people called me out for it, but sadly the game is exactly what I expected, being the jaded person I am.


Nov 2, 2017
Having to hold circle, then turn the camera around is annoying as fuck :/ I wish you could use the bumpers or triggers, but those are for attacks. So awkward


Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited to try this out BECAUSE of the bad impressions lol.

All of the descriptions have me thinking of FFXV-2. The combat in that game was famously mushy and slow and criticized, but I thought it had its own lil charm. Not every real-time combat game should be Devil May Cry.
15s combat felt better.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited to try this out BECAUSE of the bad impressions lol.

All of the descriptions have me thinking of FFXV-2. The combat in that game was famously mushy and slow and criticized, but I thought it had its own lil charm. Not every real-time combat game should be Devil May Cry.

It's less about needing to be DMC and more of just having the good feeling of responsive combat controls, enemy reaction, etc. Dragon's Dogma isn't DMC but combat still feels great.

The attacks on trigger buttons in this feels too delayed from the player input, made worse by the trigger's resistance. Turning off the trigger resistance helps a little bit but it's still not great


Feb 10, 2021
It's not… bad? But performance mode didn't look very good imo and the combat felt a bit clunky. Feels weird not having a dedicated melee button or similar 😅

Will definitely wait for reviews and maybe pick it up in a Steam sale or something lol

I mentioned how the combat felt 'off', and reading your post I think that might be it. Spamming RT for smaller attacks just doesn't feel very good. I'd rather have a couple of face buttons dedicated to a melee that you always have access to and have the magic spells supplement it. Basically lean a little more into it's character-action game influences. It wouldn't even change the systems that much given that melee is there in the form of spells already, but it would just feel more fun and dynamic to seperate them and would cut back on the constant need to hold L1 or R1 and move the analog to switch spells. It would just feel better and more intuitive overall.

I get they are trying something different and not everything should follow the same template, but I think I would enjoy the combat a lot more than what they are doing here. It just doesn't feel that great to fight stuff.


Brand Marketing Specialist
Oct 25, 2017
I liked it. I'm not good at it, but I liked it. Coming off of GOWR, the combat will take some getting used to but calling this game terrible? The demo is terrible.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh and the UI is one giant fucking joke. Especially the in-menu spell stuff, it's an absolute visual mess.


Oct 28, 2017
I mentioned how the combat felt 'off', and reading your post I think that might be it. Spamming RT for smaller attacks just doesn't feel very good. I'd rather have a couple of face buttons dedicated to a melee that you always have access to and have the magic spells supplement it. Basically lean a little more into it's character-action game influences. It wouldn't even change the systems that much given that melee is there in the form of spells already, but it would just feel more fun and dynamic to seperate them and would cut back on the constant need to hit L1 or R1 to switch spells.

I get they are trying something different and not everything should follow the same template, but I think I would enjoy the combat a lot more than what they are doing here. It just doesn't feel that great to fight stuff.
Yeah it's weird using R2 for basically all your attacks lol. At the very least I think R1 should be an additional offensive move instead of the spell/weapon wheel


Oct 25, 2017
Having spells on the face buttons with l2 and l1 as modifiers and r2 as parkour would have been far better and kill the spell switching that slows combat to a crawl.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's weird using R2 for basically all your attacks lol. At the very least I think R1 should be an additional offensive move instead of the spell/weapon wheel

I think you should've been able to bind your melee spells to a face button like Square. Having to manually switch between melee and ranged spells mid-combat feels anti-intuitive.


May 26, 2022
Dang, I should've played the demo before reading the thread. The game is forever trash in my mind now..


Oct 28, 2017
Appreciated. Very poor writing and a world that doesn't scream Fantasy at all.

Wish it was more flamboyant or imaginative, instead it looks like the same environment we see in Sonic Frontiers and Halo Infinite, very bland.

Yeah quite a lot of decisions here are leaving me scratching my head.


Jul 13, 2020
IMO anyone who was going into this expecting a 10/10 masterpiece was fooling themselves. This was never more than an interesting combat system with cool parkour mechanics.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017


Aug 1, 2022
It's just stupid. I should be able to seamlessly switch between ranged and melee without any additional inputs. The inFamous games figured this out on PS3.

I mean it's not the worst game ever or the worst demo ever but it's got a lot of problems.
The infamous games are 3rd person shooters with a superhero backdrop, where if you didn't have access to only one power at a time, your options were significantly less than what's on display here.

Comparing it to Infamous seems misguided.


Aug 3, 2020
London, UK
I don't think the game is bad, but the demo and tutorial is atrocious, throwing the player in with like 20 different spells and having a tutorial for 3 of them is a weird move, I would have rather had less spells to play with.

The tutorial saying to switch the spell sets with L1+R1 instead of swiping the touchpad or d-pad is definitely a choice. Combat is actually quite enjoyable, just the controls are pretty janky and will take a lot of getting used to to get into the flow of combat.

Also Sila's magic is so much cooler than Frey's lmao


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The infamous games are 3rd person shooters with a superhero backdrop, where if you didn't have access to only one power at a time, your options were significantly less than what's on display here.

Comparing it to Infamous seems misguided.

This game is also a third person shooter with a superhero backdrop, just set in a fantasy world. It would NOT be hard to just bind all of the melee spells to Square and use some kind of hold (L1, etc) as a modifier button to allow the player access to multiple spells at once. It doesn't help that of the three fire melee spells we got in this demo, none of them feel organically different enough from each other to justify a HARD TOGGLE between melee and ranged.


May 16, 2018
Yeah after playing the demo .... This game is incredibly mid. Generic boring open world with mmo-collecta-thons and a barren land with nothing interesting.

Game looks like ass as well. I was hoping it was the youtube compression in the videos where it didnt impress me at all, but seeing it on my oled ... The game looks really bad.

the combat is kinda cool though and it'll be pretty fun to see the different types of powers you can have and the eventual combos .... But it feels quite clunky and the camera is wonky during combat as well.

I'm shocked sony money-hatted this because the game is very meh.