
Oct 25, 2017
So we knew for from the beginning if he died they all died and that was the only way to win the war.

He could have fought Jon Snow and been beat here.

Or could have been killed by Drogon's fire after the cool Dragon aerial battle here.

Or Brandon could have Warged into the zombie dragon and ate him or something.

Instead we got Arya ninja her way past a bunch of walkers and knife trick to one shot him ending a decade long story arc in a bit of whimper. My question is would any have these been better endings? Now I'm not saying we got the best possible ending cause it wasn't but since it happened I've tried to think of ways it would have been more satisfying and lived up to the decade long build up. Any ideas? Sometimes I feel the only appropriate ending would have been....



Oct 25, 2017

But it would have needed a whole season to just focus on it. The whole war against the Night King should have been a long and ongoing thing.

And yes, Jon fighting the Night King and killing him would have been far more satisfying.


Oct 31, 2017
Yeah, source material aside, there's a lot of ways to have a satisfying ending that makes sense. There were just a lot of nonsensical dumb decisions made.


Jan 1, 2018
The best way to do it would have been to let the walkers be a force of nature that can't ever really be stopped. You kill the NK and save the realm for a few decades but they always come back after winter


Oct 25, 2017
They completely abandoned the importance of killing the commanders to whittle down the horde and the importance of the Valyrian swords. If they had just honored that in some way, it would have been a lot better.


"This guy are sick" of the One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
They needed to give the Night King a better motive than he wants to kill Bran because he is the history of man or something. What the fuck.


Oct 27, 2017
Jon doing something (anything) would have been a start. Not to mention the Prince who was promised actually meaning something.


Oct 29, 2017
Just because something is cliche doesn't mean it's bad. The set up had been there forever.

Trying to subvert expectations is how we ended up in this situation.


I'd much rather have that over what we got, even if its utterly predictable... but so what? A lot of the best moments of Breaking Bad were moments you knew were gonna have to eventually happen, especially towards the end.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Fighting and losing to Jon Snow is the most cliche shit imaginable.

You're right, but I get how miffed people are that Jon barely did anything of note in that fight given all the buildup. While I absolutely loved Arya being clutch, them doing the cliche thing wouldn't be this inherently bad thing either.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
The pacing on the white walker threat was too screwed up. Any conclusion was bound to feel rushed. Their invasion was ominously looming for the entire series. Once they got started the whole thing lasted like 3 episodes. Never got any further than Winterfell. Lots of build up for what turned out to be a manageable bad guy.


Oct 28, 2017
No. Like most things in the show, by the time it got to wrapping everything up we already knew none of it would be satisfying. Also having Jon Snow do mostly nothing in the episode when the driving force of his story for most of the series had been this conflict was bullshit. Surprising audience members for the sake of surprise isn't any better than cliches.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean they set up dragons being the the way to beat them, also the fire god was an option. But yeah it felt pretty offput for the ninja action to be the kill.


Oct 27, 2017
He should've been the end boss. All of Westeros destroyed and even thought they beat him, they still kinda lose and have to rebuild. A FF6 type of ending. A Jon vs NK ending fight with some time travel shenanigans from Bran to help beat him. IDK, anything was better than what we got. Literally anything.


Nov 16, 2017
It would have been really interesting if Jon fought the NK and won but was gravely injured from the battle.

Then you can continue to the Dany-Cersei plotline and have people choking and teetering on wether Jon makes it out the show alive


Oct 31, 2017
the showdown would have been fine if there would have been some episodes concentranting on the night king ravaging the northern lands.

... and a bit more meaningful backstory.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
He should have killed Jon. Then get pounced by an angry Arya who stabbed him in the heart.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
With an entire season, sure. Boiling it down to a single episode was nonsense. The dead don't move during the day, so they could've drawn out the fight by having the heroes lose, retreat, and have to actually unite westeros to fight him.

Instead the White Walkers ended up just being a way to Thanos the Northerner, Unsullied, and Vale forces to build up tensions for the fight in the south.
Oct 27, 2017
The best way to do it would have been to let the walkers be a force of nature that can't ever really be stopped. You kill the NK and save the realm for a few decades but they always come back after winter
I don't know if that would've been the best way, not to mention it was already established killing the night king kills them off. This just seems like it'd be needlessly hopeless. What would be the point of killing the NK if he's just another walker? What even makes him the NK if killing him has no effect?

They should have just made the conflict into an entire season or half a season. And have that hero who was hyped up for multiple season/books actually manifest in some way. It should have been a coordinated effort to separate the king from the other walkers, and slowly weaken him to the point he could be killed. It should have had to take some cunning or traps or combination of things


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
With an entire season, sure. Boiling it down to a single episode was nonsense. The dead don't move during the day, so they could've drawn out the fight by having the heroes lose, retreat, and have to actually unite westeros to fight him.

Now this I disagree with. Them all living to go and fight another day would be wack
Oct 29, 2017
Have him be a real threat for more than 1 episode. Dude lost the first real battle he was in like a jobber. Also, Night King aside, that episode was just shit. How many scenes did they show where main characters were obviously being completely overrun, only to have them just be ok somehow a few minutes later.

Also, Arya's powers/abilities just seem like a crutch for shitty writing. One minute shes this bad ass ninja assassin...but then the next, shes not.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
considering all the magic bullshit that happens and r'hllor's followers being like100% right about the night king then i would hope that the answer to the night king would be azor ahai, otherwise whats the point of that whole exercise


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
They should have given him a win. The North should have fallen and they should have beaten him at the Neck or in the Reach or something. How he went down wasn't as bad as how quickly he went down


Oct 25, 2017

But it would have needed a whole season to just focus on it. The whole war against the Night King should have been a long and ongoing thing.

And yes, Jon fighting the Night King and killing him would have been far more satisfying.
The pacing on the white walker threat was too screwed up. Any conclusion was bound to feel rushed. Their invasion was ominously looming for the entire series. Once they got started the whole thing lasted like 3 episodes. Never got any further than Winterfell. Lots of build up for what turned out to be a manageable bad guy.
With an entire season, sure. Boiling it down to a single episode was nonsense. The dead don't move during the day, so they could've drawn out the fight by having the heroes lose, retreat, and have to actually unite westeros to fight him.

Instead the White Walkers ended up just being a way to Thanos the Northerner, Unsullied, and Vale forces.
Yeah I agree with all this. The really needed to be a focus for much longer than an episode.


Oct 25, 2017
You want to make the white walkers end satisfying? First thing that had to happen was for winterfell to fall. The here's should have been forced back, and the Stark Homeland needed to be taken over. The white walkers where meant to be a threat to humanity, and they didn't even manage to be a threat to a fraction of a single continent.

You could never have a satisfying end to them without them first having been an actual threat.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Now this I disagree with. Them all living to go and fight another day would be wack
I never suggested they all live. Having heavy losses would be the point, losing more important characters would drive home stakes. I'm just suggesting that putting everything in one single battle that only involved a few worn-down armies was nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
I have a suspicion that whatever the book ending actually is/was would not have made good TV.


Oct 25, 2017
They needed to give the Night King a better motive than he wants to kill Bran because he is the history of man or something. What the fuck.

Nobody told the night king a bedtime story in centuries and he's coming to find bran cause bran has the best story

NK ultimately defeated by Old Nan who was secretly Syrio this whole time


Oct 25, 2017
1. NK win Winterfell, move to south
2. Make him trash King's Landing
3. and heroes come to rescue later


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
1) Jon fights the Night King and wins
2) The White Walkers win the battle and the survivors retreat south. The finale is a triple threat match for the Westeros Championship
3) The White Walkers kill everyone and the message of the show is that politics and infighting are stupid and lead to nothing productive.

I would have went with option 3


Roll Tahd, Pawl
Oct 25, 2017
I would have liked to see something come about from the far north, where they had some form of civilization or structure, as shown in the episode with the baby getting turned. Maybe have the suicidal trek go there instead of simply wandering until you can find a wight to take to Cersei.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
First, the Night King Arc should have been resolved AFTER the War for the Throne. The squabbles of men should have been shown to be less important than man's unified struggle against impending doom. The fact that they made the throne the culmination of the show, rather than the danger that winter brings shows how out of touch the writers are (and, yes, that includes Martin, if that's the direction he is going).


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know he wasn't much of a character. He needed more motivation and the feeling of inevitability while there didn't really land when almost every character survived the battle


May 16, 2019
In hindsight, I think the show would have needed to be largely re-imagined from season 6 onward in order to do the White Walker storyline well. In reality, by the time we got to season 8 it was already too late. A re-imagined story arch that shifts the focus away from the Lannisters towards the WW beginning in season 6 would have given us more time to develop Bran, the powers of the Three Eyed Raven, the evolution of the Night's Watch & Free Folk, JON SNOW, and opened up ways to explore the Night King himself.
Oct 29, 2017
3) The White Walkers kill everyone and the message of the show is that politics and infighting are stupid and lead to nothing productive.
I would have went with option 3

For a long time thats what I theorized would be the ending. "Existential threats don't care about your politics" type of message....then the last two seasons came out and......


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I remember thinking the whole "hey this God actually seems to exist" thing was going to be very important.
My head-canon is that everything involving the Fire God was just Bran putting messages in people's head to set everything up and the preists had natural fire magic.


Mar 30, 2019
I have a suspicion that whatever the book ending actually is/was would not have made good TV.

1. There isn't an ending yet. That's one of the reasons the last few seasons of the show have suffered. DnD had to make up their own ending.
2. The Night King doesn't exist in the books. Yeah, that's right. He was made up for the show and they couldn't even figure out a good way of completing his story.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I never suggested they all live. Having heavy losses would be the point, losing more important characters would drive home stakes.

Yea I know that's what you meant, I'm saying that'd be wack too. They already lost once when they were totally ready for them with three dragons, a 2nd battle wouldn't be nearly as interesting for me and them winning then would feel more contrived.

Also I don't prefer the idea of the show ending with fighting the NK, because ice zombies that can't speak are boring. Of course the alternative also sucked, but that's due to a lack of proper buildup and foreshadowing.