
Oct 25, 2017
With rumors of morale being at an all-time low inside of Game Freak and an overall climate of tension among the fanbase, I wanted to share a sentiment. A sentiment that sometimes we just forget to share because we take things as granted and because we always expect the more for people we love the most. A simple sentiment that is shared by millions : I love you Game Freak.

Of course, I and many, won't agree with all of your design decisions.
Sometimes, we are disappointed, we don't understand, we would have changed some aspects of your games. Sometimes even, we are angry...

However, there is something that nobody will take aways from you : your games are special.

I have been there since the begining, at the height of the Pokemon craze when your designs and games took the world by storm. I remember trading my Pokemon in my school and hearing stories about how to catch Mew. I remember growing up but still struggling with a Miltank, a Kingdra and an icey cave. I remember taking the Johto League with my overleveled Pidgeot. I remember climbing the Mt Silver :


I remember receiving my copy of Ruby, discovering this whole new region of Hoenn, wondering if it was possible to combine attacks during Double Battles... I remember needing a guide to decipher how to get the Regi's and learning what was Braille in the process. I remember leveling my Charizard to Lv100 on Green Leaf and being awestruck by how many HP my Chansey had. I remember spending countless hours drawing the Hoenn Pokemon of my Emerald guide with my cousins despite drawing very badly. I remember asking my grandmother to bring my game to a Fnac Store abroad to get Deoxys...

I remember playing Diamond on my DS, Cynthia as the first woman champion Pokemon Champion and the toughest in the franchise. I remember the wifi battling with friends I was losing contact with, I remember being clueless on what was Spiritomb weaknesses before learning that he had none... I remember playing Platinum and the world of distorsion... I remember playing HeartGold and being floored by its visual style. I remember putting the pedometer in my shoes before sports...

I also remember feeling burned out, by Pokemon and videogames in general. Life moved on so I guess it was just a matter of time. Maybe your games were only special for a time...

However, suddenly, I felt it again : this urge to come back to some of my favorite world. To come back to this cozyness and charm the series always had and will always have :


So I came back to Black and from it I remember N, its conception of the world and the place Pokemon should have, I remember being impressed by the animated sprites. I remember the Pokemon League not going down as expected...

I remember X/Y, I was in France at the time, all Pokemon were in 3D now ! I remember the great designs, Pokemon Amie and the YSS. I remember winning some online battles and losing a lot. Then a year later, OR/AS, to relive my found memories of gen 3. The game's new ending that resonated so much with me. So yeah, I remember going to space and saving the world...

2016, Pokemon Go of course, the fever was spreading everywhere. I remember being lukewarm on the new destination for S/M but then being charmed by the new creatures and the cast of characters. I remember not needing an HM slave anymore, loving the guardians and the special vibe of Alola. I remember the Totem fights and the Team Skull...

And now Shield just around the corner :


Waiting on the jury's verdict

After 20 years, why am I always coming back ? There are games with bigger scope, more complex storyline and better graphics out there. Why are millions of people pouring hundreds of hours into your games ?

Because, it feels like home, because you created a world that feels always accessible for people of all origins and all ages. A world of charm and wonder. A world of friendliness and love. Because, maybe, you put your hearts and souls into these games and in response so are we. Because it is a way out from the cynical world we live in...

I won't tell you that your games are perfect : they are not. Nonetheless, for all the reasons cited above, I love your games, their charm and simply you, who are making this world alive.

Thank you.

Rogue Kiwi

Chicken Chaser
May 5, 2019
Pokemon Red/Gold/Crystal were my childhood, bad decisions now don't invalidate how amazing those memories are and I'm sure a new generation of kids will find Sword and Shield every bit as special as I found those original games.

Thank you gamefreak!


Oct 27, 2017
I'm really really excited for Sword / Shield and truly believe they will be remembered as some of the best Pokémon games ever.

From leaked pictures, the amount of detail and charm these games will have is insane.


Dec 8, 2017
What a great idea for a thread.

Pokemon is one of my most cherished things in the world.

Thank you, Mr. Tajiri, Mr. Masuda and all of Game Freak.

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Pokémon helped me deal with moving from Scotland to England, by providing a means of escape. Pokémon also helped me hone by skills as a writer as it became an outlet for me to write stories. I also learnt the word "Subjected", "buffeted" and "Steadfast" from Pokémon.

I have been playing Pokémon since 99, wow 20 years, and I will probably will to the end of time.

Super excited for Pokémon Sword and Shield.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm right there with you OP. I disagree with certain decisions over the years, but Pokemon is still fucking incredible after all these years. There's a reason it's survived this long, and it's not just Pikachu/Charizard nostalgia.

As someone who never had pets growing up, Pokemon filled in the gaps that I felt I was missing. I'll always appreciate that.

Edit: To add to this, I first played Crystal when I was 6 years old, and it helped me learn to read more complex sentences and greatly expanded my vocabulary.


Oct 25, 2017
Tbh my biggest issue with all the "gamefreak bad" stuff is that I don't think they have ever made anything close to a bad Pokémon game. They range from amazing to great with the only outlier for me being Let's Go. They make great games and I am excited to continue playing them.


Oct 25, 2017
Love Pokémon but I really hope they course correct for the future. Their games are rapidly losing what made them special to begin with

Deleted member 14313

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
+1. Don't feel like writing it all out right now but Pokémon has been a significant positive part of my life and I sincerely thank all creatives, artists, programmers, writers, designers, translators and others who create it.
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Oct 25, 2017
SwSh looks fantastic, can't wait to get it. I'm buying 2 copies and an extra Switch so I can play with my gf.
Jan 16, 2019
Some people just too toxic (I don't talk about who criticize the game fairly), Junichi Masuda has delivered some very good game (and some can consider be the best) in the series according to fans and the moment he cannot deliver the game with full Pokedex, some toxic harrasing and insult him, calling him a rapist.

I feel sorry and bad for him from the bottom of my heart.

My first game is Pokemon Yellow and it is still the amazing experience that bring me to the world of game...

I appreciate what you (GF) have bring to me, my whole childhood.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I can't think of any series with a gameplay loop as satisfying as Pokemon. Most games, even games I love, I reach a point where I feel like I can put the game down and do other things. With Pokemon, it's always "one more battle, just one more..."

I've replayed four Pokemon games this year and did some postgame stuff in two others. I'll be replaying White 2 soon as well. Even if I'm skipping Sword/Shield for the time being, Pokemon is probably the series I've replayed the most and sunk the most hours into of any games I've played. The designs, based off the leaks, are as strong as ever. I just hope they address the issues the series has had since XY, because I want to play and enjoy these games, but it is more difficult as time goes on to play their newer games and not feel like something is missing. Even still, a less-than-great Pokemon game usually ends up being a great experience for me. I can lament and whine about XY but I probably enjoyed it more than 60-70% of video games I've played, having gone through it four times in total.

Hopefully something can change and they can have me back as a loyal day 1 consumer as they have in the past.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Even when the games have some disappointing aspects, they're excellent in many other ways. Pokémon's been a big part of my life since I was five or so, and I'm grateful for all of the people at Game Freak (and other studios, like Genius Sonority and Niantic) who make the series so special. It's helped me bond with a lot of friends over the years, on top of being flat-out fun.

Deleted member 48434

User requested account closure
Oct 8, 2018
It's not like I'm gonna get my Pokemon fix from anywhere else. I'm probably gonna get Sheild.

I love Pokemon, been a fanboy for as long as I can remember. But with that can come frustration that the thing you love isn't matching up to the best standards you believe it can be.

Big One

Oct 25, 2017
I love the series and Gamefreak is an incredible studio for what its accomplished over the years. They started out as an indie studio and ended up creating the biggest franchise in the world. That's a hell of a success story.

However I dont think its woes are solely based on fan backlash as people here are suggesting. You guys have to remember that they just released a passion project in Town and it flopped both sales and critically. I think their woes simply has to do with their limited budget and neccessite direction in constantly pushing out Pokemon games every year. Plus a lot of what makes up modern Gamefreak is people that grew up with the franchise and I'm sure they're just as passionate about Pokemon as we are and would like things like Dexit to not be a factor.

There's probably a lot of internal problems with Gamefreak we just aren't aware of IF the rumor is true.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
I just wish they were as special as they used to be.

I've loved the series dearly for my entire life, it sucks being this disappointed in it now.


Self-requested ban
Nov 5, 2019
I can't wait for both games and believe both will be fine additions to the Pokémon series.


Jun 22, 2018
Pokemon has so many crazy stupid awesome designs and I love it

from what I've seen from the Sword and Shield leaks, that is continuing

Uncle at Nintendo

▲ Legend ▲
Jan 3, 2018
Thank you Game Freak I am so sorry a committee somewhere decides that yearly releases are needed for Pokemon leading to cut corners everywhere. I know that many of you grew up with the series and probably joined game freak having ambitious ideas for the series. I know you know how much better it could be.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I might not be a fan of their newer games, but there's no denying they've made some all time classics in the past.


Oct 26, 2017
I love Game Freak, too. They created and continue to create and invest in a property that I cant ever see myself outgrowing. Sure the past years there have been some missteps, but they genuinely do still seem to care for the franchise and do good work. I'll always be there to see what they have cooking up.


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't currently be sitting here analyzing and cleaning up a bunch of unfinished maps left inside Gold and Silver if I didn't respect them and their work as developers over the years. They really made a concept that keeps me coming back every year or two, and I'd be a lot more bored in my life if I didn't have a Pokemon game to replay and chip away at in my downtime.

Sure, they might not go for the flashiest graphics or try to reinvent the wheel every game they make, but they always provide a solid game to me and in my book that's perfectly fine.


Oct 27, 2017
Swsh look to be the best games in the series yet, they have always been incredible developers that actually care about the heart of their games instead of chasing modern trends.
As long as they're gonna keep making millions of people happy, they'll eventually get their own morale back up. It's easy to lose sight of what really matters when hate is louder than love.


Feb 11, 2019
The source would likely be months of fan rage and harrassment over the goddamn dex.

Game Freak is a great studio and their work on Pokemon, Little Town...heck Mendel Palace is something to cherish.
Yes no one is allowed to be angry and express that on the internet. I don't agree you should harass the devs but everyone is entitled to share their opinion on a video game


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Yes no one is allowed to be angry and express that on the internet. I don't agree you should harass the devs but everyone is entitled to share their opinion on a video game
This isn't an anger thread and I'm not going to debate points I never insinuated.


lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
I grew up watching the anime and playing the old gameboy games (even if my 8 yr old sister deleted my savegame on Yellow which caused some drama). Its still the one game keeping me and my sister connected on opposite sides of the world. In regards to morale, we both struggle immensely with depression, suicide attempts etc but its the one IP that's done more for morale than any other so it sucks to hear that some of the people behind the curtain are feeling it.


SwSh are especially interesting considering our mixed Scottish/English heritage and shes now living in England.
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▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Still a huge part of my life. I might not agree with the newest direction but i have thousands of beautiful memories playing the games.

So yeah, thank you GF guys!


The King of Games - One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Gamefreak may have missed the mark recently but that should only serve as motivation to continue improving.


Oct 25, 2017
For over 20 years their games have been a constant source of joy in my life. These are games of which I never get tired, that I replay frequently and I always find something new to like about them. And I see myself still playing them 20 years from now. I honestly can't wait to see what new worlds they will bring next. What they do remains unmatched and untouched.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't agree with some decisions they make, namely excessive gen 1 pandering and some features removed. XY wasn't what I expected. It's still is the series tgat essentially is for me what mario was to people from the generation before me. As in I was a kid at the exact age when red and blue came out like kids that grew up with smb or even smw. BW2 is my favorite in the series and sone of my favorite games this decade. I just hope they can take some more feedback in general going forward.

it seems like they kind of did with the limited dex being more equal and giving a lot of wanted love to gen 5, plus corsola, zigzagoon, etc.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the thread OP.

And thank you Game Freak for years of great games. Sword and Shield look crazy ambitious and I'm really excited to play it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
They did some amazing things in the past, and I hope they can learn from their missteps in recent years and really make the next mainline console game worthy of the legacy.


Nov 26, 2017
Pokémon is going to forever have a special place in my life. It's the game that me and my first childhood friend bonded over, it's the game that taught me English, Pokémon Black was the first gift I ever got from someone not in my family, Pokémon X&Y was the reason I bonded with many of my college friends and re-bonded with my highschool friends, as well as getting me involved in the competitive scene.

It's a special, unreplaceable series, and it's near and dear to my heart.

Thank you for everything, Game Freak! I may not agree on where you're going, but I'll always cherish what you've gone through.
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Aug 22, 2018
Houston, Texas
Great thread OP! I've been feeling really low since I read that rumor I hope Gamefreak knows most fans love their work.

Thank you Gamefreak for all the amazing memories, can't wait to create more amazing memories with Sword and Shield!


Feb 6, 2018
Wholesome thread!

The memories I have playing Pokemon games with my friends will always stick with me, and I can't wait to make some more with SwSh!

Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
SwSh are especially interesting considering our mixed Scottish/English heritage and shes now living in England.

Same for me. I am Scottish, British south Asian and the champion Leon is South Asian with his ace being Charizard, my favorite Pokémon. So I feel connected to the champion and can't wait to battle him. Heck even the city I live in is in the game.


Jan 28, 2018
I get people criticizing GF but man, Pokemon has always been about keeping your inner child alive and the memories I made 20 years ago will never fade away. Long live the king.