
Oct 27, 2017
This is Mario Odyssey for me, I enjoy playing it alot but everytime I see YouTube or Twitch streamers play this game it bores me to death somehow

Any games like that for you?
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Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
Farming Simulator.

Love the franchise but am kinda lost on all the YouTube Let's Plays (there's a TON of FS streamers).

And I love YT Let's Plays.


Nov 14, 2017
I hate saying this because of how much e-sport future is riding on this game, but Overwatch. The first person shooter perspective does not combine well with the confusion a bunch of special abilities brings.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly? Most of them.

Game like CS/StarCraft (in the past) are the exceptions. Mostly because it's fascinating to see them played at such a high level.

Other ones would be certain speedruns...such as Metroid Prime, Dark Souls, etc. I feel like those are more subjective...I only tend to enjoy speedruns when I already have a pretty thorough knowledge of the game that's being played, otherwise a lot of the techniques/etc. might not appear impressive.


Oct 30, 2017
Most games? I watch Star Craft 2 and Hearthstone esports sometimes and MAYBE Overwatch but that's about it.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm 36, so of a generation that doesn't understand why anyone would watch someone play games. Which given that my kids are glued to YouTubers is disconcerting to say the least.


Oct 28, 2017
Path of Exile is a perfect example. This is one of my favorite games of all time and such an engrossing game to play but it is a pretty common sentiment among streamers that it is a bad stream game. I go to streamer testament just because they would have a good idea what gets views.
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah I don't want to do the edgy hottake or boring answer. But yeah. I play games to immerse myself in a fantasy or to experientially understand something. Watching someone play defeats the purpose of games for me. Outside of impossible skill or something really unexpected happening, watching people play is about interesting to me as watching people read a book.


Oct 25, 2017
All of them. I almost feel physical pain watching other people playing, even if they're skilled. I can't stand it.
Oct 27, 2017
A lot of games fall into this category for me; FPS games in general though (COD, BF etc.). Story driven (often adevnture) games are a treat to watch though like Until Dawn or Life is Strange.


Oct 27, 2017

same for me,unless i'm looking something up like a puzzle i'm stuck on,collectables locations or a YT video of easter eggs for a game i start to get all twitchy after a few minutes and want to take over,i also can't stop myself from giving advice even though i know how annoying it is,though obviously not to a YT video,i mean if a real person is sat next to me.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't like watching 4X games at all but I love to play them. I think I enjoy watching everything else though.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Personally, all of them. I'm 38 and struggle to get my head around the idea that people would rather watch others play games than actually play them in an age when hundreds of games are available to play for free. To each their own through.

Edit- when Mario Maker came out I watched a few videos, as they were only a couple of minutes long and it was mainly to see the creative/devious stuff players designed rather than to follow the 'player'.


Oct 28, 2017
You would think Stealth games right. While your hiding waiting for the perfect moment to sneak past any viewers watching would be thinking why the hell your not moving or shooting at something. I remember my wife watching me play Phantom Pain and would ask me why I was hiding behind a wall when I have a huge rocket launcher attatched to my back :-(


Oct 28, 2017
I still have to find a game that is as fun to watch as it is to play.
Don't really follow the esports/let's play trend, so I'm not the best sample of comparison.


Oct 31, 2017
I don't really watch streams of games, even from people I love like Easy Allies.

The closest I'll get is watching my roommate play a game for a while when I'm chilling on the couch or something.


Oct 25, 2017
Most games. But puzzle games are the worst. While I enjoy watching people play when there's skill involved, like in action games. Seeing someone solve a Picross.. ugh.

Deleted member 5764

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Oct 25, 2017
Destiny 1/2 fall into that camp for me. What feels like an exciting battle as a player just looks like loads of mindless shooting as a spectator.


Oct 27, 2017
Barnsley, UK
I find some multiplayer games fun to watch, games like Dead By Daylight can be a good laugh with a group of friends or GTA Online when random stuff starts popping off.

I'm almost 31 years old.

EDIT: Fighting games are fun to watch too.

EDIT2: I got the topic the complete wrong way around lol.

Ok single player games like Uncharted, not fun at all to watch.


Nov 12, 2017
Souls games kind of feel that way. I've never been able to sit and watch someone play for more than 10 minutes.

Bashful Trey

Oct 27, 2017
Houston TX
I love watching games if it is in a social setting. Like passing the controller between a group of friends while playing a single player game.

Maybe bring some doobs, idk, they make watching most things better.



Oct 27, 2017
It always irritates me to watch another person play video games. If I'm not playing, I don't care. I used to watch some let's plays, but I can't do it anymore.
Nov 3, 2017
Hmmmm, none really. I enjoy Let's Play videos and unless it's a game or genre i have no interest in at all or the streamer is a hyperactive clagnut with a voice like fingernails on a chalkboard i'll at least give it a watch to see if it has anything interesting. Actually now i think about it i find most multiplayer streams/videos boring as hell and can't usually watch more than a few minutes before going back to whatever else i was watching at the time.

I enjoy watching people play games i'll never have the skills to play well, or people with a good commentary on technical aspects, lore or history of the game/franchise.
Oct 29, 2017
Everything,why watch an interactive medium when u can play it?

I don't get why do many people flock to twitch or Yt to watch gameplay or let's plays.Way more engaging playing it yourself.

Only exceptions for me are reviews/reveals/previews and occasionaly top level esports in games like cs/sc2/r6 siege.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
Personally, all of them. I'm 38 and struggle to get my head around the idea that people would rather watch others play games than actually play them in an age when hundreds of games are available to play for free. To each their own through.

- Watching is Passive. Playing is Active. Sometimes people are too tired to actively engage in games.
- It can be fun to watch a game you never plan on buying 'cause you're short on time, money, interest, or whatever.
- You can learn "leet stratz" from high-level players. I LOVE watching Paradox vets play CK2, EU4, etc.
- Many streamers are entertaining, funny & insightful. They're not a screamers.
- Picking up on the last, "genre streamers" are typically more versed in depth & intricacy than personal friends or game-forum folk.
- High-level play / speed runs can be fascinating to watch.
- etc.
- etc.

Cloud Strife

Nov 13, 2017
Biohazard/Resident Evil [pre-4 entries] for me, I've completed my fair share of speedruns, but I don't know… Watching others play those games bores me.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Pretty much my case. I feel like a really old guy that can't understand what the young generation likes and why...

Yup. I can't think of anything worse for me as a kid/adolescent than having to watch someone else play a game, yet it's all kids want to do now. As an adult, I'll watch the odd Giant Bomb quick look or when they do something fun like Murder Island or Steal My Sunshine, but I've never even been able to make it through an episode of a GB Endurance run. I'd always rather be playing the game myself.

Deleted member 2254

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Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy watching my fiancè playing just about anything because I feel that I'm somehow involved in her successes or failures in the game. It's fun seeing her "sweat" in Rocket League for example, likewise I enjoy watching her resolve puzzles in games I may have already completed to see her reasoning. I will never, ever understand the appeal of watching a complete stranger play a game for hours. The only scenario I have interest in watching if it's a "special" gameplay (eg. a speed run, some glitched stuff, etc.). Call me old-fashioned but I have no interest in unknown people experiencing games. I want to experience the games.

But I don't want to derail the thread too much. Games that I find boring as fuck to watch are RTS titles like Age Of Empires, Starcraft, etc.. It's exciting to play them as you keep in mind all the various resource management issues, how you plan your attacks in your head, the way you prioritize things and manage everything. They're games where the actual minute-to-minute gameplay isn't necessarily fun, it's the constant planning ahead that truly makes the game. As such, watching someone else play and not know what's going on their minds is terribly boring. I can only see the strategy once it's done, and even then I may not have realized a lot of the steps that were done (or not done, of course) to get there. It's a genre that, imho, does not translate well to spectating and to this day it surprises me how Starcraft became such a phenomenon. One would think that just about any action-based game (shooters, fighters, etc.) would attract a bigger audience but they don't. Or maybe they do nowadays, I don't follow the scene enough.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
For me all games. I don't get why I'd want to watch someone else play when I can play the game. For me the only exception is when I am stuck in a game and need help.

Deleted member 10293

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Oct 27, 2017
Literally every jrpg. I enjoy them immensely but even I can barely stand watching a friend play one unless it's one I love and we're talking about it while playing


Oct 25, 2017
For me, I think it's most, if not all, games I enjoy. I don't think I've ever enjoyed watching other people play. It makes me want to play it myself.