Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
stormfire : I don't know what you're doing, but posting tweets with literally no additional context or commentary is unlikely to be effective at doing it.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Thank you for confirming this had a friend bring this up. Not understanding what the fuck he was talking about. After his comments about pandering and south park the panderverse. Now this make sense. Should have known.
This feels like these conversations I sometimes have with my brother in law that generally end in "is it something in the water or did you watch again another dumb internet motherfucker who's trying to get you riled up on absurd shit you wouldn't have cared about without him ?"

This despicable guy now works at Sweet Baby Inc.





Makes you think.

It's also remarkable that you're willing to boost a piece of shit like Kern.


Jun 22, 2018
losing my mind at posting 12 year old tweets at the height of gamergate crap. people can change for the better


Feb 7, 2018
These fucking losers are always gonna find the next "woke" thing to be mad about, it's fucking pathetic.


Oct 27, 2017
But they're the same person who posted the derail with the shitty tweets with "This despicable guy now works at Sweet Baby Inc." in the first place.
Bad-looking statements entirely out of context from over a decade ago written when the person might have been 9 damn years old are enshrined in the Era TOS as being infallible evidence. This is known. Especially if they posted without any extra explanation whatsoever. In fact, it's encouraged you give that person a shoutout on social media and thank them for their contribution as to make people more aware of how awesome their post was.


May 22, 2023
Sweet Baby are pretty cool. They helped make 2023 GOTY Goodbye Volcano High, and they had a very interesting talk at Develop Brighton. Fuck the chuds, if they want to miss out on some great games then it's their loss.
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles
Sweet Baby are pretty cool. They helped make 2023 GOTY Goodbye Volcano High, and they had a very interesting talk at Develop Brighton. Fuck the chuds, if they want to miss out on some great games then it's their loss.
They're too red and mad about Black people in a video game to even enjoy the video games they do play so it's a relief they don't touch the other ones
Jul 24, 2018
Considering all the ridiculous whining against localization of Japanese video games these days I'd say GamerGate never went anywhere.

Also hiring consultants is great, it's a good thing to have your work fact checked by professionals who can point out anything offensive or bad about your product. It makes for better games!

Kitschy Kitty

Oct 25, 2017
Part of what made gamergate "effective" was the sliver of plausible deniability people would abuse to show support for gamergate while not fully embracing it and spread the cause. Even if you wanted to explain that ethics in games journalism was bullshit you'd still have to get into the origins, who they were attacking and why, etc.

I don't think this has anything close to that, disliking their mission and having no actual proof of anything they actually did to any of these games says A LOT about anyone supporting this and there is no way to compartmentalize what you're supporting away from just being a bigot.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017

Anyone posting a Mark Kern tweet to bolster an argument is arguing in bad faith. Straight up.

Also kind of weird that you go out of your way to call Felix a "guy" when they're nonbinary.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I kinda forgot who Mark Kern was, so I looked him up and it turns out he's a Gamergate.

Boy howdy, I wonder why a Gamergate supporter would be hostile towards a group trying to promote inclusion.
Oct 25, 2017
lmao that Mark Kern, the man behind the Firefall Firefail, is STILL mad about Zoe Quinn a whole ass decade later and is still spreading gamergate-era FUD about her. Nitpick the thread title all you want, if Kern is here its definitely a direct descendant of gamergate.

It really is just more gamergate. Just looking at twitter and a few losers being like "this is gamergate 2.0, this is what we fought against 10 years ago". It just is more of the same old shit with a new target in their crosshairs.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
What I don't get is this idea that games featuring sexy ladies or white gruff men stopped existing. They're an option instead of the widespread norm now.

Why would you want all games to be the exact same crap?


Oct 30, 2017
If they really want to compete they should start their own company that looks over scripts for people who want them to be more racist and misogynistic.

They're already sour babies, so they're halfway there.

Two Peppers

May 29, 2022
It really is just more gamergate. Just looking at twitter and a few losers being like "this is gamergate 2.0, this is what we fought against 10 years ago". It just is more of the same old shit with a new target in their crosshairs.
Also "this is what we fought against 10 years ago" is really telling on themselves. At the time most of these people tried to fig leaf it actually being about ethics in games journalism. Though I guess the masks have been gone for years either way.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Clifton, NJ
I found out about "Sweet Baby Inc." when the recent layoffs occurred at Activision Blizzard and when I went to see who they were, one of the first results was from our former forum and the title was like "the company that is ruining games" or whatever.

They have been involved with a good slate of videos and have many big clients like Ubisoft, Valve etc. Probably helping Valve with either Neon Prime or Half-Life X.


Oct 30, 2017
tbh this seems to literally be sensitivity readers for video games. not surprised it's polarizing given that it's been polarizing in literature as well!

(in general I think there's definitely a fine line between "sensitivity reading" and "bowdlerization" but also no evidence whatsoever that the line has been crossed here, lol)


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I saw some people complaining about this yesterday on a twitch chat I was watching, it was a good way of knowing I don't belong once they started bemoaning wokeness

Two Peppers

May 29, 2022
tbh this seems to literally be sensitivity readers for video games. not surprised it's polarizing given that it's been polarizing in literature as well!

(in general I think there's definitely a fine line between "sensitivity reading" and "bowdlerization" but also no evidence whatsoever that the line has been crossed here, lol)
The original concept of sensitivity readers is that you as an author get somebody to check your work for inadvertent fuckups so you can fix them before it's too late. A big publisher getting these consultants to check out their game feels much closer to that than to the actual polarizing stuff around Dahl et al.


Aug 30, 2023
I wonder what a normal, non terminally online casual gamer thinks about shit like this.


Oct 30, 2017
The original concept of sensitivity readers is that you as an author get somebody to check your work for inadvertent fuckups so you can fix them before it's too late. A big publisher getting these consultants to check out their game feels much closer to that than to the actual polarizing stuff around Dahl et al.

exactly, and I think that what's happening here is that a lot of the chuds kind of... don't know what the process is actually like? they seem to think it's like "here's a bunch of money, please gay up our game" rather than "we have written this game and we'd like to make sure <character> acts and speaks in a manner that fits someone of <character's> background"


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard this company's name brought up when seeing adult children bitching that their games have too many feelings and emotions and not enough set pieces, blood, guts and shouting. This narrative is particularly stupid in WoW discourse but w/e. Folks are resisting hard that people entering the writing space for games are different than the past 20 years and may not be all men or white! The horror! Fuck them all.


Mar 24, 2023
It is absolutely wild how hard these guys try to find something to get mad about. Combing through end game credits, websites, steam listings and whatever else they can find just to make themselves angry.

Most people dont do that much research to find things they like.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Yea this is literally just targeted harassment at a group comprised of PoC for something that is incredibly standard in media creation. I fucking hate gamers so much. And fuck Steam for having zero moderation.


May 3, 2021
I can't imagine being the kind of person who is paranoid about this kind of shit day in and day out. Like, it's just sad.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Mental note: the term "sweet baby" will now be a dog whistle for right wing Chuds. If the kid starts using the term derogatory, ground him and block his friends.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread could get ugly fast. Not sure I want to post my opinion on this.
Are you assuming what's in my mind?…next your going to assume my gender?
"Not sure I want to post my opinion" (literally a bait post at best since it adds nothing else) to immediately going mask off in barely more than half an hour. These people really can't help themselves.

Probably made a whining post on Twitter, a certain few subreddits, or another forum about the ban, too.


Powered by Friendship™
Aug 19, 2023
Mental note: the term "sweet baby" will now be a dog whistle for right wing Chuds. If the kid starts using the term derogatory, ground him and block his friends.
It always starts and ends with educating children, but unfortunately for America your education system is broke intentionally to allow this disinformation and genocidal attacks to occur between kids. Purely on the basis that the adults talk about it so regularly and okay the behaviour and treatment that the children just assume it's the norm.