
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Today at WonderCon in Anaheim Fox put on a one-hour panel fro Dark Phoenix and they showed two full clips amounting to about 17 or so minutes from the movie.

The panel was basically just PR spiel from Fox and it started with Kinberg bragging out Last Stand wasn't a REAL Dark Phoenix movie, but this one is. How the X-Men actually go cosmic and go into space (they don't they go into low-Earth orbit), and strangely repeatedly trying to compare the movie to Logan. Then the first clip.

It was 10 minutes and showed the X-Men going into low-Earth orbit to rescue a damaged space shuttle. The launch is totally budget-Armageddon and Zimmer's score even copies the Armageddon score. There are even slow motion reaction shots of people in little villages around the world watching the Blackbird take off on TVs. Xavier uses Cerebro to tap into Mission Control and tells NASA not to worry, the X-Men are on the job.

They get in space and the shuttle is spinning out of control while the Phoenix Force is approaching it. The Blackbird has an Optic Blast laser turrent where Cyclops drops down into a hole and sticks his face into a viewfinder and then blasts away. They use that to stop the shuttle from spinning, Storm uses her weather control powers in the vacuum of space to stop the shuttle from decompressing, then Nightcrawler and Quicksilver bamf over and rescues the astronauts.

Uh oh, he forgot one. So they have to go back. Quicksilver uses his power to make a sealed helmet on Nightcrawler so he can go back over while the shuttle is in vacuum and Jean goes over to keep it from breaking apart (she doesn't need a helmet). Pheonix Force hits the shuttle after the astronaut is rescued, they think Jean is dead, but of course she's not. Cyclops is whiny as usual in Fox movies worrying more about Jean than the team.

They arrive home and the X-Men are heroes. Kids are cheering. Some have faces painted blue, others are holding naked Mystique action figures. The X-Men return home to a heroes welcome from all the kids, and both Beast and Mystique return to normal human forms in front of all the mutants (not so Mutant and Proud anymore, huh?). Raven rails on Xavier for risking Jean's life. Xavier is completely out of character and giddy that the X-Men are famous heroes, and she says they should be called the X-Women since it's the women who are always at risk.

Then they did a BS softball Q&A with the cast where Sophie was basically the center of all attention. NO audience questions. Just pre-selected PR friendly fluff bullshit.

Second clip was later in the movie after Mystique is dead. Werewolf Beast joined forces with Magneto and two generic unnamed Mutants and they were going to Central Park in NY to kill Jean. Nightcrawler teleports Xavier, Whiny Cyclops, and Storm to New York in this COSMIC EPIC to fight Beast, Magneto and two disposable bad Mutants on a dark New York street. The fight is seriously early-2000 superhero movie. It's at night, hard to see what's going on, and you don't care since two of the villains are fill in generics. The girl has some telepathic abilities, and the guy has killer dreadlock tentacles.

Before the fight Cyclops gets the PG-13 F-bomb saying he'll "fucking kill" Magneto if he touches Jean. Also in this clip you see Chastain's character who looks like she's controlling Jean. Magneto doesn't have his costume either, just a black trench coat and his helmet. It looks stupid.

During the fight Magneto pulls a subway car from underground to block his entrance into the building where Jean and Chastain are. He confronts Jean by pointing a sharp metal bar at her eye, she pushes it back and begins to crush the helmet on his head. That's the end of the clip.

Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This will do damage to the brand for sure.

It might be best for the MCU to do Fantastic 4 first and just wait a bit longer to introduce the new xmen to the MCU.

Gives people time to forget this nightmare.
Oct 25, 2017
If Cyclops can stop a ship spinning with his optic blasts, why isn't he constantly shooting backwards every time he fires?

This whole thing reads like a trainwreck. Good of them to make none of us miss the old fox X-verse before the new guard comes in.


Nov 8, 2017
I know this movie is a joke and no one really cares, but that is a noteworthy spoiler to have in the OP for an as of yet unreleased film.

Even if it is already a worst kept secret because, again, no one cares.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
What's with these PG-13 f-bombs? The one from Alita was a badass moment. This one just sounds forced and unnecessary.
Oct 28, 2017
I know it's shitty to actively root against a movie, especially one from my favorite comic series. But the worse this is, the more scorched earth, and buried this gets, the better. Salt the earth, let the whole thing reset, and in 3 years start peppering it into the MCU.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
...How does Simon Kinberg keep geting work?

I just checked the dude's filmgraphy and its one long sad history of failure and mediocrity.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't Disney just kill this movie? "Fox" doesn't exist anymore right?

Deleted member 17388

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I wish Disney ate up the costs of contracts and stuff and simply 90's Fantastic Four'ed this film.

The brand is gonna take a while to recover...


Oct 25, 2017
...How does Simon Kinberg keep geting work?

I just checked the dude's filmgraphy and its one long sad history of failure and mediocrity.


Oct 25, 2017
West Coast, USA
At this point I'm just crossing my fingers in hopes that I'll enjoy it more than Apocalypse... which is a really low bar. As an X-Men fan, and a fan of most of the films to some degree, I'll be seeing this -- even if i'm dreading it.

Surely Disney will handle the franchise better. That's not asking much either, lol.