
Oct 25, 2017

'Fedora Guy' Jerry Messing on Ventilator with COVID-19

Jerry Messing, an actor known as the face of the famous "Fedora Guy" meme, has COVID and is fighting for his life in Florida.
Jerry Messing -- the "Freaks and Geeks" actor who's also the face of a famous meme -- has COVID and is fighting for his life in Florida ... TMZ has learned.

His father, James, tells us ... Jerry lives with his parents in an apartment in Tampa, and a few days ago he started feeling really sick all of a sudden and having shortness of breath, but assured his dad he was breathing fine.

We're told Jerry tested positive for COVID-19 and he was immediately placed on a ventilator. James says nobody is allowed to visit Jerry right now as he's struggling to survive.

According to James ... both he and Jerry's mom are fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, but they both started feeling ill around the same time Jerry did. So far, Jerry's dad has tested negative, while his mother's test results are pending.

James says Jerry had received his first Pfizer dose, and was waiting for his second shot before he got sick.
Along with his role as Gordon Crisp on "Freaks and Geeks," Jerry's played Pugsley on the "Addams Family Reunion" TV movie and Artie Ryan on "Even Stevens."

He's also gained more modern fame as "The Fedora Guy" -- one of the Internet's most popular memes -- in which he's smiling and tipping his fedora to the camera.
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Oct 25, 2017
Looking at a recent photo of him, his weight definitively puts him at high risk.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, getting both shots, and still becoming sick enough to end up on ventilation. How unlucky can you get.

Edit: misread, he only had his first shot.
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The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
That's awful. Hoping he pulls through and recovers.

Honestly didn't know Fedora Guy was an actor, always thought it was just a photo of a random person. And I watched Freaks and geeks when it was on tV, haha


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, getting both shots, and still becoming sick enough to end up on ventilation. How unlucky can you get.
Don't understand the article, it says both fully vaccinated but at the same time says jerry received his first dose and was waiting for the 2nd.
Also if he was waiting it means his first dose was pretty recent (less than 3 weeks) so may e not even enough time to build up antibodies from even first dose

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
According to James ... both he and Jerry's mom are fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, but they both started feeling ill around the same time Jerry did. So far, Jerry's dad has tested negative, while his mother's test results are pending.

James says Jerry had received his first Pfizer dose, and was waiting for his second shot before he got sick.
So was he fully vaccinated or not? There is quite a contradiction here.
His dad and mom were fully vaccinated, Jerry was not.
Ok. But the way it was worded made it seem Jerry had received both doses.

Anyways, hope he gets better.


Oct 25, 2017
He'd only gotten his first shot.
Yep. This is why you get the second damn shot. I think the best estimates I have read is that the first shot is only like 50% effective.

Why risk it, when you are alread high risk.

Fucking sad though, he at least got the first which is a lot better then some. He might have been like me and suffered some pretty intense reactions at the first shot so much I was basically in bed for two days. Still though, you have to weigh things, better than dying.

I literally just saw somebody use his meme yesterday here on era.

Edit: Ok so he got the shots late. It was too late basically from what I am reading.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I just completed a rewatch of Freaks & Geeks a couple weeks ago and did not realize Gordon was the fedora guy. I hope he pulls through.


Oct 27, 2017
Was immediately put on a ventilator? Poor guy must have really been struggling to get oxygen. Hope he pulls through.


Oct 25, 2017
He was getting vaccinated. Both his parents were fully vaccinated and he had just gotten his first dose.

He is overweight, so I'm sure that didn't help him.

I'm aware that he had just gotten his first dose, but vaccines have been readily available in the US since May. A lot of people seemingly had and still have no urgency about it and the results are severe illness and possibly death, all for nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
So he was within the 3 week period before he could get his 2nd dose? Sadly that probably was not enough time for his body to develop antibodies. Remember the US is advising waiting 2 weeks after your 2nd dose before you can consider yourself fully vaccinated.

Probably could have been avoided if he would have got vaccinated even just a month or so earlier.

Delta is no joke. People need to get fully vaccinated now.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, I never connected the two and I've watched F&G plenty of times. Hope he makes it out.

Get your shots, people.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I had no idea the fedora guy was the kid who smells funny in Freaks and Geeks! I also never found the fedora guy memes funny. They just seemed cruel to me.


Oct 27, 2017
If he only got 1 shot, his immune is going to have a hard time fighting off delta variant. Wish him the best.


Oct 25, 2017
Update: Jerry survived but is partially paralyzed now.

'Fedora Guy' Jerry Messing Battling Paralysis After COVID, But Out of ICU

'Fedora Guy' Jerry Messing is battling paralysis after his bout with COVID, but thankfully he's out of ICU.
Jerry tells TMZ after being hospitalized in August and placed on a ventilator, he's out of the ICU and off the ventilator ... has been for about a week and a half now. He's also breathing fine without a fever or cough, and has tested negative for COVID.

Sadly though, Jerry says the virus has left him partially paralyzed. He can't move his arms and legs well, and is unable to stand and walk on his own. Jerry says he's doing physical therapy and using a machine to get his legs working again.

The doctors have told him his recovery is going to take some time -- he was already hospitalized for more than a month -- but he tells us things are looking up, and he thanks everyone for their support.


Oct 25, 2017
According to the original article, he did have one dose at least and was waiting on the second. Hard to say how effective the first dose would be at that stage, but it may very well have saved his life. Hope he can fully recover, so many people who end up on ventilators don't come off them.


Oct 27, 2017
Needing assistance to stand and walk sounds about right. My mother and sister were picking me up and dragging me around until May and sometimes I still need help moving about.
Oct 27, 2017
I was expecting the worst with the thread bump. Glad he's recovering and hopefully he can get back on his feet with some therapy.


Oct 27, 2017
Bad bad timing on his part, damn. Looks like he'll be okay but likely going to have to put up with long COVID so to speak from here on out.

I think that one shot ended up saving him.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm glad he survived but what made him decide not to start getting vaccinated until recently? Don't hesitate on this shit!


Oct 25, 2017
Glad he survived but a month on a ventilator is going to have serious lasting effects. I'm glad they mentioned his paralysis because most stories completely gloss over the risks of surviving COVID. Anti-vaxxers love to use the death rate to dismiss the virus without ever considering other poor outcomes


Apr 18, 2018
Glad he survived but a month on a ventilator is going to have serious lasting effects. I'm glad they mentioned his paralysis because most stories completely gloss over the risks of surviving COVID. Anti-vaxxers love to use the death rate to dismiss the virus without ever considering other poor outcomes

or the insane medical bills.