Dec 2, 2019
The thing for me about modern songs is that they don't fit a fantasy theme, and I also think they don't usually capture the tone very well either compared to using something from the OST. The combination ends up feeling very disingenuous to me. And it does confound me that it works for a wider audience because who from a wider audience finds an anachronistic song as a selling point for them to buy a fantasy game? Unless the tone is silly like Knight's Tale, IDK how that plays in genre media at all.
As I said is probably because teenage fans ( who are a big slice of the cake ) find it cool to have a super badass knight slow walking with fire behind it together with a metal /rock song playing background ... Or maybe is just a japanese cultural matter. I cant think of other European developers who use this kind of marketing approach . Love Machine, you are japanese if I am not wrong . Do you find cool having trailers with modern songs ?


Dec 2, 2019
PS5 presentation officially confirmed for 4th June. Hard to see Elden Ring there but I just hope it will be' better than the previous Xbox event


Oct 25, 2017
As I said is probably because teenage fans ( who are a big slice of the cake ) find it cool to have a super badass knight slow walking with fire behind it together with a metal /rock song playing background ... Or maybe is just a japanese cultural matter. I cant think of other European developers who use this kind of marketing approach . Love Machine, you are japanese if I am not wrong . Do you find cool having trailers with modern songs ?
I don't think the jp trailers ever had those though? Teenagers are definitly one of the reasons these things are popular, if they have never known what these games were about before maybe these linkin park AMVs but with dark souls footage speak to them on some level.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
As I said is probably because teenage fans ( who are a big slice of the cake ) find it cool to have a super badass knight slow walking with fire behind it together with a metal /rock song playing background ... Or maybe is just a japanese cultural matter. I cant think of other European developers who use this kind of marketing approach . Love Machine, you are japanese if I am not wrong . Do you find cool having trailers with modern songs ?
It's not a Japanese thing. Plenty of other publishers do it, and case in point being Activision making a similar launch trailer for Sekiro. It's not really a teenage thing, either. It's all about broadcasting your product to the widest audience possible and I guess that means using modern music. It seems to be working too, since they keep doing it. Off the top of my mind, I remember Control, Hitman 2, and a bunch of assassin's creed games all following this trend. Probably a bunch of first person shooters too.


Jun 11, 2018
It's not a Japanese thing. Plenty of other publishers do it, and case in point being Activision making a similar launch trailer for Sekiro. It's not really a teenage thing, either. It's all about broadcasting your product to the widest audience possible and I guess that means using modern music. It seems to be working too, since they keep doing it. Off the top of my mind, I remember Control, Hitman 2, and a bunch of assassin's creed games all following this trend. Probably a bunch of first person shooters too.

It's exactly this. The vast majority of consumers have shit taste, you have to appeal to that and there are teams of people coming to these decisions. I work in fashion and constantly used to scream internally over marketing / advertising decisions all the time. Eventually I realized I don't actually know better, I just thought I did.

Love Machine

Oct 29, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
As I said is probably because teenage fans ( who are a big slice of the cake ) find it cool to have a super badass knight slow walking with fire behind it together with a metal /rock song playing background ... Or maybe is just a japanese cultural matter. I cant think of other European developers who use this kind of marketing approach . Love Machine, you are japanese if I am not wrong . Do you find cool having trailers with modern songs ?
I'm not Japanese, but I'm partial to modern music used with trailers as long as it's in good taste. I actually quite like the Bartholemew trailer for the original DS. Suppose it's pretty "cringe" by standards these days, but I remember it got a significant number of my friends and colleagues at the time interested.

Sekiro Bad Moon cover was...not entirely terrible in practice (instrumental was still better), but I don't really understand what they were going for or which sort of demographic they're trying to appeal to.


May 31, 2019
It's exactly this. The vast majority of consumers have shit taste, you have to appeal to that and there are teams of people coming to these decisions. I work in fashion and constantly used to scream internally over marketing / advertising decisions all the time. Eventually I realized I don't actually know better, I just thought I did.

Case closed right there. That is an inarguable fact of the world, no matter how bizarre it might seem. And if that shit gets FROM more money to keep producing magic, I guess I can just ignore the moody Wrecking Ball cover for the Elden Ring launch trailer.


Feb 22, 2018
If Bluepoint's next game really is a Demon's Souls Remake, what level of involvement do you think FROM SOFTWARE will have in that project?


Oct 27, 2017
Demon's Souls remake with PS5 visuals exclusively for PS5 at launch.

I think that would make the PS5 my favorite console launch of all time.


Dec 2, 2019
If Bluepoint's next game really is a Demon's Souls Remake, what level of involvement do you think FROM SOFTWARE will have in that project?
A dream could be' if a small team of Fromsoftware employers worked together with Bluepoint to add the 6th archstone or other areas/ bosses / enemies . Demon souls was really small compared to future souls game.

Maybe directed/ supervisioned by Tanimura to give him his second chance and prove his talent


Feb 22, 2018
A dream could be' if a small team of Fromsoftware employers worked together with Bluepoint to add the 6th archstone or other areas/ bosses / enemies . Demon souls was really small compared to future souls game.

Maybe directed/ supervisioned by Tanimura to give him his second chance and prove his talent
I would be on board with that ;-;


Master of the Wind
Oct 27, 2017
Apr 3, 2020
If Bluepoint's next game really is a Demon's Souls Remake, what level of involvement do you think FROM SOFTWARE will have in that project?

Less than Ueda involvement with SoTC remake. But clearly that means nothing since they made creative decisions by themselves. Honesty I've always feel these kind of announcements is only to reassure the fans.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
A remaster for Demon's Souls would be more than enough. I don't know why they felt the need to go full on Remake when the game is really not that old, and still very much playable (considering there's only two years difference between it and Dark Souls).

Or the game could be tied in technical problems with the PS3's Cell architecture like MGS4 which would need a lot more work to get a full port through, but even then I doubt it needs a full on Remake treatment.


Apr 14, 2020
What if the PS5 reveal starts with the big Demon's Souls remake bomb and then after that they just drop nuke with Elden Ring as a follow-up. Would be sick

Deleted member 61469

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 17, 2019
A dream could be' if a small team of Fromsoftware employers worked together with Bluepoint to add the 6th archstone or other areas/ bosses / enemies . Demon souls was really small compared to future souls game.

Maybe directed/ supervisioned by Tanimura to give him his second chance and prove his talent

Why would an external dev direct a project from a different studio? Seems kind of insulting to Bluepoint.

Demons Souls is a done deal. I seriously doubt From has anything to do with it. They have nothing to gain from it.


Dec 2, 2019
Why would an external dev direct a project from a different studio? Seems kind of insulting to Bluepoint.

Demons Souls is a done deal. I seriously doubt From has anything to do with it. They have nothing to gain from it.
Why would an external dev direct a project from a different studio? Seems kind of insulting to Bluepoint.

Demons Souls is a done deal. I seriously doubt From has anything to do with it. They have nothing to gain from it.
I was talking about 6th archstone and new contents. I dont see Bluepoint add things to the game instead of Fromsoftware ...
But anyway I dont think this will happen. Probably will be' just a plain remake with zero involvment of Fromsoftware, even if Bluepoint itself said their next remake will be " reinvision " and their biggest to date


Dec 8, 2017
6th Archstone would be amazing but very doubtful. Its fine with me as Demon Souls is the only souls I haven't played.


Master of the Wind
Oct 27, 2017
A remaster for Demon's Souls would be more than enough. I don't know why they felt the need to go full on Remake when the game is really not that old, and still very much playable (considering there's only two years difference between it and Dark Souls).

Or the game could be tied in technical problems with the PS3's Cell architecture like MGS4 which would need a lot more work to get a full port through, but even then I doubt it needs a full on Remake treatment.

It's just like SotC. From ps2 to ps4 and this would be from ps3 to ps5. Also, I just think it's for the graphical showcase alone. Having a graphics powerhouse and revival of an old glory at the same time plus launch exclusive for the new console, when presumably there will be just a few games to buy, equals easy success I guess.

I'm still not tired of saying I'm not really interested further than just seeing the new graphics unless they really remake it in terms of content and mechanics (which I doubt), and even then there'd be the quality issue, seeing if it is worth it with the changes. It's easier that the game works if you leave mechanics and design as is, of course, so I would only expect a graphical renewal, exactly the same as SotC. But that wouldn't really go with what Bluepoint have been saying imo.
May 29, 2020
Hello! I have wanted to join for a long time, been lurking around since page 20 or so, but this website did not like my email adresses, atleast not until today. Glad to finally be here.

I read your discussion about music a few hours ago and I agree, that modern rock songs and similiar things do not fit into the world of Dark Souls. The series itself is very quiet and at most has some ambient songs outside of boss rooms like the singing in Shrine of Amana. I think that the trailers should feature similiar music, so basically there should either be orchestra, choirs or some sort of eerie, Dark ambient. Maybe like this:

Lastly with this post I want to say thanks to everyone here for entertaining interesting discussions. It was and is a pleasure to read through everyones theories and opinions on the soulsborne games and of course to look at the many beautiful pieces of art that were posted here over the course of time. Special thanks to Omni for using your inside knowledge and posts to give us an idea or a picture about what the game might be like.

EDIT: Attempt to fix formatting


Feb 8, 2020
Ashes of Ariandel trailer, but it's just footage of Ariandel whipping himself, set to Devo's Whip It

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wow! :) Can I retroactively appreciate Halo CE more after your post? Gotta spoiler this for offtopic reasons. No pressure on further replies btw.

Well, reality is, as you paint it, I take part of your enjoyment comes from having experienced it in its time, as opposed to me emjoying it just last year for the first time. I believe that some thngs just don't have the same impact if experienced in its own time, and Halo CE is an especially "old" game nowadays. But yeah, I appreciate it more after trying to view it from your point of view and, maybe if you are right about Infinite, it can indeed be an interesting thing. I've still not much eagerness to play 3 and onwards soon, but I'll try to see to that before Infinite launches, if that one ends up looking as fantastic as you wish.

About the rest, well I wonder how exactly a Diablo would play in a different perspective, regardless of loot or not. I don't particularly enjoy the style of D3 although it could be much worse, and as I said before the lore kinda went to shit in 3 so it's not the same to me, but I think you misunderstood my post or my didn't explain properly. My first mental connection reaction to DeS was thinking "wow this is how I imagined a third person Diablo" (without magic classes at least) but thinking about it I don't think a Diablo game would play remotely similar, much less taking classes into account, certainly. It would be curious to see indeed, and I guess part of the "magic" the gameplay has would be lost in translation. In a similar way the last God of War game doesn't really play the same as the classics, but in that case I prefer the new approach. The fact is, when I said that hypothetical game wasn't needed, I was trying to say I don't need a Souls combat type playing game with random loot, but you are right in that a 3rdp Diablo game wouldn't necessarily play like that. Also it's true that I've played Nioh after most Souls games anyway (and it validated my opinion that it sucks in regards to player progression).

In regards to Nioh, I didn't ever feel like the randomness of loot was leaving me behind for not giving me what I wanted. Also there were crafting and upgrading (and even transmogrifying) systems in place so you could update your older loot of your kind if you didn't find new. But maybe I wasn't wanting to use strength based armor with dexterity based weapons. But I guess that can apply to Souls games too, unless I misunderstood what you tried to say.

And yeah you are right, we should have Elden Ring AN ALSO a third person Diablo game (just to see how it works), AND PLEASE Dragon's Dogma 2 TOO. Not one of those invalidates the others of course, in fact I'd want them all.

About Sony exclusives I think I understand perfectly. The most recent ones are those that I have more issues with, and the ones that I think adjust more to what you say (Days Gone, Spider-Man, Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima by the looks of it). I just think Ghost has just had a bad showing, because what they SAY clashes much with what they SHOWED, imo. Need to see more or read opinions once it launches because I want it to be good. Don't know if you would consider GoW 2018 as one of those going the Ubi way, but I loved it. Pretty much the only Sony exclusive I'm really looking forward to on ps5, assuming a sequel is being done. I'll play most of them, even Spiderman 2, but it's not like I'll want to buy them at launch, for now. Not even Horizon 2 unless they show me different and awesome things when it gets announced.

Ah yeah Death Stranding was refreshing and surprisingly very enjoyable. Sold it though to get Control (lol, wish I didn't have to, for economical reasons, because I'd like to own that game). But I'd would buy it again on pc or ps5 sometime. Hey, Control is awesome, in case you didn't know.

I don't know what you have against Uncahrted but I must say I'm glad the series is probably done. And I hope TLOU is too after 2.

Lastly, I take it you didn't really enjoy FFXV. It's the only one I've officialy finished lol (this isn't me defending it anyway it's just a circumstance that happens). This would be a really longer and apart discussion so I'll leave it. Just never was really a FF fan but I have my opinions and plans for it.

Sorry for derailing, but in the end this thread is for the community and it's good we have discussions of other things, I guess.
Yeah for sure, nostalgia and the time period definitely play into it, I was playing it constantly back on the OG Xbox but for someone just getting into it now I can see why it doesn't have the same impact. Much like someone going back and playing OoT (Another all time favorite of mine), plenty of things have come out since that have been inspired by it or evolved past it but for me nothing really matches it. But here's to hoping both Zelda and Halo have more installments in the future that are more to my tastes and preferences, and that Nintendo will ideally port their remasters for OoT, MM, TP and WW to Switch
Nintendo pls

In terms of Sony exclusives, GoW I feel sort of in the middle about, it's not a bad game (Not that any of them really are) and I bought, played and finished it on launch but it ultimately felt lacking and unfinished and that left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. Felt like the game really only accomplished 25-30% of what it set out to do. But I do appreciate it's narrative themes and how it executed on them quite a lot, beyond that, the combat system and art direction it didn't really do a whole lot for me. Don't know that I'm really all that excited for a sequel but I'll of course buy it and play it when one does release.

But I'm in the same boat, despite me not being the biggest fan I'll still buy and play most of them and I'm willing to give them a chance, because they are at the very least decent games. They're just not games I can ever see myself loving in the same way I love games I'd consider to be my favorites.

Control is another great game that I love quite a bit and would recommend to anyone. It has its flaws as well but I think the sum is greater than its parts and I would love to see a sequel with a higher budget that better expands on its potential, as I think the whole SCP aspect of the bureau could've and should've been the main aspect of the game moreso than "Okay so we've got these human enemies with powers...but they also glow orange!".

Uncharted is just something that never appealed to me, story, setting, characters, gameplay, design direction. It, like GTA are pretty much all the things I don't really care for in a videogame. TLOU I don't mind, I like the story but I don't enjoy actually playing the game.

FFXV is a game I was excited for but ultimately really disappointed me. I think it has a lot of really really great stuff and a ton of potential but ultimately the final product failed to deliver and that's a huge bummer to me. I'd love to see FFXVerus someday (I'll accept Verum Rex as a constellation prize if it's a new IP or FF, but not as KH). But FFXV in it's current form is a huge bummer for me. I like the art direction, universe, lore and original ideas but the final game both as an execution of those concepts and as a game isn't what I want it to be.

I don't think its a big issue in terms of derailing. Given that there isn't really any singular specific topic of this thread, as long as we're not signal boosting bogus rumors or getting way off topic (Like turning it into a dating advice thread) then I don't think the mods have too much of an issue. I'm personally always happy to have discussions regarding games, art, music and media in here, helps everyone get to know each other better, make recommendations and perhaps even get people into things they've never even considered before, which I think is a net positive.

I've been gifted Final Fantasy 14, is it worth playing? The demo I played, I did not enjoy the combat at all and its very hard for me to enjoy certain types of open world structures. I'm really struggling with Origins.

I'm also debating if I should buy Persona 5, but I can't say I am a fan of turn based combat.
YMMV. Though note that it's really not an open world game or anything like it, it's an MMO and the world is partioned off into different zones. ARR, I.E most of the 1-50 experience is honestly not that great, but its in the ARR Post Game that things really pick up, though if you skip all of ARR you won't know what's going on. The story is a long continuous one where characters change and remember events that happened and so on, so you do kind of need to play everything. But once the story gets going in the ARR post game I'd say its quite good. I don't really play it as an MMO, I play it as a single player game but you are forced into dungeons quite often throughout the story so be prepared for that. Its a hard thing to recommend if you're not aware of what you're getting into. I like it quite a bit (though I still have to get through Stormblood and Shadowbringers) but I can't guarantee that you will.

On the other hand, Persona 5 is a lot easier to recommend. A significant portion of the game is outside of combat and if you really want to you can avoid a lot of combat encounters if you're careful (but that might make things harder and keep you from leveling up) but I think that Persona's combat system is enjoyable and interesting enough that it's worth a shot. Also I really enjoy the voice acting, music, characters and story, but if you're going to get the game, get Persona 5 Royal over the original game as it has more content and fixes a lot of the annoyances of the original. But ultimately its a game where you'll be spending a lot of time doing activities to grind personal stats and talking to people about stuff to uncover the story, if that sounds fun to you then I'd say give it a shot, otherwise probably not.

Will Elden Ring have esoteric weird shit?

Okay guys, i bought Hollow Knight.

Definitely, i've read your post about the Dragon Rot mechanic and why was it removed from the game but i immediatly asked myself why didn't From keep that mechanic for ng+ just like Kuro's charm to add more challenge. Ultimately they have the final decision and i'm by no means a game developer but i'm just curious.

and yes, i want From to go wild. Dark Souls 3 was near perfect but suffered from the too safe approach. Sekiro itself is an example of from experimentation to a certain degree and it paid off in my opinion. But i'm afraid that Elden Ring might take a safer approach too. I will play it of course and it will be up there as one of my fav games of all time but just like your post where you talked about curse. These little things can change the way your experince your whole playthrough instead of go there, kill enemies, collect items, kill boss and repeat.

First time i got cursed was one of the best things that happened in DS for me. I was in the depth. The text said Purging Stone or New Londo healer. I was like fuck no i'm not going into that ghost town, not knowing that i'm heading into a much deeper nightmare. I had no idea who sell the purging stone so i assumed i will meet him along the way. I used almost every item on my inventory to try and break the curse. Even twin humanties thinking "Maybe i need a stronger humanity" lol. I went through blight town cursed and it was an enjoyable nightmare.

I love this but i get why from don't do this anymore.
Another thing that's worth considering is the amount of time and resources it takes to make X thing work and whether or not it's worth committing that time and resources into reworking something until it works or just working on something else entirely. I wouldn't have minded seeing that older version of the game released as a challenge mode but ultimately these things take time and also they generally prefer to let players make their own personally mandated challenge modes without restricting them. So I'd imagine both of those things played into the decision.

The reason they haven't really done things like DS1 curse since has a lot to do with player feedback as well as a lot of people really hated it as well as I think just death by a thousand cuts in terms of overall design. I think ultimately while all of the games up until Sekiro are fairly similar there were a lot of small changes made here or there across the series and while each change individually was generally done for the better and largely QoL stuff its when they come together overall that you start to see that "Okay, something feels different here but I can't quite put my finger on it". Bonfire warping is another one of those things. I can understand why its something a lot of people would complain about as I understand why people wouldn't like DS1 curse, so I understand why these things were changed but I think what you ultimately lose by changing both of those things has been more harmful to the overall experience (In my opinion) than had you of kept them. I like when the game tells the player to suck it up and find their own solution and be made to commit to it rather than giving them the easy way out and I think that decision also forces the developers to make more interesting situations and scenarios to accommodate for that than when they know the player has an alternative, easier way out.

But unfortunately, it's not up to me lol

I think that having the game be open world and introducing elements of dynamic design will help in bringing back that sense of wonder, mystery and scale as well as some of those RPG aspects I had hinted at previously. I can't say that it'll be an exact return to form of Dark Souls 1 in every department, but I think introducing these new elements of design and starting fresh with something so different (in terms of world design) should at least help mitigate some of those issues. Can't really go into specifics because again, this would be getting back into systems and the game is still in development. So I don't want to make any sweeping promises or get hopes up too high. But overall I think it's a great start to a new age of Fromsoft ARPG (or "Souls game"), this is one of the areas personally I'd like to see them continue working and expanding on in general across all future ARPGs rather than returning to the streamlining of the past decade of games. I think the foundation that's been built with ER is incredibly solid and I'd like to see that built outward more rather than narrowed in, personally.

Hello to everybody! This is my first post on Resetera, but I have followed/stalked this topic for quite some time now. May I say it is a privilege to be among such a fine gentlemen such as yourselves, with such a fine taste in gaming.

I am also relatively new on soulsborne genre, I started playing Bloodborne aprox 2 years ago, and got hooked up like a junkie. That game baffled me. Maybe it was the fact that I didn't know much about it before I started so I was surprised on every step. Also I never seen or heard anything about environmental story telling before BB, so that aspect was amazing experience and also a surprise. I ended up reading that fan made lore book that is about 100 pages, that one guy put it on reddit. Amazing stuff. Also Sekiro was pure joy. I am a gamer for about 17-18 years and a lot of things got boring to me, but From Software and Miyazaki delievered to me one great breath of fresh air.

On the fantasy front I am not that new, I red A Song of Ice and Fire in 2008., and waited till 2011. for Dance with Dragons. Now I wait for Winds of Winter for almost 9 years, and I red all those books several times so far. So waiting for Elden Ring is not that bad, but I am gonna tell you why I am so excited for GRRM - Miyazaki collaboration. GRR Martin is not only a great writer of current plot (or present plot), he is an absolute master of writing background lore, events, mythos. He has this ability to make past events on such an epic scale. The way he imagined and showed Targaryens, Blackfyres, Starks, Valyria and its doom, and all other locations and events, it is astonishing. I believe Miyazaki made a great choice, and GRRM will deliver. As I understand it, Martin will do precisely that background lore, and I cant be happier for it.

So anyway, I also wanted to say thanks to everybody here who made this topic such a cool place, and particularly to Omni who made this waiting a little easier. Thank you man.

P.S. I saw that there are several individuals here who want to read more fantasy, I will highly recommend Stormlight Archive series from Brandon Sanderson, and also First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie (and every other book from First Law world). Those two writers are definitely my favourite writers beside GRRM.

Hello! I have wanted to join for a long time, been lurking around since page 20 or so, but this website did not like my email adresses, atleast not until today. Glad to finally be here.

Lastly with this post I want to say thanks to everyone here for entertaining interesting discussions. It was and is a pleasure to read through everyones theories and opinions on the soulsborne games and of course to look at the many beautiful pieces of art that were posted here over the course of time. Special thanks to Omni for using your inside knowledge and posts to give us an idea or a picture about what the game might be like.

EDIT: Attempt to fix formatting
Welcome! Glad to have you both and hope you enjoy it here.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Hello! I have wanted to join for a long time, been lurking around since page 20 or so, but this website did not like my email adresses, atleast not until today. Glad to finally be here.

Welcome! That music you linked is one of my go-to background tracks when reading some good old ASIOAF lore, or theories! GRRM is a genius.


Those kinds of tracks are very fitting for dark fantasy, the DS2 theme for example is perfect.

1 gift from Morrigan


Official Giveaway Bot
Mar 7, 2018


Hello, I am bot! I come bearing 1 gift from Morrigan Morrigan!

This is a three-day raffle that will expire in 72 hours. The winner will be drawn at random! Any prizes leftover after the deadline will become available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Morrigan said:
Since we were talking about Hollow Knight...which I maintain isn't a Souls-like *ahem* but is still an amazing game in its own right.

I'm sure most of y'all have played it by now but if you haven't, now's your chance to try this masterpiece!

Juniors welcome, but please don't spam low-effort posts to meet the no-lurker requirements (gentle reminder that this is bannable). If you want to participate, make productive posts at least. You got 3 days, so you have time to engage with the community and contribute. :)

Good luck to all.


These are our awesome prizes:



Dec 8, 2017
YMMV. Though note that it's really not an open world game or anything like it, it's an MMO and the world is partioned off into different zones. ARR, I.E most of the 1-50 experience is honestly not that great, but its in the ARR Post Game that things really pick up, though if you skip all of ARR you won't know what's going on. The story is a long continuous one where characters change and remember events that happened and so on, so you do kind of need to play everything. But once the story gets going in the ARR post game I'd say its quite good. I don't really play it as an MMO, I play it as a single player game but you are forced into dungeons quite often throughout the story so be prepared for that. Its a hard thing to recommend if you're not aware of what you're getting into. I like it quite a bit (though I still have to get through Stormblood and Shadowbringers) but I can't guarantee that you will.

On the other hand, Persona 5 is a lot easier to recommend. A significant portion of the game is outside of combat and if you really want to you can avoid a lot of combat encounters if you're careful (but that might make things harder and keep you from leveling up) but I think that Persona's combat system is enjoyable and interesting enough that it's worth a shot. Also I really enjoy the voice acting, music, characters and story, but if you're going to get the game, get Persona 5 Royal over the original game as it has more content and fixes a lot of the annoyances of the original. But ultimately its a game where you'll be spending a lot of time doing activities to grind personal stats and talking to people about stuff to uncover the story, if that sounds fun to you then I'd say give it a shot, otherwise probably not.

Thanks for the impressions. Considering FF14 sounds like it requires a lot of time and continous play, I'm going to have to pass especially when the time I can devote to a game is getting lower.

I am definitely interested in Persona 5, especially after hearing opinions on its combat. Unfortunately I can't afford the Royal Edition as it stands, I was looking for P5 in the sale for 9.99 or even Ultimate Edition for 14.99. Am I better off with waiting for the Royal version to go down in price?

Deleted member 2229

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the impressions. Considering FF14 sounds like it requires a lot of time and continous play, I'm going to have to pass especially when the time I can devote to a game is getting lower.

I am definitely interested in Persona 5, especially after hearing opinions on its combat. Unfortunately I can't afford the Royal Edition as it stands, I was looking for P5 in the sale for 9.99 or even Ultimate Edition for 14.99. Am I better off with waiting for the Royal version to go down in price?
I wouldn't say 14 requires continuous play, I hop in and out for months at a time but the story is very time consuming IMO.

As for Royal I'd absolutely reccomend waiting. It is a much better version of the game and I've always been of the mind that it's better to buy what you really want once than spend on a half measure before getting to what you really want later. So IMO its better to wait as there isn't just more content but a ton of QoL changes that have greatly increased my enjoyment of the game. Even just the added freedom in how you spend your time does so much for the game that I can't imagine not playing Royal if you want to play P5.


Jun 11, 2018
They're patching it to make ARR significantly shorter too, would have already been out but COVID messed it up.

I've been debating whether or not to get back into it during this quarantine. I stopped playing shortly after Stormblood came out, it really lost me for some reason. I've heard great things about Shadowbringers, though. I'm also curious to see if I have less "raid anxiety" after the last few years of constant Souls, Nioh and MHW.
Oct 25, 2017
Messed around with Cinders for a little while last night. Didn't even leave the Cemetery of Ash, but holy shit at that Gundyr fight. That was AWESOME.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been debating whether or not to get back into it during this quarantine. I stopped playing shortly after Stormblood came out, it really lost me for some reason. I've heard great things about Shadowbringers, though. I'm also curious to see if I have less "raid anxiety" after the last few years of constant Souls, Nioh and MHW.
Stormblood is deffo a lower point after how good HW and the post HW quests are, however the post SB and pre SHB quests are great and SHB's writing is sublime.

I'll never not post this if given the chance, no spoilers, just the main writer getting aplauded



May 5, 2020
I don't think its a big issue in terms of derailing. Given that there isn't really any singular specific topic of this thread, as long as we're not signal boosting bogus rumors or getting way off topic (Like turning it into a dating advice thread)

Omni how do I get a girlfriend? :(
I tried killing her mute boyfriend and then ritualistically stabbing her in the face, but she still rejected me...
Don't even get me started on the girl that squid-zoned me!


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
It's true, there IS romance and courtship and even a wedding in Dark Souls!



Oct 25, 2017
The thirst is real, one Bloodborne thread in the old place, either the OT or first reveal moved so fast and the mods changed the title like every 5 seconds, it was the craziest thread for a single game i've ever seen..


May 12, 2018
The thirst is real, one Bloodborne thread in the old place, either the OT or first reveal moved so fast and the mods changed the title like every 5 seconds, it was the craziest thread for a single game i've ever seen..
ahhh good old project beast hype
Another thing that's worth considering is the amount of time and resources it takes to make X thing work and whether or not it's worth committing that time and resources into reworking something until it works or just working on something else entirely. I wouldn't have minded seeing that older version of the game released as a challenge mode but ultimately these things take time and also they generally prefer to let players make their own personally mandated challenge modes without restricting them. So I'd imagine both of those things played into the decision.

The reason they haven't really done things like DS1 curse since has a lot to do with player feedback as well as a lot of people really hated it as well as I think just death by a thousand cuts in terms of overall design. I think ultimately while all of the games up until Sekiro are fairly similar there were a lot of small changes made here or there across the series and while each change individually was generally done for the better and largely QoL stuff its when they come together overall that you start to see that "Okay, something feels different here but I can't quite put my finger on it". Bonfire warping is another one of those things. I can understand why its something a lot of people would complain about as I understand why people wouldn't like DS1 curse, so I understand why these things were changed but I think what you ultimately lose by changing both of those things has been more harmful to the overall experience (In my opinion) than had you of kept them. I like when the game tells the player to suck it up and find their own solution and be made to commit to it rather than giving them the easy way out and I think that decision also forces the developers to make more interesting situations and scenarios to accommodate for that than when they know the player has an alternative, easier way out.

But unfortunately, it's not up to me lol
Thanks for the insight. Whatever Elden Ring turns out to be i'm sure we'll gonna enjoy it.


Dec 2, 2019
And so goes the old adage
This is the same quote from Neogaf insider :
"So... I found out that the almost nothing I shared yesterday showed up on reddit with fake insider drama, ironic since drama was the main reason i left the gaming business in the first place. I forgot GAF > internet > GAF."

Omnipotent confirmed to be Arctos from Neogaf !

Joking aside, I remember also last year when someone asked you on Resetera " sword or shield ?" And you answered " yes " , the day after there were hundreds of articles claiming that the next Fromsoftware title would have been a Sci - fi medieval fantasy game with robots 😂