
▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
RIP Gabby, and condolences to her family. Just awful.

Obviously this can never be made right, but I hope they can at least bring her justice and make this asshole boyfriend rot in prison.


Oct 25, 2017
Horrible. So fucking horrible. I hope that piece of shit is still out there and they manage to bring him in alive. Murdering the one you claim to love, and who has been there for you and your family, in cold blood before dumping her body to rot, ghosting her family on the what, why and when, and then running off is just detestable, reprehensible filth.

I legitimately hope this evil fuck spends every remaining day of his life feeling scared and alone.


Keep thinking about the bodycam vid and seeing how distressed Gabby was. The emotions she probably felt during her final moments.
All at the hands of someone she loved and trusted.

Again, that piece of shit better be found alive.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I went to Corkscrew Preserve down there and on the short walk I saw water mocassins and many many gators - some of them enormous. You couldn't pay me to walk off the elevated walkway. Florida scares me. LOL

The water in FL is no joke. Anything bigger than a puddle gets the side eye and I don't go near it. Alligators terrify me.
I remember going to FL for a family reunion and we all stayed at a motel, next to it was a creek about 10 feet across with huge fence and sign that bascially said "stay on this side or die". We being kids at the time started throwing rocks into the water that looked maybe 3 feet deep. The rock hit a gator that was like 6 feet long we swear we didn't see until he started thrashing. We ran like hell.


Apr 20, 2021
Anyone more law-learned please explain to me why the fuck they haven't issued a warrant for Brian's arrest, or at the very least, officially listed him as a Person of Interest of whatever?

You can't just arrest people because you think they did it. They need evidence and probable cause to tie him to her murder to issue an arrest warrant.


Late to the party
Nov 1, 2017
Clearwater, FL
People don't often go deep into alligator-filled marsh on foot.
Look up Ramree Island for one possible reason why.

I just wanted to point that Crocodiles are very different in temperament to Alligators. They're altogether very different. Ramree Island was/is home to Crocs.

Alligators will not eat anything that won't fit in their mouth whole. They'll bite in defense, or if they've become familiar enough with humans to see them as a good source of food. Sadly, this happens sometimes when humans feed them consistently enough. Otherwise, they usually see humans as uninteresting or a threat should you mess with one. This is why you'll see swamp tour guides feeding them marshmallows because a) alligators see white the best and b) marshmallows are 0 calories to alligators so they don't consider it to be being "fed". It's probably unlikely he'd run into an alligator like that deep in the reserve but hey, it does happen.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
I remember going to FL for a family reunion and we all stayed at a motel, next to it was a creek about 10 feet across with huge fence and sign that bascially said "stay on this side or die". We being kids at the time started throwing rocks into the water that looked maybe 3 feet deep. The rock hit a gator that was like 6 feet long we swear we didn't see until he started thrashing. We ran like hell.

Alligatorjandro got a wild origin story!


Oct 25, 2017
it's still crazy that's she was from my home town. I went to the same high school. Her step dad was in my graduating class. I've hung out with him, he was a good dude. I feel so bad for that family.
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
repost from the previous thread, now with news media picks up :
on August 27 6~6:30 p.m, YouTubers Jenn And Kyle Bethune Spot And Record The Van Parked At The Side Of The Road
This maybe the video help authority locate the Gabby

Some uneasy details were uncovered from the videos:

.Close-ups of footage said to show Gabby Petito's van near where a body was found appear to show the rear door closing

Close-ups of footage said to show Gabby Petito's van near where a body was found appear to show the rear door closing

A YouTubing family said it caught footage of Petito's van unoccupied. Zoomed in, the footage suggests the rear door closed as the family approached.

On 1:35 mark you could clearly see the van's back door is open
Someone was closing the back door as the car approaches

2. you could see her flip-flops and cell-phone on the back side of van. Yesterday, Gabby's body was found in nearby location by FBI.

8:00 - you see the van as they've driving pass the vehicle, Brian's hat is on the driver seat(the dash cam is facing the drivers face).

holy shit the amount of details found at that one video


Oct 28, 2017
I just wanted to point that Crocodiles are very different in temperament to Alligators. They're altogether very different. Ramree Island was/is home to Crocs.

Alligators will not eat anything that won't fit in their mouth whole. They'll bite in defense, or if they've become familiar enough with humans to see them as a good source of food. Sadly, this happens sometimes when humans feed them consistently enough. Otherwise, they usually see humans as uninteresting or a threat should you mess with one. This is why you'll see swamp tour guides feeding them marshmallows because a) alligators see white the best and b) marshmallows are 0 calories to alligators so they don't consider it to be being "fed".

This alligator seems to disagree with you.


Late to the party
Nov 1, 2017
Clearwater, FL
This alligator seems to disagree with you.

Fun fact, sometimes deer will come to the edge of a lake and alligators will bite down on them. The deer will play dead and the alligator will leave it completely alone because he can't eat it whole :)

The underside of deer are white. Very attractive to the alligator but deer have a natural instinct to survive that situation.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, it was ruled a homicide, shocking. I guess Brian is the one out there searching for the killer, too, according to some people. /s

Hope they find they find him.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
I mean I'm all about innocent until proven guilty but I don't get how law enforcement can't at least watch the only person with Gabby who came back home with the van.

Law messed up and for all we know he could be in Canada or down south keeping quiet until they stop searching for him.


Oct 27, 2017
holy shit the amount of details found at that one video
That video was pretty much the only reason they were able to find Gabby so fast. So it was very important and I am grateful it got uploaded.

Other than that though all these other details mean very little when it comes to evidence. Everyone is acting like this van drove by right after Brian drug her into the van to kill her, which is not impossible but I would say highly unlikely. Either way people like to speculate but I don't think investigators will find much else in this video in the way of evidence against Brian.

Edit: I should add, I am just posting this because people have been so fascinated with the sandals and the phone since this video went public. I just thought the fascination with it was kind odd since there really wasn't anything a video of a door closing with some sandals laying there could prove. So this was just me airing my thoughts, not anything directed at you MrFoxdie :)

Cat Party

Oct 25, 2017
I really wonder what Brian's parents were scheduled to have said before the FBI convinced them otherwise…
It would be wrong to conclude that the FBI convinced them not to talk. More likely, they learned something about the status of the investigation that made them realize that they had better say nothing at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn. It's like searching for a needle in a haystack and they don't even know if he's there for sure. I hope their diligence pays off.

If they actually have some solid tips about this area, I just hope they have drones in the air overnight with heat or night vision and just aren't telling the public.. He's much more likely to be moving at night


Late to the party
Nov 1, 2017
Clearwater, FL
If they actually have some solid tips about this area, I just hope they have drones in the air overnight with heat or night vision and just aren't telling the public.. He's much more likely to be moving at night

I hope so, too. I keep anxiously feeling in my gut that this is some kind of misdirection.


Movie Aficionado
Oct 25, 2017
Homicide. Most knew this was going to be the outcome but it sucks to finally hear it. RIP Gabby :(

I hope so, too. I keep anxiously feeling in my gut that this is some kind of misdirection.

Same here. The only real proof he was in FL was that the van arrived there on 10/1. Neighbors never saw him. He could have been gone before Gabby was even reported missing. And if we believe the tiktok girl, then hitchhiking is not a problem. Add a mask, hat and sunglasses and this guy could well be in Mexico by now.

But I hope not. I hope he is not that smart, and did indeed end up in the unforgiving swamplands.


Oct 25, 2017
how fucking awful that she was left out in the woods like this

gabby deserved better. her poor family didnt deserve this kind of ending.

i really hope they find this piece of shit alive and i hope his parents get ripped to pieces by the law for their contributions to his escape.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, they have to know he could be getting aid via phone of someone watching the news coverage. They're not going to be fully transparent with the media. Either they're still searching via other methods, or they want him to think they've moved on so that he'll show himself accidentally.

Definitely agreed. I know they know much more than us. And since it's the FBI now...I trust their abilities in these types of searches much more


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
I'm still pissed there wasn't someone paying close attention to Brian before the escaped.

Like seriously. We knew Gabby was missing. He had the Van. Gee weez like put a fucking magnifying glass on his ass until Gabby or sadly the body is found. Once it's found, drag his ass to PD HQ and interrogate his ass. "Bu bu the law says he is innocent". Sure if he wasn't home with out his GF, if he didn't drive the Van back himself, if he reported her as missing asap, if he had the balls to tell his family "hey I left your daughter back out west". Nothing. He did the opposite yet he was innocent. That privilege man. Fuck.


Oct 25, 2017
If only someone was keeping tabs on this asshole.
I'm not sure what people expect here.

There was no body, no real evidence of a crime yet.. they aren't going to greenlight 24 hour surveillance.. they can't put some sort of ankle monitor on him.. it's just not how this works.

There are many thousands of potential missing persons in this country right now, and potential suspects in many of those, and there aren't 3 shifts worth of cops watching them 24x7 to see if they run.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure what people expect here.

There was no body, no real evidence of a crime yet.. they aren't going to greenlight 24 hour surveillance.. they can't put some sort of ankle monitor on him.. it's just not how this works.

There are many thousands of potential missing persons in this country right now, and potential suspects in many of those, and there aren't 3 shifts worth of cops watching them 24x7 to see if they run.

Eh they could have had someone sit outside his house or at the very least keep some sort of tabs on him. This whole time he was the last known person to see her alive. Did law enforcement even know he went to this reserve before he was proclaimed missing by his parents?


Oct 26, 2017
I hope so, too. I keep anxiously feeling in my gut that this is some kind of misdirection.

It would be effective. High profile case is probably tying the cops hands a bit. I'm sure they suspect it as well but it may be the only lead. We just don't know any details.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (5 Days): Insensitive and Dismissive Commentary
Is there a true crime type series/documentary being developed? I'd love to know what happened from the beginning, who these people were, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
why did this get so popular

people are weird

Threadmark 1:

Gabby Petito missing case now ruled a homicide, remains found in Wyoming confirmed as hers [up: remains of brian laundrie found and confirmed]

Nah, I been avoiding posting in this thread for reasons, but this got me fucked up. RIP. I hope her family can find closure.

Threadmark 2:

Gabby Petito missing case now ruled a homicide, remains found in Wyoming confirmed as hers [up: remains of brian laundrie found and confirmed]

Nah, I been avoiding posting in this thread for reasons, but this got me fucked up. RIP. I hope her family can find closure.

People go missing all the time, yes - but not all of them play out such as this, where the last person to presumably see her alive drives back home casually as if nothing happened.


Oct 26, 2017
It would be effective. High profile case is probably tying the cops hands a bit. I'm sure they suspect it as well but it may be the only lead. We just don't know any details.

Where could be go, I wonder. Cuba or the Bahamas? He'd need to use his passport. And he couldn't stay and blend in the US.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh they could have had someone sit outside his house or at the very least keep some sort of tabs on him. This whole time he was the last known person to see her alive. Did law enforcement even know he went to this reserve before he was proclaimed missing by his parents?

Someone? There's 24 hours in a day. No telling how long they would need to do that either. It takes more than one person, and even then it's not full proof.

Again, they didn't even know if a crime had been committed.

It takes a lot to get 24 hour surveillance to happen on an investigation and this ain't it.